Frequent disconnects

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lunatuna.6823


The game is nearly unplayable for me. I get lag storms of 1-2 minutes at a time and FREQUENT DISCONNECTS. When the game is responsive, I’m seeing 120 FPS or higher. During lag storms, I can talk to my guild on Mumble no problem, so I know my internet connectivity is good. I’ve turn down video settings as low as possible – no change.

Location – California, US
Server – Yak’s Bend

As others have said, started 2 days ago. No problems of this sort prior from BWE2 until now.

(edited by lunatuna.6823)

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: draeath.8536


The game is nearly unplayable for me. I get lag storms of 1-2 minutes at a time and frequent disconnects. When the game is responsive, I’m seeing 120 FPS or higher. During lag storms, I can talk to my guild on Mumble no problem, so I know my internet connectivity is good. I’ve turn down video settings as low as possible – no change.

As others have said, started 2 days ago. No problems of this sort prior from BWE2 until now.

Doesn’t seem related to the problem being reported. Mods have asked us to report your kind of problem here.

If you are experiencing network lag, please use this thread.

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lunatuna.6823


I am also experiencing frequent disconnects. Capped that part just for you.

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tyler.8751


So its not just my internet? This has been seriously pissing me off. Its happened since the last build. I thought my modem was about to bite the dust.

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Phibes.4128


Getting error 7:11:3:189:101. Attached is the the diagnostic log.

I see some problems on the traceroutes. There are hops with 100% packet loss.


Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: draeath.8536


Getting error 7:11:3:189:101. Attached is the the diagnostic log.

I see some problems on the traceroutes. There are hops with 100% packet loss.

That’s not a problem. It only means those hosts’ firewalls are blocking ICMP.

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Phibes.4128


Getting error 7:11:3:189:101. Attached is the the diagnostic log.

I see some problems on the traceroutes. There are hops with 100% packet loss.

That’s not a problem. It only means those hosts’ firewalls are blocking ICMP.

Ah yes that makes sense as I see the subsequent hop. OK. Must be something else then.

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: draeath.8536


Getting error 7:11:3:189:101. Attached is the the diagnostic log.

I see some problems on the traceroutes. There are hops with 100% packet loss.

That’s not a problem. It only means those hosts’ firewalls are blocking ICMP.

Ah yes that makes sense as I see the subsequent hop. OK. Must be something else then.

Hey, it wasn’t a bad thought. I’ve called out experienced NOC techs for the same error

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Strawberry Nubcake.7163

Strawberry Nubcake.7163

Soooo this has become a general "I get lag and disconnect" thread? :/

Some of us are experiencing a very odd type of disconnect. We are playing just fine and then suddenly our internet goes out for a short period of time. No GW2, no google, no youtube, nothing! It only happens when playing the game. I can’t speak for the others, but I haven’t been having any issues with lag.

I did a fresh install of the game a little while ago and the couple of hours I played tonight were fine. It’s hard to tell if it actually solved the problem since it’s pretty random, but hopefully it did! *crosses fingers*

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Phibes.4128


The one thing I notice that’s different today, the only day I’ve had these errors, is that I am not seeing any overflow server popups at all. I log directly onto a server and then I see a disconnect some minutes later. “Normally” I log onto a server and almost always see an overflow popup/notice followed some time later by the “zone is ready” popup. I am not seeing ANY of that today.

(edited by Phibes.4128)

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aegle.4276


Overall Update

According to several posts here, the issue is the following:

Disconnections ingame, which are affecting some players connection to the internet for several seconds and others that are just disconnecting. There seems to be a correlation between the DCs and Sky broadband in Europe. Furthermore these DCs seem to be at peak times ingame.

Still no reply from a mod yet.

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Strawberry Nubcake.7163

Strawberry Nubcake.7163

Overall Update

According to several posts here, the issue is the following:

Disconnections ingame, which are affecting some players connection to the internet for several seconds and others that are just disconnecting. There seems to be a correlation between the DCs and Sky broadband in Europe. Furthermore these DCs seem to be at peak times ingame.

