Setup download stops at 10135 kb

Setup download stops at 10135 kb

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Posted by: Neekzdeek.8103


Yeah, i’m having the same problem.

(edited by Moderator)

Setup download stops at 10135 kb

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Posted by: Kaarke.2940



For some reason I had to take out that graphics card and use my older one. I’m surprised the game isn’t compatible with the newer and better one. any idea why that is?

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Posted by: Creature.9476


Well, I hate to admit that my new video card resolved the issue! I still think its weird that the installer just quits without an error. Maybe a good future change?

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Posted by: Kaarke.2940


@ creature do you know anything about graphic cards?

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Posted by: Kaarke.2940


I have a amd radeon 7750 with 1 gb and a ati radeon 2400 for some reason the 2400 works and the amd 7750 doesn’t. isn’t the 7750 a better card?

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Posted by: Aelynn.4793



Well I have tried everything. I know that I am running on board video but I don’t think that should stop me from just downloading the game through the client. That doesn’t make any sense and I don’t know why the staff are still saying that.

I can play WoW just fine on the PC.

I don’t want to go and spend more money on a discrete graphics card if I am going to come home, install it and have this same problem. Can anyone help me here? Has anyone gone from not meeting the graphics requirements and then meeting them and had that fix their issue?

Here is my report, please have a look at it and tell me what you think.

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Posted by: Kaarke.2940


Aelynn… you can’t install without meeting graphics requirements… I guess the patcher is graphics heavy.. after I changed my card it worked.

Setup download stops at 10135 kb

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Posted by: Creature.9476



The 7750 is definitely better and newer. And newer may be the issue. Try the newer beta drivers found here:

I hope the drivers work since the 7750 should be superior in all ways.

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Setup download stops at 10135 kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pilgrim Dread.6847

Pilgrim Dread.6847

I tried installing the game and once i clicked on the GW2setup.exe icon a download would automatically start and would stop at 10135kb like many others on this thread. I then saw Ashley’s post about the MSCONFIG and followed the directions exactly, but then once i restarted and tried to install again the downloader just sits at 0% and a message pops up saying, “Download Failed! Check your internet connection.” even though i could connect to the internet through chrome or firefox. I use wireless internet and figured maybe when i disabled everything under MSCONFIG it somehow goofed with the usb adapter applications (although, i could still connect to the internet.. idk) so i checked a couple programs that i had recognized were related to the wireless internet adapter. I really have run out of ideas. Here is my most recent game advisor page. please help. Thanks so much for responding to the others users posts.

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Posted by: Kaarke.2940


@creature at first i could use them both at the same time.. but i traded slots.. so i’m gonna download that driver and see if it’ll work then.. cause i don’t get enough fps.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kaarke.2940


what graphics card do you have? I’m thinking this issue is related to the graphics card. so either u need new drivers or need a new card… thats the only fix i’ve seen so far… I’ve been searching for a fix for the last 3 days.. I bought a new system and was setting it up and couldn’t get gw2 to work..

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Creature.9476



Your graphics card should be fine. There are slightly newer drivers you can get but that should not give you the error you got. However, I see McAfee is running. Try disabling McAfee first and then try again.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kaarke.2940


that file didn’t help. there is probably some incompatibility between vista and the card.
it still wouldn’t work. and the drivers always stop responding when the pc is booted.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: aztecwarrior.6521


i still havent been able to install very frustraded it feels like i dont know why its falling i am curently using aasus G74 laptop and im not sure but i thought my grhics card would be alright and dont know how to get the game please help

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pilgrim Dread.6847

Pilgrim Dread.6847

Hey thanks, I was so frustrated i completely forgot about the drivers : / I just downloaded the newest ones and completely wiped the old ones and installed the new ones. thanks mate.

I downloaded some McAfee tool (MCPR) that completely wipes every McAfee program off your computer and still to no avail, even when using the MSCONFIG suggestion Ashley suggested earlier.

