Client Crashing constantly [Merged]
For all 32bit OS there’s probably a solution:
- run Command Prompt as administrator
- run this command: bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa 3072
- restart your computer and play GW2
BCDEdit is a Windows boot configuration tool, so it won’t help any of us on Mac OS. Glad it (mostly) worked for you though!
(To clarify, while Mac OS is a 64-bit OS, GW2 runs via 32-bit Cider.)
For all 32bit OS there’s probably a solution:
- run Command Prompt as administrator
- run this command: bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa 3072
- restart your computer and play GW2
I was able to play HOT content without any crash after this. And I don’t have to use the lowest graphic settings.Someone posted that on page 10, and it worked for me.
Since this I can play around 2 hours before crashing, and around 30min in the new HoT areas. It’s not optimal yet, but it’s a huge improvement because I used to crash every 1-5min.
I heard that this could make your machine unbootable.. i would recommend against it unless somoene can explain exactly what it does.
If this does help, then maybe they can find out what is causing the crashes.. the fact that you still crash means that the problem is still there, in the game code.
The fact that there was an emergency patch last night to remove the air ship from the guild halls that havent reached the level to get it yet tells me we will be waiting a LONG time for a fix for this.. simply because it doesnt seem to be a priority.
Maybe we should all start demanding our money back unless we get some kind of assurance that they are at least working on the problem and will have a fix soon.. my wife is crawling the walls with withdrawl.. and even talking about going back to WoW… please fix this asap!!
EDIT: Just looked up what the bcdedit is.. its a boot configuration too from MS built into windows. No.. dont do that.. unless you really know what you are doing. Changing any boot settings so that this game will not crash is futile since it is NOT the OS but the game itself. The person that said they used it and got the game running…. well thats on them and good for em, but to tell people to change the boot commands for a game flaw just seems a little over the top. Anet should fix this now. People are getting really desperate it seems.
(edited by trueanimus.4085)
Yes this happens because they can’t make a non-garbage client. It just runs out of memory because of compatibility issues between 32 and 64bit. Not that it matters, the issue occurs on both cases anyway.
Erm, except that I don’t recall crashing being an issue for most people until HoT released. I personally had a grand total of maybe three crashes in three years until HoT, and now it’s every 5-10 minutes.
Something else is going on.
Ehmry Bay Guardian
Wow tonight is even worse, I crashed in WvW after 2 minutes.
This is so sad.
Oh crashed again, just a few minutes later
Edit 2: Crash # 3, 20 minutes in WvW.
Edit 3, Crash # 4, 30 minutes in, I’m done.
(edited by Xillllix.3485)
For fellow Mac users – 19 November patch note:
“Reduced overhead memory on Mac.”
I’m not technically minded, but is this a good thing? I think it is, maybe it’ll stop the dtsBits error? But I dunno, anyone can shed some light on this?
For all 32bit OS there’s probably a solution:
- run Command Prompt as administrator
- run this command: bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa 3072
- restart your computer and play GW2
All it does is tell your windows to use more memory for applications (3Gb vs 2Gb) instead of reserving it for the actual OS running beneath it. It works for alot of people and its a very simple procedure and also very easily undone (if it leads to trouble). It’s not unsafe just because it changes a bios setting, if done properly. Obviously if you are not sure about it, then don’t use it.
To undo it just use:
“bcdedit /deletevalue IncreaseUserVa”
in the same mentioned procedure, and reboot again.
It may lead to slower system response (alt-tabbing, etc), and I’d advise not to do any memory heavy procedures like copy-pasting anything really large. If you have trouble doing stuff besides GW that now leads to slow responses, just undo the procedure and thats that. For more info you can use google.
Any 32bit user will probably be able to play again without any OOM errors whatsoever. I haven’t been able to play HoT when it was released because of this memory leak in the client, but as long as this works for me I’m using it, and I’m bloody glad I can too, as waiting for a client fix will take a long time, guaranteed (not because of unwillingness, it’s just because it’s not an easy fix).
(edited by Chucklet.7290)
For fellow Mac users – 19 November patch note:
“Reduced overhead memory on Mac.”
