FPS issues - Anet techs , please reply

FPS issues - Anet techs , please reply

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pozmol.5061



To begin with , you can take it as a call for attention but that´s what it really is .

Theese FPS problems are frustrating , it´s just crazy how game , which my PC should be able to max out without issues , is running so bad … I´ve spent lot of money on my rig ( Radeon 7850 , phenom II x4 965 BE , 8GB RAM …) and on the game as well , and yet I´m not able to play this game cause of insanely low FPS .

I´ve already posted mine issue here : https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/tech/Low-FPS-Radeon-HD7850/first#post653540 .
But as you probably know , I´m not the only one who is having trouble with this game .

So here´s question for techs :

- Are u currently working on theese issues ? ( I guess so)

- What seems to be problem ? Our rigs or your support ?

- When can we expect fix/repair of theese issues ? Im not asking for exact hour , only astimated time , since I´m browsing forums like idiot every day to find solution , or at least some info about what´s going on . Or maybe I´m just bad at searching .

- If theese issues won´t dissapear , will we be able to get refund ( I really want to play this game , but at theese conditions I simply can´t ) ?

I hope we will finaly get some statement , cause it´s nice to have some informations about what´s goin on . I really hope theese problems will get fixed soon

Thank you

FPS issues - Anet techs , please reply

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mrowqa.3861


get an i3/i5/i7 processor and U’ll be fine.
Reason that AMD suck so bad in this game is that It’s single core/thread processing capability is about 50% less efficent then any intel unit.

So untill this game will run at full 4 cores ur CPU will be far worse then even low bug i3-3120.

FPS issues - Anet techs , please reply

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kuba.2075


I do not really get the idea of “Tech Support” official forums where there are no Anet specialists active and solving our problems with game. For me it is hard to play too, and I got no help here…

It would be, lets say, polite if anyone could state something…

And ppl, kitten cut the " Buy better PC " crap , it does not help in any way.

What’s your point ?

FPS issues - Anet techs , please reply

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pozmol.5061


hello Mrowqa

I know my CPU isn´t best for gaming , but i swa some people who are using asm CPU are getting steady 60 FPS even with v-sync on . Cores on my CPU aren´t even working at 100 percent , you can check link I posted above and see what´s goin on in my PC . Even friend of mine with intel core 2 duo is getting steady 40 FPS , while I´m getting that on low settings , and even then it´s jumping 20-25 FPS lower when I´m turning around etc …

I really don´t think it´s problem based on my current CPU (I written down why in this reply) . I´m willing to play even on med/high setting ( which is disgraceful fro me ) if it would get nice ressult in case of performance .

That´s why I want to hear some statement from technicians .

FPS issues - Anet techs , please reply

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mrowqa.3861


Man but it’s true. Don’t expect game from 2012 year run smoothly with 60 avg fps on pc from past 4 years.

2 weeks ago I had e4600 dual core oc’d to 3ghz with almost same rest components and I had avg of 16 fps.
16 FPS.

Now my fps with new cpu i3-3220 Is minimum 25 at massive wvw, in farming/pve i get 60-100.

And If u turn Your game box You can see a information That at some point of game development You’ll probably need to buy better pc to run game smoothly.

Also Sure, let arena net respond for all those thread made each day about low fps.
Sure let’s focus on responding rather then Fixing issue.
at 15.11.2012 theres going to be major patch and probably with it there will be some Graphical/CPU fixes.

FPS issues - Anet techs , please reply

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mrowqa.3861


And it seems that ppl are forgeting main Thing when it comes to CPU.

AMD is MOSTLY/ONLY desktop CPU which RULES in stuff like Video processing, making presentations etc. while it’s only efective when all cores are running.

While Intel In mainly gaming CPU due to it’s incredible single thread processing capabilities.

FPS issues - Anet techs , please reply

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mrowqa.3861


Try to clean up ur hard drive.

FPS issues - Anet techs , please reply

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pozmol.5061


Problem is that I don´t really want to clean up my HDD cause i have lot of thing on it (school , pictures, work etc …) . I´ve picked phenom CPU cause on lot of forums it´s stated as gaming cpu of AMD , and As i written above , lot of people who have exactly same CPU and worse GPU have better performance then me , which is kinda against normal thinking . It´s just crazy that I can handle lot of different games GPU based (bf3 , skyrim etc… ) and CPu based ( Total war collestion, and strategic games in overall ) . I´m not writing that i should have 80+ FPS everyhwhere , but 10-15 FPS in towns and 20-40 FPS pve is just crazy IMHO ….

