Complaints about Suspensions for Unacceptable Names/Chat [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Kenage Achalarus.4276
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Kenage Achalarus.4276
Yup, my screen went white and then it said I had been disconnected due to bad behavior. I tried to reconnect after that and it said my account had been terminated. I have informed Arenanet that my account has been hacked a little while back, so hopefully they will give me my account back. No response yet though.
Posted 21 December 2012 – 09:49 AM
Going on 3 days without a response from Arenanet. I am worried that they can’t do anything about my account. When my account was hacked a month or so ago, I sent in a support ticket and they responded to me within 24 hours. Seems that a terminated account takes a bit longer to recover, Arenanet is investigating my claim, or they ignored me entirely. I’m sure they haven’t ignored my ticket, but it sure feels like it. Posted 22 December 2012 – 08:15 AM
Ah, so true. By the way, you guys have a merry Christmas and have fun in Guild Wars 2!
Posted 22 December 2012 – 01:38 PM
Oh yes, by all means, patience is my middle name. Just seems like they would be a little less busy if they didn’t terminate innocent player’s accounts without warning
Posted 22 December 2012 – 07:00 PM
Well I hope I can get it back before the month of December ends because I need a few more Fractals completed for monthly achievement.
Posted 23 December 2012 – 08:42 PM
now here is the information that he got from arena net.
I just received a response from Arenanet about my Terminated Account.
Your Guild Wars 2 account has been for modifying or tampering with the game, which is a breach of the User Agreement and Rules of Conduct.
I want you to know that we take great care when analyzing accounts prior to termination. Support staff is both diligent and conservative in determining which accounts are using these programs, and we only terminate an account only after we are able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that such use has occurred."
Apparently I will not get my account back after all. This really upsets me. I have done nothing wrong. I have been a huge fan of Arenanet and the Guild Wars series from the beginning until now. I am not buying another account, and will probably never play again. I am sorry. Friends and Guildies, I will miss you all… December 26 12:03 PM
If I could get my account back, I would for sure keep playing Guild Wars 2, but if I can’t get it back I am not going to buy another account and start over again. I will send them another letter about this asking for their supposed proof that I somehow modified the game. Truthfully, I’m tired of struggling with this game and my account. December 26 02:30 PM
now as i have stated his account got hacked and he was able to get his account back i know the guy and he would never manupulate the game he is a very nice guy in game areana net if you red this thank you and please help out.
there is something i would like to state as well i did not include anyone else in the forums in this chat because they want to be anomnous. and also i want to state this i have been hacked as well from someone in Toko Japan and i live In San Diego CA, is that a little bit supisiosu and i got an email from anet saying would you like to allow this IP i said no then it gave me an error message.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Kenage Achalarus.4276
im sorry for the long message but the forums will only allow 5001 words
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Parvati.5780
To summarize, your friend’s account was compromised, restored and then most likely re-compromised?
His system still could have been infected when he had the account restored to him, or the means the hacker used to get the info in the first place was left intact.
Anet does abruptly ban accounts often. The moment when the sudden disconnect occurs and the harsh message (permanent ban for botting/tampering/gold selling/etc)that you know you don’t do is not a nice surprise. However, they have to do this to secure the account when they see a hacker trying to / successfully gaining access to it.
If you’re not happy with the current decision on the matter, which you aren’t, appeal it, or have it escalated for some sort of review. Also, did your friend properly file his support ticket under the ban/suspended account category or something general (wrong)?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Kenage Achalarus.4276
good question im not to entirly shure. he bacally tld us he submitted a ticket but what im wondering is they say they have evedence but however they didnt give them to him. im really hoping that net see this post and actully has a plan of action. i know they are banning bots but hes not a bot hes a actully real player. and he would never try to manupluate the game. and im not shure how you could scan your system for that type of issue.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Loli Ruri.8307
There are only 2 things that you can do. File a ticket. After 3 days of no reply, post your ticket number in the 3 days and older tickets for review thread. Make sure not to post multiple tickets. If you need to include more information, add it to the existing ticket. Make sure your ticket is clear and concise. For more information on writing up a ticket, click here.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Parvati.5780
good question im not to entirly shure. he bacally tld us he submitted a ticket but what im wondering is they say they have evedence but however they didnt give them to him. im really hoping that net see this post and actully has a plan of action. i know they are banning bots but hes not a bot hes a actully real player. and he would never try to manupluate the game. and im not shure how you could scan your system for that type of issue.
When submitting under the banned/suspended account category, it asks you for your serial number, etc. Filing it under that category gets you the correct line of support that you need in a timely manned.
If it went under a wrong category someone could have just looked at it and thought: “Account status? Permanently banned account. I’m not event part of the team dealing with that stuff, I only manage general queries. Reply courteously but don’t assist the person.”
That said, there should be a right of appeal if he did file it under the correct category. I wish that I could say more than that. Only support can sort it. Make your messages to them simple and to the point. Leave little room for misinterpretation(s.)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Kenage Achalarus.4276
Thank you Parvati i have told him about what you said. and this is what he said in a post
Thanks Kenage. To answer a message on the GW2 forums, I did submit my ticket under the Blocked Accounts topic. Apparently I cannot access the forums now, otherwise I would have posted an answer myself. Tried to log in but it said I do not have access. I used to be able to sign into the GW2 site for some time after my account had already been terminated. December 26 3:27pm
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Veeber.3192
Ok so u putt me to make ticket i made it passed 24 h already ban is for 72 h….i don’t want to wait because u ban without any proof….i repeat i payed for this game….like the others…u don’t have employersor what….don’t tell me u will solve after 72 h when my ban expired?no i want an explenation…if someone report me for bad language i think he send some print or something…u can;t ban someone without proffs right?? soo the ticket numer number for follow up: #121225-002777..ty best regardes
The proof is in the chat logs. If a player clicks your name and reports you for bad language it marks when you were reported. If they submitted the ticket with a screenshot, they would verify it with the in game chat logs. All the GM’s and mods have to do is review the log and what you said.
You may have bought the game but you agreed to anets user agreement and terms and conditions, you got caught/reported for breaking them. They do not have to provide proof of this.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Saphira.2169
hi to all, i have a simple question to ask.
how is possible to be banned for macroing/botting without reason and without an alert?
