

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: richardsmith.3104


It lets me play all my chars fine but it doesn’t let me play my guardian Frostbane Tohvel, it was in a LONG loading screen when I was WPing to Vale WP, then I quitted since it was so long and started it up again and it just keeps going long loading then that same error. I’m so kitten off, your telling me I gotta do my char ALL OVER AGAIN? please fix it, I cannot start all over again..


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fangos.6421


I’m getting is error a lot now. This horrible lag and disconnection has lasted a week now and still no fix for it.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tyriel.4021


I know it’s not my computer because I’ve been playing since November of last year fine.
I’ve been receiving this error for what seems to be a month or two now, and sometimes it will just stop happening but now it’s gotten to a point where I can’t play at all.
I’ve done everything I could possibly do to fix this on my own and by what it seems on this thread going to the Tech support or whatever is a waste of time.
I absolutely love the game, but I refuse to have to tolerate going in and out every few seconds.

Plus, I know it has nothing to do with the internet.
I live with a friend and he runs it perfectly fine, no lag whatsoever.
So, like it’s constantly been stated here, this needs to be fixed.
I don’t like thinking I just wasted my money and time on something that’s broken.
I also don’t like thinking that I gave my money to people that won’t fix said thing that’s broken.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dio.1285


I have also been getting the (code=7:11:3:189:101) Error. Everyday. But only between the times of 11am – 5pm (US-Central) By 6pm I no longer get the error. If there is a fix to this I would love to hear it. on my days off I would like to play before 6pm. Take into thought this also as nothing to do with the internet, or the internet security, I have already tested these options with no luck.

(edited by Dio.1285)


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JaNordy.6149


Everyday multiple times per day since Feb patch. I enjoy hearing my friends on vent tell me what my guy is doing ingame while I tell them Im halfway across map on my screen.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Thallion.7236


This just started happening to me as well. I have never had a problem prior, and I have been playing since launch. I don’t understand what changed.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dio.1285


Kicked out in a middle of a boss fight. Thats kittened up.. this game is coming closer and close to not even being worth playing because Ha you cant play. ever sence that god kitten frost fire patch…


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sinanju.8456


Seriously this is getting annoying now. I lag so hard that I can’t even fight then I get dc. It works for awhile then does it all over again.

(Engineer) Sayonara Memory


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: QuidamPhx.3084


I’m constantly being booted also. Can’t do any story or dungeons without worrying about constant disconnections; ruled out issues on my end. Tried multiple wifi connections with more than one computer. Come on ANet, at least mention awareness of the problem and an estimated fix. Right now it feels like it’s being ignored.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: javacoffee.5130


It seems like quite a few people started to get this d/c error since the March 1st patch. In instances, my skills would suddenly stop working. It’s odd b/c I can still see other people moving around and fighting. In about 30-40 seconds, all my skills in the action bar would start blinking constantly but none of my skills will actually go off. And then in a few seconds I get d/ced.

Sometimes, I’d be running and instantly die b/c of fall damage when I’m actually nowhere near that place on my screen. What happens is then people would rez my body that’s not actually where I see myself.

It almost feels like I’m receiving information, but my inputs are being lost somewhere. Usually when I can feel a d/c coming, I log off and log back in. About 60% of the time, this fixes the issue for about 5-30 minutes, and it happens again. In worse situations, I get a really long loading time and my skills won’t go off when I’m done loading. Then I repeat to log in and out hoping that I don’t get disconnect signs.

I have never had this issue before the March 1st patch. Yes there were some disconnects here and there and some lags, but nothing like these frequent disconnects. I’m from the US east coast playing on a relatively good internet connection. As usual, none of my other games have issues like this.

The worst part of this issue is that, I feel bad for the rest of my dungeon buddies who have to wait for me and I end up wasting their time. It also makes me very anxious every minute b/c I don’t know when I’d be hit with a d/c. I tried playing on a different computer, reset my router, changed my ethernet cables, and the exact same disconnect and telltale signs occurred.