I’m not technically minded, but is this a good thing? I think it is, maybe it’ll stop the dtsBits error? But I dunno, anyone can shed some light on this?
Simply put; Mac users have to use a virtual environment to even run GW (afaik), that comes with additional memory usage (ie: overhead). As they reduced this it SHOULD reduce chrashes related to memory issues. That is as far as my technical mind goes but it seems the googul search sort of agrees with me.
If it works or not is of course, a whole different matter .
For fellow Mac users – 19 November patch note:
“Reduced overhead memory on Mac.”
I’m not technically minded, but is this a good thing? I think it is, maybe it’ll stop the dtsBits error? But I dunno, anyone can shed some light on this?
Simply put; Mac users have to use a virtual environment to even run GW (afaik), that comes with additional memory usage (ie: overhead). As they reduced this it SHOULD reduce chrashes related to memory issues. That is as far as my technical mind goes but it seems the googul search sort of agrees with me.
If it works or not is of course, a whole different matter
Thank you – great answer and makes sense. I was slightly worried there might have been a cost to something for this. I guess we’ll wait and see.
I was crashing approximately every hour or so, and since the download on 11/17 I cannot stay connected for more then 5 minutes at a time. It makes trying to complete any event impossible, and now it is crashing my entire system. I understand that the Mac client is less of a priority then the Windows version, but I payed the same amount of money for my game as everyone else did. Maybe it’s just me, but I expected a much higher level of customer service from Arena Net. Please address immidiately.
Don’t worry; I’m on a mid-high spec Windows rig and I’m having the same issue. They want their playerbase to stick around, so I’m pretty confident they’re working on it.
Ehmry Bay Guardian
Why has the game been crashes for the last two days? i get about 10 to 15 crashes an hour, wich kicks you out of any WvW or PvP, and some raids, then sends you to a difference map, and no raid people…
before you say its my internet, all other online games are flawless right now, no disconnect problems… I am also using a brand new gaming computer, and thats not the issue…
it all started about two days ago with the game patch
Mac player reporting: Today I played via the regular 32-bit mac client for two hours, only crashing once. I was able to finish multiple high-population events without a single crash.
Whatever ANet did today in the patch, it improved the stability of the game significantly. Yesterday I crashed frequently and could not play on HoT maps without crashing every 10 minutes. Just now, I could play just as I did before the Halloween patch.
It was only a few minutes ago that I learned tonight’s patch included a bug fix that reduced the memory usage for the 32-bit clients.
So a big THANK YOU to ANet for addressing this issue! I had a lot of fun tonight!
Give it a shot, it might be better for you guys too.
Please post the crash log.
You can find it here
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Guild Wars 2\ArenaNet.log
First off, I love the edit that changed the mac only to 32bit overal memory usage. Took me a few hours to see that one. Then I went straight to resetting my bios to standard settings (no extra memory allocation to apps) to test it.
32bit windows here, and I have had issues since the LAUNCH of HoT.
And, by the Gods it works now, finally. The last patch from a few hours ago that lowered the memory thing has done it. Tested and confirmed. No tricks, no bios changes, just run gw2 and go.
Thanks for everyone who came with fixes yesterday/today before this update, and now thanks to the Anet techies too. Now let’s just do NO updates that break thing like these for a while.
First off, I love the edit that changed the mac only to 32bit overal memory usage. Took me a few hours to see that one. Then I went straight to resetting my bios to standard settings (no extra memory allocation to apps) to test it.
32bit windows here, and I have had issues since the LAUNCH of HoT.
And, by the Gods it works now, finally. The last patch from a few hours ago that lowered the memory thing has done it. Tested and confirmed. No tricks, no bios changes, just run gw2 and go.Thanks for everyone who came with fixes yesterday/today before this update, and now thanks to the Anet techies too. Now let’s just do NO updates that break thing like these for a while.
Good news! Did the crashes stop in the meta event too? Did you have the time to test it?