A guildmate 1 hours ago was doing a dungeon, his account has benne disconnected from gw2 and when he tried to relog he had the message he was banned for botting/macroing BUT HE NEVER HAS DONE NOTHING OF IT!
No third part program, no macroes, no afk, nothing at all.
he cant’ do an in game appeal, he can’t write on this forum, he never had an advice or an alert before being banned…how is it possible? how could he do to have his account back?
Thanks in advance for answering and excuse me for my bad english.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Liquidus.4275
Maybe this is something wrong in the system. My brother just jumped in my vent with the exact same thing. He was farming mats (scales) when he was kicked . Once he tried to log back the response was his account was terminated . No mail no nothing..
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Parvati.5780
Login into your support account (create one if you have not already.) From the menu, choose login issues. Make sure to use blocked/suspended category when making your ticket. You will need your serial number etc for the game when making the ticket.
I wouldn’t read too much into a ban message. Accounts are locked down quickly with random ban messages sometimes when a hacker is trying to get into it.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Turial.1293
I think the general consensus for players Gaile, or whichever mod may be viewing this currently;
1. not every player knows your CoC back to front as you do.
2. people make mistakes when the first create accounts such as creating incorrect names – perhaps a word filter at character select would help them so they don’t have to spend 72 hours banned after their first hour of gameplay.
3. what is rude in one country is not rude in others (how can we know this) i.e. fanny is an american term for your gluticus maximus but over here in ireland it means a womans genitalia.
4. why is there no warnings? why jump straight to bans? surely you can follow how many infractions an account has, why is there not some lee-way here for first time offenders or wrongly reported people.
5. which brings me to the point of – it feels as if bans/chat logs are not looked over correctly, from reading above and in other threads it looks like they are just skimmed over or automated so a program picks up a curse word in your database and finds the user who typed and just auto bans them. where is the human touch gone?
6. it really does seem as if mods are trigger happy when it comes to game/forum moderations.
7. is the game turning into a point where no player wants to disagree with a player in map chat in case they get reported by someone either having a bad day or just too click happy and end up with a 72 hour ban for getting misconstrued?
8. a little off topic but surely this thread in itself is open to abuse? i mean, i don’t understand why it was created, no offense.
This is not really a complaint I know but hopefully something that is taken into consideration about future complaints and how they are dealt with. Kudos to working over Wintersday also
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Avien.8036
I think the general consensus for players Gaile, or whichever mod may be viewing this currently;
1. not every player knows your CoC back to front as you do.
2. people make mistakes when the first create accounts such as creating incorrect names – perhaps a word filter at character select would help them so they don’t have to spend 72 hours banned after their first hour of gameplay.
3. what is rude in one country is not rude in others (how can we know this) i.e. fanny is an american term for your gluticus maximus but over here in ireland it means a womans genitalia.
4. why is there no warnings? why jump straight to bans? surely you can follow how many infractions an account has, why is there not some lee-way here for first time offenders or wrongly reported people.
5. which brings me to the point of – it feels as if bans/chat logs are not looked over correctly, from reading above and in other threads it looks like they are just skimmed over or automated so a program picks up a curse word in your database and finds the user who typed and just auto bans them. where is the human touch gone?
6. it really does seem as if mods are trigger happy when it comes to game/forum moderations.
7. is the game turning into a point where no player wants to disagree with a player in map chat in case they get reported by someone either having a bad day or just too click happy and end up with a 72 hour ban for getting misconstrued?
8. a little off topic but surely this thread in itself is open to abuse? i mean, i don’t understand why it was created, no offense.This is not really a complaint I know but hopefully something that is taken into consideration about future complaints and how they are dealt with. Kudos to working over Wintersday also
I just did some digging into reddit forum four months ago. things like ‘shut the toot (insert f word) up with non-english, geez >.<’ is also given a suspension. There were some post from anet saying that if it’s within private / guild chat it’s ok if no one report it. So in another word you can joke around in guild chat and if a disgruntled member wants to grief you, he can simply report you and you can get suspended 3 days without warning for something as ridiculous as “This isn’t Africa, you don’t adopt black kids.”
Check reddit, I didn’t make this up.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Saphira.2169
i’ll tell to my guildmate to create a support account..and thx for the answer
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Vic.1754
I was banned today as well for saying EDIT TO REMOVE OFFENSIVE COMMENT
Yead, did you really think it was ok to say what you said? Please don’t post it again.
I absolutely think it was perfectly fine what I said. The rules for this game are extremely strict and for reasons I will never understand, clearly. A 3-day ban for a word that most people use daily? How about a warning? How about a 4 hour ban that progressively gets extended as offenses occur? or how about you just let me play the game I spent $60 on? It makes me not want to buy your games in the future if I am going to get such a severe penalty for something so ridiculous.
I love playing your game. You guys did a fantastic job making it and I love all the free content. But when it comes to your Rules and suspension system you guys fail miserably and you are turning away paying customers. This incident and the way I’ve been treated over it will stick with me and it will be a deciding factor the next time I consider purchasing anything from your company.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Kenage Achalarus.4276
I don’t know why my forum was moved to Complaints about Suspensions [merged] the problem is my friends account wasn’t suspended it was terminated. anyways my friend has submitted a ticked including his game code to tell them that yes this is me.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Fanum.6598
I was banned today as well for saying EDIT TO REMOVE OFFENSIVE COMMENT
Yead, did you really think it was ok to say what you said? Please don’t post it again.
I absolutely think it was perfectly fine what I said. The rules for this game are extremely strict and for reasons I will never understand, clearly. A 3-day ban for a word that most people use daily? How about a warning? How about a 4 hour ban that progressively gets extended as offenses occur? or how about you just let me play the game I spent $60 on? It makes me not want to buy your games in the future if I am going to get such a severe penalty for something so ridiculous.
I love playing your game. You guys did a fantastic job making it and I love all the free content. But when it comes to your Rules and suspension system you guys fail miserably and you are turning away paying customers. This incident and the way I’ve been treated over it will stick with me and it will be a deciding factor the next time I consider purchasing anything from your company.
Yeah great game. Just don’t count on the customer service to have your back even if you are being treated like kitten from the people banning you.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Monkines.5829
Just my opinion on this suspension/banning system.
