Network Lag [Merged]
Yak’s Bend .. lags for days and days now .. clearly something has gone terribly wrong.
ArenaNet should be out front with information. Tell us what you’re doing to fix this. The game is not playable much of the time.
Remember the political lesson.. it’s not the crime it’s the cover up. When you do not publicly acknowledge the problem you do yourself a disservice, as well as your customers.
@ANET, hey i lost karka queen cuz of lag two days ago, and lost tequatl today. you guys need public response and apology about this network crisis, and rewards for ppl who got screwed over by your server problem.
Cool your jets, man. Hardly need to dish out rewards for failed events due to apparent DDoS attacks.
20:11 o’clock and I cannot login. Time to play something else
Covenant of the First Flame [Soul]
I agree with the sentiment that ANet needs an official topic/blog post (not just a post hidden in a thread) explaining in detail what is going on, what they are doing (yes I know it’s out of their control but they can explain it and any action Cloudfare is taking to help the situation), etc.
Not just for me, but because everytime it happens they lose customers that don’t know what is going on. It’s not their fault, but their lack of reponses (even on twitter this time) don’t help.
I didn’t even get a chance to do the marionette event today yet, mapped in 90 minutes early to avoid overflow and got dc’d after the massive lag. I’m glad I’m not on a tight schedule or I might not be able to play this game anymore.
@ANET, hey i lost karka queen cuz of lag two days ago, and lost tequatl today. you guys need public response and apology about this network crisis, and rewards for ppl who got screwed over by your server problem.
Cool your jets, man. Hardly need to dish out rewards for failed events due to apparent DDoS attacks.
20:11 o’clock and I cannot login. Time to play something else
so, if your online stock got ddosed, and you didn’t make on time for a big market deal, then the stock company does not hold any responsibility for your financial damage, right?
i know ANet got nth to do with this ddos, but they are still the manager of this game who hold responsibility to provide safe gaming environment for the user. if they failed on their job, they at least should try to amends ppl who lost their time on game.
No, but if the stock took a tumble due to criminal acts, the criminal is looking at $millions or $billions of damage, especially if it cascades. Most publically traded and private business will NOT fess up to security breaches.
Unfortunately the longer you take to fess up to a data breach, or problem, the larger the damage becomes. Look what happened to Target.
Of course reading up on Cloudflare and what happened to their systems in 2012, 2013, and this week…apparently they get more than their fair share of hackers attacks, and it doesn’t really fill me with confidance.
(edited by KeyOrion.9506)
Of course….having your entire team focus on an outside source where the attack took place, vs. the damage that’s being done in your own business backyard, is not the best path to take either.
wtf is this game unplayable so much lag so delay always at peak time sigh… any news? fix fix fix come on
This is insane, how can some amateur script kiddies, keep what is supposed to be professionals on their knees for so long? And if we are really to blame those suppose DDOS attacks for insane lags how come there are lots of people totally not laging?
(edited by Lucyfer.9517)
Well, I thought I had a terrible lag today … The Fissure of Woe
Those of you who can login and be lagged while playing are the lucky ones. I can’t even load character selection.
I’ve been getting stuck on the zone loading screen since early this morning and the problem happened a lot yesterday as well. The thing is, anything else I try to access on the internet comes up just fine. What exactly is ANet doing?
What exactly is ANet doing?
Absolutely nothing it seems. Pretending everything is ok.
What exactly is ANet doing?
Absolutely nothing it seems. Pretending everything is ok.
Yep and that makes me angry. It is hard at least to say that, yeah, something is wrong and we trying to fix it ? But no…
Constant disconnects the last few days. Extreme lag when I can get in game. Pretty much unplayable.
I had one of my friends over yesterday to have him check out the game. I was wanting him to get a copy and join in. He saw WvW with the current lag…. Now he’s not interested because it was unplayable. Skills taking 2 to 3 secs to activate, rubber banding etc.
I understand that the current ddos maybe out of your control, but if potential solutions (or even if there are none) could be addressed to your customers it would help a lot.
This is a fantastic game and you guys do great work but the current connection issues are already affecting sales, my friend for one did not buy the game because of it.
It’s the weekend guys. It’s the weekend. They’re not all in the office in the weekend.
