Connection error(s) detected.retrying ...
You’re not the only one..I had the same problem but when I tried a few minutes ago it started downloading ..the speed wasn’t what it used to be but that’s better than no update. So keep trying every now and then and you’ll eventually get it working. Not my idea of an mmorpg but you take what you can get these days…
You’re not the only one..I had the same problem but when I tried a few minutes ago it started downloading ..the speed wasn’t what it used to be but that’s better than no update. So keep trying every now and then and you’ll eventually get it working. Not my idea of an mmorpg but you take what you can get these days…
yesterday i found an update for windows 7..and when it finished ,i tried to launch the game and it started to download until 5 files remaining the same problem came again =S
I left it downloading in the background and I’m having the same problem now..
What’s your ISP ibra?
(edited by Joey.4710)
am from kuwait my internet service provider is a telecom company…its name is VIVA
Try changing your ISP for the download (like using tethering from your phone) because that worked for me.
Connection error(s) detected.retrying ...
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Archangelus.8671
I’m also stuck exactly like this… I’ve never had issues from this location before last night around 4PM Central Time.
I needed to go to a friend’s house just to connect, but now I’m back home and SoL. Why, ArenaNet… why?
Edit: My state university in the USA is my ISP (actually shows my university’s name when you look up the IP)… so it’s not like some sketchy place they would block.
(edited by Archangelus.8671)
Try using gaming VPN like WTFast or Battleping
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Connection error(s) detected.retrying ...
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Archangelus.8671
Try using gaming VPN like WTFast or Battleping
Tried both, one at a time, and neither of them allowed a connection to be made. They confirm that Guild Wars 2 is “Waiting for Connection” or they just sit there and say “Connected” above “Game Connection.” Also tried Pingzapper, changing my password, and checking for attempted connections on my account (it says there is a current connection from here when I first tried to connect, so GW2 is contacting the server, but it doesn’t give me a disconnection option, and it never even got to the login).
This is probably their problem, not ours…
I have the same problem currently after the last update went live. I’ve never had a problem on this current network before and have been playing steadily since the game went live on it.
Connection error(s) detected.retrying ...
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Archangelus.8671
I completely deleted Guild Wars 2. I’m currently trying to download the client again, but even THIS won’t connect. Why….
Try using gaming VPN like WTFast or Battleping
Tried both, one at a time, and neither of them allowed a connection to be made. They confirm that Guild Wars 2 is “Waiting for Connection” or they just sit there and say “Connected” above “Game Connection.” Also tried Pingzapper, changing my password, and checking for attempted connections on my account (it says there is a current connection from here when I first tried to connect, so GW2 is contacting the server, but it doesn’t give me a disconnection option, and it never even got to the login).
This is probably their problem, not ours…
Interesting how you said it works at your friends house, but not with VPN service at your own. Something is fishy there. Did you use your own machine on your friends connection or their machine?
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Connection error(s) detected.retrying ...
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Archangelus.8671
Try using gaming VPN like WTFast or Battleping
Tried both, one at a time, and neither of them allowed a connection to be made. They confirm that Guild Wars 2 is “Waiting for Connection” or they just sit there and say “Connected” above “Game Connection.” Also tried Pingzapper, changing my password, and checking for attempted connections on my account (it says there is a current connection from here when I first tried to connect, so GW2 is contacting the server, but it doesn’t give me a disconnection option, and it never even got to the login).
This is probably their problem, not ours…
Interesting how you said it works at your friends how, but not with VPN service. Something is fishy there. Did you use your own machine on your friends connection or their machine?
My machine all the way. I do not believe it is the connection, I think it’s a matter of getting lucky with ArenaNet’s servers, as stated in the first reply. Which sucks.
Connection error(s) detected.retrying ...
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Archangelus.8671
Mac version (I’ll take what I can get) looks to be working fine, but the Windows-only users with this issue might be out of luck. Just thought I’d let you all know… my Windows client still won’t download, the Mac side (Beta) is connecting just fine!
omg…well im not the only one who has this problem…!!
Try changing your ISP for the download (like using tethering from your phone) because that worked for me.
sounds smart…but still the same maybe unfortunately my ISP for the modem and cell phone is the same =S
I have the problem too, have had it since last evening. I left the patcher up for 16 hours and nothing changed. Just tried again with no luck.
I also want to point out my PC did a windows 7 update and an AVG Free update the night before (the last time i played)
Connection error(s) detected.retrying ...
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: NinjaTurtleMD.6278
I am having the same problem. (as of last night when the update came out)
I was kicked out of WvW and sent to LA, when the announcement came I would be kicked in 3 minutes I logged out to install it. After it was almost completed I received an error message “Connection error(s) detected, Retrying…”
I did a system restore to 3 days ago and it let me do the update again and then the same error.
Although GW2 works on my brothers computer which uses the same internet connection.
attached is my error message
I’m still getting the same error, above user’s screenshot shows what I’m experiencing, glad to know it’s not localized.
ok that doesnt make sense we all have the same problem and arena net has nothing to do with it !! what a shame !!!
Connection error(s) detected.retrying ...
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: TwistedKaos.7516
Ibra, I to live in Kuwait and use Viva I have been experiancing this exact same problem for 2 weeks now. I have a thread going here
I have yet to find a fix but I dont believe it has anything to do with Viva (Ive called them)I think the problem is the slow downlaod speed connecting to the client. This is most likely an issue on Areanet’s side. Good luck getting in touch ith their tech support reps I’ve been trying to get them to address the issue. – Stream – Team Website
Ibra, I to live in Kuwait and use Viva I have been experiancing this exact same problem for 2 weeks now. I have a thread going here
I have yet to find a fix but I dont believe it has anything to do with Viva (Ive called them)I think the problem is the slow downlaod speed connecting to the client. This is most likely an issue on Areanet’s side. Good luck getting in touch ith their tech support reps I’ve been trying to get them to address the issue.
i know man its something about game server or security which i dont get ! i plaly other games without any single problem !!!!
I have a copy of the game on my external and I just tried to update it. It downloaded ~400files flawlessly but the last 20-30 files I kept getting Connection error(s) detected.retrying … and it would download the files eventually after a few retries except the last 4 files. Those files won’t download even after an hour and that means that there is an issue from ArenaNet’s side.
I have a copy of the game on my external and I just tried to update it. It downloaded ~400files flawlessly but the last 20-30 files I kept getting Connection error(s) detected.retrying … and it would download the files eventually after a few retries except the last 4 files. Those files won’t download even after an hour and that means that there is an issue from ArenaNet’s side.
thats what happened to me @ the first place but when i changed the ISP the last "5"files have been downloaded finally so it kinda from ISP i guess
Connection error(s) detected.retrying ...
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: NinjaTurtleMD.6278
Ok so I played with my firewall settings on windows 7. Nothing. I Uninstalled GW2 and tried to reinstall. I got a new error about my internet connection.
So I went into Norton Security Suite and that was where the problem was.
Attached is the setting I had to change.
Hope this helps others out