i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Soja.5918


I have the following setup:

FX-6200 @ 3.8 GHz
AMD HD7870 2GB @1100 GHz

With all settings at max, Divinity’s Reach gate easily reaches 60 fps.

Not even shadows affect this setup much in terms of performance.

But reflections? Reflections murder performance, I have found. Turn them off completely and you won’t miss them after an hour or so. In fact, I think the water looks more like natural water without ’em as water only reflects like at max reflections when it is perfectly still.

The Crystal Desert beckons us. Ascension awaits us.

Keirlann Aurion – Ranger – Chieftain of the Ace Guard [AceG]

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

depends on the water, water on some lakes in the mountians here reflect insanely well, and you can also see insanely deep into the lakes due to how clear the water is…..

only 3.8 out of that 6200….you should be able to get more out of it then that…..havent seen a 6200 that wouldnt do at least 4.3 on air..

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Soja.5918


I would gladly overclock it, but I don’t have a good cooling solution atm.

The Crystal Desert beckons us. Ascension awaits us.

Keirlann Aurion – Ranger – Chieftain of the Ace Guard [AceG]

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

cheapest decent option http://pcpartpicker.com/part/cooler-master-cpu-cooler-rr212e20pkr1

better option http://pcpartpicker.com/part/xigmatek-cpu-cooler-aegirsd128264

either should get you to 4.3 or 4.6 range, add some pk-1 thermal paste and your set

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Gonna have to buy 2 then. I don’t run anything at less than max.

GW2 does not like Xfire. So I would not recommend that.

Starting to sound like bad programming to me.

My machine is stock. No overclocking.

Alright. I just checked a few sites, and long story short, the i5-3570k gets better performance, but that’s about it; when it comes to things like multitasking or hyper threading technology, i7-3930k wins by a long run (i5-3570k doesn’t even have hyper threading). If you’re a bit savvy with overclocking and/or not afraid to tinker with it, you could try overclocking your core a bit to see if you can get better FPS in-game.

Also, I would personally geek out a bit if I managed to get my hands on a Titan GPU.

I’m not going to overclock my CPU for one game. Everything else runs fine.

First thing first. Overclocking by itself doesnt shorten life. Its the over voltage of the cpu combined with heat that ruins them.

Second, i7 were built to be overclocked.

Thirdly, SLI runs better than crossfire

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DJRiful.3749


Am I late to reply for the OP?

Stock setting is consider normal at that ~45FPS. If you want 60FPS average, it is best to OC your CPU past 4.5Ghz+ for full performances.

CFX/SLI vs Single only gives 10-15FPS differences, FYI.

Stormïe ~ Tarnished Coast | My little monster <3 – http://valid.canardpc.com/6nbdeq

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Thirdly, SLI runs better than crossfire

this isnt true, crossfire works better with gw2 then sli, neither will give you the kinds of gains that your looking for because the games cpu bound not gpu.

sli and crossfire both have their issues with various games, some work better with one then the other, for example Tera works better with crossfire, so does gw2, but neither gain as much as alot of other games because, both gw2 and tera are cpu bound, gw2 being far worse then tera.

having dealt with cfx and sli, I can say, its easier to fix micro-stuttering yourself on cfx then on sli, thanks to radeon pro, if you ever find a game that stutters, you can almost certainly fix it, sli dosnt have such luck sadly.

nvidia makes some nice cards, but sli is in no way better then crossfire, they both have the same inharent issues, the only dif being that radeon pro lets you make custom profiles to fix issues with a few clicks.

also note 2 7970’s is faster then a 690, but then so are 2 7950’s with current drivers.

dont get me started on the titan…….you ned 2-3-4 of them to compete with 2-3-4 7900/680 cards……and they cost a grad each….

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nemaca.4912



You DO NOT need to overclock anything!

Your PC rocks!

Mine is tons lower and still owns GW2, except for the BUGS in the game. The game has bugs.


Read it: Graphic BUG, Texture BUGS, collision BUGS, optimisation BUGS, etc.

But that’s NORMAL and we live with them. Have fun!

