dstbits crash
I am getting this crash constantly. Only in WvWvW. but with the nature of WvWvW it makes the game almost unplayable with such long run-back times.
I can’t find anything on google about this.
Yah I always get this in WvW in larger battles.
Just had another one this time in wvwvw, relogged to find myself back in Cursed shore, not going to even bother to try to get in.
To confirm, this problem continues….
Definitely makes it difficult to continue playing.
Playing on a 2 × 2.26 Quad Core Mac Pro under 10.8.2 & 16gb of RAM
Same setup as you Harmsworth, I was only playing wvwvw to get the last of the poi’s etc. I don’t play pvp.
Between this and tbh being bored I have erased the game of the hard drive.
Having the same problem in iOS. Game crashes with a dstBits error. Happens anywhere, in PvE maps, cities and WvW. Firsts crashes a few weeks ago.
Playing on iMac i7 3.4, 8G ram, OS updated to last version.
Thank you for starting this thread. I have been having this issue as well since the beta client’s release. Lately, with higher traffic in areas, I have been experiencing them more frequently. I would concur that most of my crashes have taken place in high traffic/high graphic detail areas.
System Specs: Early ’09 Mac Pro, 2.66 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon, 8 GB 1066 MHz DDR3, ATI Radeon HD 4870 512 MB, OS X 10.8.2
Though in the grand scheme of things that actually matter in life, these crash (while ruining in one time game events) aren’t life ruining events, they just take away from the joy of experiencing the game Anet has worked so hard to bring us. I’m grateful for the chance to play GW2 on my favorite system and I will keep pushing the limits of the beta client in hopes that the information from my crash logs helps Anet make a better, more stable one.
Until that time when a well-oiled, native Mac Client exists, has anyone found a solution/fix/jimmy-rigged-duct-tape-and-popsicle-sticks-work-around other than running via Bootcamp or avoiding high-traffic events?
I think the only way of avoiding it is bootcamp. I really only seen it in heavy traffic areas such a wvwvw but lately also in cursed shore. It’s pretty much guaranteed to crash while storming a keep in wvwvw, if that’s any help devs.
Having the same problem with the mac client crashing every 5-8 mins.
wvwvw and pve maps.
Running a Mac Pro 2×3.06 GHx 6-Core intel Xeon, 64GB Ram, dual ATI Radeon HD 5870 (1024 MB)
I changed the “VideoRam” paramater in the config file, from “256” to the amount of ram your graphics card has, that is in the Guild Wars 2.app
Right click and choose show contents and the find the config file and edit it.
I didn’t have to change the config file in Application Support folder in ~/Library but just in case a changed that config file aswell and now the game runs flawless.
Hope this works for you as well.
I had same issues and i solved it, a solution is very simple
When you are in game, open options —> graphics options and under Advanced Setting you have Settings Preset, just choose Best Performance.
After i did that i never get crash in wvw or heavily populated events.
Hope this works for you as well.
The WvW frequent crash seems to be animation related…
I have exact same issue. Its why i quit playing GW2 so many months ago, nothing more annoying than getting rolling in an event only to have it crash, then miss out on the reward after you finally get back in.
I thought after all this time I’d give it another whirl, thinking they MUST’VE fixed the mac client by now… sad to see they haven’t.
Quad 3.4 Ghz + 16gb ram + SSD + Radeon HD 6970 2gb should run this like butta, but sad to say the mac sounds like its gonna take off, but with all the crashes, guess it can’t get off the ground
Very disappointed! They don’t even have the courtesy to respond to this thread or support requests about it. Way to build a fan base!
Most don’t have issues with the Mac client, people only come to forums when they do, so this is just a small sample. File a ticket again after reviewing the sticky, I’ve seen several on this forum and many on the pc side get responses lately. One person had a fix in about 3 hours to an issue.
Btw, have you tried the usual mac fixes of repairing permissions and client, deleting the gw2 folder contents (hidden folder, you can’t just search for it), and making sure you’re on an admin account login? If not, try a few of those first or just hit a ticket.
If you get a fix, please come back here and post what it was to help others like you in the future.
I’m really trying to get an Anet response, hoping to have one by Monday since it seems even the mods had Friday off lol.
Dstbits is to do with Direct x I believe. Because direct x is only on windows it needs to be translated to OpenGL this is were the crashing happens. If this is the case only an update to the mac client/runtime environment will solve the issue.
It’s striking that Turbine over on LOTRO released a mac client as well and it too crashes frequently and they too have not done a thing about it.
For me mac clients seem to be a money grab with very little thought or resources put into supporting them.
