More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tugger.4102


The problem I have is they ban/suspend first and ask questions later. They should get in contact with the individual first discuss the issue and give them a warning and if the problem persists they can then ban/suspended. I am dealing with a suspension of my own and am none to pleased about the way they are handling it because it is very unprofessional. I would have to say this has been the worst customer support experience I have ever had which is sad because I very much enjoy there product but with a experience like this my view on ArenaNet has changed and I honestly don’t know if I can recommended there products any more considering how poor there customer service is.

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lethrface.2401


Honestly, though? I do feel a good deal of pathos toward Gaile. Having to deal with all this animosity as it comes in can’t be an easy task by anyone’s metering. Especially considering the mistake isn’t hers.

I do as well. In fact, I’m at work right now as of posting this (I do tech support) but this does bring up a big red flag about the process for determining botting that the company as a whole should see, not one single person and that is the wonderful thing about the internet and I hope they make this right.

Don’t post on the forum – it will not help.
Write a ticket and ask for review – that will help.

Already been done. This however needs to be made known that there is flaws in their system and showing it in public is known to produce a bigger push toward change in most companies

(edited by Lethrface.2401)

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tugger.4102


Don’t post on the forum – it will not help.
Write a ticket and ask for review – that will help.

Doesn’t help if they don’t respond to your ticket….

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lethrface.2401


Let’s try to keep this from being an argument. We have stated our cases and would like a response from the company, not an argument.

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tugger.4102


Let’s try to keep this from being an argument. We have stated our cases and would like a response from the company, not an argument.

Sounds like a reasonable request to me. Just curious though does customer support even have a phone number you can call? If not I think that is a major oversight but that is just my opinion

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Don’t post on the forum – it will not help.
Write a ticket and ask for review – that will help.

Doesn’t help if they don’t respond to your ticket….

Some tickets are prioritized above others. A log-in issue — “I’ve been banned and I didn’t do anything” or “I cannot remember my password” — is of higher priority than "My name was blocked and I’m not happy.

I don’t mean to single you out, but it’s plain truth that some situations deserve more immediate action than others.

Having said that a team member usually responds within hours, a day or two at most. And we have a sticky thread at the top of this Account Support Forum for anyone who has waited 3 days or more.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tugger.4102


Don’t post on the forum – it will not help.
Write a ticket and ask for review – that will help.

Doesn’t help if they don’t respond to your ticket….

Some tickets are prioritized above others. A log-in issue — “I’ve been banned and I didn’t do anything” or “I cannot remember my password” — is of higher priority than "My name was blocked and I’m not happy.

I don’t mean to single you out, but it’s plain truth that some situations deserve more immediate action than others.

Having said that a team member usually responds within hours, a day or two at most. And we have a sticky thread at the top of this Account Support Forum for anyone who has waited 3 days or more.

I would say being banned and suspended are on similar a level but you opinion may differ from mine and I respect that. Also please don’t put words in some ones mouth that is very disrespectful especially when they are a customer. I can understand you might be frustrated and I honestly don’t blame you since you have to deal with angry people all the time. Am I upset that I have been banned for 3 days? Absolutely. Would this have been resolved without anger and frustration if I had a phone number to call or was responded to in a timely manner? Yes. Personally I think your customer support is lacking at best. If I had this same problem with xbox live it would have been resolved within 24 hours but more than likely it would have been resolved in hours. I would prefer we deal with this in PM because the person in this thread has issues of there own and I don’t want to get into this on there thread. I apologize to you sir and hope your problem gets resolved. The Bot Detection should be addressed because there are a lot of innocent people getting banned.

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sereloth.4378


The problem I have is they ban/suspend first and ask questions later. They should get in contact with the individual first discuss the issue and give them a warning and if the problem persists they can then ban/suspended. I am dealing with a suspension of my own and am none to pleased about the way they are handling it because it is very unprofessional. I would have to say this has been the worst customer support experience I have ever had which is sad because I very much enjoy there product but with a experience like this my view on ArenaNet has changed and I honestly don’t know if I can recommended there products any more considering how poor there customer service is.