P.S. For the enthusiast trolls: SLI and CrossFire have been developped for cheap bussiness solutions, since a multi-gpu setup was cheaper then a professional video solution. Nowadays, Kepler architecture is a wonder; hence: multi-gpu setups are in decline.
I owned 2 multi-gpu setups and I know exactly what level of knowledge you need to have to juggle with them and use them at full extent: tons. They have never been aimed for rich kids playing counter-strike and bf3 with their school buddies, but they sure helped lowering the overall prices. Thanks, kids! Keep it up!

i5 3570k / VenomousX / 8Gb 1866 Corsair Vengeance / AsRock Fatality Performance / Corsair
Obsidian 800D / Corsair AX1200 PSU / 3x Noctua fans / INTEGRATED VIDEO hd4000
30-80 FPS

(edited by Nemaca.4912)

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389


You DO NOT need to overclock anything!

Your PC rocks!
P.S. For the enthusiast trolls: SLI and CrossFire have been developed for cheap business solutions, since a multi-gpu setup was cheaper then a professional video solution. Nowadays, Kepler architecture is a wonder; hence: multi-gpu setups are in decline.
I owned 2 multi-gpu setups and I know exactly what level of knowledge you need to have to juggle with them and use them at full extent: tons. They have never been aimed for rich kids playing counter-strike and bf3 with their school buddies, but they sure helped lowering the overall prices. Thanks, kids! Keep it up!

you so full of kitten that i bet your eyes are brown.

no sli/cfx was not developed for business, infact, it was orignally developed by 3dfx for us with the voodoo and voodoo2 lines(voodoo1 only saw 1 card that used 2 chips, voodoo2 was when sli really took off)

these cards(the voodoo 1 and 2) where in no way business solutions, they where gaming accelerators http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3dfx_Interactive

no way your getting 30min fps on intel HD4000 video with stock 3570k in DE’s or WvWvW zergs…..no fing way.

anyway, what kind of a kitten would buy a 3570k, Venomous X cooler and high end asrock board then 1. not overclock it, and 2. use the onboard video…..that even intel admits isnt really ment for gaming…..

jeebus thats illogical, so much so its making my brain hurt…

as to your saying you need tons of knowlage to run sli/cfx…..and that its only for low end…funny, the only people I know using either are doing it with mid or high range cards….

I didnt spend a ton to get my cfx setup, 420 total for 2*7870ghz editions.

this part really made it clear how full of the brown smelly you are

They have never been aimed for rich kids playing counter-strike and bf3 with their school buddies, but they sure helped lowering the overall prices. Thanks, kids! Keep it up!

who needs cfx or sli for counter strike? that game will run maxed out on a single 5770…..or 4890 even….

funny i havent been in school for many years, and I run dual 7870’s(and dual 6870’s before that) and rarely have had to “juggle” anything….the few times I have had to “juggle” its been with either obscure titles or new titles that dont have a profile yet.

btw: professional gfx solutions cant be replaced by desktop cards in sli/crossfire, at least not without driver/hardware hacks, the reason people buy firegl/firepro/quadro cards is because they need features the desktop cards do not get like line antianalyzing and such, stuff gamers dont need or want(because it hampers perf alot)

I do not know where you got this info or how you came up with this kitten but…..wow…..somebody had to correct you before somebody took it seriously.

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nemaca.4912


I R a kitten, I love kitties!))

You obviously bought those items to spend money. I agree on voodoo, 100%. But then it went like I said. Also, since I’ve had once SLI and one CrossFire setup, and tons of problems with unoptimised games, driver issues, random minor bugs and what-not, and had to learn a lot of EXTRA things just to run them fine, then with a hardware expert, I finally fine-tuned them; your post is filled with assumptions.

My 3570k hit 5.1GHz on Air, at -20 Degrees Celsius, without IHS removal… yet.

I overclock computers since Pentiums. I own a 7870 XT, mounted on my old 2500k i5 system. I don’t plan to get a video card on this PC until 8000’s.

You have not ran an AutoCAD or 3D render program on a professional card, I think. The difference is abysmal. I used one for ~8 months at work. My employer then sold it for 2000$ second hand (quite cheap).

Contradiction is in your nature. Be more constructive. Thanks for kittening.

@OP: BUGs. Did I say that already?:P Tone down graphics.

