Camera rotation bug

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Selthus.3174


Occasionally after logging rotating the camera with the the mouse will be bugged where it seems to enter the free camera mode and will not reset behind the character correctly. On top of that the camera seems to respond erratically so you cannot manually reposition it.

Anyone else getting this?

Also thank you so much for the mac client! I can’t wait until it is optimized and all the kinks are worked out!

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Haligator.9615


I am having the same problem with erratic camera behavior. If I attempt to move the camera manually, it either spins wildly around or zooms into my character’s body. It seems to ZOOM when I click and drag, which should not be happening. Only the mouse-wheel should zoom the camera.

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hexobar.3704


First of all, thanks for introducing a Mac client.

However, currently I’m having the same problem as Haligator. The game is almost unplayable under OSX because I simply can’t see anything when the camera is either inside my character or in a top down view and spinning like crazy.

Any suggestions welcome.

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DevonCarlson



This is a known issue, as described in the stickied thread.

It occurs when using the “Logout” feature. Completely closing the client by using the “Exit to Desktop” option, and restarting the client, should resolve the erratic camera rotation.

Let us know if you are seeing this under different circumstances.


Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Haligator.9615


“Dragging the mouse while holding down the left or right mouse buttons in order to change camera or character direction causes the mouse cursor to briefly appear in the middle of the screen.” —- quoted from the “Known Issues” thread.

This is an understatement. It makes the camera completely uncontrollable and the beta client unplayable in PVP and most PVE for me. I’m heavy on camera use.
It would be more accurate to say that dragging on the screen zooms the camera in as well as rotates it. Once it is zoomed completely in, the slightest move makes the entire screen image spin at blinding speed. Of course, only scrolling the wheel should zoom the camera, not dragging.

If you mess with it, you can get it to zoom way out and directly overhead of your character. Drag again and it zooms all the way in, again.

This issue has been an aspect of Wine ports for a long time.

I’m using a Wacom mouse and tablet.

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hexobar.3704


“Let us know if you are seeing this under different circumstances.”

I got it when first logging in to the game after downloading.

The second log in seemed to work ok – will update if I find more information.

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lwio.7942


Getting the spinning problem with the camera just spinning around the character and also the dragging camera problem as Haligator describes. The dragging problem seems to happen when you enter the water.
The funny thing is i used to get the spinnies as I call them when playing lotro on xp, although they seem to have solved it as I didn’t get it for a long time.

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Locnar.4867


I get the spinnies randomly to, however if I hit the space bar/jump it stops the spinniing 9 time out of 10, just FYI.

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Charion Monteverde.3748

Charion Monteverde.3748

I’m not sure if this is the same thing or related but there are occurrences where my whatever character I’m playing just spins. It seems happen after I’ve gone a distance (run?) it seem to correct itself after a bit. (+-20 sec). it doesn’t seem to be race specific.
and it doesn’t happen frequently at least not for me.

MBP mid 2012 2.9Ghz, OS X 10.7.4

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kodo.5937


Wish I had read this earlier before I rebooted into windows. Logged into game and this happened and I couldn’t do a thing. Hopefully will be better next time.

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xandman.4583


I randomly spin. It turns 360 once in a while, can’t seem to figure out what is triggering it. But right now it’s not playable in pvp.

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Robert Walter


Robert Walter

Just to clarify, there are two issues here. Haligator, though you quoted this issue:

Dragging the mouse while holding down the left or right mouse buttons in order to change camera or character direction causes the mouse cursor to briefly appear in the middle of the screen.

It sounds like this is what you’re experiencing:

Logging out to the Launcher—either intentionally or due to a network error—and logging directly back in to the game causes mouse movement control functionality to break.

  • If this happens, please quit the application completely and log back in normally.

This describes one of the causes of the camera spinning uncontrollably. As the note mentions, if you encounter this and can’t recover control of the camera, quitting out of the game entirely and starting it back up should solve the problem.

We’re actively seeking to fix both of these issues, but we definitely appreciate your reports of these other causes of the camera spinning!

(edited by Robert Walter.8130)

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Haligator.9615


Thanks for your attention to this problem, RobertWalter! However, the “Logging out to the Launcher” issue is not related to my problem. It was an all-of-the-time problem.

Today, I bought a gaming mouse—-the “DeathAdder 3.5G”, to be specific—-and the problem went away. So, it is an issue with the Wacom Bamboo Fun mouse, which, though not a gaming mouse, is super fast because its trackpad is only 3" by 5". I will miss it.

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Evile Six.9531

Evile Six.9531

I’m having the same problems as Haligator. It’s almost nauseating :/ Glad it’s being worked on though, thank you!