Please fix this issue for us. Thank you, Anet.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Forneus.4930


same here, problems since last big patch. just fooled around for 20 mins, lag in map, no npc’s etc, I log out and in again, same. I choose another char, I get this error message while map loads, then game exits to login screen. /repeat

As everyone else, I haven’t changed a bit of HW or SW, all other games etc run fine etc….this is so frustrating


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ben K.6238

Ben K.6238

I suspect my connection isn’t helping, though it’s certainly rather strange to have the game work for a few minutes, then disconnect and give me this error any time I try to log in until the next day.

At least in past, if I got booted out, it would let me log back in.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


So are we ever going to get any type of fix or update? Or are you going to keep ignoring us and act like there’s not a problem.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: willdizzle.4762


I keep having this same issue as well. Started last week. I’ve tried stopping my anti-virus and firewall. I forwarded ports, too. Nothing works. After I login to my main toon, I get dc’d shortly thereafter. Played for 3 months with no problem before this!
What’s going on?


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Odaman.8359


Been playing since day 1 and this started maybe a month ago. Now it’s pretty constant, but tends to happen most in wvw. I tried the stuff listed here, but none of it has worked. I only have issues with this game.

Odaman 80 Mesmer


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Riodan.9032


Bought this game a week or two ago, played without disconnecting issues until the last few days. Now every 5 to 10 minutes I’m having to log back in. This only happens on this game, I have no issues what so ever with other applications. Can we please get this handled? I’d like to give this game a fair shot, but if I can’t play it…


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Yerk, again tonight. Are we going to deal with this all weekend again?

C’mon, figure it out.

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DreadfulSky.5814


Well this only happened just today, so I’ll give it some time. It sends me right back to the Character Selection after the error pops up (usually within 3-5 mins).


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AredM.2814


Same here.
When it started i couldnt start GW2 and then ingame it it immediately the error ;(
I hope they can fix the problem soon and im playin the mac version


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Katyusha.9361


I keep getting this error that started today. Keeps me dc-ing after couple minutes. I tryed with different account on different computer and keep getting the same. I really hope Anet is fixing this because game is unplayable.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Strawberry Nubcake.7163

Strawberry Nubcake.7163

I’m experiencing insane lag and disconnects (Err 7) since I logged in about an hour ago. It’s so bad that the game is unplayable. I just left a fractal group I was in (we were at the start) because the same exact thing happened last Friday evening and I knew they would be carrying me through. This also means that I will probably be missing out on my daily chests after reset because the people I usually go with aren’t having problems and will likely leave me to PuG them once I’m able to stay connected for longer than 5 minutes. This isn’t how I wanted to spend my Friday evening.

I’m on the east coast US. Everything except GW2 seems to be working fine.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Widowmaker Z.4802

Widowmaker Z.4802

same thing started for me this morning and still happening tonight.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Huixin.9402


This happens everytime when iam in a questline instance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so annooyyyyyyying.
always neary at the end. the serivce kick me out. and i have to start over agian!
about 4-5 times now….come on ppl… do something. the 1st post in here is about 3 month ago from now …….


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AlphaOne.2384


I’m getting disconnected frequently for the past month with the Code 7 error. I’ve monitored my Internet and it’s working fine since I’m not disconnected from other Internet services such as Teamspeak.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SleepingDragon.1596


Seems like this disconnect problem is getting worst by the day. Within 1/2 hour, I’ve gotten this Code 7 thing 4 times already. What’s going on? The latest patches have been nightmares…

-S o S-


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kitten Kong.6384

Kitten Kong.6384

Massive packet loss and packet order confusion against some servers is what’s happening methinks. From my investigation it does seem to be maps that have been updated recently for new content. I can play any toon I like quite happily in Cursed Shores or Bloodtide but as soon as I switch to Queensdale or Diessa I get the skills not firing and lag jumping like others have and then eventually kicked from the game.

