

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MysticShadow.4602


CPU: Intel Core i7 2600K @ 4.8 GHz
GPU: 2 x EVGA GTX 670 SC+ 4GB’s in SLI
RAM: 16 GB of Corsair Dominator Platinum at 1600 MHz, 9-9-9-24
nVIDIA Driver: 306.02

I have everything maxed out right now and am using Force Alternate Frame Rendering 2 in the NVIDIA Control Panel, this is the only option I’ve changed.
The game is running okay for the most part, typically around 60 FPS, though it frequently drops down to 30 or less for no apparent reason. I have VSYNC off. I should be getting easily 120 FPS (which my monitor supports) but instead can very rarely get above 60 and my GPU usage across both cards is typically 40 to 45%, barely pushing either of them.



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drakus.2719


First off, this is NOT a 32-bit OS issue. This is an all around OS issue.

I have 64-bit Windows 7 and am getting ALL the issues above. Please read through the entire thread before throwing out this is a 32-bit issue.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dozey.4690


This is my laptop I’m playin gw2:
NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M
8GB 1600 MHZ DDR3
750GB 5400 RPM
I read forum already, so I have latest beta nvidia update (with clean installation), Phsyx on Nvidia etc.
I’m playing on max resolution, 1920×1080 and vsync open.
With everything max its ~15 fps, with everything low its just 30 but its not smooth, turning around kinda freezes screen. Especially in WvWs, most of the time I can’t even see the enemy. I just press tab and attack
So is there anything I can do more than waiting for some updates?



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zaron.1687


Same thing as Drakus2719. This is a GW2 issue not a 32 bit issue. I can’t get past lvl 16 because of crashes. It crashes so often I can’t play it!!


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mightylink.3816


I’m really glad to see you guys caring about this, I been having some really weird lag sometimes that I’m sure is not because of my specs, I run bf3 and other powerful games fine but gw2 just won’t cooperate with me.

AMD Athlon II X2 3.0GHz Dual Core *A little low I know but it works fine in all my other games, runs Crysis and Skyrim maxed 60fps, BF3 ~35-45fps, WoW ~50fps.
4GB G.SKILL RAM Dual-Channeled
WD 320GB 7200RPM SATA Drive (100GB Free)
HIS Radeon HD 6770 IceQ X Turbo 1GB DX11 *Latest driver included: 12.8 64-Bit
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit Edition

DxDiag attached.


Mightylink – Norn Necromancer
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer

(edited by Mightylink.3816)


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zuelansi.4326


Operating System: Window 7 Ultimate 64 bit
CPU: Intel Core i7 870 @ 2.93GHz
GPU: EVGA GTX 660ti (2GB SLI DirectX11)
All drivers up to date (using Nvidia’s newest beta driver)

I have been in the plains of ashford for the longest time. When i first start up the game I get decent fps, 40-60 (at least enough to play steadily) and then it gradually drops until i get no more than 10-15 fps on the lowest possible settings.

I have tried just about everything to get the frame rate to improve (except for over clocking the cpu) but to no avail and I have just about given up entirely on this game.



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BlueQuell.3709


OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
CPU: Phenom II x4 955BE @ 3.6GHz OC
GPU: SAPPHIRE Radeon HD 6850 1GB 256-bit GDDR5 OC 850/1000
RAM: 12GB DDR3 1333MHz Dual Channel
Driver version: 12.8 Catalyst 12.8 CAP2 profiles
Game settings: vsync off, framelimit 60

I average 40-50 FPS in most PVE and SPVP zones. In WvW It drops to 15~ FPS or lower when siegeing anything. Changing graphics settings seems to make little to no difference.


