Lag is officially out of control
I’ve seen some pretty bad lag just running around Wayfarer Foothills today. The forum is barely working right now, too. What’s going on?
I’ve seen some pretty bad lag just running around Wayfarer Foothills today. The forum is barely working right now, too. What’s going on?
Yeah, the forum has been kittenty all day. And I’ve been getting skill lag throughout the day in starter zones.
Dragonbrand – Level 80 – Human Ranger
The servers seem to be tumbling down.
It’s all the zerg farming, since that started. You see, when you get so may players together, it causes bandwidth and resources to multiply exponentially, probably a ripple effect through the server cluster. They could fine tune the server code, making it less laggy, but then that would cause the precision of player tracking to go down, even to the point where it would make players seem to run backwards etc. lol and that’s not pretty I’ll tell ya. But yeah, that’s how it works, but the solution is just to tone down the congregations of players somehow. Yeah, I was lagging so hard today, I just finished my daily and logged out. I figure I’ll log in after midnight and play a couple hours when less laggy.
Oh and another thing. I’ve noticed in the past, when bots are out in force, they cause lag as well. Not as bad, but noticeable. I haven’t seen any of that lately, but in the past when it was bad, lots of lag then I’d see a bot on a node. The lag now, it’s more recent, since so many have joined the legions of zergs to farm for new weapons.
Oh regarding the forums, that’s some backend database error I would guess. I highly doubt it has anything to do with the in-game lag. It’s spitting out quick errors for some reason, not so much about a slow-down or a time-out.
(edited by Daywolf.2630)
I was having terrible lag yesterday in SAB too, with the result that I had to give up on my TM attempt because I kept dying to lava even though I was clearly standing on wood/ground. Haven’t tried again today, but the fact that the forums (which seem to be linked to the GW2 login servers) have been having Internal Server Errors all day is not a good sign…
WvW has been suffering from this since month 1, nothing is being done about it, becourse they could care less about wvw apperantly. Entering Stonemist in a zerg, and pressing the heal button for 40-50 sekunds without anything happening only to realise you’ve been dead for 30 sekunds. Good times.
My husband and I have both been having terrible lag with this patch, and we aren’t even doing anything that could be considered ‘taxing.’ This is typically just running around out in the open world, and it’s just the two of us, usually taking on 2-3 foes. We didn’t have this much of an issue prior to the most recent patch.
However, we’ve verified our internet connection, we’ve made sure nothing else is using it while we play, and we’ve combed through our systems for bottlenecks. We’ve come to the conclusion it’s not on our end.
The servers are garbage, the game worked for the first 6 months flawlessly and then the “budget cut” started, that’s the only reason game works awfully bad,
There’s f2p games with better infrastucture than this, if Anet would drop some money on servers the problem would be solved,
This game is an epic fail and I blame myself because I defended and supported this game since day one against all odds,
And the tournament was a shame with players getting disconnected while the sponsors were watching,
What infuriates me the most is the lack of compromise of the company, there’s no official answer and the support team job is to copy and paste the same cliché “It’s your ISP”
I’ve been getting insane lag, everywhere, all the time, no matter what I am doing. The game is nigh unplayable now:
*crafting in Divinity’s Reach (not: not lions arch) is now laggy with latency spikes every 15 to 20 seconds now.
*gathering materials in any zone, I still get massive lag spikes all the time
*in instances and dungeons, incredible lag spikes all the time
*talking is now incredibly hard, since messages will take 5 to 10 seconds to appear on my screen, and I swear other people take 30 seconds before I can hear what they say.
I’m even getting new kinds of lag I had never seen before:
A)Position detection error. While running around, I’ll randomly be attacked and take damage from nothing. The reason being that the server has glitched up, and has me listed as half the map away, where enemies can attack my after-image and do damage to me while I’m running around surrounded by nothing.
B)Action lag. Now, I’m getting lag spikes where the only thing that lags is my toon. I’ll be able to stand around and chat, and take damage, but I can’t move, run, or use any skills, sometimes for 15 seconds at a time. The weird thing is, everyone else can move fine, and I can see them moving fine, and I can read their chat just fine.
It all started with the most recent patch.
Same for me. Definitely unplayable. Lag spikes lasting for near a minute. Unbearable.