Client Crashing constantly [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Cute But Psychotic.3106
My client was crashing alot since HoT came out also, showing the blue green blobs alot too. I would crash at least twice while trying to do dragon stand with friends. Since the raid update Tuesday I have been crashing every 5-10 minutes and sometimes even at character login screen. Thursday evenings new build seems to have fixed the crashing so far, I haven’t been brave or in game enough to try dragon stand or any instance yet. But so far so good..Thank you Anet for fixing the memory problem and hopefully holy disco ball batman will stay at bay
The blue green effects seem to be common with this crash. They seem to be a result (or a precursor) of the memory getting close to full just before the crash happens. My wife hasn’t gotten any artifacts like this.. BUT.. she did have the box pop up while the game was still playable in the background.. She could actually move around etc.. for about an additional 2-3 minutes before the game completely closed.
Anyway.. Bumping this post because we need to see an answer or a fix soon.. or anet needs to start offering money back to people who simply cannot play because of this issue.
One of the support devs wrote her back in the letter i mentioned in a previous post and said “This is the same memory fragmentation issue that has plagued the game over the past 3 years. We are working on a fix, but it may not come any time soon. The problem is memory fragmentation, not out of memory errors.”
Three years working on this and now its made it to this level?
Please tell me this isnt going to take forever to fix.. TONS of people are getting this.. Revert the patch if you have to.. but it should NOT take this long to fix something in the small amount of code you added on 11/17
Anyway.. How much this guy knows is questionable.. memory fragmentation is why you get the OOM error (out of memory) and he made it seem like saying it was out of memory was wrong.. it was just a fragmentation problem. yes i know fragmentation leads to the error… but… you know what i mean.. it just sounded wrong in the letter..
Also.. her system and the game were perfectly fine before the release of HoT and had never had crashes like this except right at the end of Vinewrath (getting disconnected when the chest popped up now and then (maybe 30% of the time).. which seemed to be a common bug that still hasn’t been fixed)
Hope they fix this soon.. is all i can say.
One of the support devs wrote her back in the letter i mentioned in a previous post and said “This is the same memory fragmentation issue that has plagued the game over the past 3 years. We are working on a fix, but it may not come any time soon. The problem is memory fragmentation, not out of memory errors.”
what the actual kitten. how does one justify charging people upwards of $100 for a xpac knowing this issue persists? awful.
Woohoo. Logged in three times the past hour, crashed when I tried to turn my char so it wouldn’t face the wall anymore. Sounds go crazy, game crashes, game shuts itself down. I guess I’m done playing GW2 and buying HOT was a complete waste of my money.
I want to play the game ANET, but I can’t if my character is freezing every 2 seconds. Please fix this mess or I will stop playing. It’ ridiculous.
My crashing problems have been fixed!! Thank you.
Just reporting that my wifes crashing problems have subsided a bit.
She logged on earlier and was able to stay on for about 2 hours but then crashed again with the oom error.
The OOM error is still there so the fragmentation problem hasnt been fixed… but at least she can get on and play some now.
Still need to keep working on this problem if the game is still crashing at all… but this was definitely an improvement.
I have experienced crashing during Vinewrath in SW. But it was eventually fixed on its own. Now that HoT is out crashing is much worse and happening at World Boss events. My last boss had a terrible crash and now my game client will not come up on screen. I do not use Windows and I use a Mac. It can handle the graphics. I was planning on getting HoT this upcoming December, but if I can’t even play what I have now….If anyone has advise for my situation I would be very appreciative. I’ve tried everything I can.
if you cant play now, you def wont be able to run the new maguma areas as they require slightly higher cpu and gpu load (or so it seems.. people are getting lower fps there than anywhere else in game besides wvw etc)
The expansion is nice.. but these problems should have been fixed way before it left beta.. i personally know a few people who have quit the game already because of the OOM errors and disconnects because all the chances to make any gold in game off new items or level up your master skills when you crash every few minutes is just impossible.
As for your client not loading.. restart your computer then run the GW2 launcher with -repair on the end to maybe repair the client… might have a corrput file or something. I dont own a mac so i dont know if thats possible on that OS.