You can add me to the “me too” list for this crash .. I have tried several things and the only thing that seems to work is keeping my graphic settings at the bare minimum .. and sadly I have a top of the line brand new late 2012 3.4ghz i7 iMac with an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX with 2GB ram.
While I wouldn’t mind crashing to desktop .. having to re-queue to get back into WvW when the zone is full is really super annoying if you spent 20 minutes in a queue to get into it in the first place.. if Anet could just modify the game to give you a “grace period” to let you get back into the zone if you CtD .. or at least put you to the top of the queue line if you log back in within a few minutes I wouldn’t hate this bug nearly as much.
Please file a ticket and once you get a response back, please let us know what they say.
This happens to me all the time, mostly if there is a large zerg in WvW or a lot of people show up for a dragon. Results in my death and missing loot. It use to anger me beyond belief… Now I just shrug and accept it, happens at LEAST twice a day to me. (still not enough to use a PC, lol)
Lol, I completely understand. Same boat, I have boot camp and feel like I betrayed my computer putting windows on it.
As for the error, I got that a bit too just after the culling update, but I haven’t gotten but one time… Granted, I haven’t had much time to play larger scale stuff in the last few weeks sadly. And this error is just us maccies.
I do have an easier time in those fights since I modified some settings on my router (don’t get as much slow down and choppiness which would always occur before a crash with error), but that may be completely unrelated. But I can say, it made a huge difference even before the culling update… I could heal!!! Once… Then die ;p
Why don’t you submit a ticket? At least then they could see more samples from Mac peeps which is severely lacking due to lack of support on this forum. Check the sticky, do it, and come back here and post what fixed it for you please
(edited by Kyllaa.1385)
Tickets have been submitted months ago, this has been happening since it was released.
They are doing nothing about it. It took me ages to get world completion as every time I went into wvwvw and went near a crowd the client crashed. It also happens in the world whenever there are more than around 15 or 20 players about.
The only fix is to fix the client and only ncsoft or whoever programmed it can do that.
That’s why we need to keep submitting reports/tickets where they can see them… And the forum for Mac is not that place sadly
Have we tried an uninstall with a fresh re-install? (most likely have, just wanted to confirm)
Tried a fresh install, the dstbits crash is a programming error.
I run this game on 2 macs and a pc, I have 4 friends who use Macs with this game, but none of thse comps have this issue. And as I’ve said, I’ve only had it one time just after the WvW update.
Because we don’t have many Mac peeps reporting it, everyone who is experiencing it should just keep pushing those tickets in until they find a way to resolve it. Hopefully they’ll find something soon… If they’re still working on the Mac client o.O
Well since TransGaming ported game over to Mac version, I’m sure they are also behind these issues. I do hope that both ArenaNet and TransGaming fixes the problems.
Hmmm… When I purchased the game a few weeks ago I was aware that the Mac version was in beta as they make it clear right by the download button. What I wasn’t aware of was that they seem to have stopped/or never provided support. I don’t recall reading anything that said, “Download Mac Beta. BTW it isn’t being supported and it may never come out of beta.” Maybe I overlooked it though. I understand that beta means that it may be buggy but if they have completely given up on it I wish they would at least tell us.
This is a bit disheartening but for $60 dollars I have about 110 hours of enjoyable game play, for the most part. So I feel I have at least gotten my moneys worth. After all what other forms of commercial entertainment can you enjoy a 110 hours for $60? Although I may have to put the throttle on real money gem purchases.
Hi Kyllaa ..
I have submitted a ticket and I have folks at Anet asking me to try various things, eg. try making a new (admin) user account, run the game from there.. reset SMC , etc.. most of the fix suggestions are very generic “aka my game isnt working” sort of things, and I am not having launching problems and I can run the game fine with no problems for the most part, pve seems ok, the issue for me is only really in wvw with a lot of people in a small area, and so far every time when there are a lot of people in a small confined area (such as Eternal Battle ground 3-way massive zerg clash) seems to be the trigger the crash for me (for me anyway) .. normal pve stuff seems ok and unaffected.. and light wvw is ok .. its just when you got 1/2? the zone’s population all within visible line of sight from each other is when the bug (for me) seems to be triggered .. for what its worth none of the suggestions they have been responding with in my tickets have made any difference whatsoever, and I am trying their suggested steps solely to 1. bring attention to is for us mac users and 2. hopefully find a “cure” ..
Upon examining the ArenaNet.log file (in that hidden directory) I generally see the same things with each crash..
