Game constantly crash, extreme lag
I also have had crashing problems. I played game about 30 hours ago and was working fine, then tried to play again about 22 hours ago and the game kept crashing about 5-10s after loading. I have tried multiple times running the repair feature however the same issue arises after it downloads a single small file. I have read the try renaming the .dat file however i have limited bandwith and after reinstalling game this month after a long hiatus i cannot afford to do that until next month with my bandwith.
Is there an easier low internet usage fix or do i need to wait 2 weeks until reset to basically redownload .dat file?
Issue sound familiar? Quite a few threads building up this now. Lets have a fix.
Issue sound familiar? Quite a few threads building up this now. Lets have a fix.
All threads bumped within the last 7 days… Surely we deserve atleast 1 response.
Issue sound familiar? Quite a few threads building up this now. Lets have a fix.
All threads bumped within the last 7 days… Surely we deserve atleast 1 response.
EDIT: Added more thread links involving similar/ the same issue.
Same here, ever since yesterday
Server: Darkhaven (
Skill lag / skills not activating can be caused by server lag (or network instability).
With all of my friends, international and domestic, reporting having this issue over a wide variety of maps and in certain areas of the game I personally think its server lag.
Speculation with my tin foil hat says that ANET redirected some of their world, PvP, and WvW servers to accommodate edge of the mists in their last maintenance period. Further speculation is that ANET will not be adding new servers for edge of the mists until it is prove as a success – they would have to allocate servers from somewhere.
Anywho, just speculation.
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