Why should they do it your way instead of their current way? You were told not to create an offensive/inappropriate name, you broke that rule, you pay the consequences. Why do they need to discuss this with you at all? If they do not enforce their own rules, then the rules become meaningless. It sounds like your reasoning is that “I didn’t know it was an offensive name”. That’s not a valid reason for you not to serve the suspension. You don’t get out of a ticket by telling the officer that you didn’t know you were speeding…

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

The problem I have is they ban/suspend first and ask questions later. They should get in contact with the individual first discuss the issue and give them a warning and if the problem persists they can then ban/suspended. I am dealing with a suspension of my own and am none to pleased about the way they are handling it because it is very unprofessional. I would have to say this has been the worst customer support experience I have ever had which is sad because I very much enjoy there product but with a experience like this my view on ArenaNet has changed and I honestly don’t know if I can recommended there products any more considering how poor there customer service is.

You agreed to follow all the rules before you played this game. THAT was your warning.

FYI – your account name looks naughty.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tugger.4102


The problem I have is they ban/suspend first and ask questions later. They should get in contact with the individual first discuss the issue and give them a warning and if the problem persists they can then ban/suspended. I am dealing with a suspension of my own and am none to pleased about the way they are handling it because it is very unprofessional. I would have to say this has been the worst customer support experience I have ever had which is sad because I very much enjoy there product but with a experience like this my view on ArenaNet has changed and I honestly don’t know if I can recommended there products any more considering how poor there customer service is.

Why should they do it your way instead of their current way? You were told not to create an offensive/inappropriate name, you broke that rule, you pay the consequences. Why do they need to discuss this with you at all? If they do not enforce their own rules, then the rules become meaningless. It sounds like your reasoning is that “I didn’t know it was an offensive name”. That’s not a valid reason for you not to serve the suspension. You don’t get out of a ticket by telling the officer that you didn’t know you were speeding…

I am a customer who bought there product. Haven’t you ever heard the phrase the customer is always right? If you go to a restaurant and order food and it comes out and you don’t like it you can just send it back and they will take it back because they want to please the customer. The food could have been cooked to perfection but it doesn’t matter they want to please the customer. All I want is to discuss the issue that’s a very simple request. If I had a issue with ebay about a offensive name issue they would discuss the issue with me. If I had a offensive name on Xbox Live that violates the rules they would just have me change the name with no suspension (That’s a fact not a opinion). Your example with a speeding ticket is a joke. Its like comparing apples to oranges. Bottom line all they had to do is send me a email informing me of the issue and the name would have been changed.

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tugger.4102


The problem I have is they ban/suspend first and ask questions later. They should get in contact with the individual first discuss the issue and give them a warning and if the problem persists they can then ban/suspended. I am dealing with a suspension of my own and am none to pleased about the way they are handling it because it is very unprofessional. I would have to say this has been the worst customer support experience I have ever had which is sad because I very much enjoy there product but with a experience like this my view on ArenaNet has changed and I honestly don’t know if I can recommended there products any more considering how poor there customer service is.

You agreed to follow all the rules before you played this game. THAT was your warning.

FYI – your account name looks naughty.

The name being offensive is a matter of opinion. I did not feel like it violated the rules because I have played multiple MMOs with the same name and never violated there rules.

FYI my account name was similar to the character name so why hasn’t this account been suspended? Apparently it isn’t too offensive since I have posted multiple times and no Mod has had a problem with it. The name comes from the movie tropic thunder it is Matthew McConaughey’s nickname for Ben Stiller. It isn’t offensive to me just funny but there is where peoples opinions will differ.

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

The problem I have is they ban/suspend first and ask questions later. They should get in contact with the individual first discuss the issue and give them a warning and if the problem persists they can then ban/suspended. I am dealing with a suspension of my own and am none to pleased about the way they are handling it because it is very unprofessional. I would have to say this has been the worst customer support experience I have ever had which is sad because I very much enjoy there product but with a experience like this my view on ArenaNet has changed and I honestly don’t know if I can recommended there products any more considering how poor there customer service is.