Edit: Just to let you know, I did quit the game and restart, I exited using “Exit to Desktop” (as opposed to just “log out”), logged back in and it fixed the camera problem. Thanks for that tidbit!

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aigisthos.3059


Hey Robert, I’ve seen this problem occur again after dying in game, even shortly restarting the client. This makes the whole logging out thing a very poor solution to the problem when you’re in a dungeon. It’s kind of hard to explain to your guild mates of why you have to frequently log in and out. lol. Is this problem being worked on?

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jeffjen.3096


I can confirm that this issue is present upon downloading and logging in for the first time. Logging out and back doesn’t help the issue.

To repeat the problem: this occurs when you attempt to change the camera angle by holding the mouse right/left key while dragging.

I am using the latest, baseline 13" MacBook Pro with Retina display. No special HW configuration.

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Royal Gecko.6742

Royal Gecko.6742

I am having this issue, however, it is continuing to happen even after I exit the game completely and relaunch it. I have tried many times throughout the day, but every time I login the problem is still occurring. This has rendered the game pretty much unplayable for me so its pretty frustrating. Anyone know of any fix? Anyone having the same issue?

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Figlilly.3907


I have been getting this issue too since the patch. What works for me is alt/tabbing to the desktop, clicking on the desktop, then going back to the game. Someone also suggested working in windowed mode and just clicking on the desktop when it happens. Hope it works for you. It is a horrible bug.

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Romey.7893


I have all of a sudden been having this happen to me since the update. It’s rendering me unplayable, and exiting and restarting the game does nothing. I am using the mac beta client.

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BEINGHUMAN.4167


Hey guys above me!

A temp ‘work around’ for the camera rotation is to launch the game and once in game, hit COMMAND+TAB. That should bring you back to the desktop, leaving GW2 running in the background (minimized). Then just click once anywhere, then click back on GW2 to bring it back up.
For some reason, clicking on the desktop while GW2 is running, “fixes” the camera issue, BUT ONLY FOR THAT GAMING SESSION. If you quit/logoff GW2, you’ll have to do this again.

Hope this helped.

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Iliana.1653


Hey guys above me!

A temp ‘work around’ for the camera rotation is to launch the game and once in game, hit COMMAND+TAB. That should bring you back to the desktop, leaving GW2 running in the background (minimized). Then just click once anywhere, then click back on GW2 to bring it back up.
For some reason, clicking on the desktop while GW2 is running, “fixes” the camera issue, BUT ONLY FOR THAT GAMING SESSION. If you quit/logoff GW2, you’ll have to do this again.

Hope this helped.

Thank you so much, BeingHuman, this really helped me!
I have been banging by head into this, thinking it somehow “solved itself” now and then for unknown reasons, but now I can have a bearable gaming experience again.

(edited by Iliana.1653)

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: josiah.1962


No, sorry logging out to the desktop and logging back in (quitting to the desktop and restarting) does NOT help. It’s still spinning with the slightest move of the mouse. I haven’t tried the COMMAND-TAB thing yet (I’m on the PC at the moment, not the MAC). What about reloading the whole game, will that work? How do I reload the whole game?

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: josiah.1962


I don’t know if this is relevant or helpful, but my problem began when I tried to guest on another world. When I went back to my original world, the spinning went with me. I hope you guys can fix this soon.

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ParietalBoss.8013


In my experience this is a glitch that happens if you’re using a mac that happens to have a trackpad. For some reason the trackpad messes up the input. I just noticed this when I was playing GW2.
It was fine with my MBA in clamshell mode, using an external display but…
when I unhooked the display and tried running it with the laptop screen (to see what, if any, FPS boost I would get), the camera went screwy.

So…the fix. depending on what operating system you’re running it’ll be slightly different, but essentially you have to make your computer ignore the trackpad when a mouse is present.

Open System Preferences
Select Accessibility (if you’re running Snow Leopard it’ll be called Universal Access instead)
Choose Mouse and Trackpad from the side menu
Check the box: Ignore built-in trackpad when mouse or wireless trackpad is present.
Reboot GW2

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Erik.4058


If I go to windowed mode and back, that usually fixes the issue.

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Iliana.1653


No, sorry logging out to the desktop and logging back in (quitting to the desktop and restarting) does NOT help. It’s still spinning with the slightest move of the mouse. I haven’t tried the COMMAND-TAB thing yet (I’m on the PC at the moment, not the MAC). What about reloading the whole game, will that work? How do I reload the whole game?

I think what they mean by reloading is simply shutting down the whole game, “Quitting to Desktop”, and making sure all games files are shut down, and then restarting. But that didn’t help for me. Just remember that when you use the CMD+TAB to click in another window before going back to the Guild Wars window.

