Lag issues in Latin America

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Astian.2705


This isn’t an ISP issue. This is on Anet end. they broke something on last update. All we can do is wait until they fix it. If the game isn’t working as it should for Latin America, Europe or even US players… its on you.

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Birigui.6857


So, we’ll have to wish for more players to suffer from the same issue to Anet take some measure, or they’ll just keep blaming our ISPs.

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lyonell.1753


I’m from Puerto Rico, so technically part of latin america. I been experiencing the same level of lag since the last patch, no other game “Even some NcSoft ones” suffer this issue.

My ISP Is liberty cable.

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Elysios.9274


Delay and lag spikes all over the place.. GW2 is unplayable for me since like 1 month ago inside the WvsW map.. I try to play this game but I really just can’t.. in PVE maps my delay is 1 second so is playable.. but I go to W vs W and my delay is just ridiculous

Skills with 10 to 20 secs delay is just horrendous.. I give up on the game until this get fixed.. ANET didn’t help us at all on this problem

PS: playing from South America – Chile
ISP: Movistar

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sterrius.4918


Dont know if it will help but my problem started at same day the Aetherblades Jumping Puzzle went online. Around 12PM ( GWT -3).

Before that it always worked fine. Well… for the full 2 weeks i got to play the game :/

Also my problem start beetween 2 NY IP´s so its nothing i can do to fix it from my side and (for once) not a problem from my side as i live in Brazil, don´t even know to who they belong too. → (My jump 6. 0% Package loss) name → → (My jump 7 40% Package loss). No name. → (jump 8 10% package loss). Name →

In Dallas again i get package loss starting at IP. with the name

(edited by Sterrius.4918)

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Engels.8537


I already lose all hope, obviously they don’t care about this and obviously they are not going to do anything to fix it, they don’t even assume the problem (the very first step to solve a problem),

And please… you don’t ask to submit a ticket when the issue is general,

There’s a bunch of f2p MMO games out there that i can play flawless, PROBLEM IS NOT THE ISP,

The real problem in my opinion is that the game has been oversold and the servers can’t handle this, maybe i’m wrong,

Don’t talk to me about toughness and vitality, damage avoidance is all in this game

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Birigui.6857


I already lose all hope, obviously they don’t care about this and obviously they are not going to do anything to fix it, they don’t even assume the problem (the very first step to solve a problem),

And please… you don’t ask to submit a ticket when the issue is general,

There’s a bunch of f2p MMO games out there that i can play flawless, PROBLEM IS NOT THE ISP,

The real problem in my opinion is that the game has been oversold and the servers can’t handle this, maybe i’m wrong,

I agree with almost all you’ve said, however I don’t think the problem is that the game has been oversold, because I’ve got this game just few days after its launch and it was fine to play. I guess they did some crap on recent updates OR are trying to reduce costs with servers.

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dovrak.4376


I already lose all hope, obviously they don’t care about this and obviously they are not going to do anything to fix it, they don’t even assume the problem (the very first step to solve a problem),

And please… you don’t ask to submit a ticket when the issue is general,

There’s a bunch of f2p MMO games out there that i can play flawless, PROBLEM IS NOT THE ISP,

The real problem in my opinion is that the game has been oversold and the servers can’t handle this, maybe i’m wrong,

I agree with almost all you’ve said, however I don’t think the problem is that the game has been oversold, because I’ve got this game just few days after its launch and it was fine to play. I guess they did some crap on recent updates OR are trying to reduce costs with servers.

They didn’t have good servers never, there were always people whit issues. Seems that it just getting worse.
This thread has 9 months 171361 views. So I don’t think they’re going to fix this soon =P.

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bowsack.8914


I’m from Puerto Rico, so technically part of latin america. I been experiencing the same level of lag since the last patch, no other game “Even some NcSoft ones” suffer this issue.

My ISP Is liberty cable.

Puerto Rico aswell, EVERY Other mmo isnt lagging, only here

same ISP

and for the SS laggy GW2
bin.exe would be a PS-Ragnarok
and Tera…

pretty sure is not OUR ISP


Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Caiotamietti.5749


Plz server in brazil we cant play with 350ms all latin america have so much lag...

