Account Terminated after compromise/hacker

Account Terminated after compromise/hacker

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Artixera.5107


I’ll try keep it short, i already sent a ticket but im more curious if someone here knows whether or not my account is forever inaccessible or if i can get it back.

So the situation is this:

1: I buy the game and play for awhile with a friend then we stop for quite some time (i might have accessed the account at some point during this stop time but i can’t remember)

2 : yesterday we decided to come back to the game but i couldn’t log in so i reset password and was now allowed into my account (hence no authenticator)

3: I try to login at the client window but i am faced with a screen saying that my account is terminanted for ’’Tampering’’ with the game and that the action is ’’Permanent’’

So ofcourse i have been hacked during this time, unknowingly i suppose they also got acess to my Email at some point, not happy about that makes me feel like my private life leaked even though i really don’t have any sensitive info on it….

Anyhow i still have my serial code and the Email is the same but in my account menu a new IP adress is ’’Allowed’’ from China, so i assume that this China guy has been using my account for some shady business while i was gone.

It’s my first time dealing with a situation like this so i actually have no clue on how the process works, usually when getting hacked you just lose your stuff/characters not the account itself.

So to repeat myself, is my account forever lost because of this hacker since the account is ’’Terminated’’ and the act is ’’Permanent’’ or can they actually revert this for me?

Account Terminated after compromise/hacker

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ShadowsReflection.9480


If you have all the information showing that you paid for the game then you shouldn’t have a problem, first email that you will get will tell you that it is going to be investigated further. I just got my account back after having it hacked/stolen so i understand what you are dealing with. It will take a couple of days for them to verify, but you will have it back. They will also be able to roll back your account if your toons are missing. If they got your account you may want to change the password that you have set for your email as well before it gets resolved so who ever got your information will not be able to track what you are doing.

Account Terminated after compromise/hacker

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Artixera.5107


If you have all the information showing that you paid for the game then you shouldn’t have a problem, first email that you will get will tell you that it is going to be investigated further. I just got my account back after having it hacked/stolen so i understand what you are dealing with. It will take a couple of days for them to verify, but you will have it back. They will also be able to roll back your account if your toons are missing. If they got your account you may want to change the password that you have set for your email as well before it gets resolved so who ever got your information will not be able to track what you are doing.

Yeah i got all info i should need including the place i bought it from and i changed password here and on the email so that part is done aswell, i did not remove the ip adress from China yet incase they need it to investigate it.

Thanks for the reply bud, feels nice to know that all hope isn’t lost!

Account Terminated after compromise/hacker

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Here are some informative links:

Plenty of good information can be found on the Knowledge Base or the Stickies at the top of the page. Welcome return and good luck.

Account Terminated after compromise/hacker

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Artixera.5107


Here are some informative links:

Plenty of good information can be found on the Knowledge Base or the Stickies at the top of the page. Welcome return and good luck.

Thank you!