Still no reply from a mod yet.

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and assume this thread won’t ever get a response since there are two totally different issues being discussed here. There are several “me too” posts that don’t belong and Anet created a thread specifically for people that experience lag and disconnects so they can figure out what’s going on with that. That is NOT the issue some of us have been experiencing!

I am almost positive Sky broadband is not the reason why some of us are totally losing internet connectivity for a short period of time since I live in the US and they don’t offer service here. (My ISP is Suddenlink.) Sky may be the reason why some of the “me too” people are having issues with lag and disconnects, but I seriously doubt it’s related in any way to the type of disconnect the thread was originally about.

A little update about the odd disconnects…. I played the game for a bit last night and a few hours this morning without any issues. Maybe getting a fresh dat file did help! I’m still not positive since the problem was pretty random, but I’m trying to stay optimistic. So far so good!

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bhavv.8690


Im also getting constant disconnects, but on T Mobile UK.

I also have sky and dont have any DCs with them, but its not my internet connection.

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Revler.2359


Tried a group for AC now, couldn’t do it because of the frequent skillbar disconnects.

The issue has lessened a lot, but sometimes I’ll have to bail on a group because of this.

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Archescent.6348



I also have been having this issue, I started to get intermittent disconnects every 20-30 minutes while playing guild wars 2. This mainly happens when using skype at the same time but it has also happened with other MMO’s and when only skype is running. It also happens more on Sunday’s.

I am with Sky in the UK and the green internet light on the router remains green which according to sky’s faults team indicates the problem is within my network. I am also able to access my router when these disconnects happen which apparently indicated a problem with online games buffering data (although this has never happened before GW2).

Both wired and wireless computers on the network get disconnected at the same time for around 30 seconds.

Yesterday I tried uninstalling guild wars 2 and everything looked promising however I got disconnected while playing another MMO and running skype.

So as far as I can tell this could be 3 things:

1) Guild Wars 2 is the problem and still has something running which didn’t get uninstalled.
2) I have malware which has targeted guild wars 2 accounts and I am unable to detect it.
3) Sky’s router is the problem and isnt compatible with guild wars 2.

Sky are sending me a new router in the next 2-4 days which will hopefully fix the problem, ill let you all know how it goes as its getting very annoying!

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Snuffy.3471


I’m also having a problem with disconnects every 2-20 minutes. I first noticed this issue on September 13th.

From 8:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M., disconnects occur about every 10 minutes.
After 9:00 P.M., they occur every 20 seconds to 2 minutes.
My internet download speed drops to 0 for about a minute after. My network adapter doesn’t actually say that I’ve disconnected though.

ISP: Suddenlink
Location: Texas
Server: Ferguson’s Crossing

I play league of legends and use Ventrillo with no problems. When I start up the guild wars 2 client, my ventrillo lags or completely disconnects.

(edited by Snuffy.3471)

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rasamavinda.8976


I’ve been having issues as well, at first I thought it was an extension of the issues I’ve been having for the last 2 years, but it started getting really bad a couple days ago. Prior to then, I would get disconnects from the game once every couple days, with other things (teamspeak, web browsing) failing every hour or two, but since then, it’s been every 5-10 minutes for an hour or so then fine for a couple hours then back again. Like others, when the game disconnects with “The Client lost its connection to the server”, I usually drop out of my teamspeak server and if I’m watching netflix it has issues as well, and this seems to happen to all the machines in my home for about 20-30 seconds.

ISP – Comcast
Location – Nashville, TN
Server – Henge of Denravi, US

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: NvN.4321


HSPA Telenor

Have the same issue where gw2 causes random disconnects and then it reconnects after 3-4 minutes. It is not on my side. Everything else is working fine. The connections is stable when playing other games. Issue appears only with gw2. It is unplayable.

