Trying to understand the banns

Trying to understand the banns

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vladvamp.6078


Hi guys,

I play with my wife and 1 friend, we are not core players, has married players with children we cant invest too much time in this game so we only play a bit at night, and always togheter.

We dont grind for mobs, we only have time to do daily and some events before bed time because people with family work…

The first to be banned for botting was my wife!!! afetr 4 DAYS she got the account back and not 1 single appology or compensation, 2 days ago was my friend, he got lucky and without appology again he got the account back after 12 hours and has usual no compensation.

What I cant understand is for more then 1 week we have been reporting the same bot over and over and he is still there, so I am trying to understand how the ban process work, do you close your eyes and click? is something to do with the lottery numbers?

Please can you please explain me? I am sure lots of players would like to understand why you ban people without reason and people who bot and got reported over and over continue there

Tanks for your time

Trying to understand the banns

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: cannons.8109


Your accounts may have been hacked – you should change your passwords just in case. I agree, the total lack of communication by Anet on this issue is really unfortunate.

Trying to understand the banns

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


It sounds like your accounts were compromised. Sometimes this is easily preventable, and other times it may seem to happen for no reason at all… but the important thing is that you got your accounts back.

Someone with the support team should have notified you of suspicious activity, and perhaps you were under the impression that they were accusing you of performing said activity…. when in all reality it was probably a botter using your account(s).

The good thing is that you have your accounts back, but I would highly suggest to change passwords on both your game accounts and your e-mail addresses.

Trying to understand the banns

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Moderator.1462


Hi everyone,

As stated, you accounts might have been compromised and that is what led to you getting your accounts suspended. Using a strong password, as well as having the mail authentication activated prevents this from happening.

Your reports are useful, and bots will eventually be dealt with. We thank your for your help.

This thread is closed. Thanks for your understanding