Yeah I’VE never seen the lag this bad. In fact in all the time I’VE had the game since launch lag was never an issue.
Also getting tons of lag. I can’t even see the flame boulders in CoF path 1 ( they are invisible)!
I thought I should add my input on this topic as well. I’m also experiencing the “lag” that everyone has been describing in this tread. In case a moderator or a Dev read this, I want to clarify that it’s NOT video card FPS related. It’s simply bad network PING I’m referring to here (delayed skill activation, lag response timing effecting character movement and interations with other players/environment, stuttering, skill freezing & stuttering.) It’s most noticeable for me during sPvP and WvW where I’m also connected with other clients. It’s less noticeable when I’m in say Divinity Reach with very low count of actual human players on the map.
I want to clarify again I’ve been playing this game since headstart a year ago but took a long break shortly after Jan this year and came back with a fresh install of this game. I’ve NEVER experienced this type of network PING lag in the past, whether on Kaineng, Yak’s bend, SBI, JQ, Dragonbrand. Video FPS instability in large instances is for another topic and it’s not what I’m referring to here and I’ve been with the same ISP for years and never had any problem 25Mb/5 network high speed.
I suspect it’s something to do with the recent patch like others have mentioned, but unfortunately I cannot compare it with the previous patches of late. I can however compare to the server’s network performance and stability for me from Aug 2012 to Jan 2013 and the ping response was perfectly fine in all cases, except a few hiccups during special events like Halloween from last year but it’s already fixed and a good old history now.
[HERO] – Star Leader – Black Gate
(edited by Mystiq Angelic.8193)
I’m also getting awful lag. I have to shuffle around nodes to harvest them. I’ve instantly died several times this week because the server thinks I fell off a cliff that I’m no where near. I’ve run away from a node had an enemy attack me and damage me just to have 30’ from the node just to have the server warp me back to the node. Playing my thief is particularly frustrating because combined with all of the above and “blink” ability is either fails to activate, activates late, I shadowstep 2’, or will bounce be back and forth between positions a couple times.
These problems aren’t on my end as every other online game I have runs fine.
For those of you with lag issues, Guest on a different server. One more close to your Localization. I play on a server that is close to me and I have 0 lag issues.
It might not be your ISP, but it very well could be sending packets 4,000 Miles away to hit the server you are playing on (East cost to West Coast hosted servers). I see this on many different applications that run through (AT&T) Backbone Nodes on the east coast.
Just saying, before going after Anet, try everything in your power to make sure its not something between you and them.
cause, complaining here on the forums with out working on the issue isn’t going to lead to anything fruitful.
Laptop: M6600 – 2720QM, AMD HD6970M, 32GB 1600CL9 RAM, Arc100 480GB SSD
For those of you with lag issues, Guest on a different server. One more close to your Localization. I play on a server that is close to me and I have 0 lag issues.
It might not be your ISP, but it very well could be sending packets 4,000 Miles away to hit the server you are playing on (East cost to West Coast hosted servers). I see this on many different applications that run through (AT&T) Backbone Nodes on the east coast.
Just saying, before going after Anet, try everything in your power to make sure its not something between you and them.
cause, complaining here on the forums with out working on the issue isn’t going to lead to anything fruitful.
I’m located on the west coast and I play on a west coast server. This lag is a recent development that I haven’t encountered at any other time over the past year. The lag has also been consistent over the last few weeks.
This is the first time that I have been affected by very bad lag.
At the time the lag started I was changing sound cards to a Sound Blaster Z, I changed back to my old card (an X-FI) and the lag went away. Thinking I had fixed the issue I did what I was planning to do then logged out. The next day when I logged in the lag was (and is) back. Normally I get 50-60FPS with my 6950 2GB video card. In large zergs my FPS would drop to around 25FPS. Now the best I can do is 12FPS (that is looking at the ground with an empty (mob free) field of view). My pings have not changed, nice and steady at about 25-30ms.
I have changed video card drivers (not once but three times to older and newer versions), two different sound cards, three different sets of sound card drivers, I have tried two different drivers for my Xeno network card; shoot I even formatted my hard drive and reinstalled Windows. Nothing has changed still 2-12FPS even thought everything is running great. In Guild Wars 1 my FPS went from 175 to 260 average (with a clear field of view).
