Tower Down (64) Personal Story Quest
I am having the same issues, completed everything but no cut scene, 2nd time ive done it now.
I shouldnt need to do any work arounds to complete a level
Same bug with all completed quest tasks, even after last update (which says that the bug is fixed)
Just wasted my time through the whole quest. After clearing the beach at the end, it checked it as finished but then didn’t give me the next task which was talk to Tonn… So I was forced to abandon quest… Not too happy about it…
bugged pack animal isnt moving past the tent so im stuck on story mode after trying 3 times.. awesome
Also bugged after clearing the beach … don’t get a cut scene. This is after having to repeat the previous quest, forging the pact, as well. Ugh.
Having the same problem. What’s the work around and when is this actually getting fixed?
Tower blew up before we cleared the beach. No cut scene and talking to the npcs does nothing.
(edited by Azure Prower.8701)
Asura Guardian: workaround is to simply kill the veteran last. I had a bugged mob still trapped under the rubble of tower 1 that never stopped being invulnerable, so I just focused on killing the veteran last at tower 3 and that worked perfectly.
Sylvari Guardian: On the ramp to the 3rd tower crossing the path of the downed NPC’s the pack animal stops mid road and bugs out. Won’t move no matter what I do, twice in a row now.
Got past it by running ahead and pulling the mobs down on the beach, the pack animal still bugged but I was able to complete the quest.
The problem is that there is sometimes a risen dude behind the second tower. If the tower blows before you kill him, he becomes invulnerable and you won’t be able to finish. What I did was to run around each tower to aggro everything before the tower blows. I was able to complete this quest this way.
So after 2 weeks (and countless repairs/teleports/runs) of trying to get through Forging the Pact and finally doing it by PURE LUCK (I didn’t do anything differently) I am now stuck in the FOLLOWING quest …
All 3 towers are down and the beach is cleared. No objective remains but the mission won’t finish.
Have you tested this game AT ALL before release!? I have bought the game to play it, not to beta test it!
Kitten this! Kitten and puppy it!
Just came to this quest and it still seems to be bugged, for me.
I’m left at the third beach with the “clear the beach” objective complete but no cutscene, Tonn not saying anything, and the pack animal standing back up the hill.
I did notice that while the green star for the second tower disappeared after some fighting there, the actual tower graphic didn’t change to a downed state; nor did I get Tonn saying anything about blowing up the tower (as he did with the first tower).
There was an NPC stuck in the rubbish pile of the first tower, but I had thought that one of my NPC party killed it (he was fighting inside the rubbish pile and later came out with a berserker spin), but maybe he didn’t.
I followed Stardriver.7459 ’s suggestion on my second run of this story and completed without any difficultly.
First talk to Demolitionist Tonn to get the group of NPCs moving, instead of following them east through the cave, go north (to the 3rd tower) and Tonn will tag along. The mobs along the way can be pulled one by one very easily as you work your way up. Just before reaching the tower, revive a dead Wyld Hunt Technician, who then goes to revive more of his friends. Clear the tower of its surrounding risen. I then moved south along the shore to clear out the second tower, then carefully around the first tower.
This method is a little easier I think and safer than running ahead to aggro the risen away from the tower as others have suggested. There’s less chance of any risn getting stuck because you’re clearing the last and second tower that Tonn won’t blow up yet.
Continue as normal after blowing up the first tower, moving back to the second tower, then following the Pack Marmox back through the cave. Unlike the others in the NPC group, the Marmox will stop just before the Wyld Hunt’s tent, which is normal. 3 more risen will pop out near the 3rd tower. They are at a safe distance away from it – but kill the one closest to it first anyway was my thinking.
You’ll know all is fine afterwards when the objective is to talk to Tonn again to make a story decision.
Just wanted to say that this method worked perfectly for me after having the mission bugged twice doing it normally.
Seems like this story is bugged. Towers are invicible and Tonn is not doing anything even the beach has been cleared.
Norm solo
Stardriver.7459 ’s suggestion worked. Thanks
Hey! Had the same problem with the middle tower… but then cleared the mound from the previous tower and continued alone to the third one. Killed almost all risen there, died… and then came back from wp, and all those guys were moving to the other direction, so in the end we skipped the 2nd tower and everything worked after clearing the 3d tower and the beach of risen. Hope it will help you guys
It’s been three years, how is this not fixed yet?
Had the issue with an risen getting stuck under the first tower – 1st and second tower still worked fine; however, 3rd tower wouldnt go down and had to restart as I couldn’t kill the risen under tower 1.
Will try fixes now
Can’t believe this still isn’t fixed. Had the same problem today. I can’t clear the beach because some mobs are stuck in the destroyed tower.
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