It seems to me that the current system fills the illusion that a strict system will force people to be happy and gentle with others… like a “happiness dictatorship”.
It will not work at all.
As it is, i think this system may lead to 2 things :
-lots of players will be reporting other players more and more as they have been reported themselves and learn how it is used. Then leading people to auto-control themselves like devs want to. But also leading to abuse of it… so many reportings will lead to less investigation and more automatic suspensions… so leading to more reporting.
-people may stop interact with others they do not know (pugs, maps) being afraid of being reported for saying yes or saying no. what a community !
This is really far from a real players community in the future.
A lot of people and young ones are going to abuse reporting other players (because “it’s so easy” and smart and funny and because devs really give account suspensions only for “talking faults” and not behavior ones… ).
You may be suspended by a young that you call “noob” in pug because he does play lonely without listening the others on the tactics, and above all because he reports you for that. But he will not get suspended as he quits fractal group as the instance owner last stage wasting 1 hour of playing for the other 4 players there that cannot finish the run. Why ? because you even not know how to report that and no matter he reported you before. True story.
Sorry if my english is difficult to read as i am not fluent in this language.
I would like to quote Ishochinhwa.1648 that has some examples of what is going to fail in near future with this system (too easy to abuse it so many people is going to abuse it) :
there is so many loophole to this 3 days suspension I can already think of.
1) What reference does Anet support staff use to clearly distinguish the context of the situation. E.g. in your case, what if the other guy is really trolling and wiping and wasting your time just to get you suspended?
2) Is offensive word a clear indication of inappropriate language? So if somehow I managed to make someone send me a message to spell out offensive word, is that considered inappropriate?
3) If I managed to masked my insult behind sarcasm or use a different (non-English) offensive word and ask someone to look up the meaning is it considered an inappropriate language?
4) If I lashed out at someone and then realized that oh I actually clicked the wrong person and send the message by mistake. Does a simple statement at the end “I’m sorry, I thought I’m sending this message to a close friend as a joke?” serve as a cheap method of dishing insult and then putting in the phrase just to appear in the chat log as a ‘mistake’ oops.
5) WvWvW enemy guild members mass report some poor player from opponent
6) Taunting other players through other means “emote, body language, or currently playing offensive choir bell song?”
7) throwing insult to other player just to get them to insult you back but if you report them first, who gets banned?
There is so many grey area in this matter and it’s ridiculous that such a ‘heavy punishment’ is given out according to the Anet after ‘heavy review and consideration’ when they can’t even give us the chat log and explaining the logic behind their ‘heavy review and consideration’. Yeah right then I’m just going to insult a player and then end it with ‘oops, my bad I’m sorry I thought I was messaging my little brother sooo sorry’.
Anet moral police = fail.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Morian.2031
I really don’t get what all the QQing is about.
I can’t believe that there are people who argue ‘but we didn’t read the ToS or CoC or whatever and didn’t knoooooow’. You’re SUPPOSED to read the ToS and CoC before you click the little “I agree” button, and THEN, after you read through what the document says, you click on the ‘I agree’ button ONLY if you do, in fact, agree. If you didn’t read it, or said you agreed but you didn’t actually think that what was said was fair or agreeable, you really don’t have space for complaint here since it means that you either lied about reading the documents you said you read and agreed to or you lied about agreeing with the terms set forth in those documents.
The rules are strict, yes, but they are clear and easy to obey – and the very fact that they are so strict means that people who would normally stay away from MMORPGs because of the notorious meanness and rudeness of the gamers are attracted to this game and willing to take a chance.
You purchased the game, yes, but that doesn’t mean that you dictate the rules and stuff just because you flashed some money around. The hosts set the rules, whether you’re dining in a restaurant (that you also pay for and which also has these “strict” rules of language and stuff – do you think you can yell whatever you want into a crowded restaurant and NOT be asked to leave?), watching a movie at the cinema (which you also pay for and which also has “strict” rules) or an online game like GW2. This is true especially given that their current model is working out really, really well and is changing the face of online gaming for the better (well, for the better for most people, for those who want to be mean and rude and able to curse up a storm and belittle and bully other players, I guess it’s not an improvement for them – which is a feature, not a bug).
If you are suspended and you don’t agree with how strict the rule was applied, well, consider it a lesson learned about how one conducts oneself in society and strive to do better. Then when your ban is over, consider not saying stuff out loud where everyone can ‘hear’ (read) that you wouldn’t (or maybe rather shouldn’t) say with your mom, grandmom, little sister, boss or any number of random influential people who know you in your life present.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Synforce.7351
You obviously didn’t read that some people got suspended for a simple ‘no’ or ‘yes’ which has nothing to do with Anet’s policy being strict or fair. It’s just silly.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751
You obviously didn’t read that some people got suspended for a simple ‘no’ or ‘yes’ which has nothing to do with Anet’s policy being strict or fair. It’s just silly.
I did not read that anywhere, and would not believe it for a minute even if I did. For one thing, you are not told what it was you said that got you the suspension, so anyone saying it was because they said yes or no is either taking a wild guess or “making it up”. For another reason, do you REALLY expect anyone to believe that a support tech would suspend an account for typing either yes or no in to the chat filter?
In your own words, “it’s just silly”.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: bemo.3982
hello, i know its wrong but i used that very same name -the one i got banned for- many times so i thought its ok, i made like 3 chars with that name just to try classes for pvp and stuff
and last night i made another one and i got banned =S
my friend used offensive names all the time so i made the char with that name knowing that even if u will soon consider it offensive u will just make me rename it like u did to my friend over and over again -like 2-3 times at least-
so why would i get banned in the first time? why not a warning? and i know that your team doesnt have enough time to track every single character but still i dont see that its fair that some people get many chances before ban and others get banned for 3 days in their first mistake =[
and thanks alot for your consideration
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Morian.2031
As it is, i think this system may lead to 2 things :
-lots of players will be reporting other players more and more as they have been reported themselves and learn how it is used. Then leading people to auto-control themselves like devs want to. But also leading to abuse of it… so many reportings will lead to less investigation and more automatic suspensions… so leading to more reporting.
Unless and until that actually happens, it’s no use trying forward-police it. If it does become an issue for the support techs, they’ll handle it.
-people may stop interact with others they do not know (pugs, maps) being afraid of being reported for saying yes or saying no. what a community !