As you can imagine this has taken all the fun out of playing the game.
I have decided that I will not be purchassing another gem card until this issue is addressed. I know that one person spending an average of $50.00 a month is not much but if we all do it perhaps ANet will finally address this issue in a serious manner.
Im also getting bad lag from doing nothing but run around. And iv also been kicked and givin the error code 7:11:3:191:101 that says nothing more then i lost connection to the game host.
I have played over 800 hours of guild wars 2… 95% of it has been lag/ issue free.. the other 5% have been network issues on my end.
So thats around 800 hours of play with no serverside issues(not including events-wvw with 30-40+ people on screen) I think that’s pretty good
But at the moment i seem to have 10-30 seconds of lag free then it will hang for 5-30 seconds or lose connection to the server all together. Eveything else i do and my connection seem fine..I assume its serverside issue, so ill go do something else and try again tomorrow. Lets hope it is resolved or at least addressed by then.
I agree that the lag is out of control. Everyday now, all I ever see is the people around me teleporting around, terrible skill delay all the time.
I had a very weird experience in AC path 2 the other day. We were all waiting by the traps, but we couldnt find detha, she hadn’t followed any of us. So 4 of my party members went to go look for her while I waited by the traps. They found her randomly attacking a graveling on the other side of the map, but she wouldnt stop.
Eventually I started running around and I suddenly took damage and got knocked down and killed. I then realised that I had lagged so badly that for the last 10 minutes I had been standing next to Detha on the other side of the map, even though my whole party said they saw me standing at the traps. I’m surprised I didn’t even DC. I had no skill lag whatsoever but the server picked up that I wasn’t where I thought I was.
That was the most extreme experience I’ve seen lately, but there is undeniable skill lag, random dc’s all the time, rubberbanding etc. And only since the SAB patch has it appeared for me.
I am also experiencing this horrible lag. I know this is not at my end but at yours Areanet. I am pretty certain as since this last patch, the lag has been unbearable. Skill delay by myself is usually at half a second, in a large zerg, it may be up to 30 seconds. In the Claw of Jormag fight, i got downed and stayed down for 2 minutes. Tried to WP, got ressed by others, 5 minutes later, i get waypointed to my locatoin I clicked AGES AGO.
Pvp… I just see people walk into walls and then I die a minute later.
Seriously, fix this, I can’t even enjoy your game anymore.
I have lag issues as well.
Skill delays, etc.
Fix it asap, it’s my day off and i hope to play at night at least.
Normally I can live with minimal lags of 1-2 seconds. But currently I am playing the SAB Tribulation Mode, and a lag of 0.5 seconds does mean an immediate death… So please do something about the lags. For me the lags started yesterday evening.
Guesting another server is no option, because the SAB seems to be worldless.
massive lag today. at first when i logged in, i though it was from the map (jormag event was up), but after trying other maps, i noticed i wasn’t from the map.
It’s back, someone spilled coffee on the servers again
I’m getting kicked every 5 mins, skills take huge delay to activate. When I reconnect my char is in a totally diferent place. Can’t play :\
I wonder if part of the issue might be due to their launch set up for China. This would likely require some infrastructure change, and while it may not be enough to require full shut downs, the work might be interfering with our game play. Its not uncommon really.
Anytime any business upgrades or adds equipment, they try to do it without shutting down what’s in use, so as not to impact users. My husband’s employer is in the process of upgrading their server and switches, and they have a similar ‘lag’ issue on their network. Just a thought…
they better be upgrading for oceanic and asia regions to give latencies similar to valve servers then, not just to inconvenience us so they can make $$$ off china
(edited by Bread.7516)
This is happening to me, as well, really badly and to my boyfriend with, I’d say, about 25% the severity. It started the day of the latest SAB patch for both of us. All other programs/games requiring an internet connection are smooth for both of us. The last time this happened was during a previous patch (I don’t remember which. Mabe Dragon Bash/first SAB). Customer service told me it was on my end, which I will continue to keep an eye on, but I really, really don’t think it is. My computer is moooore than capable of handling GW2, so this is also not a computer issue.