Why should they do it your way instead of their current way? You were told not to create an offensive/inappropriate name, you broke that rule, you pay the consequences. Why do they need to discuss this with you at all? If they do not enforce their own rules, then the rules become meaningless. It sounds like your reasoning is that “I didn’t know it was an offensive name”. That’s not a valid reason for you not to serve the suspension. You don’t get out of a ticket by telling the officer that you didn’t know you were speeding…

I am a customer who bought there product. Haven’t you ever heard the phrase the customer is always right? If you go to a restaurant and order food and it comes out and you don’t like it you can just send it back and they will take it back because they want to please the customer. The food could have been cooked to perfection but it doesn’t matter they want to please the customer. All I want is to discuss the issue that’s a very simple request. If I had a issue with ebay about a offensive name issue they would discuss the issue with me. If I had a offensive name on Xbox Live that violates the rules they would just have me change the name with no suspension (That’s a fact not a opinion). Your example with a speeding ticket is a joke. Its like comparing apples to oranges. Bottom line all they had to do is send me a email informing me of the issue and the name would have been changed.

The customer is always right, until they are wrong. I’m sorry you broke a rule.

ps – Anet doesn’t sell food.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lethrface.2401


Tugger, I hate to be direct with you but your name does violate a term of agreement that you agree to when you play. By accepting a legal binding agreement, you agree to follow the rules of the product that you bought. The customer is always right only applies in passifying customers who did not violate an agreement (like say a customer is paying for internet service and there is an outage. if they request a credit, they are entitled to it because they are in the right to request it). In your case, you chose to violate the agreement you accepted and someone recognized this and reported you because it was offensive to them and it did fall within reason of a bannable offense.

You chose to put yourself in this position. My friends did not. You two are in two different categories and you find yourself unable to accept some responsibility for your choice. Please stick to your own topic because this has been resolved here (or, at least we got a response) and I specifically asked for no arguing here because I wanted to keep this a mature thread and your obvious inability to accept responsibility for your actions will do nothing but perpetuate the issue you are having and possibly make it worse.

On that note, let’s stop here so we can move on with at least SOME dignity.

(edited by Lethrface.2401)

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tugger.4102


Tugger, I hate to be direct with you but your name does violate a term of agreement that you agree to when you play. By accepting a legal binding agreement, you agree to follow the rules of the product that you bought. The customer is always right only applies in passifying customers who did not violate an agreement (like say a customer is paying for internet service and there is an outage. if they request a credit, they are entitled to it because they are in the right to request it). In your case, you chose to violate the agreement you accepted and someone recognized this and reported you because it was offensive to them and it did fall within reason of a bannable offense.

You chose to put yourself in this position. My friends did not. You two are in two different categories and you find yourself unable to accept some responsibility for your choice. Please stick to your own topic because this has been resolved here and I specifically asked for no arguing here because I wanted to keep this a mature thread and your obvious inability to accept responsibility for your actions will do nothing but perpetuate the issue you are having and possibly make it worse.

On that note, let’s stop here so we can move on with at least SOME dignity.

Violating that rule is a matter of opinion. They had no problem with my account name so why would I think they would have a problem with the character name?

I could be a smart * and say your friends did put themselves in a similar situation because they performed actions that ArenaNet considered bot like actions. I am able to accept my name might have been a poor choice but the situation could have been resolved in a more professional manner just like your friends situation could have been resolved by emailing them and investigating instead of banning first and asking questions later.

On that note I hope you have a very pleasant evening and I hope your friends will be back online soon. Also does ArenaNet seriously not have a customer support number to handle these issues? I have asked multiple times with no replies. I know xbox live has a number, wow, star wars, and ect

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lethrface.2401


I find it logical someone could be offended despite myself not being offended. Just be happy your account wasnt permanently banned and take your punishment as you get it.

To answer your question, with a little research, I came up with numerous articles over here at the following link. No numbers but I do see a live chat support option.

I also found this link but not sure if it is accurate as it is old.