This makes no sense. We all KNOW exactly where the lines are, and if we don’t we can take the suspensions as a way to learn. The fact that many people don’t AGREE with where the lines are is not the same as the fact that people do, in fact KNOW where the lines are. If you wouldn’t shout it on a crowded street where your parents, grandparents, little siblings, boss or co-workers could be walking at any time and make you suffer real life consequences, just don’t say it. It’s that simple.
This is really far from a real players community in the future.
Once again, this is untrue. For too long the trolls and abusers and bullies have dominated online gaming, driving too many people away and making gaming an even more isolated thing with an even greater stigma. I, for one, am tired of being associated with that and I fully support Arena Net’s steps to make a community where people can have fun and game, hardcore game even, without having to suffer abuse or having to abuse others for the e-credits as if it’s part of the game.
A lot of people and young ones are going to abuse reporting other players (because “it’s so easy” and smart and funny and because devs really give account suspensions only for “talking faults” and not behavior ones… ).
And since each report goes FIRST on investigation, that’s not actually a problem. I’m sure the PTB are able to communicate with abusers of the system or apply consequences to them.
You may be suspended by a young that you call “noob” in pug because he does play lonely without listening the others on the tactics, and above all because he reports you for that.
What gives you the right to call him anything? Why MUST you abuse him? Why not just leave him alone? If he’s not listening to tacticts or playing alone or whatever, leave him be and continue onwards. The game is set up so that it can work that way – you don’t HAVE to coddle players whose style isn’t like yours BUT you don’t get to abuse them either. Just leave him be.
But he will not get suspended as he quits fractal group as the instance owner last stage wasting 1 hour of playing for the other 4 players there that cannot finish the run. Why ? because you even not know how to report that and no matter he reported you before. True story.
No lies, but I would quit a group that abused me/allowed me to be abused (or “called names”, or whatever you want to call it) too. Why should he be punished because you treated him poorly and he got tired of bearing it?
I would like to quote Ishochinhwa.1648 that has some examples of what is going to fail in near future with this system (too easy to abuse it so many people is going to abuse it) :
I’ll stop this post here. To be continued, 1/2.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Morian.2031
there is so many loophole to this 3 days suspension I can already think of.
1) What reference does Anet support staff use to clearly distinguish the context of the situation. E.g. in your case, what if the other guy is really trolling and wiping and wasting your time just to get you suspended?
[/quote] Then don’t raise to the bait, like a mature human being. Block/ignore the player if you must, but no one can MAKE you say mean things. And if you do slip and type the words before you can engage the filter (which happens to the best of us!), take it as a learning opportunity and try to do better. Don’t make an issue and QQ over the support forums that the standards of civilized society, which is what’s being applied here, are too strict because you can no longer abuse anyone for any perceived infarction without suffering any consequences.
2) Is offensive word a clear indication of inappropriate language? So if somehow I managed to make someone send me a message to spell out offensive word, is that considered inappropriate?
I don’t understand what’s meant with this. Can you get some young kid to say a rude word that they didn’t know was rude to you? Yes, you can, and that’s inappropriate and the kid will learn that yes, this is a rude word, we don’t say that and won’t fall for it again after their ban.
3) If I managed to masked my insult behind sarcasm or use a different (non-English) offensive word and ask someone to look up the meaning is it considered an inappropriate language?
I’d go with a yes on that.
4) If I lashed out at someone and then realized that oh I actually clicked the wrong person and send the message by mistake. Does a simple statement at the end “I’m sorry, I thought I’m sending this message to a close friend as a joke?” serve as a cheap method of dishing insult and then putting in the phrase just to appear in the chat log as a ‘mistake’ oops.
Since you shouldn’t be “lashing out” at anyone in the first place, I’d say the point is moot. Saying “lol j/k” doesn’t automagically make stuff like “lashing out” allright.
5) WvWvW enemy guild members mass report some poor player from opponent
And support will investigate and find out what happened.
6) Taunting other players through other means “emote, body language, or currently playing offensive choir bell song?”
They’re free to ask you to stop ignore you if you become too irritating I suppose, but if it’s an emote and written into the game, I’d say it’s OK.
7) throwing insult to other player just to get them to insult you back but if you report them first, who gets banned?
I’d say both? You don’t HAVE to insult anyone, even if they insult you. Report them, block them and move on.
Anet moral police = fail.
You’ve demonstrated quite the opposite, actually.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Monkines.5829
@Morian : i am not trying to convince you at all. You trust that the policy in place leads to a good community and i trust the opposite. Don’t say for me what i am not saying.
I am not trying to defend people that insult others as you seem to say. I am not insulting anyone in game and i don’t like harsh/rude talking myself.
I just say, abusing is not only “offensive talking” or via “chatting” alone. It seems that only these types are adressed at the moment. Because these are the only ones that give traces in log ?
There are a lot of ways that someone else can abuse you and degrade your playing experience but will never be punished…… so they will increase. I would not take examples not to give ideas to abusers.
Reporting others itself may become a way of abusing others…
Behaviors are not so easy to control and too much strict/automatic systems (only for productivity… not for anything else) leads to unexpected behaviors that are often worse than those which are fighted.
As a lot people is saying : level of offensiveness is different from one country to another and from one person to another… now with this system we are going to the lesser level of tolerance.
So all this is just a “make-up” to be “different”. But difference does not mean better in the long run to create a good community with people communicating with each other with some freedom. I think that this will lead to more hypocrisy between players, other abusing behaviors than talking ones etc… But you know ? i don’t mind… let’s have Anet try this policy we will see and have the community they dreamed let’s go on the long run ^^
(i quote someone : “is the game turning into a point where no player wants to disagree with a player in map chat in case they get reported by someone either having a bad day or just too click happy and end up with a 72 hour ban for getting misconstrued?”)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Umaxer.5862
Pff people why you write here and complain about Anet ? It doesnt have sense they dont do their jobs and they wont do their jobs. Squad of trained monkeys are work better and more quickly like them. But in bullying players with bans for nothing are experts.
(edited by Umaxer.5862)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Synforce.7351
I did not read that anywhere, and would not believe it for a minute even if I did. For one thing, you are not told what it was you said that got you the suspension, so anyone saying it was because they said yes or no is either taking a wild guess or “making it up”. For another reason, do you REALLY expect anyone to believe that a support tech would suspend an account for typing either yes or no in to the chat filter?
