Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PaToNe.5983


Hello guys you guys ban me 2 weeks ago for inappropriate language and now i get ban again for another 3 days ?

I haven’t said nothing wrong since I got ban last time, can you guys please send me the evidence for what you guys are banning me for ?

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Soldier.1625


I was in wvw with Patone and I did not see anything that was inappropriate. If people can’t handle specific words use your profanity filter that’s what it is there for.

X Jackal X – 80 Warrior| FaTe – Hand Of Fate
SoS Commander (SoS since BW1)

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kagalive.4658


I have been running with Patone for a long time and have not seen any evidence of this claimed infraction.

I request his account be reinstated ASAP.

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Amity.8549


Please explain Anet.


Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Krateks.1024


agree. ..should send him at least the proof than he said or do something wrong. how ever the ban doesnt have reason.

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jedahs.2713


This is what the profanity filter is for.

Jedahs, Sea of Sorrow’s 1st WvW Commander
Resigned Founder of Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
Join 1500+ WvWers @

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Truth.2164


I agree, I was also with him and he did not say anything wrong. I also believe he needs to be reinstated ASAP. Why have a filter if people can’t use it right???

Truth – 80 Elementalist | FaTe – Hand Of Fate
SoS Commander (Proud to call SoS my home since BW1)

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maxrebo.2470


This appears to be a certain set of people purposely aiming to get a single player banned cause they do not like him for whatever reason. Maybe anet should look alot more closely at the people spam reporting and ban them imo Patone is being targeted. There are rules against that as well.

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shepherd.9512


This is very unprofessional. Since his first ban, I had been playing with him everyday. If he can be banned for inappropriate language, then you might as well ban the whole lot of us. Just because he is a good commander, he is subjected to more scrutiny especially by “jealous” players or “haters”. I normally do not want to get involved with such matters, but this time round i think it got overboard. Please be fair and reasonable.

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cylus.7316


Language filter has a normal and maximum option. Perhaps remove it entirely if you can get banned for language, seems pointless to have a filter. As far as Patone is concerned, I run with him in WvW often and have never seen any profanity. Proof would be nice to see.

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vinjayce.7183


I was with him in wvw these days and he did not say anything wrong. Please review his case.

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: srzekee.2014


I was playing with Patone for over an hour before his banning and while plenty of others used “inappropriate language”, I did not notice that Patone said anything at all inappropriate. In fact, I have played with him many times over the last few weeks and have never noticed inappropriate language from Patone. He is a good commander and this certainly hurts our server.

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Darren.2780


i think Anet should show some evidence to prove that they do this reasonably.

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sisyphus.5408


I’ve been running with Patone for a couple weeks now. Many 10’s of hours and I haven’t seen him do or say anything that would get him banned.

This seems very suspicious to me, that he’s being targeted because he is a very successful commander.

I respectfully request an explanation as to the reasons he was banned. And are the complaints coming from the same people?

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: stephen.7481


i think some ppl are jealous of wot patone does for sos and will do anythink to get him banned …..spys mb, ive run with him for weeks with the zerg and im not on all the time but never seen him do wrong

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: White Wolf.3291

White Wolf.3291

Hello guys you guys ban me 2 weeks ago for inappropriate language and now i get ban again for another 3 days ?

I haven’t said nothing wrong since I got ban last time, can you guys please send me the evidence for what you guys are banning me for ?

The best solution you can do is to submit a ticket and the support will tell you why got suspended. If it was a mistake you will get your account right away!

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: birdie claws.3902

birdie claws.3902

I do not see why Patone should be banned and I believe that Anet’s stance on banning players based on inappropriate language is inherently flawed . All players have the ability to set the language filter and, if needs be, /ignore the offending player.

Anet should instead focus on banning the goldsellers/exploiters that are actually causing a detrimental impact on the game and its economy, instead of petty issues that arise between players.

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PaToNe.5983


Hello guys you guys ban me 2 weeks ago for inappropriate language and now i get ban again for another 3 days ?

I haven’t said nothing wrong since I got ban last time, can you guys please send me the evidence for what you guys are banning me for ?

The best solution you can do is to submit a ticket and the support will tell you why got suspended. If it was a mistake you will get your account right away!

I did that last time they send me NOTHING !!! now i want them to reply this post.