(edited by Lethrface.2401)

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tugger.4102


I find it logical someone could be offended despite myself not being offended. Just be happy your account wasnt permanently banned and take your punishment as you get it.

To answer your question, with a little research, I came up with numerous articles over here at the following link. No numbers but I do see a live chat support option.

I also found this link but not sure if it is accurate as it is old.

My account was never gonna be permanently banned according to there user agreement but I understand what you are saying. Thank you very much for the links I will defiantly check them out. Still bummed I can’t call someone but live support would be the next best thing. Again Thank You I know you didn’t have to take the time to even look for links but you did and I very much appreciate it. Also I hope you and your friends are gaming again soon. Just curious what server are you on? Maybe we could WvW or run a dungeon sometime? I also have been dying to find a server that is WvW oriented but haven’t had much luck so far I am on Darkhaven

(edited by Tugger.4102)

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kuro Kami.8436

Kuro Kami.8436

I’ve had three of my very close guild members banned today. TODAY! For that same reason of “botting” when there is no proof. I am not going to write a lot but I have their claim numbers and I WILL be reporting to Game of the Year? Not with these issues sadly.

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Falindae.6075


Well—- THAT was unpleasant….
Issue resolved, though. Please close this thread, and much thanks for the support, Gaile, and those who gave it.

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ElectricNinja.9230


i am happy you are not banned i hope anet will fix the other people who are banned for no reason!

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rajani Isa.6294

Rajani Isa.6294

The customer is always right, until they are wrong. I’m sorry you broke a rule.

ps – Anet doesn’t sell food.

The way I learned it is “the customer is never wrong. Mislead, misinformed, or mistaken, but never wrong”

Tuggernutz – one major difference between GW2 and a restaurant is that people breaking the rules has an immediate negative impact on other customers. That and the setup doesn’t allow for real time interactions that well. But take it from me as someone who works in a restaurant – we WILL tell you no. We WILL tell you to suck it up and go elsewhere if you abuse our goodwill. I’ve even hung up on customers before. Not our normal thing but we only take so much before we write you off.

As far as XBox goes – I’ll be impressed at their customer service skills when a chargeback is no longer easier than removing a credit card from their billing section if you used it to subscribe to XBox live. Maybe it’s changed since then but I’ve never dealt with a subscription service that told me I could not remove my CC info while having an active but completely paid sub.

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rajani Isa.6294

Rajani Isa.6294

Tuggernutz – And sorry for the grammar nut moment but:

There – location

Their – they own

(And not that I saw where it would be needed they’re – they are)

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lethrface.2401


Razeil.3081 is still awaiting his perma ban being lifted if anyone can do something for him (not quite sure if this big stink we made had solved the issue or not but he was one of our guildies who was banned along with Falindae.6075). Any assistance from Anet and NCSoft, whoever may be watching, would be much appreciated. Thanks again guys.

Tugger: We are on Ehrmy Bay.

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tugger.4102


The customer is always right, until they are wrong. I’m sorry you broke a rule.

ps – Anet doesn’t sell food.

The way I learned it is “the customer is never wrong. Mislead, misinformed, or mistaken, but never wrong”

Tuggernutz – one major difference between GW2 and a restaurant is that people breaking the rules has an immediate negative impact on other customers. That and the setup doesn’t allow for real time interactions that well. But take it from me as someone who works in a restaurant – we WILL tell you no. We WILL tell you to suck it up and go elsewhere if you abuse our goodwill. I’ve even hung up on customers before. Not our normal thing but we only take so much before we write you off.

As far as XBox goes – I’ll be impressed at their customer service skills when a chargeback is no longer easier than removing a credit card from their billing section if you used it to subscribe to XBox live. Maybe it’s changed since then but I’ve never dealt with a subscription service that told me I could not remove my CC info while having an active but completely paid sub.

I use to work at a restaurant so I know how it works. My issue was very minor and personally I would have loved to discuss it in private but there customer support does not allow that (I made a ticket and still have not had a reply).

Xbox Customer support is better because you can actually call them. If I could have called ArenaNet I would not have had to resort to using a ticket/forum which is a very inefficient way of tacking care of paying customers.