(edited by BlueQuell.3709)


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sunzzofman.8596


Amd fx 6100 3.3 ghz 6 core cpu
8 gb ram
windows 7 64 bit
Radeon hd 4870 1 GB

Been in contact with support since the game was released trying over and over to get better fps,doing all sorts of tests like speccy,benchmarking,settings etc etc and no luck,my gpu only uses around 25-30% of my gpu load nearly all the time,so gw2 is only uses a quarter of my card.the loads drops the lowest when theres loads of characters onscreen,for example in WvW attacking a gate with 30 of us,my fps is around 10 yet the gpu load is like 20%.hope we find some way of sorting this



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Orion.6319


Windows Premium Home Edition x64
Intel Core i7, 2920 Extreme Edition
16 Gb RAM
AMD Radeon dual HD 6900M series in CrossfireX.

With this monster, provided by Alienware, I`m able to get 10 FPS on max settings. When I turn the settings to minimum I`m getting a staggering 12 FPS. Without sounding ungrateful, I`d really like to push the envelope and go for a personal best.

CPU – doing fine. No single core maxing out. Going at a steady 20% overall. Temp is fine. Up to date. Factory pre-set. Tried manually to enable all 4/8 through msconfig just to see if there were any difference.
GPU – CrossfireX enabled. Drivers and CAP are up to date. GPU one at 99% workload, GPU two at 0% workload. GPU one maxes out at login screen and stays there during login, character selection, loading and actual gaming. GPU two sits idle at 0% through login, character selection, goes up to 15% during loading, and then drops to 0% again when the game starts. Also worth noting that the PC performs flawlessly during other games and benchmarks.

I`ve tried just about everything. Enable CrossfireX, Disable CrossfireX, Enable CrossfireX, Disable CrossfireX, Uninstall/reinstall GPU, updating drivers and CAP, reverting back to previous drivers/CAP, Enable CrossfireX, Disable CrossfireX, disabled every other app, disabled ULPS, every possible tweek in both CCC and RadeonPro, wired and wireless ethernet connection. My next move will require a baseball bat and a pair of goggles. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I`ve been in contact with AN and they are currently trying to figure out what`s wrong, no luck so far. If any of you guys reading this are AN employees, I hope this can shed some light onto the issue, as I may have forgotten some details in previous correspondence.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: pabloedvardo.3058


Ok, I can officially put these CPU bound arguments to rest.

I use an i7-970, original MSRP $885, this is a 6-core 12-thread 12MB L3, LGA1366 multicore beast of Intel’s X58 era. I have never maxed this thing out doing anything other than stress testing for overclocks.

GW2 uses 21-23% CPU under load. However, it appears to only take advantage of 6 cores (each core’s 2nd thread is unused). Still, none of the threads are ever maxed to 100% usage.

I run GW2 on an Intel 520 Series 180GB SSD – no hard disk bottlenecks, whatsoever.

I have my proc OC’d from 3.2 to 3.7GHZ (4GHZ Turbo Boost) on air.

I have 24GB of Mushkin DDR3 memory in triple channel. I see approx 4.74GB total usage when in Lion’s Arch.

I use 2×670′s in SLI. These are 2GB cards (GW2 uses up to 1GB of memory during use). I run at 1440p. With a single card I can approach 90% usage. With 2 cards and SLI enabled I reach only 50-60% usage on each card. This is with FPS consistently dropping below 60.

I see massive stutter (drops to 1-11 fps) upon initial loading and turning around in a new area – seems to be a disk access or Memory to GPU memory bottleneck issue, since once I’ve swiveled around a few times, my response becomes smooth.

However, with all settings maxed (but sampling on native), I regularly drop below 60fps in most areas, especially Lion’s Arch or WvW large battles. Again, this is with 21-23% CPU usage, 50-60% GPU usage, overclocking on both enabled (tested stock @ oc same diff), and with fast disk access and sufficient memory bandwidth.

Turning shadows off completely eliminates a good chunk of slowdown, and gets me solid 60 in many more areas, but at a sacrifice of image quality.

Turning all settings down low gives me over 60 FPS quite easily, but it still dips down to 55 or so when I’m moving around in Lion’s Arch. The main difference is my GPU usage drops from 50-60% to roughly 20%.

Also, running with “prefer max performance” only accomplishes two things: increases heat dissipation and energy use of my video cards, and prevents a slight sluggish response occasionally when going from idle to high power states.