In your own words, “it’s just silly”.
I got banned for no reason at all, not using any offensive language or anything, so yes I do believe others who say the same. And other than that the only silly thing is your ignorance. Why are you posting here when you don’t believe any of it anyway. And reread the posts because people did get banned for saying something as yes/no as a reply to someone else.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751
I did not read that anywhere, and would not believe it for a minute even if I did. For one thing, you are not told what it was you said that got you the suspension, so anyone saying it was because they said yes or no is either taking a wild guess or “making it up”. For another reason, do you REALLY expect anyone to believe that a support tech would suspend an account for typing either yes or no in to the chat filter?
In your own words, “it’s just silly”.I got banned for no reason at all, not using any offensive language or anything, so yes I do believe others who say the same. And other than that the only silly thing is your ignorance. Why are you posting here when you don’t believe any of it anyway. And reread the posts because people did get banned for saying something as yes/no as a reply to someone else.
No one is ever banned/suspended for “no reason at all”. There is ALWAYS a reason.
The reason could be correct, a mistake, or otherwise, but there is always a reason.
Now name calling shows why you got banned as that is not the way to have a discussion. If you do that in game, it’s no wonder you where banned. You claim players where banned for typing yes or no, can you prove that? How would a player know what they typed that led to the ban if support does not tell them? Are these players able to access information from support that the rest of us are unable to see? Did support give them information that they give no one else? How do they know that typing yes or no in chat led to a ban? It’s very easy to say you where banned for saying yes, but they MUST have some proof of that if they are able to claim it.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Synforce.7351
[/quote]No one is ever banned/suspended for “no reason at all”. There is ALWAYS a reason.
The reason could be correct, a mistake, or otherwise, but there is always a reason.
Now name calling shows why you got banned as that is not the way to have a discussion. If you do that in game, it’s no wonder you where banned. You claim players where banned for typing yes or no, can you prove that? How would a player know what they typed that led to the ban if support does not tell them? Are these players able to access information from support that the rest of us are unable to see? Did support give them information that they give no one else? How do they know that typing yes or no in chat led to a ban? It’s very easy to say you where banned for saying yes, but they MUST have some proof of that if they are able to claim it.[/quote]
Saying someone’s mind on something is silly isn’t name calling. If they posted that they got banned for a reply (the only thing they said during the entire conversation that was going on) which was yes or no, then I believe it yes. I wonder though why you refuse to believe it, can you proof that it’s not that reason that got them banned? On what ground are you saying that, my proof is their comment, where is yours? Also I believe Anet is working with an automated program that when receiving a report from someone, it looks up the entire chat log, and suspends the account if there was 1 bad word in that chat log, even if it wasn’t coming from the reported person, but only he got reported , therefore.
We seem to not agree on this, so we might aswell keep it to ourselves and hope for a positive outcome in the future.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751
No one is ever banned/suspended for “no reason at all”. There is ALWAYS a reason.
The reason could be correct, a mistake, or otherwise, but there is always a reason.
Now name calling shows why you got banned as that is not the way to have a discussion. If you do that in game, it’s no wonder you where banned. You claim players where banned for typing yes or no, can you prove that? How would a player know what they typed that led to the ban if support does not tell them? Are these players able to access information from support that the rest of us are unable to see? Did support give them information that they give no one else? How do they know that typing yes or no in chat led to a ban? It’s very easy to say you where banned for saying yes, but they MUST have some proof of that if they are able to claim it.[/quote]
Saying someone’s mind on something is silly isn’t name calling. If they posted that they got banned for a reply (the only thing they said during the entire conversation that was going on) which was yes or no, then I believe it yes. I wonder though why you refuse to believe it, can you proof that it’s not that reason that got them banned? On what ground are you saying that, my proof is their comment, where is yours? Also I believe Anet is working with an automated program that when receiving a report from someone, it looks up the entire chat log, and suspends the account if there was 1 bad word in that chat log, even if it wasn’t coming from the reported person, but only he got reported , therefore.
We seem to not agree on this, so we might aswell keep it to ourselves and hope for a positive outcome in the future.[/quote]
Youi did not say silly, you called me ignorent. That is slander, rude, and uncalled for. THAT is why you most likely got your account banned and believe you did nothing wrong if you are unable to tell the differance between being civil and being rude.
Anet has stated many time they do not do automated banning. So either they are out right lying to the entire player base, or you are mistaken. I “believe” you are mistaken.
Again, how do these players know what was said that they got banned for? How do they know what conversation? A ban can happen hours or days after the event that gets you banned. Did anet tell them something that no one else seems to know? You have dodged answering this question several times, is it that you have no answer or something else? Some players seem to be under the misconception that when they are banned/suspended, it was for what they where doing “at that moment” when that is not the case at all. I have seen it many times, “all I was doing was playing with my friends in the dungeon and I got suspended, I was not even in chat”. No, they where not in chat, but they WHERE in chat 3 days earlier when they called someone a nasty name. Do you see how that works?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Michael.4791
There were complaints that other methods of abusing will not get punished. I don’t believe that either.
If you can give evidence Anet will act on any foul behaviour. And that is as it should be. Nobody can be punished if there is no evidence.
Another question raised: why is player XYZ not been punished because he has been worse than me?
First, that is not wiping away your mistake. You have been receiving a penalty for your mistakes.
Second, he has not been reported yet. But sooner or later he will be (maybe you’ll do it?) and then he is getting what he deserves.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: techmaturgy.9576
i want to see the reason of my suspension. it’s probably for a nick but its not offensive at all, its just name of saint person. can you just delete it and let me play? i did not deserved for over 50 hours of suspension, i play this game everyday since its been released and achieved much in it.
i deserved something more than instant block.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: bemo.3982
cmon seriously? the block will go on for 50 more hours? its only a name that can be changed =S
are you just helping people to quit the game????
i go to work everyday not a single day off and i like to play guild wars for a couple of hours before i go to bed so now i wont be able to do anything for 50 more hours? come on now its not needed to block an account for 3 days just cause the name was offending this isnt fair =[
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Synforce.7351
No one is ever banned/suspended for “no reason at all”. There is ALWAYS a reason.