As for the mac client.. i dunno. I know someone in guild who has been working with anet to fix the mac client for almost a year, and they had just got the crashing problem solved when hot hit and now hes been getting the oom crash and model error crashes also (i think thats what he said) and they are working on it but no luck. Havent seen him on in a while either, but if i do ill ask him how its going and relay what he says.
I still have to do the big events in Hot, but for now I have not had more crashes.
This time I must thank first ruki.2398 : his advice has allowed me to play until the last patch … Thanks again!
ArenaNet: well done!
Per the notes here —
Reduced memory usage in the 32-bit client and the Mac client.
At least for me the game is working much better anywhere. Over 5 hours of play before a crash, and I’m pretty sure that happened because of a Windows Update pop up coming in to play.
Was the specifically the Memory Fragmentation issue, or they figure out a new way to make a smaller memory footprint?
Leader of TACO mini-roamer guild, Kaineng.
I’ve actually found some kind of temporary solution, for my crashes at least. I was running a dual-channel memory setup, which works for every other game and program just fine. I swapped the sticks into a single-channel setup – and I haven’t had a crash since (and there weren’t any client updates either). Not sure why it worked for me, but hopefully it works for you guys too.
Ehmry Bay Guardian
Good news! Did the crashes stop in the meta event too? Did you have the time to test it?
I have had 1 chrash since the ‘good’ update so far (OOM) and that was after a 4hr uptime when I was changing tru parked characters, about 6 character swaps in under a minute, and then I chrashed on the next loading screen (to be fair here, I was also running firefox, Iexplorer a blueray vlc file AND a virusscan at the time, so it wasn’t THAT surprising. Might be a bit too much for a 5yr old laptop to begin with.). So far I haven’t chrashed during any meta event, wvw or anything else. So I’m very happy now .
Sad to hear other people still have issues tho…
Yesterday it ran ok (64bit installed on 64, not a 32…lol…just saying), 16G working memory, fastest internet u can get in town, SSD and all that stuff that makes gamers happy. All drivers etc up-to-date (Nvidia GeForce…).
Is it maybe connected to Win10 not being the best choice for GW2?
It was already mediocre great witht he 32 client, the 64 has made things terrible.
All other games run smooth and without flaw, WoW or SWtoR or any others, zero probs.
Today it started out laggy, then 5-10 secs freezes, then constant loss of connection. Guilds do not list, friends list empty….apparently it does not connect/load all servers required anymore?
Just great, since I have a week off and was really looking forward to play.
Checked ping, CPU, ethernet, everything – even downloaded a new copy….
Now what? Getting desperate slowly crossing over to sick of this crap.
I so wish you would offer a decent support line with people who know what they are doing – I’d be happy to pay for it, this zero direct contact support thing seriously blows.
I have just installed the last extension Heart of Thorns and keep having crashs. It happens when i play during the 5-10 first minutes.
Could anyone help me with that?