So this all reeks of an optimization issue. GW2 doesn’t seem to be taking advantage of high end hardware as well as it could, and there’s something in the pipeline that’s bottlenecking every system.

I suspect it’s a threading issue and a resource loading issue. With a fast SSD, globs of memory, SLI, and a ridiculous CPU, I should be able to have all settings maxed and have all those high res textures, models, and what not loading seamlessly on separate threads in the background without sacrificing any responsiveness in the primary rendering thread.

As it stands, with none of my components reaching 100% usage, there is a scaling issue whereas GW2 can use and load and implement very high quality resources, but is unable to process them efficiently.

I trust ANet to address it eventually, and here’s to seeing that day come

Edit: Also, driver version as of ATM is 304.79. I was using 306.02 previously with identical performance, however I was crashing occasionally and the ambient occlusion features is buggy at the moment anyways, so I downgraded to .79 for stability.


(edited by pabloedvardo.3058)


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: callaia.7948


I submitted a support ticket, having the same crash problems. In mid-game the screen freezes and I lose mouse and keyboard control and need to hard restart. Godspeed!

Edit: I forgot to mention I’m running a..
Windows 7 Service pack 1, 64bit
Dell XPS 15, i7
6gb RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M
Using latest Nvidia driver 306.02

(edited by Moderator)


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: illdeath.9617


Having the same issue. Random Freezing to where i have to cntrl+alt+delete and restart game and the out of memory crash. I am also running 32bit windows 7 and have a nvidia gtx 550 ti gpu. have been emailing support back and forth with no info im really glad to see that you guys addressed this issue and very relieved thats it isn’t on my side. here is my arenanet.log and gameadvisor test


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Marrodyn.2510


Alright, fellas. Here’s the situation:

From what I’ve been seeing, almost everyone afflicted with problems are either running 32-bit systems, or have an Nvidia GTX and/or TI card. With me, having an Nvidia 550 TI, I can play the game for about thirty minutes, and then my system freezes with the dreaded audio loop.

This has been linked to a compatibility issue with the video card drivers and Guild Wars 2, and the good guys at A-net are trying to find a solution. No ETA though, so for now, most of us GTX/TI users are outta luck for the moment.

Hopefully A-net support finds the source of the problem soon. The storyline is getting juicy!


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: illdeath.9617


Alright, fellas. Here’s the situation:

From what I’ve been seeing, almost everyone afflicted with problems are either running 32-bit systems, or have an Nvidia GTX and/or TI card. With me, having an Nvidia 550 TI, I can play the game for about thirty minutes, and then my system freezes with the dreaded audio loop.

This has been linked to a compatibility issue with the video card drivers and Guild Wars 2, and the good guys at A-net are trying to find a solution. No ETA though, so for now, most of us GTX/TI users are outta luck for the moment.

Hopefully A-net support finds the source of the problem soon. The storyline is getting juicy!

on the bright side just knowing that it is a gw2 problem and not a problem with my system is a huge relief i wont mind these issues so much now that i know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. =]


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: FearGX.4801



AMD Phenom II 965 x4 3.4 GHZ Quad Core Processor
4GB DDR3 1333mhz RAM
Gigabyte HD 6850 Overclocked Edition
Gigabyte GA-880GM-UD2H Motherboard
Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64 bit SP1
Using latest 12.8 drivers

I get around 10-18 fps anywhere anytime in game, currently unplayable. GPU uses 100% usage while playing, CPU only 30-40%.

DXDIAG below:



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: robotosis.4872


My game crashes so bad, I have to hard reset my computer. This is the only pc game in my library that I cant play.



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hanz.2195


I’ve been getting random crashes since BWE2. But I’m on story quest Critical Blowback and it crashes everytime.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Scrivener.1067


So far the only location I experience a slow down is in the black citadel, and oddly enough only if I am looking at the floor. If I have no floor on my screen then my FPS is back up to normal.