(it would seem to appear on the surface to my untrained eyes that some of the animations (or textures) are broken .. or become broken or don’t function correctly in the CIDER wrapper when the bug is triggered)
Assertion: dstBits (Transgaming)
File: ..\..\..\Engine\Gr\Dx9\Dx9Tex.cpp(1198)
—> Error Logs <—
ngSetActionPoints: destination action point ‘fxwristr’ not found on model ‘0×082239’
Model ‘0×00df13’: LightningSetActionPoints: destination action point ‘fxwristl’ not found on model ‘0×082239’
Model ‘0×080b24’: Missing anim or fallbacks: hghhit
Model ‘0×08223a’: Missing anim or fallbacks: udrthrow
Model ‘0×082239’: Missing anim or fallbacks: cghhit
Model ‘0×08223f’: Missing anim or fallbacks: cghhit
Model ‘0×00ce82’: Missing anim or fallbacks: hitt
Model ‘0×082245’: Missing anim or fallbacks: hghhit
Model ‘0×08223a’: Missing anim or fallbacks: bgmlimp f
Model ‘0×080b24’: Missing anim or fallbacks: wghhit
Material ‘0×034fc5’ is missing textures.
Model ‘0×00617e’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtalrtrunf
Material ‘0×034fc5’ is missing textures.
Model ‘0×080b24’: Missing anim or fallbacks: bghhit
Model ‘0×08223f’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ughhit
Couldn’t find missile launch point ‘fxtip’ on item ‘QnIZl.lr8gS’ for skill ‘/5vYx.om3zZ’.
Model ‘0×082239’: Missing anim or fallbacks: wghhit
Model ‘0×08223a’: Missing anim or fallbacks: wghhit
Model ‘0×082241’: Missing anim or fallbacks: gghhit
Model ‘0×08223f’: Missing anim or fallbacks: sghhit
Model ‘0×082245’: Missing anim or fallbacks: sghhit
Model ‘0×08223a’: Missing anim or fallbacks: udcaimed
Model ‘0×00e342’: Missing anim or fallbacks: warmupw
Model ‘0×0059a8’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtalrtrunf
Model ‘0×08223f’: Missing anim or fallbacks: udcaimed
Material ‘0×034fc5’ is missing textures.
Model ‘0×00da6f’: Missing anim or fallbacks: warmupc
Model ‘0×082245’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ‘0×08223a’: Missing anim or fallbacks: bghhit
Model ‘0×080b24’: Missing anim or fallbacks: gghhit
Model ‘0×082241’: Missing anim or fallbacks: udrthrow
Model ‘0×082239’: Missing anim or fallbacks: sghhit
Model ‘0×08223f’: Missing anim or fallbacks: cghhit l
Model ‘0×082239’: Missing anim or fallbacks: gghhit
Model ‘0×080b24’: Missing anim or fallbacks: wgmlimp f
Model ‘0×080b24’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ggmturn r
(edited by Feydiir.2609)
I also see this too
- Error Logs <—*
tr’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×0071f7’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ggtalrtrunf
Model ‘0×0064fc’: Missing anim or fallbacks: wwrshoot
Model ‘0×0071f7’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ggtalrtrunr
Model ‘0×082243’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00e21b’ from parent bone ‘fxwristr’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×082243’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00e21b’ from parent bone ‘fxwristl’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×080b24’: Missing anim or fallbacks: sgtrunfalt
Model ‘0×082239’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugihammer
Model ‘0×00fb70’: Can’t link child ‘0×052e03’ to parent bone ‘fxtip’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×00721d’: Can’t link child ‘0×00e07d’ to parent bone ‘fxtip’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×0071f7’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ggtalrtrunl
Model ‘0×082239’: Missing anim or fallbacks: sghhit
Model ‘0×0161ff’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00cf99’ from parent bone ‘aura’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×00fb70’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00e88e’ from parent bone ‘fxtip’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×00721d’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00e07d’ from parent bone ‘fxtip’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×082241’: Missing anim or fallbacks: sghhit
Model ‘0×080b24’: Missing anim or fallbacks: wghhit
Model ‘0×0161ff’: Can’t link child ‘0×00cddb’ to parent bone ‘aura’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×08223a’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00d28d’ from parent bone ‘fxwristl’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×08223a’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00d28d’ from parent bone ‘fxwristr’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×00fb70’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×052e03’ from parent bone ‘fxtip’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×007209’: Can’t link child ‘0×00e36b’ to parent bone ‘rgriphand’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×08223a’: Missing anim or fallbacks: bghhit
Model ‘0×080b24’: Missing anim or fallbacks: hghhit
Hi Feydiir, thanks for the update. When I was getting WvW crashes, I saw similar issues too. They apparently fixed the “model reference not found” issue, but I’ve also seen issues similar to what you’re showing. Sadly, I can’t confirm thatbit’s still happening recently since I haven’t had time or WvW since April.
