Crashing due to a "Invalid Character Motion"?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Linaeus.6253
(edited by Linaeus.6253)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Linaeus.6253
I’ve crashed multiple times in specific maps, though it is probably because I frequent those maps for gathering. Brisban, Sparkfly Fen, and Timberline Falls are those areas and I’ve had it as bad as crashing, logging in and crashing immediately, then logging back in and crashing immediately for a total of 3 times. I would say my crashes tend to be after a period of the game video freezing for periods of up 15 seconds, but that doesn’t always happen. Also tried repairing twice, but it didn’t do anything.
Windows 7 64bit
8gb ram
GTX 760
Intel i5-2500k
(edited by Linaeus.6253)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Zephaust Zenith.8376
Happened to me aswell a few times now with different characters in different areas.
Running -repair didn’t fix the issue since it just crashed while i was away from PC.
System game is on: i7 950, HD7850 2Gb, Win7 64, 6Gb DDR3 (system running at stock)
same here, crashed and click details samely due to AvCharMotion.cpp,
already reported the crash several times in the crash pop up window as this happened to me, tonight alone for 3 times
also, strangely, i played for a long time yesterday but never crashed, and there doenst seem to be any game patch or updates rolling out today to make it start to crash.
(edited by Teemo.8159)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: TheFamster.7806
This is keep happening to me on Bloodtide coast when I’m on my mesmer… First time ever happening to me
I have been having a string of this happening to me in LA just now. The Crashes are dictated in the log file at the very end.
Did a repair, and so far not experienced a problem. While it’s too early to say it’s definitively fixed, I have been playing non-stop for two hours now, on the same map and characters that gave me the crashes earlier, whereas before I played for 30 minutes at most before a crash occured.
Le edit: Of course, crash happened ten minutes later.
(edited by Jigain.8231)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Hosercow.9405
Getting this very frequently. Ran the repair but didn’t make a difference.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: SouthPaw.9705
Happening in any areas of the map, regardless of events or location.
CPU: AMD Phenom965,
GPU: Asus HD6670 1GB GDDR5
OS: Windows 7 64bit Home Premium,
RAM: 12GB 1666mhz
Also thanks to ArenaNet for being aware of this so quick!
Edit: Also ran the reapair line, error still occurs.
(edited by SouthPaw.9705)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: DKs Vertix.9301
Today it seems to have decreased a lot. First I got to play 3h 20min, then 2h 40min and now 2h 18min.
Stacking bug (causing hardware damage?) due to bad programming?
Or server side issue (bad ping, not in the boundaries of recommended?) and client lacks error correction?
Attached the log.
Edit: After posting this, bombardment of crashes began again.
(edited by DKs Vertix.9301)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Emit Flesti.2740
same thing here for the 5th time in a day
—> Crash <—
Assertion: CharMotion has invalid matrix
File: ..\..\..\Game\AgentView\AvCharMotion.cpp(249)
Having same game crashing issues happens almost on every map, 4-5+ times a day since the last update.
CPU : i7 4790 – 3.6 GHz
GPU : Asus Geforce GTX 770
OS : Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit
RAM : KIngston 1600 Mhz 8gb
This happened five times in the last hour for me, all in Sparkfly Fen.
Assertion: CharMotion has invalid matrix
Curiously, no log file.
this happens to me sometimes 5 times a day, anywhere from 30 min to an hour into playing..
I have uploaded my crash logs each time via the prompt directly after crashing. but attached for your use here as well..
win7 ultimate sp1
16 gig ddr3 1600
core i5 3570k (not o/c)
gigabyte z77x-udh5
gigabyte gf gtx 650ti, 2gig gddr5
I had this happen three times in a row, all within a few minutes of logging back into the game.
Twice in Cursed Shore and once in Lion’s Arch. The final crash happened on my thief when I tried to change utility skills.
Specs – Intel i5-3570k 3.4 GHz, MSI GTX 660 Ti, Windows 7 64bit, 16 GB Corsair Vegeance DDR3
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Created.1765
Same thing is happening to me. Here is my crash report.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Raziroth.6482
Same Issue on Snowden Drifts, 80 asura ele,
GPU – Radeon HD 6900 (2gb)
CPU – AMD FX 4170 (4.2ghz)
OS – Win 7
RAM – 8gb
Here’s mine. Please help us!??
- Is this happening in specific areas or during certain instances in the game?
4 Times tonight in Snowden Drifts. No particular pattern other than running around while chatting in whispers and local chat. Tonight is the first time that I had issues.