Computer details:
OS: Windows 7 64bits
Process: Intel Core i7-3770 3.40 Ghz
Motherboard: Asus P8Z77-V LX
Ram: 8 go Corsair Vengeance
Graphic card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970
here is the details report from my crashes:
—> Crash <—
Exception: c0000005
Memory at address 00000020 could not be read
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 5400
BaseAddr: 001A0000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 55511
When: 2015-11-22T21:34:05Z 2015-11-22T22:34:05+01:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:10:33
Flags: 0
—> System <—
Processors: 8 [GenuineIntel:6:10:9]
OSVersion: Windows 6.1 (64 bit)
—> System Memory <—
Physical: 4478MB/ 8143MB 54%
Paged: 11941MB/16285MB 73%
Virtual: 2722MB/ 4095MB 66%
Load: 45%
CommitTotal: 4343MB
CommitLimit: 16285MB
CommitPeak: 4462MB
SystemCache: 2120MB
HandleCount: 29851
ProcessCount: 82
ThreadCount: 1262
—> Process Memory <—
Private: 1163MB
WorkingSet: 1110MB
PeakWorkingSet: 1172MB
PageFaults: 15469768
[DbgHelp.dll is C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 6.1.7601.17514 (64/32-bit compatible)]
—> Thread 0×1598 <—
—> Trace <—
Pc:004cdb6f Fr:0587eb3c Rt:01000000 Arg:00000010 146d4d70 146d4f70 146d4f90
Pc:01000000 Fr:0587eb9c Rt:004cd6df Arg:16249960 00000000 0587f8b0 00000000
Pc:004cd6df Fr:0587ebb8 Rt:00d77f55 Arg:00000000 04ac5d74 06100802 00000000
Pc:00d77f55 Fr:0587f8a0 Rt:00d7c35a Arg:04983078 003b19e9 00000000 00d7c35a
Pc:00d7c35a Fr:0587f8d4 Rt:76f39882 Arg:00000000 7287447f 00000000 00000000
Pc:76f39882 Fr:0587f914 Rt:76f39855 Arg:005ce0b0 00000000 00000000 00000000
Pc:76f39855 Fr:0587f92c Rt:00000000 Arg:005ce0b0 00000000 00000000 00000000
—> Thread registers <—
eax=00000010 ebx=1d52c590 ecx=146d4f90 edx=146d4ef0 esi=3ca385c0 edi=00002000
eip=004cdb6f esp=0587eb3c ebp=0587eb3c
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00010246
ebx-32 1D52C570 00000000 00000040 ffffffff 14b18130
ebx-16 1D52C580 00000024 00000012 000008f7 0cb7b610
ebx 0 1D52C590 010cce10 00000001 000008fe 00000009
ebx16 1D52C5A0 1d52c53c 1d52243c 00000000 1171d5e0
ebx+32 1D52C5B0 00015d1b 00000001 00000000 40080218
ebx+48 1D52C5C0 3ca37e70 00000010 00000010 00000000
ecx-32 146D4F70 c6894000 c6e90000 c50b1b9a 3f800000
ecx-16 146D4F80 43b00000 43b00000 43b90332 428bbfff
ecx 0 146D4F90 00000000 00000000 9fb3e2b2 9fb3e2b2
ecx16 146D4FA0 97ddebbb 38384515 3de90c7d 3c104111
ecx+32 146D4FB0 3c104111 e0aaebbb 3b7bb5b5 e0aaeb81
ecx+48 146D4FC0 3de93b77 7e4ad195 3b7bad35 e0aaeb91
edx-32 146D4ED0 c689326a c6e8f551 c4f42ce7 3f800000
edx-16 146D4EE0 4162d000 42d20200 42ad9800 428bbfff
edx 0 146D4EF0 c6894000 c6e90000 c50c2000 00000000
edx16 146D4F00 43b00000 43b00000 43b0e000 00000000
edx+32 146D4F10 c689311a c6e8f524 c4e81667 3f800000
edx+48 146D4F20 3f830000 3f830000 3f800000 3f800000
esi-32 3CA385A0 00206126 00206144 00000101 00000000
esi-16 3CA385B0 00000000 18201ff0 3c9385c0 00000000
esi 0 3CA385C0 00000002 000008fe 0000000d 00000246
esi16 3CA385D0 00000000 00000000 3f198920 000000ba
esi+32 3CA385E0 000000f0 00000000 00000000 0000020e
esi+48 3CA385F0 80000007 00000000 008c0040 3f830000
—> Code <—
004CDB4F 8b45acbf 01000000 8945fc8d 9b000000 .E…….E……
004CDB5F 00508d4e 3ce837d0 03008b45 f48b4db4 .P.N<.7….E..M.
004CDB6F c1e805c7 46540100 0000853c 810f84d1 ….FT…..<….
004CDB7F 0000008b 45fc8bce 8b56680f 28100f28 ….E….Vh.(..(
004CDB8F ca0f5848 100f5c50 108d45d0 508d45dc ..XH..\P..E.P.E.
004CDB9F 508b45f8 f20f114d d0f20f11 55dc0fc6 P.E….M….U…
—> Stack <—
0587EB3C 0587eb9c 01000000 00000010 146d4d70 …………pMm.