Win 7 64 bit
GTX 560
304.79 driver



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: maricelomari.8590


Windows XP SP3
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 2.71Ghz
3GB of DDR2 800mhz RAM
Nvidia GT7600 on latest beta test drivers

Can run other games at high graphics and good FPS, but Guild Wars 2 struggles to keep a steady 5-28FPS at recommended settings. It varies something between 20-40FPS using recommended graphics settings. But even when setting graphics to lowest possible, it runs at 5-25FPS! When not in battle with many people or not beeing in big cities or even in Shaemoor, the game is running really smoothly and really playable, but when i turn the camera or go in town like Shaemoor its dropping to 2-13 FPS, even when i am playing in bigger towns than Shaemoor, the game is running much smoother. Adjusting graphics settings to low or high changes nothing! Only when setting all on highes and ultra it is getting more laggy, but on low it makes no difference.

The Guild Wars 2 lover!


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lathron.3809


Like some of the other posters here I am finding that I am not getting the kind of frame rate I would have expected from my system specs.
The FPS tends to average 30-40, with the best possible performance of 50-60 only achievable with reflections and shadows disabled.

Intel i7 920
ATI HD7970
Windows 7 Pro 64bit

I specifically purchased this graphics card for the game since I read comprehensively that this card provided the best performance at higher resolution (I am gaming on a 27" monitor at 2560 × 1440. However this does not seem to be the case at present.
Interestingly, reducing the resolution has little noticeable effect on frame rate.
Even reducing all graphics settings to low only offers a 10FPS improvement or so.

I am using the latest Catalyst drivers – 12.8



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RohanSA.6803


CPU: AMD 8150FX @ 4.5GHz
GPU: AMD 7850
Mobo: ASUS Crosshair v Formula
GPU driver: Catalyst 12.8 with latest profiles

Getting between 10 to 40 fps with settings maxed out.
GPU usage is often only at around 40%


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Trikson.9034


My system specs:

Dell XPS L702X with:

Intel Core i7 2670QM 2,20Ghz

RAM: 8gb

Gfx: Nvidia Geforce GT 555M

all with latest possible drivers (graphic card updated to recomended by GW2 launcher 304 beta drivers)

Normally game runs great (45-50fps) on auto-detected graphic options (medium-high settings) but on world boss fights (like Shatterer) fps is droping to 10 and huge lag occurs (almost unabling to use utility/elite skills).



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cyanwulf.7109


GW2 doesn’t crash as frequently for me as some of the reported cases here, but it does happen. Since BWE 3, which was when I first started playing, there has been about 15 crashes or so. Most of the time the game just abruptly exits to desktop. Once in a while I get a frozen screen with the music still playing.

Like many others, my crashes mostly occur when travelling to a different zone. Although sometimes it seems to be at a completely random time, such as when standing in the bank in Lion’s Arch.

(edited by Cyanwulf.7109)


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: erlucius.9152


Acer ASPIRE m3640:
Intel Core2 Quad CPU Q6600 @2.40GHZ
OS Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
ATI Radeon HD5450 1GB dedicated /w AMD Catalyst 12.8
4.00GB Ram DDR2

I must play at best performance settings and i have 20-25 FPS, if i make auto detect it uses medium high performance but i get 10-15 FPS

(edited by erlucius.9152)


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Misuzu.2376


I’m having random crash too, with GTX670 on 306.02 and 304.79 driver, they both crashed after ~30mins of game play, sometime I eventually can play without crash for a few hours.

Please try to fix it because it’s so annoying no matter for pve or pvp.

I’mkitten off by the game crash, I’ve crashed 3 time in a row (3mins interval) in a group event, PLEASE FIX IT so we nvidia user can enjoy the game

(edited by Misuzu.2376)


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Trexivia.1634


I am also having some trouble with low fps, currently with the auto-detect option I’m around 20 fps in Lion’s Arch and lowering my settings to best performance add a whopping two fps or something. Granted Lion’s Arch is probably the place with the lowest fps for me, but it is still rather low elsewhere. During the head-start period I had approximately 120 fps everywhere with the auto-detect option.