- System info: CPU, GPU, OS, and RAM
CPU – Intel Core i7 3770K 3.50
GPU – NVIDIA GeForce GTX 640 4GB
OS – Windows 7
RAM – 16GB DDR3 2133MHz
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: LastSonOfKrypton.6803
Thanks in advance support, I hope you can nut this bug out soon.
4 times tonight so far, I’m repairing my client, but i doubt this will fix it.
CPU: Intel Core i5 – 2500k
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6900
OS: Windows 8 Enterprise 64 bit,
That’s 7 crashes, and im calling it a night Hopefully you guys have enough information to patch this bug
(edited by LastSonOfKrypton.6803)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Elrithium.4015
I have gotten this error more than 20 times in 2 days:
—> Crash <—
Assertion: CharMotion has invalid matrix
File: ..\..\..\Game\AgentView\AvCharMotion.cpp(249)
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 10084
BaseAddr: 000A0000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 37556
When: 2014-08-18T13:25:55Z 2014-08-18T21:25:55+08:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:06:18
Flags: 0×1
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: DaydreamTomb.7142
Figured I would add my logs and sys info as well since I’m having the same issue.
Happened twice today in Bloodtide Coast.
2013 iMac
Processor 2.9 GHz Intel Core i5
Memory 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M 1024 MB
OS X 10.9.4 (13E28)
My crash log…. Keep crashing randomly, can’t get back to the same map during boss fight…. really annoying…. probably crash like 2 times a day, usually play for 2 hrs/day. All started after the last gw2 patch. Before that patch, gw2 never crash on me.
CPU: i5 3570k
ram: 8gb
system type: Win 7 64 bit
graphic: Geforce GTX 670
Crashing frequently
GeForce GTX 660
Intel® Core™ i5-3570k CPU 3.40GHz
8.00 GB RAM
Windows 7 Home Premium
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: DooMino.8291
Hi Ashley, whats the status of this issue?
Is ArenaNet already analysing/working on it?
We really appreciate the reports — you’ve provided very helpful information in the specs and log files that you’ve posted.
We hope to have information on this in the next few days. If you’re having this issue, please be sure to include the Error Code that you received when you crashed. (If you’re adding an error code and cannot edit your post, please mention that you previously provided system specs and a game log in this thread, so we can sort of merge the info.
Thank you for your help.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Kenneth.6930
It doesn’t matter where I am the game just seems to randomly crash
CPU: AMD FX-8350
GPU: AMD Radeon HD7870
OS: Windows 8.1 Pro
Multiple crashes over several days here.
I have uploaded the crash data when the window pops up. It happens typically in Timberline Falls and Bloodtide Coast for me.
I can get a hint that the client is about to barf because I’ll see what looks like a lag spike a little before it happens. Maybe one or two pauses in the game and everything catches up and appears normal. The client crashes soon after that. I’m only seeing this in PvE zones. I can WvW a good chunk of the day (3+hrs) and experience no problems along this line. Drivers are current, nor has there been any recent hardware/software changes to my machine.
System specs — Also should be in the attachment — AMD FX8350; Radeon7970 Catalyst 14.4; 16GB RAM ; Windows 7 64-bit SP1
I keep having the Invalid Character Motion crash.
Windows 8.1
Processor: i7 3630QM
Ram: 8GB
Gpu:GeForce GT 630M
Is this a server-side or a client-side issue?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Llyweln.3078
Guardian the other day, elemental today, oh wells off to read a book
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Valeria Is Fated.6749
Not sure what info you need, hope this helps.
Character: Lvl. 48 Asura Elementalist
Map: Gendarran Fields 25% Completion
Home World: Isle of Janthir
Guys same problem here, it’s been about two days now. I got at least 3 errors this morning. CharMotion Error
Character: Lvl 2o Human Ele
Map: Kessex Hills
Processor: i7
Ram: 8gb
Gpu: GeForce GT 425M
64 bit system
P.s. Cant find the arenaNet.log unfortunately
(edited by rdvre.8413)
Been crashing for me as well for a week or so now. Also keep getting the error 7:xxxxx.
Character: lvl 80 Norn Ranger
Map: Anywhere, but mostly in Lion’s Arch and Bloodtide Coast
Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz
Ram: 8,00 Gb
Gpu: Nvidia Geforce GTX 670
System: 64-bit
I also tried to post the log of the crash, but for some reason the crashes it has there, are from year 2013…none from year 2014. No clue why that is. I will just copy and paste the next crash log when it happens.