FPS issues - Anet techs , please reply

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


Problem is that I don´t really want to clean up my HDD cause i have lot of thing on it (school , pictures, work etc …) . I´ve picked phenom CPU cause on lot of forums it´s stated as gaming cpu of AMD , and As i written above , lot of people who have exactly same CPU and worse GPU have better performance then me , which is kinda against normal thinking . It´s just crazy that I can handle lot of different games GPU based (bf3 , skyrim etc… ) and CPu based ( Total war collestion, and strategic games in overall ) . I´m not writing that i should have 80+ FPS everyhwhere , but 10-15 FPS in towns and 20-40 FPS pve is just crazy IMHO ….

I bet those users who are getting higher fps with that same processor has their processor overclocked :P.

FPS issues - Anet techs , please reply

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gibbel.5734



I am using the same CPU (@4Ghz) as you and i am getting when questing average 60 fps (Vsync cap)
In LA- Square/fountian it’s about 28-34 any other town i am average 40+ fps
WvW can drop as low as 15 fps maybe even worse ( i dont play it)

Considering i am using a HD 6870 x2 you shouldn’t be having trouble with anything but WvW and maybe massive Events (Like Halloween in LA).

So how much FPS are you getting in these situations ?

and yes this game engine is terrible…

Edit: Just noticed that post above me your stating your FPS in some situations… and it’s way worse then what it should be even with that CPU al though i am running mine @4 Ghz it shouldn’t be such a big differents.. So i can only asume you GPU isn’t doing what it should or maybe the Drivers aren’t working propper with gw 2.

You have the gpu in the correct slot etc right ?

(edited by Gibbel.5734)

FPS issues - Anet techs , please reply

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pozmol.5061



Yes , it is in PCIE X16 slot . Unfortunately i got only into black citadel city cause i couldn´t just stand watching on powerpoint presentation (5-10 FPS) . Im not asking for too much , just want 40-50 STABLE FPS not 20-40 ,jumping like crazy, FPS .
I simply don´t think that my PC is that bad to run this game like this …


My pc is not even half year old and cost me over 750 € which is a lot of money for me … U see my spec above , and yet u think it´s not fast enough to keep this game above 40 fps ???
And I don´t think it´s so hard for Anet techies to put at least one statment and make it “sticky” on the forum so everybody can see what´s going on . I bet u would grateful if u had some problem and u would see what´s the problem and how it´s goin to be solved ..


Maybe few of the had OCed CPUs but most of em had stock CPU frequency . I would OC mine , but yet my CPU isnt even working on full load so it won´t do a thing I guess cause mine is now at 3.8 GHZ which is suitable for more then what I´m getting ATM .

FPS issues - Anet techs , please reply

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kirito.4138


You won’t see a full load on a quad core CPU. Read Q7 of this thread to understand why.

Gibbel has the same CPU and getting better FPS. Keep trying to roll back to previous version of drivers, might something in the 7850 that drivers isn’t playing nice with. Fiddled with the ATI catalyst settings?

When you get 5-10fps in Black citadel city, what is your GPU %usage at, and gw2 thread usage? (see Q5 & 8)

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FPS issues - Anet techs , please reply

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pozmol.5061


My GPU usage is 100perc and yes I fiddled in catalyst ceneter without results … I was checking that thread , if someone without only 0,2 GHZ can have 30-40 + fps ??? that´s just stupid , since he has same model of CPU as I do …

FPS issues - Anet techs , please reply

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rampage.7145


i had the same issue in one of my systems here is what u have to do:
1.Download GPU-z, MSI afterburner
2. run the game on max setting (no supersample no Vsinc) leave options on screen to check them and the FPS u are getting
3. GO to the heart of mist (PVP area) set the game to run widowed 1024*768
4. Run GPU-z(First tab “graphic card”) and afterburner let them run for 2 min, take a screenshot everything and post it here.

(edited by Rampage.7145)