The reason could be correct, a mistake, or otherwise, but there is always a reason.
Now name calling shows why you got banned as that is not the way to have a discussion. If you do that in game, it’s no wonder you where banned. You claim players where banned for typing yes or no, can you prove that? How would a player know what they typed that led to the ban if support does not tell them? Are these players able to access information from support that the rest of us are unable to see? Did support give them information that they give no one else? How do they know that typing yes or no in chat led to a ban? It’s very easy to say you where banned for saying yes, but they MUST have some proof of that if they are able to claim it.
Saying someone’s mind on something is silly isn’t name calling. If they posted that they got banned for a reply (the only thing they said during the entire conversation that was going on) which was yes or no, then I believe it yes. I wonder though why you refuse to believe it, can you proof that it’s not that reason that got them banned? On what ground are you saying that, my proof is their comment, where is yours? Also I believe Anet is working with an automated program that when receiving a report from someone, it looks up the entire chat log, and suspends the account if there was 1 bad word in that chat log, even if it wasn’t coming from the reported person, but only he got reported , therefore.
We seem to not agree on this, so we might aswell keep it to ourselves and hope for a positive outcome in the future.[/quote]
Youi did not say silly, you called me ignorent. That is slander, rude, and uncalled for. THAT is why you most likely got your account banned and believe you did nothing wrong if you are unable to tell the differance between being civil and being rude.
Anet has stated many time they do not do automated banning. So either they are out right lying to the entire player base, or you are mistaken. I “believe” you are mistaken.
Again, how do these players know what was said that they got banned for? How do they know what conversation? A ban can happen hours or days after the event that gets you banned. Did anet tell them something that no one else seems to know? You have dodged answering this question several times, is it that you have no answer or something else? Some players seem to be under the misconception that when they are banned/suspended, it was for what they where doing “at that moment” when that is not the case at all. I have seen it many times, “all I was doing was playing with my friends in the dungeon and I got suspended, I was not even in chat”. No, they where not in chat, but they WHERE in chat 3 days earlier when they called someone a nasty name. Do you see how that works?[/quote]
Refusing to believe a fact is seen as being ignorant, it’s like refusing to believe 2+2=4 . Which again, was no insult, but a fact. And you keep on provoking me by doing so which led to calling you ignorant. I’ve never met anyone ingame acting like you are in your comments. It’s provocitive behavior like that which should be punished with suspension rather than innocent people.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Michael.4791
The word of some player is no fact. The chatlog is. In any official remarks there was a reference to chatlogs. So I BELIEVE that Anet has sufficient evidence. At the same time it was stated that humans do the decisions on suspensions for chatting bad and bad names. It is natural that humans can make mistakes (more than machines can do), so there is a way to ask for a review.
I’ll never ever believe somebody (for good or bad) who is posting on the forums. I have no information or facts and I don’t know those people (even if I would know them, I would not take sides). So I’m never in favour for or against anybody here. I simply try to get the facts to them, that might be helpful for a solution or a review. That’s all.
What I hate is the unfounded rumours and false accusations of “victims” that are ranting against Anet. Especially if you can clearly see, that those people don’t seem to deserve some help because they ARE bad and they simply don’t get it.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Aiden.6209
I think the general consensus for players Gaile, or whichever mod may be viewing this currently;
1. not every player knows your CoC back to front as you do.
2. people make mistakes when the first create accounts such as creating incorrect names – perhaps a word filter at character select would help them so they don’t have to spend 72 hours banned after their first hour of gameplay.
3. what is rude in one country is not rude in others (how can we know this) i.e. fanny is an american term for your gluticus maximus but over here in ireland it means a womans genitalia.
4. why is there no warnings? why jump straight to bans? surely you can follow how many infractions an account has, why is there not some lee-way here for first time offenders or wrongly reported people.
5. which brings me to the point of – it feels as if bans/chat logs are not looked over correctly, from reading above and in other threads it looks like they are just skimmed over or automated so a program picks up a curse word in your database and finds the user who typed and just auto bans them. where is the human touch gone?
6. it really does seem as if mods are trigger happy when it comes to game/forum moderations.
7. is the game turning into a point where no player wants to disagree with a player in map chat in case they get reported by someone either having a bad day or just too click happy and end up with a 72 hour ban for getting misconstrued?
8. a little off topic but surely this thread in itself is open to abuse? i mean, i don’t understand why it was created, no offense.
Really agree with you here, especially on point 4, give some warnings, jumping straight into bans often makes necessary avoidable tickets. For the permanent bannable offences like buying gold especially, you should give a warning with a 1 week ban or something like that. I’m not for buying gold at all but doing something like that would be a lot lighter on the many people who seem to have been unfairly banned as of very recently (sorry it’s around Christmas guise :<)
People make mistakes while making new characters when playing game’s like this, you should be abit for fair to new players 72 hours bans will not make them want to return.
I’ve had great experiences with Arena net’s support team, they have sorted out a lot of problems for me but i don’t like what they are doing with banning people, i mean 1 of my friend sent me 10 gold the other day, am i just waiting for a perma ban :/? (same for him)
Hate to bring WoW into the equation as i highly prefer guild wars 2 at the moment but with their banning system they rarely permanent ban, i mean have you seen trade chat in that game?, there is swearing all over the place, nobody gets banned even if they are reported, i sort of agree with that as long as its not racism, or anything harsh to someone personally, but people shouldn’t be banned at all for swearing, that’s why there is a language filter.
And i honestly think that the true problem is permanent bans for nothing in a lot of cases, you need to realize how much time people put into their accounts, and wake up to the sight of a permanent ban, which would be absolutely devastated especially around this Christmas season like i said. If they haven’t done anything they will get their accounts back but why should they have to go a week without game time because they traded gold with a friend, the game has been out a while now, so people have earned and are trading a lot of gold, and i feel like guild wars has one of the best communities so i can see why there is a lot of sharing especially with friends and guild mates. And they are getting permanent bans when they are actually the nice guys of the game, it’s abit depressing and i hope some altercations are made.
Other than banning customer support is very good and kudos to all the people doing support for guild wars 2, i realize you are just doing your jobs. But with the rules like they are it seems a lot of people’s Christmas’s are being ruined because of gold trading.