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: illuminate.7053


Please reinstate his account. We’re reaching server reset and this isn’t appropriate. He is important to the SoS WvW community. Banning people due to inappropriate language while you have profanity filter is ……….. you figure it out.

Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
Sea Of Sorrows

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: White Wolf.3291

White Wolf.3291

Patone could be on a bad day, he got harassed and answers back with just some innapropriate words on any chat, could be on whisper too, then he gets reported and banned. It’s easy as that.

(edited by White Wolf.3291)

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: White Wolf.3291

White Wolf.3291

Hello guys you guys ban me 2 weeks ago for inappropriate language and now i get ban again for another 3 days ?

I haven’t said nothing wrong since I got ban last time, can you guys please send me the evidence for what you guys are banning me for ?

The best solution you can do is to submit a ticket and the support will tell you why got suspended. If it was a mistake you will get your account right away!

I did that last time they send me NOTHING !!! now i want them to reply this post.

Just do that again, get your ticket number and put it here. If it’s a mistake it will help them to solve it faster.
It’s the only thing you can do now.

(edited by White Wolf.3291)

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Heavenly Blessed Beauty.6418

Heavenly Blessed Beauty.6418

There are a certain amount of people who dislike patone and purposely target him, i really doubt he said anything that would be labelled offensive. In video games you have so many sooks who need to drink some concrete

- A E S T H E T I C Z

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lhynnetek.7246


I was always in patone’s zerg almost everyday spending lots of hours and I actually admired him as a good commander and I didnt see anything to make him banned. as we know there are some people so called " spy " always .And hopefully arenanet should make a warning first before banning right away because of inaappropriate words. Anet should be focus on some people doing game exploitation.

I respectfully request to unbanned him coz he doesnt deserve to be banned like this.

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: VoxShatterfall.5470


OK lets step back- if he was indeed banned, its for a reason.
But as a community I think we deserve a reason why.

If its for language I think we need a bit of slack here…

Trolls exist in this game and can make people mad, they exist to ONLY make people mad. When we are mad we will say certain things, some not so wholesome, but sometimes a slip comes out. Its when a mod reviews a reported statement which was tortured from a person by a troll and approves a time ban which becomes ridiculous.

Who knows patone could have flown off the handle, not a good idea, but if the troll who made him mad got away with it, whats the lesson here.

I’m not saying to eliminate trolls here, but when someone gets a ban for swearing it needs to be taken in context – aka give patone a fill in box of why he swore and what lead up to it. Just saying the troll should get a 3 day ban as well.

Its within the mods power to ban both individuals – I bet they fill out ban reports.

Commander Vox Shatterfall / Ward Zabach / Ifrit the Immolated
Angry Intent | Multiple Servers
WTB Razor Blade Free Candy!

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cameron.2315


Patone may be an over the top individual sometimes which causes more reserved members and trolls of the community to react but that should not be a bannable offense. To me it just shows his passion for the game and his drive and will to win. For those reserved players on sea of sorrows who report for this its called set your chat filter before things like this escalate and you let it bother you. I guess the people reporting had never seen daish before lol.

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arsenic Touch.7960

Arsenic Touch.7960

Read what Gaile said the last time you posted about this, that goes for the rest of you as well. The rules apply to everyone regardless of who they are or what they’re doing and the chat filter does not give you a license to break the rules. Once may have been an accident, but a second time? clearly you need to shape up before they decide to give you a perm ban.

Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

Dragonbrand – Level 80 – Human Ranger

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sidey.2750


I’ve been doing WvW for awhile now, and have never seen Patone use inappropriate language. He’s a good commander and the only thing he is guilty of is a lack of being able to speak fluent English. Please un-ban him, as WvW is not the same without his icon floating around Eternal Battlegrounds.

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PaToNe.5983


Read what Gaile said the last time you posted about this, that goes for the rest of you as well. The rules apply to everyone regardless of who they are or what they’re doing and the chat filter does not give you a license to break the rules. Once may have been an accident, but a second time? clearly you need to shape up before they decide to give you a perm ban.

What are you talking about ? I haven’t said nothing wrong I want them to tell me what i said.

This is just another dirty trick of JQ

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: VoxShatterfall.5470


I would say stop with the “dirty trick” it gets you nowhere.

What we need to do is make troll controls which allow us to deal with trolls in an easy way.

We obviously don’t need anger management.
we play this game for our anger management in many cases.