I’m sorry the suggestions aren’t working yet, it truly seems to be some issue with the cider coding, hopefully they’ll get transgaming on the issue as well. But thank you so much for continuing your efforts through tickets and updating us here. Good luck and I hope you guys can nail down a fix!
They are currently having me try lowering the “WvW Character Limit” setting and report back if I get crashing.. HIGH and MEDIUM seem to cause crashes .. trying LOW now ..
Sadly, they probably spend so little time looking into the Mac client that you’ve become a guinea pig. Please stick with it for the maccies who don’t have the opportunity to get this attention from them and thank you so much for keeping us updated! You’re a Mac WvW hero!
Sadly, they probably spend so little time looking into the Mac client that you’ve become a guinea pig. Please stick with it for the maccies who don’t have the opportunity to get this attention from them and thank you so much for keeping us updated! You’re a Mac WvW hero!
I’m happy to serve in that role for the better of our little community ..
I used to be the sole (user player – unpaid volunteer) Mac client support guy for Warhammer online in those forums trying to help players like you are doing here .. and Kyllaa your doing a fantastic job helping the community if no one has previously thanked you.
There are some discussions in the german forum as well, that relate to this topic.
My game crashes a lot, showing messages about
“dstBits” or
My theory:
Maybe you noticed, that hawks are bugged ingame. They do not render correctly and show weird fragments when flying around. A have several screenshots right when the game freezes and crashes afterwards showing those hawks in my viewport, right when the game crashes.
Example see attachment.
Maybe ArenaNet can check the texture or model of the hawks…
Hi Rob! I’m speculating many of our issues are direct x related. But since there hasn’t been an arena net dev presence on this forum in MONTHS, I’ve encouraged a few peeps to post in the pc forums with me and one person actually started a post for the hawks issue, which I have taken upon myself to follow up on near daily. I figure, I’ll post a new pic daily until someone (dev) posts acknowledgement.
Unfortunately, our cries here will continue to go unanswered. You can view my post [WARNING:Mac client forum not supported by anet] for those updates on this forum.
If you find any issues, you may search recent pats for our latest self-help troubleshooting, but for bugs like the hawk or unresolvable issues, you can roll the dice in a ticket and hope they have their handy-dandy Mac troubleshooting script on hand rather than the pc one lol.
Seriously, if you have issues, jar keep sending tickets and make mention that no one was available on the mac forums which are not supported by them anymore. Worth a shot since they’re not listening here.
Btw, thanks Fey! I’m glad to help when I can, I wish I was a pro to do it better ;p
The “laser hawks” (what I call them) are a WINE problem .. before the game had an “official” mac client .. they were tying to port it the PC version with wineskin and had to fiddle with something in the FixedVShaderLimit settings.. you had to find the right value for your machine too high or too low and youd get those weird vectors.
Update .. I still get crashes on the LOW and LOWEST “WvW Character Limit” settings.. though at the low and lowest values its harder to actually trigger it.. you have to be in the middle of a 3 way zerg on zerg on zerg fisty-cuffs fight .. (and not from a distance using long range AOE)
Now it appears as though the dstBits Error has reared its head again since the Tequatl Update. I have had absolutely no luck with Tech Support and an unwillingness to face that there was some sort of code failure. Has anyone seen any solutions? Thanks in advance!
I’m having a similar problem. Didn’t have it until I upgraded to a $500 mac edition radeon 7950.
It seems to be one of the animations people do. A crowded square in lions arch does it too. I haven’t had it since I switched to “low” settings, but then it looks like crap + I’ve only been trying that for an hour or so…
Just to chime in, is this error message similar to what another user reported some time ago? See https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/mac/Randomly-crashes-while-running-lockedRect-pBits/first#post243259
If yes, what appears to have worked for him/her was to re-install the client. I am assuming that you have already tried this but, what I would also recommend is that you reinstall the client again and also repair both the system and user home folder permissions.
To do so, please follow steps at: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/mac/TgUpdate-1-11-everytime-i-open-the-launcher/page/3#post3406144
I know 2 other mac players who have this problem, along with me.
As it is now, Mac players can’t pvp.
Yesterday I had to re-log four times because of the dstbits problem. It has happened quite a few times in the past. The only work around was lower the graphics to ugly mode. Now that doesn’t seem to help.
My specs : OSX Maverick, 3.4 intel i5, 8 gig ram, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M.
3 years later and this is still not fixed
I’ve had a lot of crashes while playing on mac but received this specific “dstBits” one for the first time yesterday, while checking out the new PoF map
specs: OSX Yosemite 10.10.5, 2.6GHz Intel i7, 8GB ram, NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M