P.S. I get low-spikes of ~5 fps from full zergs and bounties. I hit performance mode and get back on track, albeit slower. 95% of the game runs better then smooth though.

i5 3570k / VenomousX / 8Gb 1866 Corsair Vengeance / AsRock Fatality Performance / Corsair
Obsidian 800D / Corsair AX1200 PSU / 3x Noctua fans / INTEGRATED VIDEO hd4000
30-80 FPS

(edited by Nemaca.4912)

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

ah but I have run autocad, and 3dxmax and maya and and and on prof cards vs desktop cards of the same chipset, and the prof level cards(or desktop cards with mods, be it driver or hardware) always run faster then strait up desktop cards for those tasks.

yes they charge WAY to much for the prof level cards, but they do it because that market will pay the price.


as you will see, workstation cards have their place, some apps run FAR better with them.

also, if your doing prof level work thats critical, these prof level cards are all about accuracy not speed, though, for apps that take advantage of them, prof level cards will SMOKE desktop cards.

there are places it dosnt matter, autocad can be faster with some desktop cards but, accuracy can suffer(if you google a bit, you can find some reviews that show what i mean)

for casual users of prof level software, desktop cards are the ticket, if your using such apps for a job where quality and accuracy as well as speed count, you better budget in a prof level card.

i do agree the price and perf of the lower level cards can be pretty heinous, even the high end cards suck for games if you dont do a driver swap to desktop drivers(and you can)

I have built many systems for cam/cad/animation/rendering/exct, back in the day I use to mod geforce cards into quadro’s for people, back then it required moving a few resistors and the card become quadro, and for some tasks, it became far faster, for games, it lost around 10-15% depending on the game….


thats the last generation hardmods would work on, and those only take a bios flash(may be worth considering for anybody who wants to monkey with prof level gfx software that works better with prof level cards)

have you ever used solidworks? RealView in SolidWorks only functions on prof level cards.

for home use you can hack solidworks to enable realview on any card but, it wont work on some chipsets(onboard like hd4000 and lower are known to have issues for example, just as they do with maya) http://solidworks.burkesys.com/2011/10/realview-graphics/

again though, for most people prof level gfx are totally wasted…..

oh the first cards I modded where geforce 1 and 2 cards that where VERY easy to solder mod….took minutes, also flashing old nV and ATI cards to work on mac’s was a good business for years…..cant tell you how much I made conveting geforce and radeon cards to mac……buy cards in large lots cheap, flash them, sell them for 4-6x what you spent(sometimes more) and mac users where happy to pay it….

little softmod guide with review of speeds

and again, I wouldnt recommend a prof card unless its going to be faster OR more accurate for what your doing…..if its nto, spending that kinda money is stupid….

even if its going to be, is the differance going to be noticeable? if not, dont spend the money on a high end card.

and again NO,, sli/cfx where NOT made for business, if they where, they would have come out on business and prof level cards and NOT been targeted at gamers.

these technologies came out because 3dfx then later nvidia(who bought alot of 3dfx IP) saw a way to make money and give people more perf.

most people I know who go cfx/sli do it after their single high end/mid high end card starts to show its age OR they get a goodprice.

i went dual 6870s back when the 6870 was pretty new because, i had to return something to newegg, i got a store credit for their messup AND my money back, the day that happened they put a 6870 on sale for a nice savings and i decided to add a 2nd one, knowing worse case, i could resell it for more then i spent on it…..i loved those cards, they are in my 2nd system now……

i went dual 7870’s because I was eyeing a 7970 till i started reading perf reviews and saw how close the 7870’s where to the 7950 and 7970 in some games….and that 7870 crossfire was faster then 7970 for around the same price……(alot faster infact) so i went for it when the sale happened, i mean 209each shipped with 15MIR(that i forgot to do!!!!) was well worth it to me……means i got a few more years no need to upgrade my cards

im far from rich…..hell im now living on ssi(im disabled) and doing computer work on the side when im healthy enough to do it(arthritis sucks!!!)

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


Interesting benchmarks for gw2 including gtx titan


i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

would be more interesting if it was WvWvW zergs or a big DE or even some heavy traffic LA action(where the cpu bottleneckes even the best cards)

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


From the looks of it 1 titan outperforms 7970 crossfire and almost as good as 690

Titan is really aimed for extreme solutions so its perfect for me I have coming soon ill test wvw, plan to sli it later on.