Kblood – Necro r49
Challenger of the Arena

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: fran aguilar.4130

fran aguilar.4130

now they told me that i need to open this port´s 80, 443, 6112 & 6600 and and guess what .. nothing happened, I still have the same problem

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: noxkreative.4026


Server (H) FortAspenwood

Extreme Lag , unable to play

[GG] V I O L E N C E * WvW Guild

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maeth.1706


Well i have a ticket already, with all the attached files, i called my ISP twice, 2 technician looked at everything and still the only problem is with GW2.

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Iskandar.6387


the same answer, the problem is my isp.
I’m sure it is not, really just hope that ArenaNet is working on the problem and those answers are only to gain time.

PingPlotter test at the time that I have lag:

PingPlotter test when I have no lag, time 2:00 a.m. (GMT -4):

It really is a problem with my ISP?

(edited by Iskandar.6387)

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dannz.2490


same here, ping plotter from 6am (GMT-3)
packet loss is there but the game is completely playable without any lag or skill delays. (PvE)


Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyra.3871


First sorry for my english (im from Latino America, Argentina exacly). But i wish show something.
Look this post, in that support of spanish are a lot of latinos with the issues and more and more.
I dont have thath programs to see the lag or ping but i should say this:

We are a lot of peaple and we have the same important than others continents, we have this issues for a 2 o 3 MONTH. We need a SOLUCIÖN. Please.

Servidor: Sorrow’s Furnace N.A
Location: Argentina – Buenos Aires
ISP: Fibertel
Times that you’re experiencing this issue: ALL THE TIME (Specially in PVP)

And i could say this, NO IS A PROBLEM FOR OURS SUPPLIER, is for GW2 becouse all others game play very normal and all Latinos have this problem… (when we buy the game we played so good with out any lag).

Again sorry por my english i try explain with i could.

Good Bye.

(edited by Kyra.3871)

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: nessiah.1498


Are you disappointed with the intense lag these days and the fact that ANET blame your ISP company? If you are reading this message stop buying gems on ANET cash store, maybe it does not give nothing but it’s a sign of our protest against the omission of ANET in relation to our cause.

Share this information on other forums for new players do not buy the game while this situation is not resolved.

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Innolis.7534


Wanted to add my voice to this:

Server: Sorrow’s Furnace
ISP: Fibertel
GA and/or Network Diagnostic report: attached
Times that you’re experiencing this issue: 24/7 since dragon bash, I’ve yet to see a time where I’m not lagging massively.

I did contact my ISP as I do believe its on their end, but as usual the guys picking up the phone are not really technical people so the answer’s always going to be “we cant guarantee connection speed” or some other lie…

I do want to point out that league of legends LAS server (the latin american server) was (or is) also having problems very recently in argentina and it was indeed the ISP’s fault.

Now, I now Anet has no obligation to get involved in our local ISP’s issues, but it would be a tremendous act of goodwill on their part if they could take a bit of their time to research and maybe get in touch with the latin american NOC’s to try and find a solution.

Here’s hoping we can get this solved as quickly as possible.



Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Buster.9384


I can not take more unbearable lag that I have to do something fast please and thank you, I’m from chile and all my friends claim to the same.

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: snakevenom.9324


I play all games online on Ps3 flawlessly, I play all my other games on pc flawlessly, only GW2 is lagging, the problem is definetely not my ISP. I ran PingPlotter playing absolutely everything and the higher ping were 44ms, GW2 is reaching 498ms. Unless my ISP hates ANet for a unknown reason, the problem is with ANet.

If it moves, KILL IT!

-Living a Charr way of life.

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shinta.9450


After opening a ticket to Anet, here’s their answer: “Because the loss of data is happening prior to it reaching our game servers, you will need to contact your Internet Service Provider for assistance.”.