And this is my computer:
CPU: Intel Core i7
Graphic card: AMD Radeon HD 6800
Graphics drivers: AMD Catalyst 12.8
Windows 7


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rahsaan.5264




I7 – 2960M 2.70GHZ BOOSTS TO 3.7


fps 10-50

Its Good To Be The King


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: stax.3087


Intel core2duo, 2.8ghz
Nvidia GTX 56oTi
Latest beta drivers
Game runs from SSD

Measuring FPS at the point where you appear in Queensdale after exiting Divinity’s reach(without moving character). With all settings maxed out(1680*1050res), FPS hovers at around 20, dropping to 18 when other players are moving in front of me, up to 24 max.

Graphic settings have almost no effect(plus-minus 5 FPS max). For instance with all other settings maxed, changing rendering between subsample, native and supersample has no effect on FPS whatsoever(but the visual change is noticeable). All settings on minimum, the FPS rises to about 30 max.

During all of the above, the graphic card load never exceeds 30%.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: chaoflux.1492


i7-2600k @ 4.5ghz, evga gtx 670 ftw, 16gb corsair ddr3 1600mhz, 2560×1440p screen res… nvidia 306.02 beta drivers
w/ the auto detected recommended settings (everything maxed) frame rates are all over the place, exceeding 100fps in some zones, crunched into 30fps territory in others… have noticed reflections and shaders are only things that make a difference in fps, w/ reflections being the greater of the two, sometimes switching to just sky & terrain will give me some 60fps more…. gpu-z will show a difference between 40 & 100% gpu load just switching that setting in some zones….
not really sure why it’s recommending everything maxed, as my gtx 670 just doesn’t seem good enough… the problem is i’m not sure what card is good enough lol


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Krimzon.6830


AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6400+ (2 CPUs), ~3.2GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250
2046MB RAM
fps ranges from 10fps – 30fps while doing solo play some events have pushed it down around 2-5fps
using auto detect settings, changing these has no effect on fps


(edited by Krimzon.6830)


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: HooblaDGN.2174


Windows 7 64-bit
Intel Core 2 Duo E7500 @ 2.93 GHz 2.94 GHz
ATI Radeon HD 5670 (drivers catalyst 12.8)
8.00 GB Ram

In general small group or solo play I get 50 frames until I swing to any side and then drop down to 20 very quickly. WvW or zone bosses with large crowds drop me to a slideshow, and this is completely regardless of video settings. I’ve tried the absolute lowest of the low and the highest of the high on the highest and lowest resolutions, and this makes about 4 fps difference normally or none with lots of players. Regardless of settings, turning while I’m out in the open halves my framerate and crowds mean a slideshow. WvW at any settings is currently straight-up unplayable for me, and zone bosses are only playable because of their predictable and slow nature.

I realize that my CPU isn’t hugely past the minimum recommended, but this seems like a disappointing and inappropriate performance for a system that’s well above minimum reqs and can run many other modern games very smoothly. I can provide additional information as needed and look forward to hopefully having this alleviated to some degree. Because this game is so awesome besides that.

(edited by HooblaDGN.2174)


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Farami.2519


My Spec:
OS: Windows 7 64x
CPU: Intel i7-2600k @ 3.5Ghz
GPU: Gainward nVidia GTX690
RAM: 16GB DDR3-1600
HDD: SSD for windows, Raid0 for games
Driver Version: 306.02

With all settings at max and 1920×1080 I usually have around 60fps, however I get framedrops when there’s a lot of activity onscreen like big events or WvWvW and to be honest, with my system that should NOT happen no matter what. In fact it SHOULD run with a constant 100+ fps, which it doesnt even when there’s nothing going on onscreen.


(edited by Moderator)


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Deekyfreak.2654


I have a 4-year old laptop that I’ve been using for higher-end gaming over the past few years (WoW, Prototype, GW, DC Online, Team Fortress 2) and with GW2 I exceed the requirements…

Windows 7 Home Premium x64
NVidia GeForce GTX 260M (1gb)
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.13GHz
4GB DDR2 Ram

When I first log into a char, I got great FPS (around 25ish) then within 2 minutes, it immediately gets choppy and I’m constantly between 5 and 15 fps. I have all the settings as low as possible, and it makes me sad that I’ve only gotten to actually play GW2 for about an hour or two before I couldn’t stand the choppiness.