…. same boat man, ugh

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Posted by: Kaarke.2940


@ Pigrim
so u fixed ur config problem.. and it still won’t work. hmm.. the only solution i found was a problem with the card.. I hate to say it (but i’m no dev or comp genius) maybe u need a better one..

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Posted by: Creature.9476



In the text file you uploaded there still was a process running that is associated with McAfee (mcshield.exe)

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Posted by: Pilgrim Dread.6847

Pilgrim Dread.6847

@ Kaarke
I don’t think its my card, i mean I can run SC2 and Diablo 3 on highest settings. . most games on high settings.

yeah, i missed that one when i ran the mcafee scrap program.
Here’s my latest game advisor

(edited by Pilgrim Dread.6847)

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kaarke.2940


you may be right… but the problem with my card wasn’t with its ability but with compatibility… so it may up to the specs… but if the software is interfering with each other.. or isn’t compatible.. won’t matter.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: aztecwarrior.6521


I just tried what Ashley mentioned didnt work… its really hard to figure this out im not a computer sav but i dont uderstand how developers missed this i mean theirs actullay very big amount of people with this problem its not just us in this forum it really makes me feel like theirs some code problem in the game? in a update? because when i bougnt the game i got home and was able to install just fine!! got it running in high graphics got a few characters to lvl 10 and after the latest update when i tryed to run the game and it would just frezze so desided to reinstall and now i cant install it whats this bs. :/

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Posted by: Gilgadeath.1597


the thing that doesn’t make sense to me is that i have friends that can install it and everything without having this problem when their computers don’t come close to matching the minimum specs.
I run linux and tried installing via wine, like i know quite a lot of people have done with no problems, yet mine would do what everyone on this thread is suffering from.
Also after reinstalling windows onto my computer and turning off any firewalls or anti-virus programs, the problem persisted. My computer doesn’t match the specs, but neither does my girl friend’s computer.
This is just extremely annoying.
I’ve tried updating my drivers and everything and don’t exactly have the money to get a better computer.
Is there any work arounds at all for this?

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Posted by: DumKopf.6294


I’m running Windows 8 and a 295 GTX.

I had a similar problem, had to disable my SLI before the installation screen would show up. If you have an SLI card or set up, you need to go into the nvidia control panel and change it to Single GPU mode.

Installed fine after this.

Setup download stops at 10135 kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Creature.9476



Excellent, McAfee is indeed gone so that’s not the culprit. However, I see a large amount of failed trace routes/pings and that’s bad. Now, I don’t know what servers the download comes from but most of the servers labeled as GW Auth Serv are unreadable for you after the first hop. This indicates that your computer has a problem reaching or getting past the first device on the network it is attached to. Two suggestions:

1) connect to your modem directly, using Ethernet. Disable wireless. This will minimize the devices you have to pass through as well as make it so you don’t have interference from other sources.
2) enable the DMZ on your modem and place your computer in it. This will ensure the firewall on your modem is not at fault either.

Thanks for the patience by the way. I know how bothersome it is to troubleshoot your own videogame

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Setup download stops at 10135 kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gunthur.9264


Why would downloading a update for a game have anything to do with drivers. nothing. i also have this problem . my updater stops at 571KB.

Setup download stops at 10135 kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Creature.9476



It seems to updater/installer does rely on your requirements. I don’t know why, and I don’t know why the updater/installer isn’t programmed a bit nicer to provide us (the end user) with more feedback. What I do know is that it has an effect, so we can’t rule out that it may fix your issue.

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Setup download stops at 10135 kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zjsilva.2173


im got a little past 10135, now at 10140 lol, so a little preogress. i downloaded the new nvidia stuff but dont think i got completley rid of avg i did a new test to see if anything is wrong. thanks for the help so far =)

Setup download stops at 10135 kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kaarke.2940


you think it matters that I don’t have vista service pack 1 and 2 installed

Setup download stops at 10135 kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Creature.9476



Yes. Those updates contain significant improvements for Windows. In my professional opinion, run Windows updater and install the updates found. Restart if need be and check for updates again. Rinse and repeat until you installed all Windows updates.