Tuggernutz – And sorry for the grammar nut moment but:

There – location

Their – they own

(And not that I saw where it would be needed they’re – they are)

I am aware I was not using the proper grammar but I do thank you anyway for posting the difference’s. Honestly it was late I was tired/frustrated so I typed what flowed easier on the keyboard plus if it is on a forum I really don’t care if I misspell words or don’t use proper grammar. If I am at work I actually care and will make sure I haven’t made any errors.

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tugger.4102


Razeil.3081 is still awaiting his perma ban being lifted if anyone can do something for him (not quite sure if this big stink we made had solved the issue or not but he was one of our guildies who was banned along with Falindae.6075). Any assistance from Anet and NCSoft, whoever may be watching, would be much appreciated. Thanks again guys.

Tugger: We are on Ehrmy Bay.

I don’t mind shouting if it brings light to the subject of your friend being banned when he was innocent plus I also have some spare time on my hands since my gaming schedule has been cleared lol (Thanks Anet I am enjoying the extra sunlight/snow day). I hope your friend gets his ban lifted soon.

Sucks we aren’t on the same server but perhaps we will run into each other in WvW and if that is the case I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Qnopsik El Qox.1269

Qnopsik El Qox.1269

I use to work at a restaurant so I know how it works. My issue was very minor and personally I would have loved to discuss it in private but there customer support does not allow that (I made a ticket and still have not had a reply).

Your issue wasn’t very minor in my opinion.
IF you worked in a restaurant, than tell me what would you do if in elegant restaurant your client would undress and sit naked… would you take your time and talk him out of it… NO, cause it would gross out other clients…
Your: “Client is never wrong” gets trashed when there are more clients against him….

And offensive names are things that aren’t liked by many…

On the subject of false positives with bot-banning:
It would be better if there wouldn’t been any, but i prefer 1 false positive (that gets sorted out), than 10 unbanned botters.

Rozalinda El Qox 80lvl Elem
Tiny Siege Turtles member
Blacktide player

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tugger.4102


I use to work at a restaurant so I know how it works. My issue was very minor and personally I would have loved to discuss it in private but there customer support does not allow that (I made a ticket and still have not had a reply).

Your issue wasn’t very minor in my opinion.
IF you worked in a restaurant, than tell me what would you do if in elegant restaurant your client would undress and sit naked… would you take your time and talk him out of it… NO, cause it would gross out other clients…
Your: “Client is never wrong” gets trashed when there are more clients against him….

And offensive names are things that aren’t liked by many…

On the subject of false positives with bot-banning:
It would be better if there wouldn’t been any, but i prefer 1 false positive (that gets sorted out), than 10 unbanned botters.

That scenario does not compare. Something more accurate would be a customer using profanities loudly when they are seated around young children. If that happened you would simply go up to them and politely ask them to stop and then if they proceeded to use foul language you would refuse service to them which is well within the restaurants rights.

Onto your next point in my opinion I would rather those 10 botters go unbanned instead of 1 false positive. Is perfection attainable? Sadly no but I would rather a few botters skate by than banning innocent gamers.

Lethrface.2401 any word on your friends case status?

(edited by Tugger.4102)

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager



The character name was offensive. You were warned against such choices. You were suspended, which you were foretold.

Your display name also was offensive. It was changed. No additional suspension was placed on your account, although strictly speaking that could have happened within the expressed policies about name infractions.

You were kindly allowed to rename.
You were generously given a display name close to your chosen one.

Hereby ends the discussion of your issue. If you choose to troll the forums about this, if you choose to take over other players’ posts with your personal complaints and irrelevant “contributions” to threads that are not about you or your issue, you will serve a time out here, as well. There is only so much kindness and generosity we reasonably can be expected to show.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tugger.4102


My account name was changed by someone at ArenaNet which is fine however I do not like what it was changed too. I wanted to know if I will be given a opportunity to change the account name? I Promise it will be clean and will follow all guide lines.

More Complaints About Offensive Name Block

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

See above. And stop posting about this.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events