just hit 400 tailor and.. can't craft anything with cndition-pwer-precision?

just hit 400 tailor and.. can't craft anything with cndition-pwer-precision?

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Posted by: Shelledfade.6435


There is no rabid intricate gossamer insignia recipe from vendor ??

condition damage – toughness – precision ??

Can make the power-perc-condition equivalent of token armor, but not the condition-toughness-precision one?

Only complaining here because the condition-toughness-precision pieces give slightly more condition damage than the condition-perc-power one gives. I only leveled tailoring to make the toughness set at 400.

I don’t understand why this insignia is missing from the regular vendor when ALL THE REST are made available?


I was going to use Superior runes of the undead, which does adds condition damage and more toughness, but also has 5% of toughness becomes condition dmg (Per rune, total of 30%).

But now I can’t do that because as a 400 tailor I can’t craft cond-toughness-precision gear ?

I don’t get it. This is like game breakingly lame. I’m a condition necromancer, why’d I even roll tailoring if I can’t make this set ?

Why doesn’t the vendor sell a rabid intricate gossamer insignia ? ? You can buy everything else except the rabid one. Wtf is this?

(edited by Shelledfade.6435)

just hit 400 tailor and.. can't craft anything with cndition-pwer-precision?

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Posted by: Shelledfade.6435


I mean the gold and time I put into leveling tailoring for my condition necro at this point is pretty much a complete waste of time if I cannot craft this set.

I feel like I just got punched in the stomach.

just hit 400 tailor and.. can't craft anything with cndition-pwer-precision?

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Posted by: Shelledfade.6435


Like literally just screwed conditionmancer over completely if roll tailoring.

I got the worst luck when it comes to picking a class in games, but this is ridic…

just hit 400 tailor and.. can't craft anything with cndition-pwer-precision?

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Posted by: zTales.4392


From what I understand, you cannot craft or obtain Rabid armor. There is a “Seal of the Rabid [level 50]” and level 65/80 upgrades of it, but no armor. I’m not sure why.

Bri Dragonblight – Ranger | Bri Iceblight – Guardian
Northern Shiverpeaks

(edited by zTales.4392)

just hit 400 tailor and.. can't craft anything with cndition-pwer-precision?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shelledfade.6435


From what I understand, you cannot craft or obtain Rabid armor. There is a “Seal of the Rabid [level 50]” and level 65/80 upgrades of it, but no armor. I’m not sure why.

… whaaaat ?

If it really doesn’t exist then… I really did just waste my time leveling tailoring.

I think I’m quitting this game at this point. Too much time invested lost. I leveled tailoring so I could run CoF with my guild for weapons instead of twilight for the armor. I was going to craft my armor, and run CoF with them for the weapons.

ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……… no one runs twilight arbor. -_- this is ridiculous.

just hit 400 tailor and.. can't craft anything with cndition-pwer-precision?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zTales.4392


From what I understand, you cannot craft or obtain Rabid armor. There is a “Seal of the Rabid [level 50]” and level 65/80 upgrades of it, but no armor. I’m not sure why.

… whaaaat ?

If it really doesn’t exist then… I really did just waste my time leveling tailoring.

I think I’m quitting this game at this point. Too much time invested lost. I leveled tailoring so I could run CoF with my guild for weapons instead of twilight for the armor. I was going to craft my armor, and run CoF with them for the weapons.

ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……… no one runs twilight arbor. -_- this is ridiculous.

There are the Carrion (Cnd , Pow = Vit) and Rampager (Pre , Cnd = Pow) sets, however.

I’m a Warrior and I use Rampager’s stuff.

Bri Dragonblight – Ranger | Bri Iceblight – Guardian
Northern Shiverpeaks

just hit 400 tailor and.. can't craft anything with cndition-pwer-precision?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shelledfade.6435


From what I understand, you cannot craft or obtain Rabid armor. There is a “Seal of the Rabid [level 50]” and level 65/80 upgrades of it, but no armor. I’m not sure why.

… whaaaat ?

If it really doesn’t exist then… I really did just waste my time leveling tailoring.