0587EB4C 146d4f70 146d4f90 00000004 146d4be4 pOm..Om……Km.
0587EB5C 146d4be8 01000000 00000010 1d52c590 .Km………..R.
0587EB6C 146d4ba4 146d4be4 146d4c48 146d4be8 .Km..Km.HLm..Km.
0587EB7C 146d4ba0 146d4d70 1d50b3b0 00000010 .Km.pMm…P…..
0587EB8C 0000a780 0000000d 1d52c590 146d4f10 ……….R..Om.
0587EB9C 0587ebb8 004cd6df 16249960 00000000 ……L.`.$…..
0587EBAC 0587f8b0 00000000 1d50b3b0 0587f8a0 ……….P…..
0587EBBC 00d77f55 00000000 04ac5d74 06100802 U…….t]……
0587EBCC 00000000 00000005 00000024 3c4a14dc ……..$…..J<
0587EBDC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0587EBEC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0587EBFC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0587EC0C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0587EC1C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0587EC2C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0587EC3C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0587EC4C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0587EC5C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0587EC6C 00000000 00000000 00000003 0587ec80 …………….
0587EC7C 00000003 00000005 00000003 00000000 …………….
0587EC8C 00000000 00000005 00000003 00000000 …………….
0587EC9C 00000000 00000005 00000002 00000000 …………….
0587ECAC 00000000 00000005 00000002 00000000 …………….
0587ECBC 00000000 00000005 00000002 00000000 …………….
0587ECCC 00000000 00000005 00000002 00000000 …………….
0587ECDC 00000000 00000005 00000001 00000000 …………….
0587ECEC 00000000 00000005 00000001 00000000 …………….
0587ECFC 00000000 00000005 00000001 00000000 …………….
0587ED0C 00000000 00000005 00000001 00000000 …………….
0587ED1C 00000000 00000004 00000000 00000000 …………….
0587ED2C 00000000 00000004 00000000 00000000 …………….
0587ED3C 00000000 00000004 00000000 00000000 …………….
0587ED4C 00000000 00000004 00000000 00000000 …………….
0587ED5C 00000000 00000004 00000000 00000000 …………….
0587ED6C 00000000 00000004 00000000 00000000 …………….
0587ED7C 00000000 00000010 00000000 0587ed90 …………….
0587ED8C 00000000 00000004 00000000 00000000 …………….
0587ED9C 00000000 0b000000 00000089 00000000 …………….
0587EDAC 00000000 000000b1 0000000a 00000000 …………….
0587EDBC 00000000 0000000b 00000000 00000000 …………….
0587EDCC 00000000 00000000 000000c3 00000000 …………….
0587EDDC 00000000 4bb282f8 4b47a100 00000000 …….K..GK….
0587EDEC 00000000 0ca12990 0000000b 00000000 …..)……….
0587EDFC 00000000 0ca1298f 4b47a108 00000000 …..)….GK….
0587EE0C 00000000 00000003 00000000 00000000 …………….
0587EE1C 00000000 3b8e5df0 01f97dd0 00000000 …..].;.}……
0587EE2C 00000000 00000015 00000003 00000000 …………….
0587EE3C 00000000 3b8e5df8 0000000e 00000000 …..].;……..
0587EE4C 00000000 00000441 00000000 00000000 ….A………..
0587EE5C 00000000 0587eefc 00000000 00000000 …………….
0587EE6C 00000000 00000000 76f2e394 00000000 ………..v….
0587EE7C 00000000 01f95e0c 01f90000 00000000 …..^……….
0587EE8C 00000000 00000010 00000000 0587ee9c …………….
0587EE9C 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f6fa07e …………~.o?
0587EEAC 3f801b28 00000000 00000000 00000000 (..?…………
0587EEBC 3f800000 3f800000 00000004 00000000 …?…?……..
0587EECC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0587EEDC 3f80c49b 00000000 00000000 00000000 …?…………
0587EEEC 00000000 3f800000 00000003 00000001 …….?……..
