(edited by MetalDragonWing.7592)
Low FPS - [merged]
Well, well. You are running that on a notebook. Please update all drivers from HP. Except for the mobile GPU you can try this one:
please use the second link.
Bottleneck is your CPU. Sorry to say but you will not be able to play on high. Low-medium and you should get 30ish.
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Well, well. You are running that on a notebook. Please update all drivers from HP. Except for the mobile GPU you can try this one:
please use the second link.Bottleneck is your CPU. Sorry to say but you will not be able to play on high. Low-medium and you should get 30ish.
Did it say it was a notebook? Its not its a desktop.
oh i thought HP Pavillion is a notebook. Nevertheless. Try the driver.
Join us : seelenverbunden.com
oh i thought HP Pavillion is a notebook. Nevertheless. Try the driver.
Hah its okay Unfortunately it did not help
I might just need to restart my computer, but I did notice on the forums there that I need Vista or Higher, (Im pretty sure..) Anyways, I took a pic In game to show you even with all low settings.
I downloaded this update this morning and when i installed it,my fps drops way to low,i cant play.In description says it fixes performance in Guild Wars 2,but thats not true in my case.Anyone know what should i do,and how to fix this? I provided dxDiag
Yes, I’ve noticed the same. Before the update I was running with 40-60fps and now it’s somewhere between 20-30fps. Not to mention that WvW is unplayable. I’m with ATI HD 5770.
I tried to uninstall update,but i still cant play.Fps is below 20.I have HD 7850 OC.Dunno what to do now
Just a tip (and I know its not going to help those that have updated) don’t update your video drivers unless you have problems in the first place, this is especially true with ATI cards.
I’m going to use Diablo 3 as an example here, users were told NOT to update to the latest video card drivers upon release of the game as ATI had stuffed the driver update again.
I updated to this today and I’m still in the 60 to 70fps range so i don’t really see any difference at all, you could have a corrupted driver when it installed i guess but other than that i don’t see it being a problem for the actual version since everyone would get it.
I use the “AMD HD 6870”
(just thought I’d say so you know it could be another problem even if it was just caused by the install itself or another problem you wasn’t aware of.)
Same problem here with my Sapphire HD 7870 OC. It did seem to fix my black screen issues, though.
(edited by Kattugle.7185)
Performance just feels the same for me currently. Hasn’t fixed the crashing though.
I tried uninstalling catalyst and graphic driver but i still cant return to previous fps,still unplayable
I installed cap2 and I’ve got an HD 5770, virtually no difference in performance whatsoever.
Also dranneix, try using Driver Sweeper to completely uninstall your drivers, and then reinstall your old drivers.
Edit: Wrong Information
(edited by Xenoris.8970)
I assume all you guys are running a Crossfire setup. If you aren’t you’re not going to see any performance improvement as the CAP updates are for Crossfire setups.
If you need to clean the drivers I suggest doing a full clean with ‘Driver Sweeper’ and then re-installing just the 12.8 WHQL driver.
I’m running a HD 6970 2GB and noticed a small but noticeable performance increase.
I assume all you guys are running a Crossfire setup. If you aren’t you’re not going to see any performance improvement as the CAP updates are for Crossfire setups.
If you need to clean the drivers I suggest doing a full clean with ‘Driver Sweeper’ and then re-installing just the 12.8 WHQL driver.
Please stop spreading false information.
No improvement or frame rate drop with CAP2 and 6950 CF.
I assume all you guys are running a Crossfire setup. If you aren’t you’re not going to see any performance improvement as the CAP updates are for Crossfire setups.
If you need to clean the drivers I suggest doing a full clean with ‘Driver Sweeper’ and then re-installing just the 12.8 WHQL driver.
Please stop spreading false information.
You can install the CAP on a single GPU setup just don’t expect it do anything. From the download site:
“These are the Catalyst profiles for multi-GPU support.
This release of ATI Catalyst delivers support for the latest ATI CrossFireX profiles in a separate executable file ensuring users have access to the absolute latest set of profiles installed on their PC.
Latest profiles added :
Guide Wars 2 – Improves games performance."
I tried uninstalling drivers using driver sweeper and still have the same issue,i cant play…
MS Windows 7 home premium. 64-bit SP1.
Intel Core i3-2310M CPU @ 2.10 GHz
4.00 GB RAM.
Intel HD Graphics Family.
Only had lag since last nights patch. Tuesdays patch. Before that had no problems what so ever, literally appeared over night. Well except in MASSIVE world event fights, but I can deal with that. I’m in a starting area alone and i’ve got under 4 FPS today.
Not sure if this will help, but your page file seems off, try right clicking My Computer > Properties > Advanced Tab > Performance Section > Click “Settings” > Advanced Tab > Virtual Memory > Click “Change” > Select “System Managed” > Click “Set” > Click “Ok”
Your computer should restart, not sure if this will help with fps, but your computer will run better.