Krosis Hellfire

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Delsaber.9651


ISP – Insight
Location – Louisville, KY
Server – Ehmry Bay

I rarely disconnect, but when I do, my entire internet connection dies for minutes to hours. Yes, hours. I get disconnected from the game and the indicator lights on my modem go off and my connection is dead completely for minutes to hours. Two days ago, it had been off for about 1 hour 45 minutes before I left to do something else. I’ve been in contact with my ISP and they said my signal is strong and they do not see any error on their end.

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: NvN.4321


This is becoming ridiculous. Now gw2 is forcing dc every 5 minutes for 2-3 minutes.
At least give us suggestion what we might try to fix problem (if it’s fixable on our end)

Krosis Hellfire

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Deepcuts.9740


Had 2 crashes.
1st=no idea why
2nd=sound glitch that froze the client.

BUT, I had never ever experienced any kind of disconnects.
I do not say the game client is perfect, but disconnections are not one of it’s weak parts.

Anything can happen, but a non functional modem for more than one hour…I hardly can blame the game client.

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DAV.8567


I encountered the same problem,
i need to wait 15 -30 minutes every time to log in back.

I have no problem with other online game like Diablo3

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mals.2479


Build: 15544
Error Code: 7:1000:7006:771

I get this every time I start the client. If I pound on login for a minute or two it relents and lets me in. That is messed up.

The funny thing is my wife has no such issue running on the same network. the only difference is I am running a Dell T5500 with Windows 7 64 Bit Ultimate and she is running hers on a home built with the Home Premium edition.

So it is not the network gear or ISP, I think it something machine specific.

I noticed that in the diagnostics (attached) that there were issues in the tracing. It seems to hang up on Odd thing is I can ping the target, I just can not trace to it. The wife gets the same thing though so I guess it is not the issue.


(edited by mals.2479)

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mals.2479


Here is my wife’s diagnostics.

Hopefully by comparing the two you can get some insight.


Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: VirtualBS.3165


Has anyone experiencing this tried to:

  • Disable TCP checksum offloading in their network card?
  • Disable Ethernet Flow Control?
  • Enable/Disable Interrupt Moderation?
  • Maxing out Receive and Transmit buffers?

(Link Speed should always be set to Auto for proper Full-Duplex negotiation)

(edited by VirtualBS.3165)

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mals.2479


Reviewing those in Ultra-Compare I can see I am running a lot more network overhead because I have vmware installed on my machine. Hardware wise they are very different, and software wise as well. We both run the same type of video card, ATI 6950. They both have up to date video drivers, network drivers and I keep them up to date on windows patches (even the optional ones). We are both running the same antivirus (Kaspersky Internet Security 2013), so I do not think it is that, since I set them both up.

I am suspecting it is unintended consequences due to my different software stack, but it could be the hardware too.

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Warbog The Slayer.8412

Warbog The Slayer.8412

no dc…but every fight i freeze like for sec, and then i am fine, several ppl from my server(aurora glade) were saying that server is acting ’’funny’’

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mals.2479


I just disable all my off loading and flow control and saw zero difference.

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hotarubi.5681


Same problem since the original release.
D/C (kicked) out of game.
Usually usually when I interact with merchant, npc, skill challenge, inventory, etc.
Internet connection lost from router. Is not the router as laptop and other pc (GW2 not installed) works without problem
Resetting router does not help. All drives updated. Tried without firewalls, avg – no difference. Cleared cache. Re-installed. Zilch.
Seriously annoying.

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Herem.2817


Did anyone ever get a solution to this issue? I have been experiencing the same issue for a couple of months and if anything it seems to be getting worse!

I play with my wife and we both have identical gaming laptops, her machine however never gets this issue and mine seems to get it quite frequently. It seems happen most frequently when I search on the auction house, enter new maps or get involved in a large event when things are getting a bit frantic.