But honestly just listen to the quotes 8 points, they all speak massive truth’s.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Avien.8036
You obviously didn’t read that some people got suspended for a simple ‘no’ or ‘yes’ which has nothing to do with Anet’s policy being strict or fair. It’s just silly.
I did not read that anywhere, and would not believe it for a minute even if I did. For one thing, you are not told what it was you said that got you the suspension, so anyone saying it was because they said yes or no is either taking a wild guess or “making it up”. For another reason, do you REALLY expect anyone to believe that a support tech would suspend an account for typing either yes or no in to the chat filter?
In your own words, “it’s just silly”.
Go dig up reddit. There was a player who was wrongfully banned because he quoted the offensive phrase and said ‘reported’. You would think that every report is ‘heavily reviewed and considered by more than one person. Yeah right. When they made a mistake ’oops, sorry my bad’. Yeah right.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: archive.9073
I think account suspensions for verbal reasons is unfair because there is a PROFANITY FILTER. You can turn it off/on and choose whether or not you want to hear it.. Why are you banning people for this when you have a system in place that prevents the people who can’t handle the “verbal abuse” from ever seeing it?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Avien.8036
there is so many loophole to this 3 days suspension I can already think of.
1) What reference does Anet support staff use to clearly distinguish the context of the situation. E.g. in your case, what if the other guy is really trolling and wiping and wasting your time just to get you suspended?
Then don’t raise to the bait, like a mature human being. Block/ignore the player if you must, but no one can MAKE you say mean things. And if you do slip and type the words before you can engage the filter (which happens to the best of us!), take it as a learning opportunity and try to do better. Don’t make an issue and QQ over the support forums that the standards of civilized society, which is what’s being applied here, are too strict because you can no longer abuse anyone for any perceived infarction without suffering any consequences.
2) Is offensive word a clear indication of inappropriate language? So if somehow I managed to make someone send me a message to spell out offensive word, is that considered inappropriate?
I don’t understand what’s meant with this. Can you get some young kid to say a rude word that they didn’t know was rude to you? Yes, you can, and that’s inappropriate and the kid will learn that yes, this is a rude word, we don’t say that and won’t fall for it again after their ban.
3) If I managed to masked my insult behind sarcasm or use a different (non-English) offensive word and ask someone to look up the meaning is it considered an inappropriate language?
I’d go with a yes on that.
4) If I lashed out at someone and then realized that oh I actually clicked the wrong person and send the message by mistake. Does a simple statement at the end “I’m sorry, I thought I’m sending this message to a close friend as a joke?” serve as a cheap method of dishing insult and then putting in the phrase just to appear in the chat log as a ‘mistake’ oops.
Since you shouldn’t be “lashing out” at anyone in the first place, I’d say the point is moot. Saying “lol j/k” doesn’t automagically make stuff like “lashing out” allright.
5) WvWvW enemy guild members mass report some poor player from opponent
And support will investigate and find out what happened.
6) Taunting other players through other means “emote, body language, or currently playing offensive choir bell song?”
They’re free to ask you to stop ignore you if you become too irritating I suppose, but if it’s an emote and written into the game, I’d say it’s OK.
7) throwing insult to other player just to get them to insult you back but if you report them first, who gets banned?
I’d say both? You don’t HAVE to insult anyone, even if they insult you. Report them, block them and move on.
Anet moral police = fail.
You’ve demonstrated quite the opposite, actually.[/quote]
Reported. Blocked.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Morian.2031
The mods have explained repeatedly, just in the little while I’ve browsed this particular forum
a.) Why they don’t give warnings
b.) Why the profanity filter is not an excuse to use foul and inappropriate language (and not all abuse involve cursing/swearing, so it won’t necessarily be caught by the profanity filter)
c.) Where the boundary is and how important it is to obey said boundary.
The fact that some people don’t agree with where the boundary is or how it is enforced is not the moderation/support team’s battle.
Go dig up reddit. There was a player who was wrongfully banned because he quoted the offensive phrase and said ‘reported’. You would think that every report is ‘heavily reviewed and considered by more than one person. Yeah right. When they made a mistake ’oops, sorry my bad’. Yeah right.
And is it your experience that everyone always tells the truth, the whole complete truth and nothing but the truth when they talk about things they could have done that might have led to a banning and could put them in a slightly negative light? Especially on reddit? Because my experience says the exact opposite.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Michael.4791
The suspension is the warning. If they learn from it, ok. If not, they’ll receive more of the same kind.
Reddit is a place where people are ranting. It is not the place to look for the truth. Anet’s people have their proof. That’s all I need to know. Reddit or players stories here – I don’t necessarily believe anything told. I wouldn’t even believe anything what a friend would be telling me. Not many people accept the blame. Anyone who does – is getting my praise for it. They are brave and honest – to others and themselves. Most people whining and accusing Anet are of a different kind. Anet makes the rules: take it or go!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Cover Girl.2580
why is the first punishment given a 72 hour ban? does anyone else see this as overly excessive? why not start with a verbal warning (despite it being in the eula, the eula is vague and broad as shown in this thread already) or a 24 hour ban then moving up. players who are banned are not told what they are banned for.. just the standard, language or gold selling or toon name… but NO further details. how can we correct behavior if we don;t know what it was we got in trouble for to start with
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751
You obviously didn’t read that some people got suspended for a simple ‘no’ or ‘yes’ which has nothing to do with Anet’s policy being strict or fair. It’s just silly.
I did not read that anywhere, and would not believe it for a minute even if I did. For one thing, you are not told what it was you said that got you the suspension, so anyone saying it was because they said yes or no is either taking a wild guess or “making it up”. For another reason, do you REALLY expect anyone to believe that a support tech would suspend an account for typing either yes or no in to the chat filter?
In your own words, “it’s just silly”.Go dig up reddit. There was a player who was wrongfully banned because he quoted the offensive phrase and said ‘reported’. You would think that every report is ‘heavily reviewed and considered by more than one person. Yeah right. When they made a mistake ’oops, sorry my bad’. Yeah right.
Reddit? seriously?
As far as using that site to gauage support in any game, you would be better off asking some stranger on the street. People on the internet lie. When they are upset with a company because they did something wrong and got caught, they lie even more.