Really Anet? Me and my girlfriend both play this game and we both had the same unbearable lag problems at the same time, yet we have different ISP. Not to mention I am able to play every one of my games on xbox 360, ps3 and PC without a single problem, yet I have 3 or more seconds of delay (not to mention CTOs) while playing GW2 and huge packet losses. Yeah, right, I suppose every ISP on Brazil hates Anet.

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dannz.2490


Anet gave me a solution: paid proxy/tunneling systems
yeah, that’s pathetic

it’s not their fault, all of sudden a huge number of ISPs from Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, German, UK and others are the responsible for the lag.

Anet doesn’t seem to bother about this, it’s a huge problem, affecting a lot of players but they keep saying we need to submit individual tickets and get the same responses.

here is a list of locations, ISPs that i gathered:

  • Brazil
    Ajato, Oi Velox, Net
  • Argentina
    Fibertel, Telefonica
  • Puerto Rico
    Liberty Cable
  • Chile
  • Paraguay
  • Dominican Republic
  • Colombia
  • UK
    SKY Broadband, Orange/EE, O2
  • Australia
    iinet Cable

(edited by Dannz.2490)

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Douglas.8479


The same problem since the last update.
Brazil – SP

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Adrammelech.5842


Anet gave me a solution: paid proxy/tunneling systems
yeah, that’s pathetic

it’s not their fault, all of sudden a huge number of ISPs from Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, German, UK and others are the responsible for the lag.

Anet doesn’t seem to bother about this, it’s a huge problem, affecting a lot of players but they keep saying we need to submit individual tickets and get the same responses.

here is a list of locations, ISPs that i gathered:

  • Brazil
    Ajato, Oi Velox, Net
  • Argentina
    Fibertel, Telefonica
  • Puerto Rico
    Liberty Cable
  • Chile
  • Paraguay
  • Dominican Republic
  • Colombia
  • UK
    SKY Broadband, Orange/EE, O2
  • Australia
    iinet Cable

What do you mean with that list? The country and the ISP with the issue?

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dannz.2490


yes, gathered from this topic and others.
lag problems since last patch.

join the party, add your ISP if it’s not on the list.

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: surfinbird.1973


same here, ping plotter from 6am (GMT-3)
packet loss is there but the game is completely playable without any lag or skill delays. (PvE)

Same here, i could play nicely at dawn/morning, beteween 4am ~ 7am (GMT-3). It’s very strange that the lag just come in the afternoon/evening. Tech support keep trying to explain to me how ping plotter works and to check with my Isp, and dont solve nothing. Never had this problem until they released the sky pirate patch, and i don’t think my connection has decided to oscillate at fixed times since them.

(edited by surfinbird.1973)

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: surfinbird.1973


Anet gave me a solution: paid proxy/tunneling systems
yeah, that’s pathetic

it’s not their fault, all of sudden a huge number of ISPs from Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, German, UK and others are the responsible for the lag.

Anet doesn’t seem to bother about this, it’s a huge problem, affecting a lot of players but they keep saying we need to submit individual tickets and get the same responses.

here is a list of locations, ISPs that i gathered:

  • Brazil
    Ajato, Oi Velox, Net
  • Argentina
    Fibertel, Telefonica
  • Puerto Rico
    Liberty Cable
  • Chile
  • Paraguay
  • Dominican Republic
  • Colombia
  • UK
    SKY Broadband, Orange/EE, O2
  • Australia
    iinet Cable

Country: Brazil
ISP: Vivo Speedy
Server: Darkhaven

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yulan.4069


Hi lads, I’m a brazilian player and GVT customer.
Have you tried using “-clientport 80” in your .exe’s destiny? It will look like this:

“C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” -clientport 80

It seems to fix most of my bandwith issues; I still have a somewhat high ping, but the rubber band effect is almost gone and the connection is overall much more stable. Even though, I’d love to hear ANET can do something to get us even better results.

Good luck, see you in Tyria!

Ah, the Scepter of Orr. You have taken a risk to deliver this. Now I shall return the favor.

