Can't download patch.
Doesn’t look like I’m going to be able to DL this patch any time soon. Keep getting ’connection errors detected: retrying", or the speed goes down to 0.01 kb/s and I have to restart it.
anyone else having this issue?
Everyone is having this prob just chill bro
Connection error(s) detected. Retrying… ???
Yeah same here just figured lots of people are trying to DL it once, jus got some food going to eat and come back try it again.
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW
Didn’t know I wasn’t chilled, bro.
Connection error(s) detected. Retrying… XD
Patience, they’re getting hammered.
There is alot of people trying to download, have some patience :P
Yep it’s the same here. Time to get a coffee and read some forum drama. :p
Its a patch…. and aparently everyone is trying to download it at the same time. I just got home from work and am having issues getting the patcher to work.
This does happen from time to time on MMO’s when a patch comes out and ‘everyone’ tries to get it at the same time. While the ‘game’ server might be able to handle 600k+ people at once, the patching systems are usualy slightly smaller. Its likely getting overloaded.
Just play something else for a hour or so, then try again =)
Everytime there is a large patch this thread always manages to pop up, just be patient, everyone is downloading this at the same time. Go outside or read a book or something until the queue dies down..
Who’s idea was it to push out a new build when the login servers have been down for the past hour? Now I can’t log back in or download the patch.
Is the the event patch or some fixes?
Because the content was scheduled for tomorrow.
This has happened before, it’ll be ok.
This patch looks like it’s freakin huge.
raaaaaaggggggeee….. oh wait, everyone is having the same problem, mmm
PINK is the new Black
Tarnished Coast (via Tyranny)
Wish I had patch notes to read in the meantime…
same here patcher is really slow and dissconnects, just gonna let it go
big patch and lots of folks on the east coast getting off work and flipping on guild wars. woulda been nice to kill time reading patch notes, but then that woulda just caused more ppl to rage.
The accumulated filth of all their Exotic Gear and Farming will foam up about their waists and all the PvPers and PvEers will look up and shout “Patch us!”… and I’ll whisper “No.”
oh wait? not yet?
PINK is the new Black
Tarnished Coast (via Tyranny)
for those talking about patch notes…. im assuming its this:
mines downloading now hopefully doesnt stop
raaaaaaggggggeee….. oh wait, everyone is having the same problem, mmm
with everyone trying to download the patch at the same time,
we will all get a slowdown like this.
if everyone reading this will kindly close the launcher,
i will go in first and scout it out for you… :P
i want patchnote to read while waiting for it to start downloanding >_<
I’ve just bought and started this game last night, hah seems as though I’ve joined the craze at an opportune time. (:
I’ve just bought and started this game last night, hah seems as though I’ve joined the craze at an opportune time. (:
Glad to have ya with us =)
I’ve just bought and started this game last night, hah seems as though I’ve joined the craze at an opportune time. (:
Glad to have ya with us =)
Much appreciated, Rhapsody!
I’ve just bought and started this game last night, hah seems as though I’ve joined the craze at an opportune time. (:
Glad to have ya with us =)
Much appreciated, Rhapsody!
oh, and tip… when you make a class you might want to play as.. go to the ‘shades of teh mists’.. its a ‘structured’ pvp thing.. but it lets you get an idea of what your character ‘might’ be like at lvl 80. It lets you use all of your ‘lvl 80 total’ skillpoints for your ‘spec lines’, so you can see what the end-results of the builds would be like. Only thing is its pvp only, so you wont see how it works against mobs and your limited to a specific selection of skills, but it’ll give you an idea on the skills you will have access to and how that class will play.
“Patch me Seymour!” Or maybe that was “Feed me”
i cant even log in it just says downloading and then it changes to retrying and then again to downloading and so on an i think i alredy have downloaded the patch
Lol, dang it having this problem right now as well. This brings me back to the good ol’ days of vanilla WoW. At least we all know it does get better, they just have to get the bugs worked out.
I guess I will go and save Skyrim from evil dragons for a while :-) Good luck everyone! Try not to rage destroy any keyboards ;-)
same problem since morning..patch downloaded but stuck on one file and gives out msg download failed check your internet connection.
Found a fix that worked for me.
I can’t download the patches for today’s update. Is anyone also having the same problem?
yea all she wrote for everyone
the one that zero mentioned didn’t fix the problem cuz i had already tried
the one that zero mentioned didn’t fix the problem cuz i had already tried
did not work for me as well… also restarted my router and restarted my computer.. all it did was restart my patch downloading process
not even firewall issue for me that i already tried