When the packet loss begins I’ve noticed that the game client drops CPU and Network activity completely only coming back to life at random times.

Example of the loss with my Guardian in Diessa:

24 0.697144000 TCP 75 [TCP Previous segment not captured] dtspcd > 51471 [PSH, ACK] Seq=713 Ack=5 Win=512 Len=21
25 0.697205000 TCP 66 [TCP Dup ACK 23#1] 51471 > dtspcd [ACK] Seq=5 Ack=650 Win=251 Len=0 SLE=713 SRE=734
26 0.767133000 TCP 204 dtspcd > 51471 [PSH, ACK] Seq=734 Ack=5 Win=512 Len=150
27 0.767209000 TCP 66 [TCP Dup ACK 23#2] 51471 > dtspcd [ACK] Seq=5 Ack=650 Win=251 Len=0 SLE=713 SRE=884
28 0.951195000 TCP 99 [TCP Previous segment not captured] dtspcd > 51471 [PSH, ACK] Seq=941 Ack=5 Win=512 Len=45
29 0.951294000 TCP 74 [TCP Dup ACK 23#3] 51471 > dtspcd [ACK] Seq=5 Ack=650 Win=251 Len=0 SLE=941 SRE=986 SLE=713 SRE=884
30 0.988435000 TCP 390 [TCP Retransmission] dtspcd > 51471 [PSH, ACK] Seq=650 Ack=5 Win=512 Len=336
31 0.988560000 TCP 66 51471 > dtspcd [ACK] Seq=5 Ack=986 Win=256 Len=0 SLE=713 SRE=884
32 1.002468000 TCP 58 51471 > dtspcd [PSH, ACK] Seq=5 Ack=986 Win=256 Len=4

Loss again with my Mesmer in Queensdale:

983 33.964557000 TCP 90 [TCP Dup ACK 965#9] 51023 > dtspcd [ACK] Seq=12099 Ack=56965 Win=256 Len=0 SLE=57606 SRE=58129 SLE=57451 SRE=57517 SLE=57037 SRE=57059 SLE=56987 SRE=56992
984 34.074597000 TCP 75 [TCP Previous segment not captured] dtspcd > 51023 [PSH, ACK] Seq=58150 Ack=12099 Win=511 Len=21
985 34.074658000 TCP 90 [TCP Dup ACK 965#10] 51023 > dtspcd [ACK] Seq=12099 Ack=56965 Win=256 Len=0 SLE=58150 SRE=58171 SLE=57606 SRE=58129 SLE=57451 SRE=57517 SLE=57037 SRE=57059
986 34.110836000 TCP 117 dtspcd > 51023 [PSH, ACK] Seq=58171 Ack=12099 Win=511 Len=63
987 34.110894000 TCP 90 [TCP Dup ACK 965#11] 51023 > dtspcd [ACK] Seq=12099 Ack=56965 Win=256 Len=0 SLE=58150 SRE=58234 SLE=57606 SRE=58129 SLE=57451 SRE=57517 SLE=57037 SRE=57059
988 34.200030000 TCP 76 dtspcd > 51023 [PSH, ACK] Seq=58234 Ack=12099 Win=511 Len=22

and then all OK in Cursed Shores on same Mesmer 3 mins later:

983 18.807845000 TCP 75 51025 > dtspcd [PSH, ACK] Seq=10442 Ack=57248 Win=251 Len=21
984 18.836969000 TCP 75 51025 > dtspcd [PSH, ACK] Seq=10463 Ack=57248 Win=251 Len=21
985 18.844670000 TCP 60 dtspcd > 51025 [ACK] Seq=57248 Ack=10463 Win=513 Len=0
986 18.851829000 TCP 93 dtspcd > 51025 [PSH, ACK] Seq=57248 Ack=10463 Win=513 Len=39
987 18.879057000 TCP 75 51025 > dtspcd [PSH, ACK] Seq=10484 Ack=57287 Win=251 Len=21
988 18.881156000 TCP 169 dtspcd > 51025 [PSH, ACK] Seq=57287 Ack=10484 Win=513 Len=115

Doesn’t seem to make a difference whether on home world or guesting at busy times.