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TFmira.2067


Hello guys i stop playing beacouse Lw fps. im playing now arrond 40-55 fps i see this forum and find alot of thinks ok this game use only 1 core

My computer:
3570k at this moment 4.2ghz (i got WC Ek 240 hfx)
Msi gtx 660 ti PE OC
Asrock z77 pro 3
Corsair vengance 8g 1600 Mhz
Corsair tx 650 v3

I think i can get much better FPS

I realy need Up My OC CPU for 4.5 or more?

Some guys say for run GW2 in XP service pack 3 im not in home at this moment but my friend have done and he see incrase FPS now he play on ultra

and he got a i3 2gen and low card grafic

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: OnyX.9027


It isn’t your rig, regardless of all the waffle above I can guarantee it isn’t your rig.

What it is, pure and simple, is a badly optimized, poorly designed, CPU intensive engine

Read this to get an idea what this means:


The simple truth is that this game is made to run on every rig possible and in doing so anyone using a high end system will actually be the worse for it as the engine is designed to run CPU over GPU, so if you are running 7970 or equivalent your gfx card will barely be ticking over whilst your CPU is having heart attack trying to process on 1 of it’s multi-cores

The engine needs to be optimised to run GPU heavy rather than GPU light a welcome addition would also be 64bit client but they do not even discuss optimization nevermind extended clients

Reservoir Shugo – Necro
Soul of Onyx – Guardian

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: God Of Fissures.8627

God Of Fissures.8627

Even though overclocking will improve your frame rate, the real issue boils down to a “badly optimized, poorly designed, CPU intensive engine” as OnyX.9027 mentioned above.

My graphics card (6950) is almost always 100% utilized by GW2 but those resources are obviously not being used properly or else the frame rate would be much higher. Because of how poorly programmed this engine is, the CPU has to make up for what the GPU is not being programmed to do. Hence performance is based on how powerful one’s CPU is.

Another issue is the fact that GW2 will not use more than two cores (and doesn’t maximize utilization on those cores). If it fully utilized 3 or 4 cores then performance would be much better.

The only way to increase FPS at this point is to upgrade your CPU or overclock your current one. Sorry but that is the hard, honest truth.

ArenaNet really screwed the pooch on this one.

i7-3770K (Delidded) @ 4.6GHz | nVidia GTX TITAN X@ 1468/7800
ASUS Sabertooth Z77 | 16GB Corsair Dominator Platinum 1866MHz @ 2400MHz
Samsung 840 PRO 512GB SSD | Windows 10 x64

(edited by God Of Fissures.8627)

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TFmira.2067


upgrade my CPU? i5 3570k its badly?
lol its joke right?
i3 2gen its bether at mine, are crazy?

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sheer.7529


upgrade my CPU? i5 3570k its badly?
lol its joke right?
i3 2gen its bether at mine, are crazy?

You really don’t need to upgrade from an i5-3570k for games. Adding an aftermarket fan/heatsink and overclocking it is a better solution. Other CPUs with better performance per core would have an easier time with this game is what they’re saying.

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Even though overclocking will improve your frame rate, the real issue boils down to a “badly optimized, poorly designed, CPU intensive engine” as OnyX.9027 mentioned above.

My graphics card (6950) is almost always 100% utilized by GW2 but those resources are obviously not being used properly or else the frame rate would be much higher. Because of how poorly programmed this engine is, the CPU has to make up for what the GPU is not being programmed to do. Hence performance is based on how powerful one’s CPU is.

Another issue is the fact that GW2 will not use more than two cores (and doesn’t maximize utilization on those cores). If it fully utilized 3 or 4 cores then performance would be much better.

The only way to increase FPS at this point is to upgrade your CPU or overclock your current one. Sorry but that is the hard, honest truth.

ArenaNet really screwed the pooch on this one.

