error code 7:11:3:189:101
i’m from Brasil and play in Dragonbrand
sometimes i can play 5-7hours
but i’m mostly disconnected in less than 5 min after choosing character
Remember, folks, that Error 7 is common because it simply indicates that you lost connection to the game. It could be us. It could be your modem or router. It could be the ISP. It could be a minor or major outage in the Internet backbone.
Each case can be slightly different, so submit a ticket, indicate it’s a technical support issue, and please follow up with our agent gets back to you, so that he or she can help you identify and resolve the problem.
Has no one taken the time to consider this may be Skynet?
Just a thought…
Please help me with this issue, This problem began sometime in mid January. I never had issues with connection before. I have been back and forth with my ISP and apparently nothing is wrong on my end. I’ve played other games like (LOL, and The Warz) and had no connection issues. I feel this might be an issue with Gw2! It usually happens during peak hours of the day.
I attached my Network Diag. Please let me know if this is an issue with gw2 that should be patched or should I keep checking for problems on my end. Thanks.
started happening to me is well and it seems to be every minute for me when it kicks in and I don’t understand why this is still going on for so long it should’ve been fixed by now. takes the p**s.
(edited by jayt.2378)
20 page thread with nobody taking action.
Whats some other good MMO’s out there right now? Any new ones coming in the near future? Im not going to put up with a game thats not supported.
I cant believe the suggestions on here: To go through a pay proxy server! Or to disable your antivirus are you freaking kidding me! That just goes to show you that they have not looked into this issue at all. Theres no synergy within this company. And since theres no defect refund in place we have to eat it.
Remember the parent company and sister companies that made this game and dont buy another game from them in the future.
Thank you!
I’m from denmark, so i apologise for my writing
I’m can’t enter the game when i click play.. it comes up with the loading screen, but then it fails.. it says "the game client lost its connection to the server please wait af few minutes [error: 7:11:3:189]
I can play at my friends house – but when i return home to my college(where i live), it comes with the error.. but I have been able to play here before, but now i can’t :/
I’ve run the NetDiag, and attached it..
Please help me!
Having the same problem, frequent disconnects. My husband stays connected just fine so I know it’s not our internet :/
woah! so many months still no fix..way to go arenanet! started having this issue 2 days ago and now i cant play even for 5mins..keeps getting internet is working perfectly since im able to play all the steam games, SWTOR and WoW without any issue
disconnecting every 2 minutes or so after the new patch.
Underworld (EU)
disconnecting every 2 minutes or so after the new patch.
Underworld (EU)
I think i might have the same problem as you…i got this game today lol, what a day to get it xD
Not even lasting two minutes. Lagging out within 30 seconds. Had this problem for about 2-3 hours. Not my connection, I can play other MMOs just fine. But I don’t WANT to play other MMOs, I want to play GW2. Two days of bad luck – I was one of the people badly affected by the login server errors yesterday, too. Blah. I’d REALLY appreciate a day of good play.
Well I give up on playing. I can’t go 15 minutes without disconnecting. Hopefully one day you fix this.
Heavens Rage
here we go again.. another update and all of a sudden I’m getting this error again… !@$! you anet… ever hear of testing something before you put it out, or do you just randomly change coding and hope it works? If I wanted crappy quality and guess work I would play a flash game for free… this is a joke.
I keep getting disconnected. I am getting error code (code=7:11:3:189:101). After being patched, it keep disconnecting me after 2 minutes of game play. I dunno what to do now.
I had no problem staying online before the new patch. But after today’s patch, it just started giving me problem.
I need solution for this error, please. Thanks.
Crashed 9 times since patch.
I’m not buying any more gems untill this is fixed.
started happening again just now after the second update today. Can’t stay logged in for more than 5 seconds. Getting rolled back on top of that.
Underworld (EU) server.
disconnecting a lot since the patch today .I have been told this is only happening in big crowded areas :S this tread is so big… is there a solution ?
Same here, since 2nd patch today my guildies and I are all disconnecting.
Sorrows Furnace NA
(edited by Antonin.3926)
Same problem here. My game was stable until the latest patch got pushed; suddenly I can’t stay in for more than a minute or so at a time.
Disconnecting a lot after patch
AuroraGlade EU
Now I cant play at all loading in LA and then DC :<
(edited by ostpanzer.1475)
I disconnect every 20-30 sec while in LA here
Seafarer’s Rest
Remember, folks, that Error 7 is common because it simply indicates that you lost connection to the game. It could be us. It could be your modem or router. It could be the ISP. It could be a minor or major outage in the Internet backbone.
Each case can be slightly different, so submit a ticket, indicate it’s a technical support issue, and please follow up with our agent gets back to you, so that he or she can help you identify and resolve the problem.
I have not had this issue until tonight’s patch. I have a problem keeping connected with this error code which never showed up until now. So what changed on your end…? nothing on my end has changed.
Happening to me as well, Yak’s Bend US. I was playing for a couple hours or so just fine. Played for quite awhile after the 2nd small patch this evening. Finished my daily and went to the bank and switched characters and it started dropping me every couple of seconds from the game to the character select screen.
I’m also facing this problem. I’m on Tarnished Coast, is it because of server overload ? ANet, please fix this problem because I am sure it is not from my end. This happened after the Feb 26 patch. I am now unable to play the game.