I can play in Bloodtide and Cursed shores for hours on end without DC but as soon as I switch to a lower level map… BOOM, lag and DC within 5-10 mins.

UK based gamer on Ruins of Sum, Win8 64-bit etc. etc.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Valefor.3125


error 7:11:3:189:101 problems start yesterday, got disconnection frequently about 5 min….


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: UserX.8217


Same issue, over and over again.

Intel i7 3930k (4.7G) / 32GB of 2133 / ASUS R4E / 2X EVGA GTX580s / 2X 256MB Corsair PP SSDs (RAID0)
Corsair Pro AX1200 / SoundBlaster ZxR/ Windows 8 Pro x64 (+WMC) EFI Instal


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ysubmarine.8469


Yesterday (about 11am) everything worked fine. Now i log in, everything works fine for about 40 seconds, then i cant use any skills /switch weapons etc. Sometimes it resumes after a minute or so but most times i just disconnect with 7:11:3:189:101
I also tryed disabling the Firewall/Antivirus Software and the ports are open.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Octane.8125


Hmm..same issue for the last few days! Every once I get lucky and can login for hours at a time and never get disconnected, but other times it kicks me out every 5 minutes! It’s sad that there are no official replies from Anet..I realize it’s “free to play”, but I don’t think I’ve played my first $60 it took to purchase the game yet, so I still have high expectations that, well, ya know, it will actually FUNCTION! Come on, seriously, I would pay to play if it actually freakin worked.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Acmonion.3068


Another one here with the same problem. Started today after the game running smoothly for about two weeks. Tried resetting the Winsock and flushing the DNS, but it didn’t help. I’ll try to contact tech support and see if they can fix it.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Stormhawk.7391


Why doesn’t Arena Net know a fix for this yet? if they do can someone put a link of it somewhere visable please.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bean.1247


I have changed my socks and flushed my toilet and that hasn’t helped either..

Sorry, The problem seems rather random as to when it will strike so its hard to track down what might help or what to avoid at this time.
All I know is its stopped me playing I log on and fight through my dailies but WvW is impossible when there is a queue as you drop out so often.

Sleep is a sign of caffeine deprivation !


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: OvertKill.8693


I have started to have this problem to, never had this problem before but it started this week every 2mins i get an error and disconnected dont want to quit the game but might have to..


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kraggy.4169


Been getting this from time to time only recently. Thing is, I run two accounts on two PCs and only get this on ONE of them! When that one DCs the other continues without any problem, whether the character I’m playing on that account is in the same or a different zone.

This is is clearly 100% NOT an ‘internet’ problem, not least because every time I DC on the first PC I re-connect first time immediately without a problem, and also the second PC NEVER DCs at the same time: and since I’ve had a good number of DCs then I’d expect at least some of the time that both PCs would DC at the same time.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kraggy.4169


Forgot to add, the PC that DCs is nearly always idle, the character is logged it to keep an eye out for events like Behemoth, Claw, etc.

Makes we wonder, is the ‘AFK’ check code broken? At times I’ve seen the 50-second timeout warning and moved the character and the timeout countdown stops .. but other times I’ve seen it down to 40 or 30 then the DC happens with no further warnings.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kraggy.4169


And again, no timeout warning at all, simply a DC, second PC working just fine throughout.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sama.8250


I can’t add much to what ’s already said sofar.

I’m playing on Drakkar Lake, EU, living in Germany. This d/c problems started this week; a guildmate told me, he had similar troubles about two or so months ago, and it stopped. I kinda hope it works for me and the rest of us here, too. Downside, said guildmate couldn’t play properly for several weeks, so I really hope someone, ANYONE can give us an update about things as they are now.