I was thinking of it more as a donkey show then pooch……

your lucky, my 6870’s even when using just 1 never went above 70% usage, and i saw it drop as low as 20% in zergs before i quit WvWvW (was tired of being killed by invisible people)

the engine needs to be reworked to use more gpu, but also to make better more efficient use of the cpu’s its got access to, infact, the game in current state runs best on 3 cores, due to it being triple threaded(main heavy threads=3)

but yeah

read that, and I think you will know what mmo to try next….

they are testing with at least 200 people on screen at once, and testing on hardware made in the past 5 years, the game will launch with dx11, as well as dx9 support, and note if you read that, they are building for playable fps even on old 4-5 year old hardware with 200 players on screen, im sure the game will look like poo with the settings cranked low enough for those old systems but, I got a feeling it will also scale far better then gw2.

sad, because, I really planned to gw2 to be my mmo for a few years at least but….with the poor support and perf…..

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nemaca.4912


Much more constructive posts, Knightmage! Took me a day to research and costed me a few beers and a looong chat with my geek buddies, but we agree on prof cards: overpriced accuracy. that’s why my employee sold it: he got 4 crossfire systems which he linked and rendered over night. Since we were’nt making anything but buildings, things went smooth. Sorry to hear you’re busted in health department. I’m fit as a horse.

Back to GW2: Reflections seems to get people bad fps.

i5 3570k / VenomousX / 8Gb 1866 Corsair Vengeance / AsRock Fatality Performance / Corsair
Obsidian 800D / Corsair AX1200 PSU / 3x Noctua fans / INTEGRATED VIDEO hd4000
30-80 FPS

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

reflections are rendered under the whole map even if you cant see them, if you ever fall thru the map you will see the water under it and everything being reflected…..

yeah the health thing, psoriatic arthritis sucks, flare ups that make me want to off myself at times…..well till i got on the meds im on, saddly they dont reverse 10+ years worth of damage that happened because doctors blamed my weight and then said i had gout then pseudo gout then….they had no idea, i had to figure it out myself and get somebody to write a diagnosis down to get help….

gotta love this country… bangs head into desk

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mike Flavaz.2635

Mike Flavaz.2635

This is just plain sad. When the answer is that your i7 3930k super-mega-awesome processor is bottlenecking, thus reducing your fps to what most would consider unplayable (45fps), it’s a sad sad state of affairs for guild wars 2. The game is more than horribly optimized, and this thread is the very somber, god aweful proof.

I have a similar build, i7 3930k, water cooled & oc’d, gtx 680, 64gb of ram, running on solid state drives and yes, this game still under performs. sure, I get respectable fps out in the middle of no where, but bring me in to lion’s arch and the game is laggy, jerky and the fps or just embarressing.

I upgraded for the same reasons. I’m a graphics artist and video editor and boy does this build get the job done. And when I break out planetside 2 and am in the middle of a massive 500 man battle…boy does this build get the job done. But open up gw2 and head to lion’s arch or god forbid, wvwvw, and man..just embarrassing. Arenanet should be embarrassed and ashamed. A enthusiast super build should be able to run this game…and it doesn’t.

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

nope, anet have spoken(in a way) the game has no flaws or problems

the only thing inflamitory there is the fact that people are talking about a problem with the game…….

looking at who was on making posts at the time from anet, seems clear to me Ashley Segovia dosnt want these issues talked about because they dont want to acknowledge them or have people see that they exist.

if you look a bit theres a link to a place you can talk about htis without worry of intervention by anet…..

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mike Flavaz.2635

Mike Flavaz.2635

People are posting here because they are hoping to god that the voices break through. There’s no point in designing new lands, bosses and gear if when you spin your camera around your fps drops 40 frames!

It’s just so very frustrating because the game has so much potential but it doesn’t have a chance to even reach that potential because it’s pretty much unplayable. I just can’t a play a game that dips to 20fps in the major city. If I was on the 1st dell i booted up wow in, i wouldn’t have a problem but when you build a super computer you expect super results and to end up getting really bad results is enraging. And, that’s the tone that’s being set here. and rightfully so.

Fix it.