The game is basically unplayable. A friend of mine just joined up and I kept getting kicked every 2 minutes, so I couldn’t help her out. Very embarrassing/frustrating since it was her first log in and she was overwhelmed with everything. I’m afraid to join my guild in Dungeons and Missions for fear that I’ll end up on a completely different part of the map drawing an ungodly amount of adds and being more of a hindrance than a help. All I can really do until this is fixed is craft and try to get my daily (though, even there, the lag can be terrible. Selling things can take minutes, sometimes I’m not sure I’ve crafted what I wanted to craft until the game suddenly catches up to my actions).
The first/last time I experienced this problem, I noticed that it was fixed after my launcher downloaded a patch. I’m hopeful a similar fix is possible with this latest round of the lag beast.
As of today the game has literally become unplayable in every way. About two days ago I noticed a large amount of lag and delays and haven’t really done much aside from mess around on alts. Today I’m unable to log onto my characters. It takes forever to log in and when I finally get to the character select screen and select my character, nothing happens for a few minutes. Eventually when a loading screen does appear it just takes a hell of a long time and ends up giving me a disconnect message.
I too have checked with other online games and various speed tests and have no problem with my pc or connection.
I don’t think it’s the servers, it seems to me one of the routers is dropping packets.
Lag is officially out of control
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: HypnotoadProductions.3981
I agree with the OP, there’s still a horrible lag going on as of now and it’s getting annoying. I noticed that for some reason, I’m playing on Seafearer’s Rest (EU), I’m getting routed to the US Servers in Austin Texas. I’m not sure if it always was like that, but all I know is that the pings go up from 50ms to 250+ and there appears to be a loss of packages somehow.
I already made sure that it’s not on my end (or my ISP), so I’m actualy upset that there hasn’t been any official announcement about this.
Another thing that bugs me is that this only happens at US prime times.
EU lag here as well, huge skill lag, I’m bumping into invisible walls and losing health, game is losing connection with the server (Gandara).
No problem with other online games or interwebs in general.
This lag is getting MONSTROUS. I can see everyone else moving just fine. Only my skills are failing. This is getting ridiculous. Also on Gandara.
Resident Thief
Horrible lag here as well. All skills blinking, enemies having a field day while I stand around picking my nose. Desolation EU.
Yup Immense Skill lag and constant dc with the error message “the game client has lost connection to the server”, Its been so bad today i cant even talk in guild chat without getting the same message. So is Anet going to acknowledge this issue or continue to ignore us?! this game is really starting to go down hill.
Server: Aurora Glade
Perceived Latency: Upwards of 4s
clientport 80 does not resolve the issue
Remote Address Port Packet Loss (%) Latency (ms) 6112 0 400 6112 0 400 6112 0 210
Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops:
6 189 ms 187 ms 187 ms
7 186 ms 183 ms 182 ms
8 187 ms 186 ms 187 ms
9 196 ms 198 ms 196 ms []
10 191 ms 192 ms 190 ms []
11 199 ms 199 ms 198 ms []
12 200 ms 200 ms 201 ms []
13 237 ms * 196 ms []
14 198 ms 197 ms 197 ms
15 190 ms 191 ms 191 ms []
16 203 ms 201 ms 202 ms []
17 190 ms 191 ms 192 ms
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
6 189 ms 187 ms 186 ms []
7 182 ms 181 ms 182 ms
8 190 ms 191 ms 190 ms []
9 191 ms 193 ms 190 ms []
10 195 ms 194 ms 194 ms []
11 195 ms 194 ms 193 ms []
12 190 ms 190 ms * []
13 192 ms 193 ms 192 ms
14 191 ms 186 ms 186 ms []
15 196 ms 196 ms 198 ms []
16 * * * Request timed out.
30 * * * Request timed out.
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
6 180 ms 180 ms 180 ms []
7 180 ms 179 ms 180 ms
8 181 ms 181 ms 182 ms
9 191 ms 192 ms 191 ms []
10 191 ms 190 ms 191 ms []
11 194 ms 210 ms 193 ms []
12 195 ms 196 ms 195 ms []
13 * * * Request timed out.
14 194 ms 192 ms 214 ms
15 186 ms 186 ms 186 ms []
16 198 ms 197 ms 197 ms []
17 * * * Request timed out.
30 * * * Request timed out.