I hope this gets fixed soon!


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: fabry.8350


Graphic Card: ATI Radeon HD 4870
Cpu: intel core 2 quad Q6600 @2.40 Ghz
Ram: 4096MB

Fps with 1680 × 1050 and Low settings 20-24



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drullmaster.2896


I have two video cards, and I’m pretty sure only one is working. please make it were both works, thanks <3


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


I got almost 2x more FPS in Borderlands than Eternal BG..Just saying

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Warbog The Slayer.8412

Warbog The Slayer.8412

this is what i got from support… :

Thanks for providing those files. We’ve spoken to ArenaNet and there’s no current fix for this issue. Your best bet is going to a 64-bit operating system.

If they fix this issue in the future, they should post information on it on

If you have any further issues or concerns, feel free to let us know.

but ppl says that they r crashing in 64 bit ,then why should i upgrade to 64



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: IskariotE.8675


Lenovo Y570
Win7 64bit
GeForce 555m 1.6GB VRam
Intel Core i5 2430M
8GB Ram

Latest Lenovo drivers (261 smtn). Was also testing on latest beta geforce drivers 306.X but still had issues with FPS drops. It whould work on high spec with atleast 30fps.

BTW. When i have FPS drop and i use my GPU switch button FPS go back to normal but not for long, in about 30 secs i have to switch back.



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ladygrinningsoul.1596


I have a 64 bit system, but a NVIDIA card. My game crashes constantly. I am now at the point of no longer logging in.
I play LOTRO in high definition, so I can’t see my machine being the problem. This is very frustrating.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Emberstone.2904


I run a Crossfire setup and I get 60 frames per second in some areas, but the only way I can keep a consistent framerate is if I lock it at 30; it fluctuates too much. Sometimes, that lock at 30 will sustain at 25 and not at the 30 it’s locked to.

If I run a dungeon, my framerate will fluctuate so horribly that it’s nearly unplayable, even if I turn the graphics all the way down.

I’ve disabled Crossfire and the game runs quite smoothly now, but not perfect; I’m still locked at 30 frames per second, but it’s staying very stable at that framerate. The drop and sustain at 25 frames per second still happens sometimes, though.

I ran a dungeon running on just one card and there were no drops in the framerate at all. Stayed at 30 through the entire thing, and I had a blast.

I’m running with everything on High right now. I have yet to try the Ultra settings on just one card. Supersampling on the one card does cause some lag, but that is understandable with just 1 gig to work with.

Overall, things are just far more stable running on one card in my case. Hopefully this rant helps a little.


Driver Version: Catalyst/Crossfire 8.982.0.0

GPUs: Dual ATI Radeon HD 5870s in Crossfire (running at factory settings; no overclock)

Processor: Intel i7 Extreme X980 3.33GHz six-core

RAM: 12 gigs of standard RAM; I’m unsure of the exact speed.

—Clarity Edit—

When I say “lag” in this post I mean drops in framerate, not Internet-based latency.


(edited by Emberstone.2904)


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arthiel.9328


Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 @3.2GHz
Nvidia GTX 470 (Display Driver 306.02)

I can play the game with 25-30fps (30fps limit on, 60 fps limit or unlimited provokes noticeable fps drops) when I turn off reflections and shadows completely, otherwise I normally get performance drops to less than 20 fps. On the other hand I can’t play in large PVP because the frames will drop to 1-5 fps when many people are nearby, no matter if game graphics options are at minimum or max.



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Heiijeil.8291


Before the update my FPS was fine, and my computer had better than minimum specs. But now it’s crawling even on empty maps. DXdiag file attached.



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tomiko.6542


I crash every couple of minutes while playing.

The crash log was too large to post (heh) so I added it as an attachment.

