Ludicrous ban times, no warnings

Ludicrous ban times, no warnings

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gear.6274


3 full days for using inappropriate language, really? that’s literally how long the glitch exploiters get banned for, geeze tell me which one is worse, I’m not claiming I wasn’t in the wrong but it isn’t even made clear what the rules are and NO warnings at all are given, just bang, banned <insert generic reason here>, and surely a first offence should be no more than an hour or two at best, 3 days for a first offence, let the crime fit the time, way to drop the ball.

paid good money for this game, and I didn’t pay it not to be able to play for days on end over stupid misdemeanour’s with no warning system in place. /rant

Ludicrous ban times, no warnings

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: senseye.6970


People paid good money to not here you run your mouth off….
So just learn from your fault and dont do it again.

Ludicrous ban times, no warnings

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CoLD.9864


No offense but you didn’t get the hint when you/if you realized you can’t fully turn off the mature language filter?
The game is rated Teen for a reason. If you want to curse, you skype.

Ludicrous ban times, no warnings

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: meloncash.6798


While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players. This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, reporting players maliciously, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated.

Ludicrous ban times, no warnings

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gear.6274


No offense but you didn’t get the hint when you/if you realized you can’t fully turn off the mature language filter?
The game is rated Teen for a reason. If you want to curse, you skype.

didn’t notice it honestly haven’t looked at the curse filter didn’t know it was there until i got banned.

While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players. This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, reporting players maliciously, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated.

at what point do you assume i took the time out to scour the website for the terms of service?

Ludicrous ban times, no warnings

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ZoLMiTRiPTaN.4567


paid good money for this game, and I didn’t pay it not to be able to play for days on end over stupid misdemeanour’s with no warning system in place. /rant

You skipped over the EULA, didn’t you? Let me direct you to a post by Gaile Gray that concerns your exact “issue”: (

EDIT: (Quoted in case of laziness!)

“The language filter is not intended as a “License to Swear.”

The warnings you request are here, in the form of Rules of Conduct and the User Agreement, which every player accepts before playing the game."

Oh… my… GLOB, Melissa!

(edited by ZoLMiTRiPTaN.4567)

Ludicrous ban times, no warnings

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gear.6274


paid good money for this game, and I didn’t pay it not to be able to play for days on end over stupid misdemeanour’s with no warning system in place. /rant

You skipped over the EULA, didn’t you? Let me direct you to a post by Gaile Gray that concerns your exact “issue”: CLICK ME

bro, don’t try to tell me you read the entire EULA of everything you ever install.

Ludicrous ban times, no warnings

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ZoLMiTRiPTaN.4567


paid good money for this game, and I didn’t pay it not to be able to play for days on end over stupid misdemeanour’s with no warning system in place. /rant

You skipped over the EULA, didn’t you? Let me direct you to a post by Gaile Gray that concerns your exact “issue”: CLICK ME

bro, don’t try to tell me you read the entire EULA of everything you ever install.

First off, I’m not your “bro”. Secondly, I do read EULAs and RoCs because, quite frankly, I want to know if I have any recourse if the software screws up and I’m left in the dark. I like being an informed consumer. You should try it out.

Oh… my… GLOB, Melissa!

Ludicrous ban times, no warnings

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gear.6274


paid good money for this game, and I didn’t pay it not to be able to play for days on end over stupid misdemeanour’s with no warning system in place. /rant

You skipped over the EULA, didn’t you? Let me direct you to a post by Gaile Gray that concerns your exact “issue”: CLICK ME

bro, don’t try to tell me you read the entire EULA of everything you ever install.

First off, I’m not your “bro”. Secondly, I do read EULAs and RoCs because, quite frankly, I want to know if I have any recourse if the software screws up and I’m left in the dark. I like being an informed consumer. You should try it out.

Firstly, not going to respond to the flame-bait, captain high ‘n’ mighty, secondly, you have fun reading through page 210 of the iTunes EULA, think I’m going to go do something more fun, like watch paint dry or something.

Ludicrous ban times, no warnings

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ZoLMiTRiPTaN.4567


If it’s what I think you are saying then that word you were saying I can’t even take seriously because the group of people it refers to misuse the term much more liberally than we do.

Exactly, if it makes it any better, I’m spelling it with an A as opposed to ER…..

I don’t use iTunes. But thanks for trying. It’s also nice to see you got banned for saying the “n” word (

Your ban was justified, warning or not.

Oh… my… GLOB, Melissa!

(edited by ZoLMiTRiPTaN.4567)

Ludicrous ban times, no warnings

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gear.6274


rofl @ you defending which media player you use, confirmed for neckbeard, we done here.