I’ve asked about this in game and I seem to be the only one with this issue but I just wanted to know if anyone else seems to be experiencing what I am.
After having the game running for a good hour or so with a solid fps of between 35 and 50, the game will suddenly start to lag and eventually put me down to about 15 FPS, then all of a sudden shoot me back to up normal. I’ve got the latest drivers for my graphics card and everything else is up-to-date.
Alienware m17x r2
ATI 5870m
i7 740
This laptop runs any other game on near enough max for hours on end but for some reason will lag out every now and then. I don’t know if anyone else has this problem but just thought I would post this and see if I get a response from anyone knowing the cause of this.
I have the exact same issue as you Rose, Happened last night and now the game is unplayable. I experienced no issues like this since I got the game. I’ve tried going to overflow, not overflow, a random spot where there are hardly any other people and it’s the same thing. They really need to answer what the issue is. It makes no sense. I made zero changes to my computer and all the sudden I log in and get between 4-9FPS. Nothing has been changed on my computer since I played yesterday with fine FPS.
MS Windows 7 64 bit
Intel Core i5 750 @ 2.67GHz
10.0 GB RAM
GTX550Ti with the beta drivers suggested.
Yeah that’s exactly the same as me, I changed nothing except patched GW2 this morning ready to play, and all of a sudden any area, quiet or busy returns about 7 FPS. Until now I’ve had no problems except in mass AOE situations which I totally understand. I hope ArenaNet sees this, I really hope they can help! Tried all the same things as you, overflow etc. It’s my game files I think. No other game has FPS issues, just GW2.
Rarrr I just want to carry on leveling!
Hey Rose, I’m not sure if this will resolve the issue but here is what I did, redownloaded graphics drivers and then restarted the PC. (Normally I almost never shut it down) And now it works. I work in the tech support field, and I literally have no idea what happened. Same driver that was installed. Only thing that I can think of is: Some process on the PC was frozen in the backround or. maybe drivers became discombobulated?
Try that out and see if it works for you
I have noticed the drop in fps too, it´s quite laggy now for some reason.
Cpu amd phenom ii x4 965
graphics card Ati 6990 hd
Memory 8gb
I have 47 fps and 20 fps and 8 fps
I think my cpu use too much 70% and 80% when i move my human
I know my graphics card have no problem
Tell me how i get 60 fps stable
I get the exact same problem as you, using a gaming laptop aswell.
My FPS is normally around 50-60 and then randomly, no matter where I am – even staring at a wall in an empty area my fps will drop really low, then back up to normal around 10-15 seconds later.
i7 3610QM
NVidia GTX 670m
Due to my graphics card being a weird one I’ve never managed to fully driver it, as easy as say Nvidia. I’ll look into it, see if that works. Thanks for the suggestion! If not i’ll wait and see if ANET fix anything in the next midnight update.
I tried what you suggested, got the latest drivers and unfortunately it made no difference. It’s extremely laggy, UI is as well. It’s now taking ages to log in when before it was instant, portals take a while when again was instant. I ask bag/TP/Crafting station to open it shows all the icons then, 5-6 seconds later loads the backing screen.
Again, only after last night have I had this issue. Before I was fine, twice as fast as my boyfriend’s infact who has no problems before and after.
Ah sorry to hear it didn’t work for you, I assume it’s something on their end here since, I have a couple guild mates that, two people live in the same place, have the exact same PC, and one is getting 15fps in the same area as the other PC that’s getting around 50fps. So I’m not sure what’s going on but hopefully it’s resolved shortly, Seems like a lot of players are having issues similar to this. It’s one thing to only get 15fps, it’s another to only get 4fps… 4fps is unplayable
Not sure if this will help, but your page file seems off, try right clicking My Computer > Properties > Advanced Tab > Performance Section > Click “Settings” > Advanced Tab > Virtual Memory > Click “Change” > Select “System Managed” > Click “Set” > Click “Ok”
Your computer should restart, not sure if this will help with fps, but your computer will run better.
Thanks Serbius, Ill try it.
I have found that on occasion when entering a new area my FPS goes blurggg. I use a super duper weather predicting powerful computer (often seen in movies where Tom Cruise can type in >> “where is the bad guy”, “launch the missiles” etc).
I have found simply alt-tabbing and re-entering the game clears up FPS drop almost every time.
I am in the same situation. I having guild wars 2 withdraw. I used to get 40 to 50 fps last night, log on today, average 15 fps.
I have this too. really sucks. i was getting 70-120 FPS at all times (aside WvW) and now i get 30-50, and whenever i try to turn the camera it goes down to a slde show at under 4 fps. whatever you did Anet, please undo it!