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

agreed Mike, but, instead they will, im quite sure, just endup locking this thread like they did the other one, i made a thread on my own forums if you want to go there and talk about the issues where it wont get deleted or edited or get you infracted/banned, click the link

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mad Flare.1872

Mad Flare.1872

my simple recommendation is turn down ‘Anti-Aliasing’ to x2 or x4
It might be that you have set it up way too high.
Even if you have one of the best Amd video card, extreme graphic settings will result in lower FPS.
You don’t have to over clock cpu at all. (check Task manager and look at CPU cycle/activity. I’m pretty sure it’s not even hitting 50% during game play) By doing so just eating up more power.
However, you might wanna over clock video card if there is room for that.
and I’m pretty sure you have read Anet’s guide -

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: God Of Fissures.8627

God Of Fissures.8627

I am doing a follow-up post because I just replaced my 6950 with a 7970 and want to post the results. My system is pretty closely related to the OP’s so I hope this is relevant.

Intel Core i7-3770K (Overclocked to 4.8GHz at 1.280V)
16GB Corsair Dominator Platinum 1866MHz CL9
ASUS Sabertooth Z77
Sapphire Vapor-X 3GB 7970 (1185/1500)

Now before I upgraded to this 7970, I owned an MSI Twin Frozr III R6950 PE/OC Edition which is one of the best 6950’s on the market. With that card I could run GW2 at medium/medium-high settings without ever going below 50fps.

With my recent upgrade to a 7970, I can now run at nearly max settings (with the exception of Reflections and Supersampling) and never drop below 80fps. I usually get between 80 and 120.

With that out of the way, the only real difference between me and the OP’s computer is the CPU.

The 3770K is an Ivy Bridge (3rd Generation) processor while the 3930K is a Sandy Bridge (2nd Generation) processor. My guess would be that Ivy Bridge processors are more optimized for this game than the previous generation Intel processors. They consume less power, support PCI-E 3.0, and have more power core-for-core than their Sandy Bridge predecessors.

If I had to come to any conclusion, I would say that the 3930K and GW2 do not get along. I bet the OP would get better FPS if he upgraded to Ivy.

i7-3770K (Delidded) @ 4.6GHz | nVidia GTX TITAN X@ 1468/7800
ASUS Sabertooth Z77 | 16GB Corsair Dominator Platinum 1866MHz @ 2400MHz
Samsung 840 PRO 512GB SSD | Windows 10 x64

(edited by God Of Fissures.8627)

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: biCentral.9681


There are also the Catalyst drivers 13.2 beta 7 that have some latency improvements for GW2 in the build.


i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SolarNova.1052


SB-E does support PCI-E 3.0

Clock for clock Ivybridge is faster yes but…

Cooler for Cooler, the SB’s clock higher which evens out the performance.

A 3770k vs a 2700k on the same cooler, like say a Evo 212, the 2700k will clock higher and thus equal out the performance of the 3770k.

Unless u pop the IHS of a Ivybridge CPU u wont get as high a clock on it than a SB no matter what ‘consumer grade’ cooling u have. So say u have a h100i water cooler, the Ivybridge may clock to say 4.7ghz. but a SB could clock to 5ghz.

Both sides have their pro’s and cons but in the end they r evenly matched. The only extra upside to SB-E is that its LGA 2011 which means u will be able to upgrade to a IB-E and possibly HW-E in the future.

GW2 + 3930k has no issues what so ever. A 3930k to a 3770k is a downgrade not an upgrade.

3930k 4.6ghz | NH-D14 Cooler | P9x79 Pro MB | 16gb 1866mhz G.Skill | 128gb SSD + 2×500gb HDD
EVGA GTX 780 Classified w/ EK block | XSPC D5 Photon 270 Res/Pump | NexXxos Monsta 240 Rad
CM Storm Stryker case | Seasonic 1000W PSU | Asux Xonar D2X & Logitech Z5500 Sound system |

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Now before I upgraded to this 7970, I owned an MSI Twin Frozr III R6950 PE/OC Edition which is one of the best 6950’s on the market. With that card I could run GW2 at medium/medium-high settings without ever going below 50fps.

full of kitten…. no way you stay 50+ in DE’s or WvWvW

With my recent upgrade to a 7970, I can now run at nearly max settings (with the exception of Reflections and Supersampling) and never drop below 70fps. I usually get between 80 and 120.

funny in the other thread you said you never drop below 80fps….so is it 70 or 80?

and again full of crap…..no way your getting 80fps in DE’s or Zergs, post a video proving it and we will believe you…..till then…..