The trouble is starting here about 3pm, before that I can play more or less normal. Later it becomes impossible: blinking skills, NPCs don’t move anymore (funny enough, I can move around as much as I like… though not for long: either I get pulled back to the original position or I somehow managed to get myself away from where I came from – only to get thrown out of the game anyway), and after a few minutes of cursing, I get my d/c. Dungeons or Story-Missions are nowhere possible with this, not even normal exploring.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kelfinforlife.3642


I have started to have the same issue. I disconnect 5 minutes after I log in. I am always lagging when I am in-game. The lag delay on my abilities 10-20 seconds on each. Please help!


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CodeMonkey.5210


Same issue. Haven’t played the game much in the last few months, but today the DCs started. Last weekend a friend was over playing on his account with no problems, and now I DC every time I log in. I know my ISP isn’t just going down briefly each time, because my xbox 360 in the same room never DCs when GW2 does.

Also, no software on my PC is interfering, just did a clean install of Win7 recently, and GW2 was the first thing I installed (after my drivers of course).


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Wtfdudelol.2714


Just started playing again and I have been having this error constantly. It’s happened multiple times today.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Silberdolch.1537


same here.. whats happening? Who did that to you? (John Legend)


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Raz.6593


Hi all.
I Was having this problem for a couple of days until i started using Razor Game Booster. Completely solved the problem and it’s a good piece of software to use for any game you play. Just and the Gw2.exe file to it and run it from Razor.
—— —-—


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Colton Hunter.4108

Colton Hunter.4108

Same problem as everybody else. Get about 3 minutes of playing in before i lag and error 7 pops up. Tried everything, its on there end.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Glazzers.6972


I had been getting this issue for the last two days. After removing all of the ip addresses from my security settings under my account and re-authenticating my current ip address, I seem to have cleared up the issue. Not sure if it’s just lucky timing with off-peak hours so I’ll have to see if it keeps working.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Codo.2860


Hi, I have an odd connectivity problem: I always get ONE single disconnection per day, never more than one, never less. The disconnection comes within 15-30 mins since I started playing, the error code is the one in the subject of this topic. Then I can immediately reconnect and everything works fine until next day, when I get again one disconnection, and so on. Things like TeamSpeak keep working while I get the disconnection on GW2, so I don’t think it’s a problem related to my provider. Any ideas?


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tichai.4351


I have started getting this error since the last patch and I cannot believe this is a connection problem.
My level 80 guardian is now unplayable in WvW assuming I can actually get into the game or battlefield. When I do manage to get in I am either standing about 50 feet above the water south of Garrison unable to move or experiencing extreme lag where skills are taking 2-3 minutes to activate.
However, if I log into my level 80 warrior on the same PC and in the same session there are absolutely no problems whatsoever. Connection problem? I don’t think so

Scrub Guardian [CHvc]
Gunnar’s Hold


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Raz.6593


I take it you’ve all tried Razor Game Booster like I suggested earlier in the thread. I’ve not had any d/c problems since using it for GW2.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Quadeyes.1047


I take it you’ve all tried Razor Game Booster like I suggested earlier in the thread. I’ve not had any d/c problems since using it for GW2.

Funny thing that your name is “Raz” …


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: UserX.8217


I take it you’ve all tried Razor Game Booster like I suggested earlier in the thread. I’ve not had any d/c problems since using it for GW2.

I am not a fan of any Razor products or software . I haven’t been having to much trouble lately but I have not been playing much either. The Razor Game Booster looks like a novice way to free up system resources and do some common tweaks so I can see it being of use for some people.

Thanks for the suggestion.

Intel i7 3930k (4.7G) / 32GB of 2133 / ASUS R4E / 2X EVGA GTX580s / 2X 256MB Corsair PP SSDs (RAID0)
Corsair Pro AX1200 / SoundBlaster ZxR/ Windows 8 Pro x64 (+WMC) EFI Instal