(edited by Xceptional.7985)
Ban message changed to terminated
Hi Xceptional
I tried to log in last not to a banned message citing breach of T&C’s etc. I tried again this morning and got the exact same message as you. The only difference is, yours says “Reason : 0”, mine says “Reason : 20”
Hi Taylor,
Unfortunately, there is no indication on what rule 0 or rule 20 are.
They should make it a link to an actual reason rather than having to guess what the number stands for.
Dunno man, for them to terminate must be pretty damning evidence.
Also Overclocking should not be said is a good thing to do with new builds etc :P
Well DABhand,
I am pretty interested in knowing why I got terminated instead of a temp ban as well.
I never get a temp ban. just a straightup permaban wich was changed into termination.
I participated in an inappropriate group chat in map channel but I did not participate in subjects regarding racism, politics or religion nor attack anyone or link to porn.
As for overclocking, what makes you think it wouldnt be fine for new builds?
If you are refering to the 7850’s from the thread in tech support, having the performance of a more expensive card is always nice and it’s not exactly hard to do with msi afterburner. Besides, msi has a voltage limit by default preventing you from overvolting too much.
(edited by Xceptional.7985)
Saying overclocking to new people is a bad thing, because most will not read up about it and dive head in, and do something silly like try to double the CPU clock from 3ghz to 6ghz and wonder why the CPU melted even with water cooling :P
Yeah, in the termination it must have been something really bad for them to check logs and go….. ok terminated. Like a bad racial slur or something, not saying you did or not, just giving a reason on why I think they did what they did.
They can’t OC the non K ivy and sandy bridge cpu’s.
Ivy and sandy bridge OC by increasing the multiplier wich is locked in the non K cpu’s.
If you really want to, you can squeeze out slightly more.
Like 200 mhz but that’s way too complicated for the people that would generally buy prebuilts (no offense meant) wich wouldnt allow them to OC either.
Xceptional, it might have nothing to do with your map channel chat. I am only level 4 and never even used the chat function and still got the account termination notice. I think we’ve both just fallen victim of this whole security breach/ hacking incident. Lets hope it gets resolved ASAP
I have given up hope to be honest.
It’s been a week since my ban now and considering it’s terminated all progress made will be lost regardless of getting it back…
Should have bought the riders of rohan expansion for LOTRO instead…
call your cc and get the refund from them mate. then report anet to the bbb. I too have been suspended without proof or reason for 72 hours. I want proof before the 72hrs is up and an apology
WAR – Karak-Azgal
this all feels like a scam to me to free up some population for the new ppl buying the game. so many ppl locked out for various reasons
WAR – Karak-Azgal
call your cc and get the refund from them mate. then report anet to the bbb. I too have been suspended without proof or reason for 72 hours. I want proof before the 72hrs is up and an apology
It wasn’t bought by creditcard and the store doesn t accept returns.
Seems i got permanently banned sometime last night and now changed to terminated, all while waiting for them to reply to a ticket i made asking what on earth i did wrong, except for playing 15-20 hours a day..
Right now i’d wish i had paid with paypal instead of visa, much easier getting my money back then, than waiting for these people to reply.. So much time spent..for nothing..
Well I did break the rules as well so I wouldn’t do a chargeback.
Still, I’d like this fixed or at the very least explained.
Xceptional, I’ve done a bit digging. Even if you did slightly offended somebody in general chat, you would only receive a temporary ban at the most. Also the reason we both had the Account Termination message is apparently because we attempted to re-log into our banned accounts and the message updates to terminated. I definitely think we’ve fallen foul of the hackers but you’re right, an explanation would be nice…
Well I logged in multiple times a day to see if anything changed.
Can’t blame me for that.
It showed permabanned instead of terminated for 6 days.
this all feels like a scam to me to free up some population for the new ppl buying the game. so many ppl locked out for various reasons
I just posted something to that effect a little while ago
Like its stupid, never seen a police officer start beating someone with their night stick because they asked what the issue was and why the police officer needed to talk to them.
Yes I am finding support is generally ridiculous at this point:
-Prioritizing tickets instead of triaging them and working them in the received order
-Giving preferential treatment to site purchase tickets
-Opening up the forums simply to mitigate the facebook and twitter complaints because that is too much negative publicity
-Infracting users who have kindly moved their discussions to the support forums for asking simple questions regarding their issuesFor the first time I do feel my tickets are in the low priority stack…
Just a thought but have we considered that maybe them not fixing some types of issues is helping take some of the server load off the game giving them less incentive to work all issue types and only give attention to the ones that would negatively impact the economy of the game or their gem purchase flow?