Epistemic.8013: Guys this is bullkitten a sentient plant creature is hitting these
wooden doors with fireballs and it’s working.
Server: Aurora Glade
Perceived Latency: Upwards of 4s
clientport 80 does not resolve the issueConnections
Remote Address Port Packet Loss (%) Latency (ms) 6112 0 400 6112 0 400 6112 0 210
Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops: ... 6 189 ms 187 ms 187 ms 7 186 ms 183 ms 182 ms 8 187 ms 186 ms 187 ms 9 196 ms 198 ms 196 ms [] 10 191 ms 192 ms 190 ms [] 11 199 ms 199 ms 198 ms [] *12 200 ms 200 ms 201 ms []* 13 237 ms * 196 ms [] 14 198 ms 197 ms 197 ms 15 190 ms 191 ms 191 ms [] 16 203 ms 201 ms 202 ms [] 17 190 ms 191 ms 192 ms
Looks like the issue for you sits on level3’s side. Nothing you can really do about that other than complain to your ISP, give them the traceroutes and see if they can adjust the BGP routing through level3 to avoid hop 12. But on a side node, hop 1-5 is missing, and hop6 is already well above normal latency. I would like to see the trace response from hop1-5 as well (you can * out your IP address).
here is a normal tracert to your reported IP’s
Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops
1 * * * Request timed out.
2 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
3 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms ...
4 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms ...
5 * * * Request timed out.
6 3 ms 2 ms 2 ms
7 3 ms 2 ms 3 ms ...
8 3 ms 2 ms 3 ms ...
9 4 ms 4 ms 3 ms ...
10 15 ms 18 ms 14 ms [154.54
11 17 ms 15 ms 16 ms [154.54.87
12 15 ms 14 ms 15 ms []
13 160 ms 159 ms 160 ms []
14 161 ms 162 ms 161 ms [
15 159 ms 160 ms 159 ms [
16 161 ms 162 ms 161 ms [
17 160 ms 160 ms 160 ms [
18 160 ms 162 ms 160 ms []
19 159 ms 159 ms 169 ms [
20 159 ms 166 ms 160 ms []
21 * 161 ms * [
22 159 ms 159 ms 159 ms
23 160 ms 160 ms 160 ms []
24 162 ms 160 ms 161 ms []
25 161 ms 159 ms 160 ms
Trace complete.
So as you can see from my live example, the issue is not with Anet or their servers (form this issue) it starts at level3, as that’s where the response times jumps from a sub 50Ms to 150ms on a single hop.
I think someone at anet needs to place a NOC Call into their ISP to do head to head testing with Level3, and if it cannot be resolved route out on verizon (Level3 is NOT the LEC in Cali, Verizon is..they have better BGP handoff’s then L3 does) until Level3 gets this fixed.
Laptop: M6600 – 2720QM, AMD HD6970M, 32GB 1600CL9 RAM, Arc100 480GB SSD
Server: Aurora Glade
Perceived Latency: Upwards of 4s
17 190 ms 191 ms 192 ms
[/pre]Looks like the issue for you sits on level3’s side.
I’m used to the 400ms, I’m NEVER going to get away from that, however the perceived latency (pressing an ability and counting seconds until it fires – e.g. the SAB shovel) is 4 seconds (sometimes 10). Tracerts are just part of a good latency support post (they really care about hop 14 onwards) – and reading into them means that the connection between my computer and looks completely normal, it’s server-side lag. Level3 looks bad to you because I’m crossing an ocean and you are not, plus my guildie in the UK said that he was having the same issue.
I’m going to see if it improves at all tonight.
Epistemic.8013: Guys this is bullkitten a sentient plant creature is hitting these
wooden doors with fireballs and it’s working.
Server: Aurora Glade
Perceived Latency: Upwards of 4s
17 190 ms 191 ms 192 ms
[/pre]Looks like the issue for you sits on level3’s side.
I’m used to the 400ms, I’m NEVER going to get away from that, however the perceived latency (pressing an ability and counting seconds until it fires – e.g. the SAB shovel) is 4 seconds (sometimes 10). Tracerts are just part of a good latency support post (they really care about hop 14 onwards) – and reading into them means that the connection between my computer and looks completely normal, it’s server-side lag. Level3 looks bad to you because I’m crossing an ocean and you are not
, plus my guildie in the UK said that he was having the same issue.
