I'm experiencing lags
I got caught in some kind of loading screen purgatory last night when trying to play. Almost an entire 15 minutes. Then when I finally got control of my character I decided to WP back to Lion’s Arch. Bad move. I got stuck a second time in that weird realm and I only waited 8 minutes before I alt-tabbed out and stopped the game externally.
While playing the lag was noticeable but not too horrible. I think prime time has become a bad time to get online. I haven’t been on much today to give an opinion of the NA server I’m on.
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued
Relevant question: is penitent camp bugged on your server?
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
Relevant question: is penitent camp bugged on your server?
Seems like it works on Fsp dont see anything bugged theire
I see.
I’m on Yaks Bend and ever since the last maintenance, pen bugged out. Now the entire zone lags pretty bad.
Is it just one zone or everywhere?
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
My experience was in Blazenridge on Blackgate server last night at about 8pm EST. (about server reset time) When I did get into Blazenridge it was a bit laggy even without anyone around. Pretty sure there was no dragon on the map at the time either.
Then again trying to get to Lion’s Arch at about 8:15PM EST.
Typically I have no lag unless there is a dragon event or huge zergs meet & greet in WvW.
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued
Yes, the lag on this game is getting much worse in my experience. Constantly during my daily play sessions it take 1-2 seconds for an attack button to register (keys 1-0) to the point where a slow game like Skyrim feels super super responsive. It actually took me half an hour last night to get used to the responsiveness of Skyrim due to my time suffering GW2 lag.
The funny thing is the movement keys don’t seem to be affected by the lag?! I don’t know what the difference between moving and attacking is when communicating to the servers, I would have thought they would be equal as the server has to track your movements as well as your attacks.
Yes, the lag on this game is getting much worse in my experience. Constantly during my daily play sessions it take 1-2 seconds for an attack button to register (keys 1-0) to the point where a slow game like Skyrim feels super super responsive. It actually took me half an hour last night to get used to the responsiveness of Skyrim due to my time suffering GW2 lag.
The funny thing is the movement keys don’t seem to be affected by the lag?! I don’t know what the difference between moving and attacking is when communicating to the servers, I would have thought they would be equal as the server has to track your movements as well as your attacks.
YES! That’s the exact same thing that is happening to me. Delays on skill, talking with NPC’s and selling items, but smooth with the movements!
I am having the same problem too since yesterday… there are delays on the attacks/skills by 2-6 secs. but movement seems normal… I called my ISP if my connection is ok, and they found no problems… I also check my internet speed at speedtest.net and it seems normal…
Tech support replied to me saying it’s my ISP. how the hell that it’s my ISP’s fault? We’re not sharing the same ISP and we’re all lagging right?! IF ItS OUR ISP WHERE’s the logic in that -.- someone need to take a further look into what’s going on! not just giving us inaccurate resolutions!
I just bored from mop and came back to have nice play . What i see is a horrible laggy game. I bought my laptop 3 weeks ago, it’s asus N56VZ-s4402h model, i’m pretty sure its system is pretty ok for req. I got 80 fps and game is answering my actions with 1-3 sec delay. It’s annoying like hell, it wasn’t used to be like that 4 months ago. Pls help.
aha xD I spoke to tech support for DAYS about this. I provided them with Game Advisor reports, ping plotter reports, ran benchmarking programs, downloaded again through client port 80, ran more game advisor and ping plotter, used a proxy, everything under the sun I did that they asked me, and in the end it came down to them not accepting their mistake and saying “it must be your ISP and there is nothing we can do about it” COMPLETELY ignoring the fact that SOOOO MANY other people are complaining about this
Lion Shadowhealer | Main s/tPvP Char. | Thief
“The absence of sanity is required to master the unknown”
So lets get this Thread backup again, cause it seems like that some of ma friends still have these laggs but strangly enough they only have it on tourny maps.
They all seem to got it from the last big patch. I myself on the other hand only experience lag on wvw or some of my characters on the starter zone.
So who still has these lag spikes going?
Dear Anet, it is really frustrating that each time you release a patch things go wrong and most of the time it worsen an already existing issue. When are you going to fix this problem once and for all. Clearly you have capacity issues and this cannot be address by just limiting or discouraging the number of players that join for example a mega boss events. That is not a sustaining way to resolve a capacity issue. If this continues unresolved the amount of dissatisfied customers will grow and will definitely affect the perception of future players. Please fix this issue.
lag and lag spikes since the patch here also.
not only in www but in regular pve also (fractals)
From personal experience lately, it’s not ISP. Because both my laptops can run it fine over wireless, but the desktop has the lag for a second or two when talking to NPCs, attacking, selling, etc. Movement is fine. The desktop has the internet hardwired in. Its also not due to the graphics card or processor. Because it still does it on minimal in-game settings, and its better than one of the laptops that runs it fine. Its not because of Windows 8 vs Windows 7, because the better laptop runs Windows 8 just like the desktop but with no lag. I don’t personally play it on the desktop, but I have to listen to the complaining all day from the one who does, like I’m a GW2 expert that knows what’s wrong or something. Lol. So I thought I’d look into it. -continues the search for answers-
In SFR it’s World vs Lag vs Crash we are playing not WvWvW