Ludicrous ban times, no warnings

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bpbill.4021


Everybody (that’s everybody including you) has to accept the EULA before playing, that means you accept the terms and conditions within. Personally I did not read all of the EULA but then if I happen to get a ban for not following that would be my own fault.

Ignorance is not a defence.

Ludicrous ban times, no warnings

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Daedalus.9382


My guild is in terms of overall achievement the most progressed guild on our server and we discussed this topic like I am sure everyone has and at the end of the day swearing is extremely irrelevant. Widely abused repeat offenders should have resources placed to prevent said offenders. I would say our perspective backs Gears point of view.

There should be a warning system in place with short term temp bans. There are much bigger fish to fry… like instead of wasting resources on this they could of specifically deleted all the exploited items in the recent unbanning of characters instead of “trusting” people to do it for them.

I think that at the end of the day choices of language are widespread and unrealistically police-able at a misdemeanour level. There is a reason why MMORPG boxs all say next to the rating some variation of “experiences may vary online” etc. If your letting kids you cant trust independently… your fighting a loosing battle.

I don’t promote groundless indecencies and social ignorance but i am a realist.

Ludicrous ban times, no warnings

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gear.6274


Thank you Daedalus for being the only person thus far in the thread to take in my points objectively and not jump on EULA-nazi bandwagon.

(edited by Gear.6274)

Ludicrous ban times, no warnings

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ZoLMiTRiPTaN.4567


I don’t promote groundless indecencies and social ignorance but i am a realist.

So it’s OK if a player that represents your guild lets loose with the “n” word multiple times in public chat? Are you defending his actions? His ban was justified, and I’m fairly certain ANet can pull the chat logs and they’ll be 10 times worse than just using the “n” word a few times as evidenced by the infamous reddit thread.

I’ll repeat was linked and explained by Gaile Gray: Your warning was in the EULA.

Oh… my… GLOB, Melissa!

Ludicrous ban times, no warnings

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gear.6274


I don’t promote groundless indecencies and social ignorance but i am a realist.

So it’s OK if a player that represents your guild lets loose with the “n” word multiple times in public chat? Are you defending his actions? His ban was justified, and I’m fairly certain ANet can pull the chat logs and they’ll be 10 times worse than just using the “n” word a few times as evidenced by the infamous reddit thread.

I’ll repeat was linked and explained by Gaile Gray: Your warning was in the EULA.

There’s a word for people like you, I’d use it but i’d probably be banned from the forums for it(it ends in rider) and as for ’’It’ll probably be much worse!11!" you can assume that based on how well you know me, right? I legitimately used the N word spelt with a casual A maybe 3 times in chat. You EULA-nazi.

Ludicrous ban times, no warnings

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Account.9832


I suggest the creation of a “pottymouth” server, with an “18+” warning and where people can say whatever they want and name their characters whatever they want.


I think Arena Net would save itself a lot of work and keep some players a lot happier if they did that.

- Al Zheimer

Ludicrous ban times, no warnings

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gear.6274


I suggest the creation of a “pottymouth” server, with an “18+” warning and where people can say whatever they want and name their characters whatever they want.


I think Arena Net would save itself a lot of work and keep some players a lot happier if they did that.

I can dig it.

Ludicrous ban times, no warnings

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RobCRX.4528


If people cant stand other people using all sorts of language perhaps they should just get off the internet because its everywhere.

Words mean nothing and its really funny when people pretend to be “offended” by words, I mean honestly grow up.

Ludicrous ban times, no warnings

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


Honestly a slap on the hand for minor offences opens the way for major offences. If ANet shows a strict stand on what they disapprove of (aka whats not allowed as per EULA) then that prevents people from forgetting. I mean lets be honest Gear, are you going to get into public chat and say it again?

On the flip side of that, lets follow your suggestion, and do a two hour ban, or what I’ve seen previously suggested, a temp chat ban. The next day when your being “casual” in public chat, are you gonna say it again? Because I can guarantee that with just a few hours of downtime to do things like go watch TV, or sleep, it’s not gonna get through.

The whole point of a ban is to prevent you from playing. A couple hours doesn’t really do that. There are a multitude of things people can do for a couple hours and not really interrupt their game time.

Instead of complaining, accept that you were wrong, read the EULA (so that you don’t have something to complain about later if you mess up) and get back in when the ban is over. Ban’s aren’t there to make you happy. Sorry “bro”.

Ludicrous ban times, no warnings

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Doomdark.9346


Great to hear. This isn’t going to be another WoW where people just put any old garbage in the trade chat.

Hopefully the second offence is 6 days, the third 12 etc. That will make people appreciate the rules, if they can’t appreciate other people.