Update : Apparently, this only happens to me in LA. Those with the same problem, stay away from LA for now.
(edited by Driftwood.4736)
Same issue. Started after the most recent build update. Getting disconnected within 5s to 2 mins of logging in. I’m connected to several other things at the same time, and nothing else is affected. Also have my router logs open and no disruption to overall network service can be seen. Please check on your end; it seems like I am not the only one with this issue. Not sure if this matters, but I’m sitting in LA. My guildies who are outside of LA are not having this issue as far as I can tell.
Still have this problem. Each patch it comes back in full effect. Please resolve.
Same issue. Just started having these disconnect issues after Patch on Feb 26th.
Just checked….
Seems to only disconnect for chars in LA.
Chars left in the field are not disconnecting.
Not going into LA with those chars for now.
Just got an in-game msg from ANET. New build coming out within the hour.
Not sure that will fix the issue, but we can hope.
Just got the new update.
Have not disconnected when in LA yet. Seems to have fixed the problem. (I hope)
(edited by Brubaker Hilton.3846)
ill post again just for the sake of it.
Still having this issue almost 1 week later.
I’m disconnecting every 20 secs or so since update (2-26) while standing in LA overflow. Never had this before over all these months.
Getting this error, repeteadly.
Logged in LA and got kicked in less than 5 seconds for like 8 times in a row?
Swapped among all characters, getting kicked in no time with this error, seriously…?
Patch kinda went not as expected -.-
Server: Piken Square
Getting constant code=7:11:3:189:101. I was logged in with no problems before the update. Now I can’t stay on more than 2 minutes.
Tifa Ran/Ranger with a Pet
Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi
Out of curiosity, but is everyone reporting the problem in Lion’s Arch? I’m testing out my theory and so far, I don’t get d/c-ed anywhere else.
Same here. Strangely enough my launcher cant seem to read the guild wars 2 news feed. Not sure if its related. Everything else is working fine except for GW2
Yes it started for me when I went to Lions Arch, as well as switched to other characters in Lion’s Arch.
Same here , never had any issues since release, but todays 2nd patch, i get kicked every 10 seconds!
Notice: Iam in Lions Arch and start getting diconnected! Havent been able to check out other areas!
Kodasch (DE)
Definitely having issues in Lion’s Arch; disconnected with the above error message within 30 seconds of logging in there on Tarnished Coast, but (thus far) no disconnects elsewhere.
Same here as well, for all characters on my account (even the ones who are not in LA).
Great another patch and now the game constantly disconnects. Can you undo the patch until it is fixed?
(Bronze Soldier)
Out of curiosity, but is everyone reporting the problem in Lion’s Arch? I’m testing out my theory and so far, I don’t get d/c-ed anywhere else.
It is happening everywhere, but more often in LA.. probably has to do with crowds… still kind of ridicules that these types of issues are still going on after patches..
This has been happening to me on all characters, regardless of what zone theyre in. the zone loading screen appears, but none of the exploration statistics appear, then i just DC with that error code shown.
havent been able to play in 2 weeks, hoping the patch would fix it, but apparently not..
Yes if been getting these disconnects as well. With all my characters no matter where I am. It started today, but it was fine yesterday and the day the patch came out. I played fine all of last week with no disconnects at all. Once the patch came out it started to disconnect.
Like i said happens anywhere.
P.S. I’m also getting lag (if i can play) which I didn’t before. I’m very sure its not on my side since every thing ells runs fine.
And just as I typed this I also got a disconnect from the character selection screen.
(edited by Donato.3026)
Same as everyone else, after this patch and more noticiable today its freakin uplayable, constant crashes, disconnect on loading screens ( and dont get me started on those as in they take AGES and i mean i litterly alt tab and play/do something else while i wait) and error 7-11-3-189-101 all day every day. latest patch seems to have done it for me
Edit: Guesting on another server seemed to fix it, Still playing on Underworld EU is out of question for now :\
(edited by Zeh.8639)
got same problem here. code 7:11:3:189:101.
Also I couldn’t get test report by using the method mentioned below. I think maybe because I installed my game in the D Disk instead of C Disk.
This game was 1 mmo where developers just continue ignore major issues and making new content GG i play wow 5 years and never see slowest response and ignore from GM bb
And it started again….
I had a few days where everything ran great. Now the dc and lag is back.
Heavens Rage
Bumping because it’s started for me again.
Happened to me a couple of months ago after a patch—about two weeks of unplayability due to disconnects. It’s back.
I’m having the same problem all of the sudden since the Last big patch. I did everything Support wise including Port forwarding. all the ports needed for my fire wall and guild wars 2. Nothing worked so far. I’m having a tech guy come over and look at the router. See if its that. I will post my results after he’s done with the analysis.
My problem fixed: re-installed my win 7. Now works without a problem.
This started happening to me like 2-3 days ago. I port forwarded 80,443,6112, and 6600. That didn’t help. I uninstalled my anti-virus program, that didn’t help either. I made sure my firewall allowed me to play gw2, that didn’t help either. I even try using /clientport 80 and that didn’t seem to help either. So ArenaNet please start figuring out on a solution. Just got this game 2 weeks ago and really enjoyed it.