Currently I am experiencing 15 FPS. The very odd thing is that this is on the highest settings, however i experience the same FPS even on the lowest settings. This makes absolutely no sense. My computer is more then powerful enough to run this game. However i do not care if i had to run on a lower setting to get high FPS for WVW, but that is not the case, i get the same FPS even on the highest settings as i do on the very lowest. As most people know, this game looks like a PSP game on the lowest settings.
I am becoming extremely frustrated with this, i love the game otherwise.
Computer Specs
Processor: Intel ® Core™ i3 CPU 540 @ 3.07 GHz 3.07 GHz
Installed Ram: 6 gigs
Operating System: 64-bit windows 7
Video Card: GeForce GTX 560 Ti, running driver verison 301.42
Same problem man, not much we can do but wait, hopefully they have a patch out in a month or so.
Yah, i just noticed there is a long post about these issues. Sorry i didn’t check the rest of the forum first, ignore this thread.
A mod will come along and merge it most likely, don’t worry about it.
Low end dual core processor is holding you back. Changing resolution/settings with no fps impact = cpu bottleneck.
Hope this helps.
GTX 6GB Titan@1160Mhz
@dranneix: Make sure you deinstalled the CAP2 (C:\Program Files (x86)\ATI Technologies\Application Profiles) as well.
So I’m getting really bad fps ingame, and have been since launch.
I get between 20-40 fps on all medium and low. I’ve seen people with older and worse systems than my own being able to play medium/high at 60+ fps.
I downloaded the newest beta driver that should have fixed some GW2 problems.
I checked that only 10-20% of my CPU is being used. Isn’t 4 cores supported?
My system is as following:
i7 920 @ 2.66 ghz
GTX 295
6 gb ddr3 ram
I can play games like BF3 on high with 50-60 fps no problem.
What operating system are you using? Can you post a DxDiag or a GameAdvisor report?
It really annoys me that people say “…but I play BF3 just fine, why cant it play guildwars 2?” Because its not battlefield 3. Its an mmo that uses a lot of CPU power and not as much gpu. Just about every mmo out there is like this, including GW2. Also everybody thinks they have a really high end system when they infact dont. You have a middle of the road system now not a high end and youre playing the game at middle of the road graphics.
Also, you are using a gpu from Nvidia and right now it seems that the amd crowd are getting higher fps out of this game than nvidia people. I dont know why, but thats how it is.
/ 2x XFX R9 290x in Crossfire
It really annoys me that people say “…but I play BF3 just fine, why cant it play guildwars 2?” Because its not battlefield 3. Its an mmo that uses a lot of CPU power and not as much gpu. Just about every mmo out there is like this, including GW2. Also everybody thinks they have a really high end system when they infact dont. You have a middle of the road system now not a high end and youre playing the game at middle of the road graphics.
2600k @ 5ghz still makes this game chug. Although his system is not high end, high end systems are still crippled by it.
Just for comparisons sake, I run the game perfectly fine at 60 FPS @ 2560×1600 resolution at max settings on my Intel i5 2500k but with a nvidia GTX 580, the difference between my system and the posters is the GPU primarily. I am using latest official drivers, no issues.
It really annoys me that people say “…but I play BF3 just fine, why cant it play guildwars 2?” Because its not battlefield 3. Its an mmo that uses a lot of CPU power and not as much gpu. Just about every mmo out there is like this, including GW2. Also everybody thinks they have a really high end system when they infact dont. You have a middle of the road system now not a high end and youre playing the game at middle of the road graphics.
2600k @ 5ghz still makes this game chug. Although his system is not high end, high end systems are still crippled by it.
Orly. Clicky http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQz138Pulyk&feature=youtu.be
/ 2x XFX R9 290x in Crossfire
Well i agree with Swordbreaker here….
I have posted my true high-end system specs already in that low fps thread, also gave details to GPU and CPU usage…. it’s a weird issue, expecially since the CPU is almost idling arround with just 20% usage while playing GW2, and both GPUs are only getting an usage of 50 – 56%.
BF3 130 – 150FPS (GPUs used to 90 – 100%, CPU usage at 30%) max/ultra settings everything, Resolution 1920×1200
GW2 26 – 60FPS (GPUs used to 50 – 56%, CPU usage at 20%) max/ultra settings everything, Resolution 1920×1200
(26FPS in WvW at times and in some weird Dragon fights)
You see what’s wrong there?
I’m not asking for high FPS like in BF3, but if it drops below 30FPS i’m seriously not impressed.
Intel i7 3930K
two GTX 680 in SLI
Asus Rampage Extreme IV motherboard
32 GB RAM 1600, Quad Channel
Samsung SSD SATA-600 blah and blubb 256GB (GW2 is on the SSD)
Thermaltake Level 10 GT Case
Win 7 Prof 64bit
So yeah, i agree with what Swordbreaker says, because he is just right.
But in my case, it’s really weird :p
Oh and to the OP, your system is indeed not high end :/