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shen.1750


Thanks for compiling the list of ISPs Dannz. Feel free to edit your post and add Tigo as an isp for Paraguay. I have a friend who plays with me during the weekdays and we both started to have the same lag issues at pretty much the same time last week (monday 07/01/2013, at around 8pm) even tho we are on diferent isps.

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vostroyan.9214


Since the past month i have been haveing this isue a lot and have been rubber-banding and freezing a lot. This accorse in prime time in the U.S. I play from Europe(Spain) with my american guild in Sanctum Of Rall. The houer that this happens for me is from 11 pm to 5 am. If i log in at 3 pm in the afternoon noon its all ok but 3 houers later i might rubberband from time to time with this has never happend to me ever since the start of the game till the past month.

Today i took screan shots of the ping i was having in wvw with just a gruop of 20.

Its been imposible for me since the past month to play anything on the prime time houers even the people i play with have to carry me in the dungens cause my fps drops up to 18 and cant see what is goin on at all moments.

For next week ill be upgrading my Grafix card(Nvidia 250 to a 640) and ill report if this helps a bit or not in the changes.


Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: fran aguilar.4130

fran aguilar.4130

is this program “Hijack This” is safe??
they want me to download this program and send the log file??

help plz

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: pixfan.2407


Don’t even bother yourselves sending a ticket, you’ll get the same response we got.

“There is an issue with your connection, we can’t do anything blah blah blah”

Yes Anet, of course there is a problem with our ISP’s, ALL the connections of Latin America started having problems the SAME day you updated the game with the Dragon Bash, but for some reason GW2 is the only game we’re having problems with, nice logic you got there lol, stop being lazy and fix this.

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mikau.6920


The game is just unplayable :/

Please, fix it sson

Till there no more GW2

Sorry for my english.

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: caiomacos.1694


Don’t even bother yourselves sending a ticket, you’ll get the same response we got.

Nah, if you are having terrible lag and havent opened a ticket yet, plz do it. Ive sent a ticket mentioning this topic and heres what they answered:


Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team.

I have seen this forum post and am actively collecting information to pass off to the Network Engineering Team. That being said, I’ll need to request a couple of additional reports from you as the Network Diagnostic test unfortunately does not want to show me the traceroutes. In order for us to better assist you with this issue, please run our Game Advisor application. The Game Advisor will provide us with helpful information about your system and Internet connection.

If you are using a router, hub, or switch, please disconnect this device and connect directly to your modem before running this utility. You may have to reboot your modem and/or computer to reestablish your Internet connection. If this isn’t possible due to your network setup, please run Game Advisor with the router connected as the information will still be useful.

To run Game Advisor, please perform the following steps:

1. To download the Game Advisor, go here:

2. When prompted, save the file to your Windows “desktop” so that you can access it easily. Please save the file before running it – running from the website can cause file issues.

3. Double-click on the Game Advisor file and then click on the icon of the game you’re experiencing an issue with.

4. Click on the “Test Computer and Connection” button and please wait a few minutes while the process completes.

5. Once the process completes, a “Test Result” window will come up. This window will provide you with a link to update your ticket as well as tell you where the diagnostic report is saved. You can also view the report file.

Please update your ticket with this file. If you need assistance attaching a report to the ticket please follow the instructions in the following Knowledge Base article:

Title: Attaching a File
Answer Link:

Once we receive it, we’ll have a better idea of how to resolve your issue."

Its pretty clear they are aware of the problem and are looking at it. So, my advice is to open a ticket with the Diag Log and Game Advisor file attached. The more people opening tickets about this problem, more data they will be able to gather from us to figure out the source of the problem (whether it is from their side or from our ISP) and how to fix it.

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rap Tiger.1257

Rap Tiger.1257

Well here I tested by giving the pingplotter this problem in the following Ip – 65,205,119,210 and – NCSoft today at dawn packet loss began to occur only in Ip, I’m eager to play GW2 longer just return when Lag fix this, I called up to my internet provider to check if the problem contained here, but from what I saw is the real problem right in the USA


Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: avalanchegamer.9675


One more here with lag issues…

Since the day July 3, 2013 (Build: 20,440) I’ve been having problems with lag.
I contacted my ISP and they said everything is normal.
I have no lag with games like BF3, BlackOPs2, Diablo 3 and DC Universe Online.
Any solution?