0587EEFC 00000007 00000013 00000007 00000013 …………….
0587EF0C 00000007 0000000c 00000007 0000000c …………….
0587EF1C 00000007 0000000b 00000007 0000000b …………….
0587EF2C 00000007 00000006 00000007 00000006 …………….
—> Error Logs <—
Map load hang on STATE_MODELS_STREAM detected: MapId: 35, Position: (-13723.000000, -13180.599609, -362.392914), Completion: 0.000000
Texture missing mip chain: 0×0f7d63
Texture missing mip chain: 0×0f7d64
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—> DirectX Device Info <—
VendorId = 0×10de
DeviceId = 0×13c2
Version = 9.18.0013.4448
Description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
Compat = 0×00100800
VidMem = 4095 MB
Many thanks for your help which will enable me to finally have a real gaming experience in this game.
Best regards
I’m using that 62 or 64 something a rather client – not making much difference tbh. Please fix your servers or whatever it is, my internet is fine.
I was just about to win in a PvP arena too… bye bye to my rewards.
Welp. My client doesn’t even connect anymore. I tried using the 64-bit client and it gave me the same problem. The client window doesn’t even load where the usual news/updates would be. It just shows the “loading” icon but nothing actually loads, it just keep going even as I write this post. Earlier I kept disconnecting, the same problem Zaoda.1653 is having. I tried both 32-bit and 64-bit client and same thing, played for about 15 or so minutes and bam-Client disconnects and sends me to the character selection screen. Any word from Anet?
I have just installed the last extension Heart of Thorns and keep having crashs. It happens when i play during the 5-10 first minutes.
Could anyone help me with that?
Computer details:
OS: Windows 7 64bits
Process: Intel Core i7-3770 3.40 Ghz
Motherboard: Asus P8Z77-V LX
Ram: 8 go Corsair Vengeance
Graphic card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970here is the details report from my crashes:
—> Crash <—
Exception: c0000005
Memory at address 00000020 could not be read
App: Gw2.exe
Memory read/write errors often point to faulty RAM. As a starting step in debugging this, it might be a good idea to scan your memory with memtest86. Download the free version here (Download link is below the Pro edition.):
Instructions on how to use it and what to look for, here:
Switched to 64bit client. Same problem as 32bit client – freezes & crashes when updating client. Finally managed to wrangle a crash report and send it to ANet. Usually it doesn’t even load one regardless of which client version. Recently updated drivers again and still the same problem.
PC Specs:
*Lenovo Z400
*Windows 10
- NVIDEA GeForce GT 645M
Been crashing more actually since I switched to the 64 bit client, and only during the metas… I don’t understand, this game is feeling unplayable, please fix this, you guys have my info, I send error reports every time it crashes.
Just started having issues today. Played flawlessly last night. Was there a patch this morning? I crash every 5 minutes. The game is unplayable.
Same as the top post. Played this week smoothly.
But now I can’t even log-in to my character , my client crashes when i click “Play” on the character select screen
poke . . . . . .
My game crashes when i start the client. Example: there is a patch available on gw2 and you start the client, it just shows only the loading screen and it crashes already… hope that you understand
My game crashes when i start the client. Example: there is a patch available on gw2 and you start the client, it just shows only the loading screen and it crashes already… hope that you understand
This sounds like symptoms of a third party program interfering with the client. Can you post the details (found after clicking on Show Details in the crash dialog)?
Also I having same problem, but not sure if the crash same with you guys. do game update while we ingame?
