Username in Guild Displaying Wrong [Merged]
This is happening for me as well, in both the guild and the friends list. I’m not sure if other people can see my e-mail or not, though. This definitely started happening today. Also, this wasn’t with a new character – I logged in using one of my existing characters.
Same, when I asked my guild they stated that they could only see my username and not my email. Now its happening each time I log in. Good to know there are other encountering this issue.
Noticed this a few times today. Email address is displayed in guild chat and also contacts. (You can log out and it reverts back to displaying account name.)
Yeah I asked a few friends and they said to them it displays my username or if they have me nicknamed my nickname. After it reverted back to my user name, about 3 hours it went back to the email then it fixed itself again, it’s rather erratic.
After playing a tournament match, my display name (Loon.1695) was changed to the email I use to sign into Guild Wars 2. The roster setup allowed other players to see my e-mail address which could potentially compromise my account! The error also showed in my contacts list, where my name was displayed back to me as my e-mail. I fixed it by restarting my game but felt this was something that had to be reported.
Yesterday when I was going through Cursed Shore another player said this happened to them when they were exploring.
Now, i totally do not know if this was intended, but when i logged in earlier today, it was showing my email address instead of my username (in contacts, guild roster, etc), when usually it only shows the display name.
Has anybody else had similar stuff happen to them?
Just thought i’d better post here about it, in case this was unintended.
Wanted to bump this and say I was experiencing the same thing. Apparently others can’t see it but it is surprising and makes me a little worried about my account’s security.
Edit to say that it also appears as my email in the startup screen and that some of the previously mentioned fixes don’t seem to work for me.
jo0 Binder
(edited by rsq.3581)
Live Response Embed
So far, it looks like the account name>email address change is something that is only visible to you — other players can’t see it, so your account security shouldn’t be affected. That being said, we are aware of and tracking this issue.
Thank you for the reports, everyone!
— Live Response Embed —
If this hasn’t been resolved or proven wrong yet, there’s a chance other people could see it too:
I saw this on my character select screen yesterday. Based on what was happening with my connection yesterday(bad weather + WiMax connection = T_T) and the screenshot in the other threa I am guessing the reason it shows this is because the client has to ask the server for your display name. It already knows your email since that is what you used to log in. If that is the case you won’t ever see it for other people because if the server is going to send anything it will send the display name.
You could try reproducing the problem by simulating a bad connection. Something like would be a fairly cheap way to test.
I have the same issue.
I posted this to Mike, it was showing for people in my party. He thought it was weird too.
Main: Endeavorr