I think I’m quitting this game at this point. Too much time invested lost. I leveled tailoring so I could run CoF with my guild for weapons instead of twilight for the armor. I was going to craft my armor, and run CoF with them for the weapons.

ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……… no one runs twilight arbor. -_- this is ridiculous.

There are the Carrion (Cnd , Pow = Vit) and Rampager (Pre , Cnd = Pow) sets, however.

I’m a Warrior and I use Rampager’s stuff.

I think there’s only one rune though that turns % of another stat into more condition damage, and that stat is toughness, which is why I need that set. Unless there’s another rune I can use…. I just checked the trading post and I think this is the only rune that does this. – superior rune of the undead.

Which is what a condition mancer needs anyway, cuz you can’t stack bleeds that high anyway so duration runes are pointless.

So yeah… I just completely wasted my time leveling 400 tailoring lol… wow… great game.

(edited by Shelledfade.6435)

just hit 400 tailor and.. can't craft anything with cndition-pwer-precision?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zTales.4392


From what I understand, you cannot craft or obtain Rabid armor. There is a “Seal of the Rabid [level 50]” and level 65/80 upgrades of it, but no armor. I’m not sure why.

… whaaaat ?

If it really doesn’t exist then… I really did just waste my time leveling tailoring.

I think I’m quitting this game at this point. Too much time invested lost. I leveled tailoring so I could run CoF with my guild for weapons instead of twilight for the armor. I was going to craft my armor, and run CoF with them for the weapons.

ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……… no one runs twilight arbor. -_- this is ridiculous.

There are the Carrion (Cnd , Pow = Vit) and Rampager (Pre , Cnd = Pow) sets, however.

I’m a Warrior and I use Rampager’s stuff.

I think there’s only one rune though that turns % of another stat into more condition damage, and that stat is toughness, which is why I need that set. Unless there’s another rune I can use….

Oh, the “Undead” set? It’s only 5%. So, assuming you have 2000 Toughness, that’s just 100 Condition Damage.

What are your stat priorities and what’s your build? I can help you put your gear together.

By stat priorities, I mean (these are mine, for example):
Precision > Condition Damage = Power > Toughness > Vitality

Also, it’s not ANet’s fault you didn’t look to see what you could craft before taking up the crafting profession. XD

Bri Dragonblight – Ranger | Bri Iceblight – Guardian
Northern Shiverpeaks

(edited by zTales.4392)

just hit 400 tailor and.. can't craft anything with cndition-pwer-precision?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shelledfade.6435


not 5%, it stacks. It’s 30% of toughness if all undead runes in gear.

If I can craft the token equivalent of power-precision-condition then why not the other one? The F ? No, that is actually their fault. Should be able to craft this crap at 400 tailoring, this is just bad game design at this point.

This is just lame, I would have liked to craft some of this stuff instead of running CoF another 400 times.

(edited by Shelledfade.6435)

just hit 400 tailor and.. can't craft anything with cndition-pwer-precision?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zTales.4392


not 5%, it stacks. It’s 30% of toughness if all undead runes in gear.

I don’t think you understand how runes work. o_o

(1): +28 Condition Damage
(2): +15 Toughness
(3): +55 Condition Damage
(4): +35 Toughness
(5): +100 Condition Damage
(6): +5% of toughness becomes condition damage.

That means that if you have…
1 Rune of the Undead, you gain +28 CndD.
2 Runes of the Undead, you gain +28 CndD and +15 Tuf.
3 Runes of the Undead, you gain +28 CndD, +15 Tuf, +55 CndD.

And so on.

There’s probably a reason that they left out the Rabid set. I have no idea what that reason would be, but I’m sure they have one. lol

Bri Dragonblight – Ranger | Bri Iceblight – Guardian
Northern Shiverpeaks

(edited by zTales.4392)

just hit 400 tailor and.. can't craft anything with cndition-pwer-precision?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shelledfade.6435


lol? R u serious? That would be insanely lame… barely an upgrade.

I don’t think you’re right. I’m pretty sure these runes stack.

(edited by Shelledfade.6435)

just hit 400 tailor and.. can't craft anything with cndition-pwer-precision?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zTales.4392


lol? R u serious? That would be insanely lame… barely an upgrade.

