Client not loading with new update
so, I have tried editing and flushing to no avail. Had anyone heard from the developers yet? Do we expect to pe able to download this tomorrow? Help!!
open ur gw2 file in your programs or where ever u have it saved then delete the corrupt files then srart the clint again should work just worked for me i can now log in
there were 2 corrupt files in my gw2 file i simply right click and deleted them and my clint ran fine afterward hope it helps
what corrupt files?
Well, none of their content delivery networks are working for me.
Neither of these work for me. points at seattle points at san jose
Here we go… points at chicago and seems to be working. I’m getting full bandwidth
Still trying to patch! What a disaster.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
I had same issue. Only did the dns flush per above instructions and it worked.
Client not loading with new update
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781
If the HOSTS file fix works for you, it wasn’t an ANet issue — it was something going on with your local ISP or at least DNS service. (It’s supposed to automatically figure out the numerical address for a URL.)
For those still having trouble, create a support ticket so you get individual attention. There are people that check that queue 24/7, versus the forums which are checked less frequently.
Good luck.
Well, about half an hour from my last post, it seemed to ‘finish’ downloading and the log in tab came up. Man did I miss playing last night, lol. See ya out there.
If the HOSTS file fix works for you, it wasn’t an ANet issue — it was something going on with your local ISP or at least DNS service. (It’s supposed to automatically figure out the numerical address for a URL.)
For those still having trouble, create a support ticket so you get individual attention. There are people that check that queue 24/7, versus the forums which are checked less frequently.
Good luck.
No, it’s not a local problem. It’s a problem with the CDN service that Anet is using. As I could connect to the Chicago CDN endpoint with no issues, yet San Jose CDN and Seattle CDN were non-responsive.
And first line support is a disaster. I included “gw2.exe -diag” output in my question, and they responded by asking for it.
(edited by NitricRose.1863)
I still can not get mine to work. I was tried everything mentioned in this forum and getting really frustrated.
I was just playing about 2 hours ago. When i tried log back into the game it gets stuck at the first screen for about a minute and then I get crash report
this fix worked for me! i’m in game now.
This got mine working… thank you.