Basics: C2Q 9650 3ghz, 8GB, SSD, GTX 570

I play every other game just fine with no hiccups including EVE Online with over 3000 people on screen, APB (the most horrifically optimized game in history), and just about anything else. I thought it might be my temperatures but I’ve never seen them go above 59c while playing. The quality of graphics I use doesn’t matter at all. Whether highest settings or lowest GW2 will crash.

(edited by Tomiko.6542)


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Minas.8701


AMD phenom II x4 B55 3.3Mhz
AMD HD6850
4 GB ram

10-15 fps on WvW regardless of graphics settings
25 fps in LA regardless of graphics settings

Turning off shadows gives me a small boost but other than that all other settings just make no difference.

If you ask me it’s obvious the game has issues with AMD processors. Same priced or even lower priced older intel cpus seem to be running way better.



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: voidelysium.7285


CPU – AMD Phenom II x4 965 (3.42 GHz)
GPU – GeForce 450 GTS (4GB GDDR5)
RAM – 8GB DDR3 (1033 MHz at least)
Nvidia Drivers: 306.02 (beta, zero improvement)

Exploring – 61fps
Big DEs – 50fps min
WvW – Ranges between 11 and 30, mostly around 20fps.



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lucyda.9258


I have to report frequently massive FPS drops. Normally around 70 FPS, but every few minutes they drop from one second to another down to 5-7 FPS. No matter if I run around alone doing nothing or in fights. The low FPS phase lasts some 10 seconds and then they go back to normal without any visible reason.
Strange: bigger events always produce these FPS drops, but here the same: after 10-20 seconds I have good FPS again, although there are many people and skill effects. Here the FPS drops occur more often, short time after FPS are back to normal they go down again.
I play with “automatic” ingame graphic options.

Geforce 460 GTX
AMD Phenom II X4 965 (Quadcore) 4x 3.4 GHz

I first played with a older driver, then I updated to the latest official driver, but the game said I should try a July beta driver which I did and now I got the latest beta driver from August 27, which in its description even mentions GW2 ^^
All drivers produced FPS drops.

My friend got the same GPU but has a worser CPU, and he never has any FPS problems.



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LED Head.2439

LED Head.2439

Drivers they are BETA drivers. Games today are very sensitive to driver changes some might experience better with older drivers while a good driver and a newer one might be slower on some older cards drivers are just one of those things you need to fiddle with until you find one that works very well for you and occasionally try a new build to see if its better or on par.

I know that with my card the 200 series driver sets for that card generation are pure rubbish but the 300 beta sets seem to be working a lot better for me than the recommended drivers that are out. Keep in mind that all drivers for Geforce will work on mostly any card from the Nvidia Geforce range and any series no need to limit your self to an older set. I have been known to be picky with my driver sets and it would not be the first or the last to rollback to older drivers because the set they recommend runs like rubbish for me.

Try these these are one set down from the current beta drivers. If that fails to run well try the current WHQL certifed driver set here

Remember when installing a new set uninstall the old set or at the very least tick the “Clean Install” check box when installing the new set to let it uninstall your old set for you and cleanly install the new set.

(edited by LED Head.2439)


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Razon.8153


AMD X4 960T unlocked to a X6 OC’d to 3.5 Ghz
8GB DDR3 1600 Mhz RAM
Sapphire 6870 1GB
12.8 Driver.

Game runs OK, except when there’s a crowd, or I start to turn my camera rapidly. Basicly everytime my CPU has to work hard I get 20-25 FPS at best in WvW battles or huge dragon events. Doesn’t matter what settings I play on, they maybe help 5 FPS. Tried with the basic 4 cores and no overclock, it’s even worse.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chalice.1280


Massive fps drops during fighting/most events. WvW is practically unplayable regardless of graphics settings.



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sneezejog.6482


CPU: i7-930 @ 3.4 ghz
GPU: nVidia GTX 580 (304.79 beta drivers)
RAM: 6GB DDR3 TripIe channeI corsair

I get at best 70 FPS at the highest graphics settings, however I do notice that there are some severe fps dips (down to aImost 20 fps) randomIy. AIso, there is some screen tearing and in addition it shows my GPU onIy at 50% occasionaIIy.