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jugglemonkey.8741


Huh, nice to know it’s not just me that has this issue. CMD – Tab works for me, although it’s pretty annoying :P

Critical Kit, Thief.
Don’t follow me, unless you enjoy being chased by angry men with sticks.
Power Build Condi Build

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: josiah.1962


I am very happy to announce that the COMMAND-TAB fix works perfectly for me (on a mac book air!) Works like a charm. I’m using a Logitech mouse as my pointing device.

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sylverin.8460


OK…for anyone still having this problem. I use an iMAC desktop….1 year old…with 8gig RAM and a Logitech mouse and keyboard in place of the MAC issued ones. All I have to do is log-in normally, then hit escape and go to Support. As soon as the window loads, just close the window and re-open the game. Problem gone. I did say re-open….NOT re-start! It’s a pain, but it works properly from then until you actually exit the game.
Good luck to All!!!

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: eloquentmess.5012


I have a 2012 MacBook Air.

I’m getting this problem as well. I tried logging out and back in, which didn’t work reliably. I tried restarting the game altogether, which didn’t work reliably. I tried disabling the trackpad when other input devices are present, which didn’t work reliably.

CMD-Tab seems to have worked the first time I tried it, but I haven’t tested it enough times to ensure that it works reliably. I will update you all as soon as I run more tests.

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: eloquentmess.5012


Alright, I’ve tested it about five times now. Each time I quit with CMD-Q, it gets the spins when I restart the game.

If I use CMD-Tab to switch out of the game, then use CMD-Tab to switch back, this seems to fix the issue. This has worked 100% of the times I have tried it.

Perhaps the issue has to do with application focus being lost when the launcher closes and the game opens? If the GUI focus goes to something else before the game loads, that might cause something like this. CMD-Tabbing out and back in forces the system to focus back on the game.

I hope this information is helpful.

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AndRec.3496


For me worked disabling “mac options” and reloading the game …. Dont know why…

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Wanna.4721


How come this is still an issue after such a long time? A year and still no fix

I have an art thread. Search for Wanna’s art :)

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: eloquentmess.5012


There have been a LOT of problems in GW2 that have remained broken for over a year. For example, my Trading Post quite frequently doesn’t load, requiring me to manually kill processes and delete folders in order to “fix” things.

Gamers on Mac and Linux are growing in number, and major game companies can no longer ignore them or treat them like second-class citizens.

I love GW2. I just hope that ArenaNet gets their act together.

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Felicja.6891


The camera rotation bug has been fixed with the latest patch for many users. Please see:

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SeasonedBro.3849


ISSUE (NOT) RESOLVED: Not sure what did it but I changed mouse ports, updated drivers.
Edit: still having issues. I thought it was fixed but after a few pvp matches, it came back or maybe it was just less apparent.

I posted in the game bugs forum because I run windows 7 instead of mac, but I’m having this same problem ever since two nights ago. I will post my previous post here:

I found this thread by googling my symptoms:
I tried the suggestions in the thread but it didn’t work. From what I gather, this bug is very similar, or the same, to a known issue in the past in the Mac Beta Client support forum:
“Dragging the mouse while holding down the left or right mouse buttons in order to change camera or character direction causes the mouse cursor to briefly appear in the middle of the screen”
This happens most frequently when while moving the mouse, I hold down my lmb to try to rotate my camera. The cursor is still visible (may or may not be in middle of screen as mentioned above), and the camera failed to rotate. I think my lmb in this still registers as a click though: 1) I’ve checked my mouse click registration on some browser script and it’s working. 2) Also, during one of these failed lmb holds, I move the cursor to the top left to the options ui, and the options menu does pop up, so I feel like the click is being detected.
Also, very noticeable when I click my lmb and then quickly click again to hold lmb and try to rotate the camera.

This is definitely a problem when playing grenade engi where I rotate the camera a lot in pvp.

I am using free camera option in the menu. Have checked it and unchecked it, but the issues persists.

“Ur all trash!” the spvp player said,
as angry nerd tears rolled down his fat young cheeks.

(edited by SeasonedBro.3849)

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Noxaeternam.6214


I just CMD-Tab out and then open it again from the Dock, though I haven’t been spinning out of control anymore lately.

For the love of the Six, fix the Mac client.

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Draziert.9508


Just experienced the camera spinning bug again, just popped up randomly while I was running around.

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Jade Quarry

Camera rotation bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: electricmayhem.8609


When this happens to me, I command-tab, open system preferences, go to Mouse, uncheck the “Scroll Direction” box, recheck and go back into the game. Don’t have any issues for a month or so.