—> Crash <—
Exception: c0000005
Memory at address 00000000`00000000 could not be read
App: Gw2-64.exe
Pid: 7828
BaseAddr: 00007FF60A1D0000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 73090
Module: LavasoftTcpService64.dll
When: 2017-02-28T08:04:24Z 2017-02-28T16:04:24+08:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:03:54
Flags: 0
—> System <—
Processors: 4 [GenuineIntel:6:10:9]
OSVersion: Windows 10.0 (64 bit)
—> System Memory <—
Physical: 5341MB/ 8077MB 66%
Paged: 10843MB/13709MB 79%
Virtual: 134217345MB/134217727MB 3%
Load: 33%
CommitTotal: 2866MB
CommitLimit: 13709MB
CommitPeak: 4719MB
SystemCache: 4211MB
HandleCount: 49124
ProcessCount: 76
ThreadCount: 1756
—> Process Memory <—
Private: 102MB
WorkingSet: 113MB
PeakWorkingSet: 273MB
PageFaults: 10760221
—> Memory Category Usage (Inclusive) <—
[Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
Root 73.60 6065
Programmer Data 41.98 945
Collections 30.96 301
Uncategorized 25.50 5051
Dictionary 23.08 40
I/O 10.61 408
Archive 8.75 37
Set 7.77 81
Collide Havok 6.11 69
Collide 6.11 69
File Service 1.24 12
Asset Service 0.62 354
Networking 0.15 25
UI 0.11 105
Web Browser 0.11 91
Event 0.07 2
Game 0.04 55
Engine 0.02 12
Content 0.02 1
Threading 0.01 15
Model-Programmer 0.01 1
BTree 0.00 6
CharClient 0.00 5
Services 0.00 8
—> Memory Category Usage (Exclusive) <—
[Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
Uncategorized 25.50 5051
Dictionary 23.08 40
Archive 8.75 37
Set 7.77 81
Collide Havok 6.11 69
File Service 1.24 12
Asset Service 0.62 354
Networking 0.15 20
Collections 0.12 174
Web Browser 0.11 91
Event 0.07 2
Game 0.02 45
Content 0.02 1
Threading 0.01 15
Model-Programmer 0.01 1
Engine 0.01 6
BTree 0.00 6
CharClient 0.00 5
Services 0.00 8
File Core 0.00 2
Text 0.00 1
Download 0.00 3
UI 0.00 14
Programmer Data 0.00 2
[DbgHelp.dll is C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 6.2.14321.1024 (64/32-bit compatible)]
—> Thread 0×2490 <—
SkyAceHz.5087, your problem appears to be LavasoftTcpService64.dll. you will want to uninstall all lavasoft programs, like ad-aware or web companion.
if you have problems removing it, or it doesn’t go after uninstalling, you can try the options from Lavasoft support:
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
Can i repair these often crashes or no ? Did i paid for that ?
*--> Crash <--*
OOM: Heap, bytes=5088556,
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 4732
BaseAddr: 00070000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 74844
When: 2017-04-06T20:43:54Z 2017-04-06T23:43:54+03:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:24:06
Flags: 0
[DbgHelp.dll is C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 6.1.7601.17514 (64/32-bit compatible)]
*--> ClientContextThreadProc Thread 0x1b38 <--*
*--> Error Logs <--*
ed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ’0x082239’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ’0x082241’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ’0x08223a’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ’0x080b24’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ’0x082239’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ’0x082241’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Texture ’0x03539b’ dimensions too small
Loading ’0x03539b’ texture failed
Model ’0x08223a’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ’0x080b24’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ’0x082239’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Debug token ’0x000266FA’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
Model ’0x080b24’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ’0x08223a’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ’0x082239’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ’0x08223a’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ’0x080b24’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=’1279151573007664194’
Model ’0x080b24’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ’0x082239’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ’0x08223a’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ’0x080b24’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ’0x082239’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ’0x08223a’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ’0x080b24’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ’0x082239’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ’0x08223a’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ’0x080b24’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ’0x082239’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ’0x082241’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Texture ’0x03539b’ dimensions too small
Loading ’0x03539b’ texture failed
Model ’0x08223a’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ’0x080b24’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ’0x08223a’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ’0x080b24’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
*--> DirectX Device Info <--*
VendorId = 0x10de
DeviceId = 0x1381
Version = 21.21.0013.7892
Description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750
Compat = 0x00100800
VidMem = 2048 MB
Can i repair these often crashes or no ? Did i paid for that ?
—> Crash <—
OOM: Heap, bytes=5088556,
App: Gw2.exe
You ran out of memory. If you can, switch to the 64-bit GW2 client, and that should help. Otherwise, stop background applications, or purchase more memory for your system.