Hi guys!
I wanted to give you a quick rundown on what involvement Customer Support takes regarding defrauding/scamming. Let’s look at the two parts of this:
1. We do not reimburse wealth lost to other players for any reason if it is outside of the Black Lion Trading Post. This is because Customer Support can not duplicate wealth. With the volume of requests coming in we alone would damage the economy if we were to restore wealth lost when trading takes place.
2. We terminate accounts permanently for defrauding (scamming). If you are found to make a deal to trade (say, sword for gold) and not hold up your end we will investigate and terminate. If you are the victim of a scam you should submit a support ticket and provide what you lost and the time and date as accurately as you recall. This is usually all we need to research the event but we will ask you if we need more info. You do have a right to know the outcome of these investigations but be aware these take us a few days to resolve.
Please be sure to include the full details of your trade via game chat (any channel is fine) in Guild Wars 2
We absolutely must be able to see the deal being made to find guilt. Do not use voice chat software or other means to communicate while making a sale/trade.
Again; this will help us terminate accounts that are cheating other players but will not result in a recovery of your losses.
Please understand that you are allowed to trade outside of the BLTP – but you will not receive replacements for lost items or gold. The same goes for selling dungeon runs. CS will not suspend or terminate you for selling runs. We will, however, take action if you take payment and not fulfill your end of the bargain.
I’ll watch this thread for questions and clarify where needed. Thanks!
Twitter: @ANetCSLead
GM Delicious Intent.5928