Problem purchasing gems
ArenaNet Communications Manager
If you’re having these issues, please contact Support directly for help. Use the “Ask a Question” tab to submit a ticket.
It could be that you and your wife hit the limit on purchases. (The limits don’t reflect on you personally, but on the system as a whole, btw. And yep, that’s frustrating for you and for us, too!)
Also, Nahsavtoo suggested below, and I’ve seen it work for others: Delete your credit card information and re-enter it. This has worked quite a few times for players, particularly if they get the “all clear” from our Payments Team but still have issues. It won’t work for everyone, but it’s something you can try.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Same problem, on talking to support I was told I had a purchase restriction on my account, <WTF?!> that he disabled, however I still can not buy gems.
Same here. Filed a support ticket about 8 hrs ago.
If you buy too many gems during a single time period, they put a bar on your account to prevent fraud.
But that might not be the case right now, thus your support tickets are your best bet.
I have the very same problem.
Wth? What’s all these payment problems?
And where can I find some gem cards? It’s out of stock everywhere!
If you can’t sell some gems online then do it at stores…. GOD!
yup. having the same problem now. hope this gets fixed soon.
I had to delete my card information and re-enter it. They said they fixed it for me, but when I went back in I still couldnt purchase gems. After deleting and re-entering it I could. I suggest not saving your card information anyway as a precautionary measure.
I have the very same problem.
Wth? What’s all these payment problems?
And where can I find some gem cards? It’s out of stock everywhere!
If you can’t sell some gems online then do it at stores…. GOD!
BestBuy and Amazon both sell gem cards, and Amazon definitly has free shipping. Best Buy had a $15/1200gem card as well
If you go to amazon, make sure you buy DIRECTLY from amazon, the 2000gem card is $25, not more. All their resellers want to charge at least $ 30 it seems.