New, Random Server Lag..

New, Random Server Lag..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Totaltank.8174



Hello. Just recently, the past 3 or so days, i’ve gotten some new server lag. I’ve played the game since launch without any problems. And now, all of a sudden, i’ll randomly get really bad server lag. Sometimes just a 2-3 second skill delay. And sometimes as bad as 30 seconds. I’ve noticed it’s really bad in the Fireheart Rise zone, and in the Citadel of Flame dungeon. It’s also happened in others dungeons, too. It’s making the game unplayable. And i would like to know if it’s a server issue, or something that can be fixed on my end. Please, someone help.

New, Random Server Lag..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Krypto.2069


I second what Totaltank is saying. I’ve been getting lag spikes for the last few days as well. I think it’s Winterday related. I was fine b4 it went into effect. Help PLEASE!


Moonlight [THRU]

New, Random Server Lag..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Puandro.3245


Same, this is total crap and i have an extremely good connection.

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New, Random Server Lag..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Totaltank.8174


Well, i guess i feel a little better knowing it’s no on our end. But, does anyone have a fix, or if you’re reading this ArenaNet, could we get an update? Or anything?

New, Random Server Lag..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kumakichi.2583


Ever since Winterfest started I get some really wicked lag sometimes. It happens in dungeons, in Tixx and WvW. Only started after the whole wintersday thing came out.

New, Random Server Lag..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Totaltank.8174


Yeah, from the info you guys have provided, it sure seems like Wintersday did it. I hope they are working on a fix, for this.. And, if not, i sure hope it doesn’t persist once Wintersday is over. >.<

New, Random Server Lag..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Oblako.6048


The same. I have started experience lags at WvW about 2 days ago.

New, Random Server Lag..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: daros.3407


I have absolutely same problem. Sometimes lags are even 30 sec long. And it also started with Wintersday.

New, Random Server Lag..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Smeklund.1759


I just threw my 150$ headset on the ground, breaking it into five pieces, because of this bullkitten lag.

New, Random Server Lag..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ahnso.8591


Yeah the last three days I’m enjoying laggs in the evening too. I don’t know when it’s started because I dropped GW2 for a few weeks.
It’s a little bit confusing because I had no laggs at all after launch .. :/

New, Random Server Lag..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Deadnight.5948


I have been getting very bad lags in dungeon ever since the second update of wintersday big event. Very bad delay in executing skills, and it wasn’t just me, because you see people getting pulled by kholer in AC and down most of the time and this is usually rare in a All path AC exp (kholer included) run. To add things worse, i am continuously getting crash every now and then to the point i am getting blue screen. This is so frustrating.
Can somebody let us know how can we fix this? or is this a server problem?

New, Random Server Lag..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: orchid.4726


Same issue here, there is a thread with hundreds of complain already existing:

Server : Blackgate
Guild : [HB] (