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Setup download stops at 10135 kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Creature.9476



Your pathpings all come back with no resources. Every single one of them fails at hop 0 (which is your computer). This leads me to believe that the game cannot connect properly to the servers. You may have gotten rid of AVG but you also have a McAfee service running. Multiple antivirus on your computer are usually the cause of a lot of problems, and likely you have a program installed that is actually causing your issues.

Follow these steps and try again:

1) Open your Start Menu and in the box that says “Search programs and files” type in msconfig and press enter
2) In this tool, go to the tab called “Services” and check the box in the bottom that says “Hide all Microsoft services”
3) Click the button called Disable All
4) Go to the tab called “Startup” and click the button called “Disable All”
5) Click the button called “OK” to accept the changes
6) It will now want to restart your computer. Restart and try again.

To undo these changes, simply go back to the program and click “Enable All” on both the “Services” tab and the “Startup” tab.

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Setup download stops at 10135 kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pilgrim Dread.6847

Pilgrim Dread.6847

Well, I connected my computer to the router directly instead of using wireless, and like zjsilva I’m now up to 10140 kb before i get an error report. I couldn’t get a connection by directly connecting my pc to the modem, i’m not sure why.
But whats more disappointing is that I installed GW2 on my laptop and everything went great and im downloading the big patch right now. this leads me to think it has something to do with my pc and how it connects to the router.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Creature.9476


@Pilgrm Dread:

Excellent, and thanks for actually going through the effort. Knowing that it works fine on another computer on the same network actually does help.

I would check to see if that computer is in the DMZ of the router and add your computer if it is not yet, and if that fails I would see if the steps I posted above for Zjsilva would help you at all.

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Setup download stops at 10135 kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pilgrim Dread.6847

Pilgrim Dread.6847

Yes, i’ve been running it using the msconfig suggestion since last night.

I’ll look into the DMZ option, i’m not sure if i still have the login and password to edit my router settings.

Setup download stops at 10135 kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JLPate.5439


same prob, it stops at 10140 and then does nothing

And i also tried The Command"Msconfig" and followed all the directions and it still didn’t work

(edited by JLPate.5439)

Setup download stops at 10135 kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pishulinac.4176


same problem here! stops at 10140 and it is crash-

Setup download stops at 10135 kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pilgrim Dread.6847

Pilgrim Dread.6847

oh, heres latest game advisor report…

Setup download stops at 10135 kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zjsilva.2173


i tried the msconfig thing still nothing, thank you for helping. i hate my asus. =(

Setup download stops at 10135 kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kaarke.2940


installing both vista service packs did the trick… After installing i ran the game, it did a short update and then it worked! so now i can use my newer graphics card.

Setup download stops at 10135 kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Creature.9476



I’m sorry to say that your video card does not seem to meet the minimum requirements. It has not been officially confirmed, but that was my issue as well. Replacing my card with a newer videocard allowed the launcher/installer to finish installing.


Your videocard should do the trick, but have you made sure you have the beta 304 or 306 drivers from Nvidia? Also, make sure you kill some running processes that can be causing bandwidth and networking issues, such as uTorrent, McAfee and AVG. And whil we are on the topic of antivirus: make sure you only run one antivirus at any one time. Multiple AV and firewall programs can conflict with each other and cause unexpected behavior from your software.

@Pilgrim Dread.6847 and @zjsilva.2173

I don’t think I can offer any more help to you guys. Without the insider knowledge of being an Anet employee my resources are dried up here! I see no reason why it should not work now, but apprently it does not. Make sure all your videocard drivers are up to date (304 for Nvidia and 12.8 for ATI and CAP 2 for ATI as well) and make sure your Windows updates are all applied. Make sure you ahve a technical support ticket as well if you had not already.