I also work away frequently and take my laptop with me and the issue seems to be just as bad where ever I go. I have tried updating my network drivers as well as upgrading Kaspersky from 2012 to 2013 however none of this seems to be making a difference. I have also tried launching the game with the repair option but again this does not seem to have resolved the issue.

Unfortunately this issue is stopping me from making any serious progression in the game as I cannot run any dungeons and I am lucky to even make it through large group events without disconnecting, often missing out on the rewards as I am reconnecting when the event finishes.

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LLama.5704


Same problem here. There seems to be no connection between ISPs or where you live.

I’m on Comcast in MI, USA

Seems whenever I have lag issues and DC in GW2 (keeps happening around every 5 minutes) the rest of my net lags out too. But when I don’t touch the game I have no problems.

So I assume its an issue with a lot of ISPs with something that changed in GW2, forcing a negative outcome from your connection as a whole. Really weird, but nothing we can do about it until arenanet undoes whatever they changed.

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mikoto.9532


I have a few friends also suffering from DCing every 5 or so minutes ever since the Lost Shore patch.

This happened to them once before in a previous patch, but then the next patch fixed it for them.

One lives in the USA and one lives in AUS. This is really upsetting because it is preventing them from being able to play, so I can’t play with my friends. They are also getting screwed out of the events/new patch.

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MERV.6420


this is bull**** im not playing this game for a couple months until lame problems like not being able to play the game stops happenning wtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtf i have “THE” same problem 50 other ppl have on here, a patch ruined the connection between me and the game, and STILL no response from anyone at a-net

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MERV.6420



Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MERV.6420


OH YEA! i forgot to say that i know that my computer has good connection as well as up to date & not broken hardware, “ANET, FIX IT!!!”

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ernie.9736


same hear, never lost connection to other things, only game, even ran a ping /t from arena net, had a good ping but booted from the game during the ping, lol.

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fear.3491


Its an old thread, but i have this problem.

I can play any online game without problems, but when i play guildwars2 it keeps disconnecting my entire computer from the internet.

Ive been experiencing this problem for 1 or 2 weeks now and i can play for a while, then i get a message that i got disconnected from the server and when i check my entire internet went down.

ISP: Ziggo
Location: NL
Server: FoW

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Djemo.7153


Add me to the list…
I almost went to my internet provider with a knife in my hand to stab the kitteners!
Never occurred to me that the game can DISCONNECT MY ENTIRE INTERNET.
For a few secs though, and it is isolated to the game, since im playing Killing Floor just fine.

Fix this Anet, its horrid.

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yep.2836


I just got this game today, and haven’t been able to beat the first quest… Guess I just wasted 60 bucks. Cool.

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Wojciech.8024


Same problem – since I changed form Netia to UPC Internet provider I get frequent disconnects every ~2 minutes. Annoying and preventing me from playing. I could play normally for several months before changing and one day after changing without any problems. As mentioned in posts above everything else using Internet connection (other games, team speak, skype, facebook, etc.) works fine!

ISP: UPC (previously Netia)
Location: Poland
Server: Gandara

(edited by Wojciech.8024)

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sekmu.6305


bump / me too


The internet connectivity issue is isolated to the local computer. The other computer on the network (also playing GW2 during repro) had no issues.

I recently started using skype on my instead of the other computer, and didn’t see it before then. I’ll be swapping it back and see if the issue swaps as well.

Interestingly, I could ping the router and yahoo, slashdot, etc, but could not browse or reconnect gw2, or create otherwise useful connections for 1-3 minutes.

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tael.5432


I have the same problem. I never used to have the problem, but it seems like since the DDOS attacks it started and hasn’t gone away.

Sometimes certain maps like Lions arch and heart of the mists are fine, and then as soon as I get into a pvp game about 20% of the time, it DCs me. I think the PVP maps might be hosted on a different server, or the routing to those pvp servers is different than to normal GW2 maps.

Fairy Tael – Elementalist