Well, that’s how it is. ._.

It’s like the “5% of x is given to y” traits.

Bri Dragonblight – Ranger | Bri Iceblight – Guardian
Northern Shiverpeaks

just hit 400 tailor and.. can't craft anything with cndition-pwer-precision?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shelledfade.6435


lol? R u serious? That would be insanely lame… barely an upgrade.

Well, that’s how it is. ._.

It’s like the “5% of x is given to y” traits.

that’s pretty bad then lol, actually that completely changes what I would have done now. Now there’s no reason to go toughness… hurraaayyy

just hit 400 tailor and.. can't craft anything with cndition-pwer-precision?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zTales.4392


lol? R u serious? That would be insanely lame… barely an upgrade.

I don’t think you’re right. I’m pretty sure these runes stack.

Sorry, but I am right. (Though it’d be cool if I was wrong.)

If you don’t believe me, go into The Mists, apply the set, and look at your Condition Damage in relation to your Toughness. It’ll be a 5% increase.

Like I said, I can help you out if you want me to. Just tell me what you want your stats to be like.

Bri Dragonblight – Ranger | Bri Iceblight – Guardian
Northern Shiverpeaks

just hit 400 tailor and.. can't craft anything with cndition-pwer-precision?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shelledfade.6435


lol? R u serious? That would be insanely lame… barely an upgrade.

I don’t think you’re right. I’m pretty sure these runes stack.

Sorry, but I am right. (Though it’d be cool if I was wrong.)

If you don’t believe me, go into The Mists, apply the set, and look at your Condition Damage in relation to your Toughness. It’ll be a 5% increase.

Like I said, I can help you out if you want me to. Just tell me what you want your stats to be like.

yeah i think you’re right these things do not stack they just unlock with more like a set bonus. hm… not much of an upgrade.

just hit 400 tailor and.. can't craft anything with cndition-pwer-precision?

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Posted by: Donedusted.9846


Toughness is still a good stat to go for if you are doing a lot of wvw. It helps against physical damage alot, and we don’t need help against conditions because we can transfer/cleanse.

If you still want to go for precision/toughness/condition damage, then you can do what I have been doing: get gear from the temple karma vendors. Every temple karma vendor sells at least one piece of prec/tough/cond gear (42k karma per piece iirc)

If you have gold, then go onto the Trading Post and look up “Khilbron”. This is an entire exotic set of prec/tough/cond.

Still not sure why they had to make it so difficult to get this combo, but at least there are ways to get it if you persevere!

Good luck!

just hit 400 tailor and.. can't craft anything with cndition-pwer-precision?

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Posted by: Becisele.7951


Where do you get the Khilbron set?

just hit 400 tailor and.. can't craft anything with cndition-pwer-precision?

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Posted by: KratosAngel.7289


I’ve also complained about this. But for the stuff, it’s not a problem : buy with 10+ gold (expensive), buy with 42k karma (expensive) or farm dungeons to get tokens (Caudecus, TA, HoW or Arah : I advise you to farm HoW and Caudecus).
For Khilbron set, it’s said on the lich, dunno where it is : http://www.bob-guild.net/gw/extras/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?19284
The main problem is for the jewels : ther’s absolutely no way to get rabid exotics, or even rare ones … That sucks a lot.
Worst is, we can’t even have an answer from Anet about this. Check this subject where we also ask for it :

just hit 400 tailor and.. can't craft anything with cndition-pwer-precision?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Peach Pinky.6501

Peach Pinky.6501

From what I understand, you cannot craft or obtain Rabid armor. There is a “Seal of the Rabid [level 50]” and level 65/80 upgrades of it, but no armor. I’m not sure why.

… whaaaat ?

If it really doesn’t exist then… I really did just waste my time leveling tailoring.

I think I’m quitting this game at this point. Too much time invested lost. I leveled tailoring so I could run CoF with my guild for weapons instead of twilight for the armor. I was going to craft my armor, and run CoF with them for the weapons.

ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……… no one runs twilight arbor. -_- this is ridiculous.

No joke, come to yaks bend NA server if you want to run TA. It’s all ANYONE does. I’ve been trying to get a HotW Ex party for 11 days now…