City: Salvador
State: Bahia
Country: Brasil
ISP: Oi Velox 10mb


Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: blackbolt.8160


how about people from the philippines


Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: johnpoc.8732


If you are having lag problems please send a support ticket, doing so you are giving the dev team an image of how big this problem is. People posting their replies lately have been getting different answers, I’m not saying this will get solve but maybe they’ll get a team working on it.

Lockn Loada/Ryu Shueki
[RUN] solo/duo roamer

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276


Ashley Segovia.8276

Technical Support


Hello all!

I appreciate the wealth of information that you’ve all provided thus far. Please be assured that this is still being looked into. Despite whether or not our support team has informed you to contact your ISP, your information that was provided to us is still being forwarded to the appropriate departments for further investigation.

In the meantime, I would recommend contacting your ISP to see if there is anything that they can do to help alleviate some of the connection issues as I don’t have an ETA to provide for any kind of resolution at this time.

Please do continue sending in tickets so that we have more information to forward on.

I appreciate your patience in regards to this issue – I can definitely understand how frustrating this must be especially if you feel like no one is listening and so I want to apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused. Once I have more information to provide for you guys I will let you know as soon as I can.

Thanks again!

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maeth.1706


Well.. status on my ticket is “Closed” and just got a “call ur isp”.

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276


Ashley Segovia.8276

Technical Support


Tickets close automatically after 72 hours if we receive no response from you. Again, despite what support may have instructed you to do, we are still forwarding your information for further investigation.

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: johnpoc.8732


It’s great to hear this! Thanks Ashley

Lockn Loada/Ryu Shueki
[RUN] solo/duo roamer

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ricky.4706


it’s a long shot but could this be affecting gw2 ?

“We [the NSA] hack network backbones – like huge Internet routers, basically – that give us access to the communications of hundreds of thousands of computers without having to hack every single one,”

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Adrammelech.5842


Hello all!

I appreciate the wealth of information that you’ve all provided thus far. Please be assured that this is still being looked into. Despite whether or not our support team has informed you to contact your ISP, your information that was provided to us is still being forwarded to the appropriate departments for further investigation.

In the meantime, I would recommend contacting your ISP to see if there is anything that they can do to help alleviate some of the connection issues as I don’t have an ETA to provide for any kind of resolution at this time.

Please do continue sending in tickets so that we have more information to forward on.

I appreciate your patience in regards to this issue – I can definitely understand how frustrating this must be especially if you feel like no one is listening and so I want to apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused. Once I have more information to provide for you guys I will let you know as soon as I can.

Thanks again!

And what will happen to all the lost time? I mean, I can’t even do the new dungeon due the lag. May I not enjoy it? Miserably?

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kushiel.2867


Well, i dunno if you guys did anything today but… when i logged in today 5am server time (Jade Quarry) i could play as i was used to, the lag is back now tho, but still better than the last days.

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Equinox.1025


For Ashley Segovia

Lag problems is not Latin America is only South America. I ask some people in Central America (I live in Costa Rica) and Mexico is fine.

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Abe Kleine.3568

Abe Kleine.3568

The lag is freakin everywhere, last patch screwed the pooch.

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Redfield.6174


Becane completly unplayeable.

[BP] Necromancer
Dragonbrand Server

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: johnpoc.8732


For Ashley Segovia

Lag problems is not Latin America is only South America. I ask some people in Central America (I live in Costa Rica) and Mexico is fine.

People from Costa Rica have complained in this post about lag. Europe has a massive amount of players experiencing lag issues such as ours, even players from the US (though they are few) are having lag.

Lockn Loada/Ryu Shueki
[RUN] solo/duo roamer

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


What’s your region?

I’ve seem lots and lots of people from South America logging into Baruch Bay [SP], which is in Europe.
They should be getting better latency from a NA world.

No exceptions!