My only concern for you report is that you keep getting this in all traceroutes:

Tracing route to []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

0 No resources.

The first hop failing indicates an issue with the signal not being able to leave your computer. If at least the second hop was listed it would mean your computer is fine but the device it is trying to reach is not. This seems to be your local computer. The big problem here is that it’s not one or two traces that fail, but all of them. I do not have the inside knowledge to know what servers it needs to reach to run the installer/updater properly but I can only imagine that not reaching any servers is not good.

You did follow all my instructions though, so thanks for that. Your computer is running pretty darn clean at the moment.


Sweet, good to hear and have fun playing! I’ll see you in game

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(edited by Creature.9476)

Setup download stops at 10135 kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pilgrim Dread.6847

Pilgrim Dread.6847

@ Creature
Thank you so much for your help and patience!!

Setup download stops at 10135 kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pishulinac.4176


@ Creature

thank you bat still get this crash report


Setup download stops at 10135 kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Creature.9476



The problem you have is that you are creating a GW2.tmp file that cannot be accessed. If you click this link it will (or should) open a folder on your computer: file:\\C:\Users\OLUJIC\AppData\Local\Temp\

In this folder you should see a file named GW2.tmp. What is the size of this file?

It would also help a lot if you posted a Game Advisor report, which can be gotten here:

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Setup download stops at 10135 kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pishulinac.4176


@ Creature

I am downloading my game
i rename GW2.tmp to .exe and now it is downloading

Setup download stops at 10135 kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Creature.9476



Good news! Hope to see you in game some time!

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Setup download stops at 10135 kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SChoi.3679


Yea my guild wars installer starts up and goes to 10140 kb then exits out and pops back up with 0 kb and then just exits out for good. same thing for my laptop..

Setup download stops at 10135 kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Creature.9476



Sorry to say your videocard (as shown in this report) is not meeting the minimum levels for the game. Unfortunately it does not show you that in a popup or error message, but that is why the installer does not finish.

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Setup download stops at 10135 kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zjsilva.2173


so i guess i can only sit and wait to see if a solution pops up ? =( was really looking forward to playing this! but thank you creature for the help i appreciate it! is there anyway i can keep track if there is a solution in the future?

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Creature.9476



There’s not much more that I, as a player, can do for you. But you should have a support ticket open already and if you didn’t do that yet you should do that ASAP.

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Setup download stops at 10135 kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: POMalley.8749


hi im having the same problem as everyone else, could someone take a look at my test, thanks

Setup download stops at 10135 kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AlanTheMan.3192


@Ashley is there any ways you could provide to help me resolve this problem? any help with be very much appreciated

Setup download stops at 10135 kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: HawkMeister.4758


@zjsilvia welcome to the Thunderdome ArenaNet style.
Two GW2 enter (.EXE & .TMP) one comes out.

I´ve been battling this same problem since launch now and also found the solution to find the GW2.DAT / GW2.EXE / GW2.TMP / LOCAL.DAT in my system´s temporary directory, copy them to their own directory and simple delete the faulty exe, renaming the TMP to EXE and install and run the game this way.

But like all bad solutions this one stays with you, because after every update it starts again.
And as this game gets patched daily (hint: this is OK for beta but NOT for primetime!) I daily face now this behavior:
Start game, watch it download about 1-3MB -> crash.
Start again, watch it download the good old 10145MB -> crash.
THEN I´m only daring to backup the old exe as a precaution and rename the TMP to EXE.

For now I´m lucky enough to be able to see the login screen appear everyday, so that I can gaze suspiciously at the download-bar.


And yes I´ve made a support ticket which got closed as I stupidly mentioned this workaround. And yes, I´m logged in as Admin(32bit WinXP SP3) my AMD drivers work perfectly well and are reasonably uptodate (12.6 with latest CAP on a HD7750), no connection problems whatsoever.

Polish > hype

(edited by HawkMeister.4758)