I’m going to see if it improves at all tonight.
Did you see the TraceRT I posted? I have the same Latency STARTING at level3 and I’m less then 900miles (AZ to Cali) from Level3’s Datacenter.
This issue (for you and those routing through L3) is not server lag.
Laptop: M6600 – 2720QM, AMD HD6970M, 32GB 1600CL9 RAM, Arc100 480GB SSD
Never had lag before while playing gw2. If anything, the issue was actually with my internet rather than GW2. Now, I’ve been having constant mini lag spikes, disconnects, and skill delays. It all started up a few days ago with the new patch.
On a slightly related note, I could use some advice as I am no expert in these matters.
I’m from South Africa however I’m playing on Borlis Pass which is a NA server. The reason why I chose to play on an American server is because I moved to Guild Wars 2 with a bunch of friends and BP just happened to be the designated server. I figured that if the lag was too much I could simply delete my characters before I invested too much time in them. However the game seemed perfectly fine for entire duration of my stay up until a few days ago.
Its too late for me to delete characters and I don’t mind coughing up the money to move to a European server if I have to. However I don’t want to move if I’m going to have the same issue there. Aurora Glade seems to be the best choice for me but I see people from that server complaining about the same issue I’m having. I’m unable to guest to any of these servers so it seems to be a huge gamble to me.
So my question is; would playing on a European Server make a difference to this issue of skill lags I’m having? I would also add that the game becomes somewhat playable at around midnight (GMT+2) which is round about the time I go to sleep.
Lag is officially out of control
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: HypnotoadProductions.3981
Switch.4892, moving to a european server won’t really help you and deleting the characters neither.
The issues are servers and we have those in europe as well.
My ping for example goes from 30-40ms (before 1PM) to 400-2000ms (after 1PM) and I can’t even stream to Twitch.TV any more, just because of the servers. We have a lot of ‘em here as well plus your connection will be to Austin, Texas none the less because that’s where the servers are.
Anyway, long story short: No need for a change, just contact Level3 or your ISP and tell them about your problem…although I doubt they’ll fix it.
I m also experiencing big latency in GW2 only for a few days.
Trying to do any meta events or world boss events etc is insanely unplayable to the extreme insanely bad lag. I can post something in /say and it takes over two minutes for it to show up. No skills work as it takes several minutes for anything to happen. My character can stand there doing nothing and all I see is no one else moving or just the skill and spell effects flashing etc.
Areananet could you please update us on what’s going on with the insane server lag during these big events. Some of us are starting to feel that we are being ignored as you don’t care about the fact that your game is unplayable at times due to the server lag. How are we suppose to enjoy these awesome champion bosses, world bosses, meta events etc when we can’t even play or contribute to the event. We can be there from the start and get nothing at the end because of the lag.
I’m using BattlePing and that helps with the lag everywhere else but these meta events etc that have just been insanely bad and laggy since the last patch.
Anet has stated that they are working on performance and that the 1st of the rollout patches for performance will be this Tuesday. Don’t expect double fps but feel at ease that it will be “done when it is done”.
intel 335 180gb/intel 320 160gb WD 3TB Gigabyte GTX G1 970 XFX XXX750W HAF 932
I would really like to hear from ANet about this latest rash of lag. Attached is my Network Diagnostics log.
I would really like to hear from ANet about this latest rash of lag. Attached is my Network Diagnostics log.
First thing I’m seeing is that your ISP’s routing through Level3 to connect to Guild Wars 2’s servers.
You’re not alone on this. The Level 3 routing has been pretty bad for us despite pings being nominal. Packet loss is just horrible.
I would really like to hear from ANet about this latest rash of lag. Attached is my Network Diagnostics log.
First thing I’m seeing is that your ISP’s routing through Level3 to connect to Guild Wars 2’s servers.
You’re not alone on this. The Level 3 routing has been pretty bad for us despite pings being nominal. Packet loss is just horrible.
What really sucks is that my wife’s computer plays the game normally. Here is a copy of the Network Diagnostics test from her system. Note that we share an internet connection. I am not sure why she has no lag and I am almost paralized by it.