The 3770K is an Ivy Bridge (3rd Generation) processor while the 3930K is a Sandy Bridge (2nd Generation) processor. My guess would be that Ivy Bridge processors are more optimized for this game than the previous generation Intel processors. They consume less power, support PCI-E 3.0, and have more power core-for-core than their Sandy Bridge predecessors.

pci-e 3.0 means NOTHING, google a bit, there have been numerous reviews showing this no card today, even dual gpu cards make use of 3.0 speeds in any real way, the perf dif is all down to the cpu being a tad bit faster stock for stock.

and no, the 3770k isnt better then a 3939k, it runs hotter and clocks lower as SN says, it is faster at the same clock but, when you cant get a high clock because the TIM under the IHS is total crap……

again please give us a video showing your doing 50-70-80 fps in a large scale DE or WvWvW, then we will believe your not staring at the sky in LA or a wall…..or your feet…

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

SB-E does support PCI-E 3.0

Clock for clock Ivybridge is faster yes but…

Cooler for Cooler, the SB’s clock higher which evens out the performance.

A 3770k vs a 2700k on the same cooler, like say a Evo 212, the 2700k will clock higher and thus equal out the performance of the 3770k.

Unless u pop the IHS of a Ivybridge CPU u wont get as high a clock on it than a SB no matter what ‘consumer grade’ cooling u have. So say u have a h100i water cooler, the Ivybridge may clock to say 4.7ghz. but a SB could clock to 5ghz.

Both sides have their pro’s and cons but in the end they r evenly matched. The only extra upside to SB-E is that its LGA 2011 which means u will be able to upgrade to a IB-E and possibly HW-E in the future.

GW2 + 3930k has no issues what so ever. A 3930k to a 3770k is a downgrade not an upgrade.



and 3.0 vs 2.0 theres no benefit….unless you count a larger kitten……and i dont.

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


Makes a big different for large resolutions with multiple cards


Just copy and paste link to browser

(edited by Raijinn.9065)

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

thanks for the link, but I will only believe it when a trusted review site does the tests and shows similar results.

and the big problem is, you cant get more then 8x/8x on 1155, the 3rd slot will be 2.0@4x……

also unless you got money to burn, whos gonna buy 3 high end cards that may actually be able to benefit from the extra bandwidth?

most people have 2cards max.

Mind you, I have run quad cfx playing around, but that was with a couple x2 cards, and even those dont show the kind of results your link shows…..despite having dual gpu’s on each card(driving the bandwidth use up)

it seems like you have to do reg hacks and such to get 3.0 speeds out of those nVidia cards as well…..not something most people should be encouraged to do…..one false move and bye bye windows…

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


thanks for the link, but I will only believe it when a trusted review site does the tests and shows similar results.

and the big problem is, you cant get more then 8x/8x on 1155, the 3rd slot will be 2.0@4x……

also unless you got money to burn, whos gonna buy 3 high end cards that may actually be able to benefit from the extra bandwidth?

most people have 2cards max.

Mind you, I have run quad cfx playing around, but that was with a couple x2 cards, and even those dont show the kind of results your link shows…..despite having dual gpu’s on each card(driving the bandwidth use up)

it seems like you have to do reg hacks and such to get 3.0 speeds out of those nVidia cards as well…..not something most people should be encouraged to do…..one false move and bye bye windows…

You indeed can get dual x16 pcie 3.0 slot 1155 socket motherboards (plx, nf200). If you actually did seek the information out you would see there’s many threads and reviews showing this above information as well, it’s old news. You said you did your own testing on the pcie 3.0 but unless your running an extreme resolution you won’t see the same results. And the reason he did a registry hack is because that thread was right around when pcie 3.0 first came out. Back then 2011 sockets had to do a hack because it wasn’t immediately supported, now all 2011 socket CPU support pcie 3.0. It only takes 2 cards to see those gains if those prerequisites are met.

