unable to move pls fix!!
it is a bug and i think its not easy to fix
when you stuck you can type /dance and it will remove it for you
this bug is ingame since beta, you have same in wvw when build a ram and somehow other people build it faster than you and it is build before you used your supply – client dont know its done and let you build it forever
and i think there is problem in code which update to slow or NEVER in some situations the status from character
my english to bad but it is:
you character do something-> target changes before your character has done it = your character dont know its done and stuck now in doing it and can never complete it
It seems to happen the most on teleports though, for Mesmers, Thieves, Necros, Guardians, & Eles.
The fastest way to break out is to type /no
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I’ve had this problem too, didn’t know that emotes fixed it, thanks a lot
I’ve been stuck before, but I’m not sure if it’s the same problem you are referring to. Though, whenever I’ve had this happen.. I swap weapons and it seems to fix.
Swap weapons /dance or another teleport does the trick.