(edited by Kapina.9012)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Predaking.6423
Daly crashes make me made with CharMotion has invalid matrix:. Unfortunetly it doesn’t matter whicth chararter i had played.
Processor: Intel Core 2 6420 @ 2.13 Ghz
Ram: 4 Gb
Gpu: Radeon HD 7770 1Gb
Op.S.: Windows 7 64b.
Is there waay to make this problem clear?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276
I’m not seeing any commonalities here in regards to any specific system builds or areas in the game and so it’s possible this could just be a generic crash error that’s showing up in reports. At this time could anyone still experiencing this issue submit a support ticket so that we can better assist you one on one? This will give us a better idea in regards to the issue at hand here.
Thanks again for your patience!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: DomAltares.8651
Submitted a ticket as requested, but here is some more info anyway:
Windows 7 Professional SP1
Intel Core i7-3770K
16.0GB RAM
AMD Radeon HD 7970
This has always happened to me in a city (Mostly LA) to my knowledge. It started 10 days to two weeks ago, and appears to be random. It has happened on multiple characters.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: zeromaniac.4329
Happening every few hours now, to myself, and friends I’m exploring/leveling with. See attachment.
In the last five minutes I crashed to desktop three times in a row. This has been happening now for a couple of days. It has happened in multiple areas of the game, at different times in the day and while doing numerous things. (i.e. from doing a dungeon, heart,de or just standing in town and chatting). The arenanet log is attached.
Ticket submitted.
(edited by Xander.9024)
Same crash using a Human Necro!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Unicorndog.4251
Same crash, submitted a ticket and went through all the suggestions to date with no luck. So here’s the most recent log.
Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
Intel Core i3-2120
8GB Ram
AMD Radeon HD 6970
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: PhoenixKo.3190
My crash problems stoped for some strange reason…. I just haven’t had them for quite some time now maybe 2-3 days now, after i did the repair i had 2 crashes then it stoped
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ettanin.8271
I had this issue twice in a short time-frame while logging elder wood logs on a female norn warrior. However, setting animation quality to low seemed to fix that issue for me.
Just got the crash message while in Snowden Drifts. This gift of world completion may just kill me.
This has to be a bug introduced by the latest patch because this has not happened before. Now I get this specific crash multiple times a day.
Last night the game was unplayable and it just started crashing one after the other.
I kept getting the Invalid Character Motion crash. Mostly while in Lion’s Arch.
Game repair didn’t resolve it.
Windows 7
Processor: i7
Ram: 16GB
Gpu:GeForce GTX 760
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Frahaleah.5893
OS: Win 7 Home Premium
Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTS 360M
Processor: i5
System: 64-bit
Problem has been occurring since Entanglement’s release and has been varied on when it happens, more commonly it’s been once or twice a week.
—> Crash <—
Assertion: CharMotion has invalid matrix
File: ..\..\..\Game\AgentView\AvCharMotion.cpp(249)
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 6696
BaseAddr: 01360000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 37556
When: 2014-08-20T16:49:31Z 2014-08-20T18:49:31+02:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:40:44
Flags: 0
Class: Mesmer
OS: Windows 7
Processor : i7 4770
GPU: GTX 760
64 bit
Same crash issues and I am on a brand new pc. Tried clean installs of windows 8 and 7 with the all latest drivers and still crashing with similar errors as others have posted.
Have also thrown every benchmark and stability test i can find at it and there are no issues even when looping everything overnight for 10+ hours.
Have lost quite a few boss chests because the game crashes the second they die…
intel 4970k
msi mpower max ac
gskill 16gb @2133
asus r9-290
samsung evo 840
creative soundblaster z
The attached error log is on a brand new install of everything (win7) and just standing in LA
(edited by Nick.8256)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Rypo Falem.8913
Quite a few crashes here.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Evilutor.2765
We had at least 12 people crash with this error at the exact same time in Bloodtide Coast earlier. We were just sitting around inside the cave next to Mournful Waypoint, before the guild missions. The crash happened just as some of the veteran spiders respawned.
(edited by Evilutor.2765)
I’ve been in contact with support through e-mail about this. Everything they told me to do (to see if it solved anything) has been unsuccessful so far. I knew it would, seeing as many of my friends and people in map chat chrashed at the same time, almost every time. It was this exact error message for me, too.
I’ll attach my own crash log as well.
Not affiliated with ArenaNet or NCSOFT. No support is provided.
All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.