(edited by Raijinn.9065)

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

plx chips also add latancy, and alot of cost, I havent been able to find a board with 2*16x pci-e 3 slots that run at 16x



again, plx chips do add latancy, they are in effect splitting the pci-e lanes to add more, no it dosnt make a huge dif but, in some cases its been shown to have negative effect on frame latancies and general performance.



i do know how to use google search, and im not seeing anything but your evga forums thread backing up your assertion that 3.0 is better then 2.0 in any meaningful way.

as i said, when i see profecinal trusted well known reviewers doing the reviews, I will believe it, till then, i will believe the information I personally have seen and the reviews that those results mirror from trusted review sites.


the comments make me laugh but some are true as to how they get lanes.

please post some review links not from forums that show 3.0 is the ticket to ride.

personally I dont care, by the time 3.0 is fully utilized it will ave been replaced 2-4x by newer versions as pci-e versions have always been.

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


That’s why I just went with x79 for the x16/x16/x16/x16 goodness

You can choose to believe whatever you want. That is concrete factual information right there. You should look him up I’d even go as far to call him more reliable then most of these “mainstream” review sites. He’s on every major forum, and runs tests on just about every kind of setup you could dream of owning.

http://youtu.be/0nHKqbNX4fs and that’s old news he’s already got 3 titans for benchmarking

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: God Of Fissures.8627

God Of Fissures.8627

I don’t play WvWvW. I just do casual PvE and am basing my numbers off of that.

Oh and as for the 80 and 70FPS thing, I made a typo here. The other thread is correct in saying that I get a minimum of 80 fps. Mind you, this is just casual PvE. NOT WvWvW

i7-3770K (Delidded) @ 4.6GHz | nVidia GTX TITAN X@ 1468/7800
ASUS Sabertooth Z77 | 16GB Corsair Dominator Platinum 1866MHz @ 2400MHz
Samsung 840 PRO 512GB SSD | Windows 10 x64

(edited by God Of Fissures.8627)

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

the problem is GOF, DE’s and LA and WvWvW really are a different game perf wise, try it yourself……its the main complaint most of us have.

as to you Raijinn i dont care if you are, and i dont care if somebody has 4k to spend on videocards…..i find the idea of spending a grand, let alone 4 grand on videocards insane…same with spending a grand or more on a cpu….if you got the money to blow have at it.

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


the problem is GOF, DE’s and LA and WvWvW really are a different game perf wise, try it yourself……its the main complaint most of us have.

as to you Raijinn i dont care if you are, and i dont care if somebody has 4k to spend on videocards…..i find the idea of spending a grand, let alone 4 grand on videocards insane…same with spending a grand or more on a cpu….if you got the money to blow have at it.

Don’t get so offended lmfao

(edited by Raijinn.9065)

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

probably just how i come off, I dont take much online seriously, after all, most people online are the hole in the donkies bumb :P

well im off for home, got neverwinter to play all weekend

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Khendros.7915


i7 3930k (not oc yet), 16 GB ram, OCZ Vertex 4 SSD, GTX680. At max settings 1920×1080 I can run the game 50-60 fps LA, 110-120 fps standing, 40-50 fps great events, 30 fps WvWvW zergs. One thing I noticed, before I get the SSD my fps were about 20 lower than now.

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: wauwi.9162


One thing I noticed, before I get the SSD my fps were about 20 lower than now.

loadtimes do decrease, microstutter (if there were any before) may be gone, but 20FPS more? faster drive-to-ram buffering should have barely or no effect on the overall performance.

[EU/GER]Elona’s Reach: Aerrith: Lv80 Ranger / Sephirra: Lv80 Mesmer
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

sounds more like somebody did a clean windows install to an ssd and it helped….

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: God Of Fissures.8627

God Of Fissures.8627

sounds more like somebody did a clean windows install to an ssd and it helped….

Agreed. He apparently doesn’t know how to keep his OS clean and optimized.

i7-3770K (Delidded) @ 4.6GHz | nVidia GTX TITAN X@ 1468/7800
ASUS Sabertooth Z77 | 16GB Corsair Dominator Platinum 1866MHz @ 2400MHz
Samsung 840 PRO 512GB SSD | Windows 10 x64

i7 3930K, 16GB 2133 RAM, AMD HD7970 - 45 FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

not that uncommon, infact, its pretty common really, most people dont know how to cleanup their system or spot apps taht are causing perf hits.

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x