Commander Vox Shatterfall / Ward Zabach / Ifrit the Immolated
Angry Intent | Multiple Servers
WTB Razor Blade Free Candy!

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arsenic Touch.7960

Arsenic Touch.7960

What are you talking about ? I haven’t said nothing wrong I want them to tell me what i said.

This is just another dirty trick of JQ

Players are not automatically suspended because they are reported. A player is only suspended if a review by a support agent — usually more than one — confirms that the chat was offensive. While players do try to grief one another by submitting reports of offensive chat, it is only after a review and confirmation of the offense that the suspension is given.

So yes, you did do something wrong otherwise you wouldn’t have received a suspension for the second time. Unless you’re suggesting that JQ has some how bought off Gaile Gray and the support agents that viewed the chat log and had them suspend you twice in a row?

Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

Dragonbrand – Level 80 – Human Ranger

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MoonDaisy.4102


I would say stop with the “dirty trick” it gets you nowhere.

What we need to do is make troll controls which allow us to deal with trolls in an easy way.

We obviously don’t need anger management.
we play this game for our anger management in many cases.

There is a simple solution to trolls. Ignore the troll and it will go away. When you bite back on a troll comment you’re giving him exactly what he wanted. Plane and simple, ignore the Troll, don’t respond, and he’ll get bored and go away.

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: VoxShatterfall.5470


No hes suggesting that he said something in chat out of frustration totally understandable but some group of people still took it out of context.

So like “GET ON THAT TOWER YOU KITTENS, ILL WHIP YOUR KITTENS IN THEIR KITTENS” – but all it takes is a few people to report it.

Thats obviously bad to say in chat but WvW is very high pressure and sometimes requires commanders who are drill sergeants.

Patone is saying that JQ has a few plants (it could be any server actually or even a triple agent) who could have reported it.

I’m saying whoever did either did it out of spite or were truly mortified.

In any case, ANET sent us a good message that we can’t have drill sergeants for commanders even if the zerg they need to lead don’t listen to a sissy nanny.

(I believe use of expletives helps to drive the common person to do something for you, and if you don’t use it they generally ignore what you say).

Commander Vox Shatterfall / Ward Zabach / Ifrit the Immolated
Angry Intent | Multiple Servers
WTB Razor Blade Free Candy!

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Josh P.1296

Josh P.1296

This is what the profanity filter is for.

What Jedahs said….
Logic = 0
#Free patone!
some admins play on stormbluff

Illucéption – Mesmer
Diamond Story – Elementalist
[TSym] Tac Sym

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: VoxShatterfall.5470


Some admins play everywhere :P

in either case I want last post before this is locked haha!

But more constructive, if your birth date is under 18 it should force the profanity filter!
That would be cool.

Commander Vox Shatterfall / Ward Zabach / Ifrit the Immolated
Angry Intent | Multiple Servers
WTB Razor Blade Free Candy!

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ciic.3679


Do the crime, do the time.

No need to bring it to the forums….

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Michael.4791


No need to bring it to the forums….


Forums are for players discussions. I don’t see how this will help in such a case.

Tickets are for problems. That is the ONLY available solution that works. And it doesn’t matter if the action was wrong or right. I don’t take sides.

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Loli Ruri.8307

Loli Ruri.8307

What are you talking about ? I haven’t said nothing wrong I want them to tell me what i said.

This is just another dirty trick of JQ

Players are not automatically suspended because they are reported. A player is only suspended if a review by a support agent — usually more than one — confirms that the chat was offensive. While players do try to grief one another by submitting reports of offensive chat, it is only after a review and confirmation of the offense that the suspension is given.

So yes, you did do something wrong otherwise you wouldn’t have received a suspension for the second time. Unless you’re suggesting that JQ has some how bought off Gaile Gray and the support agents that viewed the chat log and had them suspend you twice in a row?

Considering how I’ve seen people get banned in error and later unbanned for RMT and botting, I can’t really say that I can fully believe Anet’s moderation. Either way I suggest filing a ticket of appeal. Hey maybe they’ll ban the people who reported.

Intel Core i7 4790K @4.7 GHz, 32 GB 2133 MHz DDR3.
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Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Moderator.1462


Hi everyone,

Patone, I’m afraid you will have to open a ticket again. Please do so. Sorry to see this happening.

Thanks for your understanding. This thread is closed