A post by some nameless person on a website is not proof of anything other then the person making the post knows how to use a computer. As to your example, a player quoated a phrase he was reporting? so he KNEW it was offensive, and he reposted it AGAIN? Rightful ban! He should have known better. Reposting the phrase and then saying reported was stupid beyond belief. Why would anyone even do that? What purpose does it serve? Even posting the word reported is just trying to get start something with the person reported. You report them, then move on. Simple as that.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751
why is the first punishment given a 72 hour ban? does anyone else see this as overly excessive? why not start with a verbal warning (despite it being in the eula, the eula is vague and broad as shown in this thread already) or a 24 hour ban then moving up. players who are banned are not told what they are banned for.. just the standard, language or gold selling or toon name… but NO further details. how can we correct behavior if we don;t know what it was we got in trouble for to start with
They have already stated that warnings have proven to be nothing but resource wasters as the players then want to argue about the warning. I do agree that 72 hours for a first offense does seem a bit excessive, especially for a name violation.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Avien.8036
You obviously didn’t read that some people got suspended for a simple ‘no’ or ‘yes’ which has nothing to do with Anet’s policy being strict or fair. It’s just silly.
I did not read that anywhere, and would not believe it for a minute even if I did. For one thing, you are not told what it was you said that got you the suspension, so anyone saying it was because they said yes or no is either taking a wild guess or “making it up”. For another reason, do you REALLY expect anyone to believe that a support tech would suspend an account for typing either yes or no in to the chat filter?
In your own words, “it’s just silly”.Go dig up reddit. There was a player who was wrongfully banned because he quoted the offensive phrase and said ‘reported’. You would think that every report is ‘heavily reviewed and considered by more than one person. Yeah right. When they made a mistake ’oops, sorry my bad’. Yeah right.
Reddit? seriously?
As far as using that site to gauage support in any game, you would be better off asking some stranger on the street. People on the internet lie. When they are upset with a company because they did something wrong and got caught, they lie even more.
A post by some nameless person on a website is not proof of anything other then the person making the post knows how to use a computer. As to your example, a player quoated a phrase he was reporting? so he KNEW it was offensive, and he reposted it AGAIN? Rightful ban! He should have known better. Reposting the phrase and then saying reported was stupid beyond belief. Why would anyone even do that? What purpose does it serve? Even posting the word reported is just trying to get start something with the person reported. You report them, then move on. Simple as that.
You are one of those clueless people. Anet created an account in reddit to answer allegation that players were wrongfully suspended. It’s an official Anet support team responding on Reddit to players who ask them to check why they were suspended/banned for. Those phrases were posted by official Anet. I suppose when you say “People on the internet lie” that includes especially you and the responses we get from Anet most of the time. It must be all lies, like you so rightfully put it.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: techmaturgy.9576
hey i posted here to see admin answer not some randoms. why admin made this topic?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Morian.2031
You obviously didn’t read that some people got suspended for a simple ‘no’ or ‘yes’ which has nothing to do with Anet’s policy being strict or fair. It’s just silly.
I did not read that anywhere, and would not believe it for a minute even if I did. For one thing, you are not told what it was you said that got you the suspension, so anyone saying it was because they said yes or no is either taking a wild guess or “making it up”. For another reason, do you REALLY expect anyone to believe that a support tech would suspend an account for typing either yes or no in to the chat filter?
In your own words, “it’s just silly”.Go dig up reddit. There was a player who was wrongfully banned because he quoted the offensive phrase and said ‘reported’. You would think that every report is ‘heavily reviewed and considered by more than one person. Yeah right. When they made a mistake ’oops, sorry my bad’. Yeah right.
Reddit? seriously?
As far as using that site to gauage support in any game, you would be better off asking some stranger on the street. People on the internet lie. When they are upset with a company because they did something wrong and got caught, they lie even more.
A post by some nameless person on a website is not proof of anything other then the person making the post knows how to use a computer. As to your example, a player quoated a phrase he was reporting? so he KNEW it was offensive, and he reposted it AGAIN? Rightful ban! He should have known better. Reposting the phrase and then saying reported was stupid beyond belief. Why would anyone even do that? What purpose does it serve? Even posting the word reported is just trying to get start something with the person reported. You report them, then move on. Simple as that.You are one of those clueless people. Anet created an account in reddit to answer allegation that players were wrongfully suspended. It’s an official Anet support team responding on Reddit to players who ask them to check why they were suspended/banned for. Those phrases were posted by official Anet. I suppose when you say “People on the internet lie” that includes especially you and the responses we get from Anet most of the time. It must be all lies, like you so rightfully put it.
Care to share the link, in that case?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: archive.9073
Rand — I understand. The “warning” comes through the Rules of Conduct and the User Agreement, but I’ll certainly grant you that no everyone reads those.
I will say that the chat was reported, and although I haven’t pulled the data, I suspect it was reported more than once. Thanks for acknowledging the chat was not so good. I’ll share your suggestions with the team.
Seriously a 72 hour ban is extreme for a user’s first infraction, 24 hours without a proper warning has the same effect. Calling your “terms of agreement” a warning is a joke since even you said not everyone reads them.
If most people haven’t read them and don’t feel “warned” about the consequences of their actions do you really think it’s fair to just issue issue a 72 hour ban so nonchalantly? Extreme, 24 hour bans send the same message. 72 hours is just annoying for such a minor infraction, it seems like a punishment for a more serious offense.
Also, thanks for banning people that stand up for themselves in pvp and respond to people who start insulting first. I really appreciated going on my brothers account and finding out the guy who started the argument was not banned but I was.
It makes perfect sense. Anyways, thank you Anet, you failed again. I honestly don’t know why I play this game anymore. The entire community is focused on PvE, what a joke.. PvE content is so blasé, I guess that’s why 90% of the people I started the game with have quit. Looks like it’s time to move on, this game has gotten so stale.
(edited by archive.9073)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: bomchi.1296
I am posting for my friend. He was suspended because of sending 17g to his friend that used in BLTC store. Please restore his account.
Ticket: 121228-002339 , 121228-002465
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Cover Girl.2580
Our Support Team does not enjoy blocking people, and does so only when there is a cause.
If you feel the need to complain, please confirm that to this thread.
Thanks for understanding.
moving gold from one player to another is with cause? so if I send someone in my guild gold, this is cause for permanent ban? which is happening many many times this week.
and did you mean confine? or confirm?
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