The following dialogue is between myself a several GMs regarding the WvW season 1 reward chest I never got. It feels like they didn’t really even bother to look into my case. But they kept telling me to go here. This exchange has just been baffling and even more disappointing than the last ticket I submitted.
Jan 22 19:45
I am still holding on to a WvW chest key. I did not get a chest. How do I get a chest that will work with the key?
GM Enigma (Guild Wars 2 Support)
Jan 23 06:16
Hello Oganmi,
Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team.
The WvW Chest Key will unlock the WvW Season 1 Reward Chest containing rewards based on your server’s performance in the previous season.
WvW Season Reward Chests are awarded at the end of a WvW season to all players who achieved the meta-achievement for the season.
If you have any other questions, please let us know.
Jan 23 12:16
Hello support,
So was I supposed to get a chest? I got the key, but not a chest?
GM Enigma (Guild Wars 2 Support)
Jan 24 06:48
Hello Oganmi,
Thank you for getting back to us.
We would like to get some additional information from you to further investigate. Please provide us with the exact name of the WvW key you have, and the date you acquire it.
We will be waiting for your response.
Jan 24 12:55
The key I have is the “WvW Season 1 Reward Chest Key”. I can’t remember exactly what day I got the [key] from. It was too long ago. I remember I rushed to get it towards the end of the season. This key has been sitting in my bank for a long time. It just sit here…
GM EGO (Guild Wars 2 Support)
Jan 24 15:48
Hello Oganmi,
Thanks for the update.
We understand you have a “WvW Season 1 Reward Chest Key”. It is used to open the meta achievement reward chest. If you didn’t receive the reward chest, you will not be able to use the key.
Hope this information was helpful, If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again.
Jan 26 06:16
What is the requirements for the meta-achievement? I thought the key is rewarded on completion of the meta? I completed 15/15 and have the “Premier Season Veteran” achievement complete.
GM Anduril (Guild Wars 2 Support)
Jan 26 14:44
Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team with your question.
While we would love to try to answer each gameplay question that comes our way, there are times when that simply is not possible. We’d like to suggest a few web-based resources that very likely will provide the information you seek:
The official Guild Wars 2 Wiki is a player-created resource that contains a great deal of information regarding our game and its mechanics. The official wiki can be reached by typing or by following this link: On the wiki, you can use the search engine to find pages related to a particular subject and review those pages or pose questions on the relevant discussion page.
Our Players Helping Players sub-forum allows any Guild Wars 2 player to ask questions and get assistance from other members of our very active community. This forum can be found on the following link:
For specific questions about achievements, I suggest you the following link:
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.
Jan 26 15:06
Dear Support,
This is getting extremely aggravating. I don’t know why I keep getting copy and paste responses. I worked hard for that meta achievement and I have been holding on to the chest key for a very long time. Despite my guild mates assuring me the rewards weren’t too stellar, I would still appreciate a token for my efforts. I have the key, I have the achievement, but no chest.
I left GW2 because most of my European friends quit late 2012. I came back because a real life friend promised me the game had improved and asked me to support his guild. I came back, and brought over half a dozen people with me. Between my previous ticket, during which Anet made clear my unsolicited monetary support is worthless, and this ticket, where I’m asking to get a reward I earned and I’m being
jerked around, its making this whole return to the game very unpleasant to me.