Never had any Lag problems before – played almost daily for the last year.
The last two weeks this has been happening, I’ve experienced disconnects and recently exceptional skill lag.
Here’s my diagnostics file that was mentioned in another thread.
Yeah, I know ANET says it is some DOS, but it is too much of a coincidence that it started with the patch from 2 weeks ago.
This should have been fixed by now. Just watching around and hoping the next patch fixes the problem isn’t a good solution.
This has been happening to me again lately for the past 3 or so days. I say again because it comes and goes. Error code 7:11:3:191:101. Seems completely random when I can play or not, mostly just log in, run around for a few minutes, and then disconnect, losing all of my progress.
Incredible skill delay happening on Tarnished Coast today. I assume it’s just going hand-in-hand with the attacks, but I figured I’d report it. The routing from EU-NA seems slow, too.
— Anonymous
Yup— basically what these guys said. Less skill lag lately, but balanced by a whole host of spontaneous disconnects.
Anbu Ops [ANBU] | HoD
If you are experiencing network lag, please use this thread.
Skill lag – and I mean HUGE skill lag has been seen in WvW on Ft. Aspenwood for the past week+.
I’ve been stuck in walls and in siege after being lagged – it isn’t getting any better.
Getting HUGE lag on Whiteside ridge. It only happened since like 2 days ago.
Until then everything was great.
In wvw it is even worse. I started a char 2 days ago and i can barely play it ever since
It took me forever to load into Lion’s Arch (longer than usual) and I was getting a lot of lag. I tried to load into Bloodtide Coast and now I’m unable to load at all. It seems like the lag is getting worse every day. I was having uses doing the marionette fight and other fights yesterday with 30s-1m skill lag and occasional err 7 code. But now I’m unable to load into the game at all. Few days ago I did not have any of these problems.
Server: Desolation
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
(edited by Fay.2735)
Same here. It seems to be getting worse. Went from being able to log in and play in unpopulated areas to crippling skill delay in busy places like LA/DR or WvW. Now I’m lucky if I can even get a character to log in past the loading screen.
I’ve had no issues like this in the past (playing since launch) and can play any other game at prime time without the slightest hint of lag. Would really like to see this ISP throttling sorted out. We would all appreciate an update as to what Anet are doing to fix this.
Same here. It seems to be getting worse. Went from being able to log in and play in unpopulated areas to crippling skill delay in busy places like LA/DR or WvW. Now I’m lucky if I can even get a character to log in past the loading screen.
I’ve had no issues like this in the past (playing since launch) and can play any other game at prime time without the slightest hint of lag. Would really like to see this ISP throttling sorted out. We would all appreciate an update as to what Anet are doing to fix this.
I am having the same issue with input lag. The problem is nothing has been changed with my computer set up. It is just suddenly for the last two days, I have major input lags in WvW map. It usually takes like half a second to initiate a skill. I have never had this problem before.
i posted here before few days ago
still have this issue, can’t play between 6pm and 12pm UK time
with Orange/EE Fibre Broadband and they apparently prioritize gaming traffic
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 7 ms 6 ms 7 ms 213.1*****
3 7 ms 7 ms 6 ms 213.1******
4 11 ms 11 ms 11 ms
5 11 ms 11 ms 11 ms
6 11 ms 11 ms 11 ms
7 18 ms 15 ms 15 ms
8 13 ms 15 ms 11 ms lon-sb3-i.LON.GB.NET.DTAG.DE []
9 13 ms 12 ms 11 ms
10 23 ms 23 ms 23 ms []
11 23 ms 23 ms 23 ms []
12 23 ms 22 ms 22 ms [
13 23 ms 23 ms 23 ms [
14 23 ms 23 ms 23 ms [
15 25 ms 25 ms 25 ms
16 26 ms 25 ms 26 ms []
17 26 ms 26 ms 26 ms []
18 * * * Request timed out.
my trace route has good ping right ? confused
someone above mentioned it’s the dos attacks. Hackers DDos attack on a schedule ?
it’s been like this since Edge of Mist patch
I am experiencing lag and massive frame rate drops since the EOTM patch.
Getting bad lag spikes for a while now. Keep missing the error code, but the general message is “The game client lost connection to the server.” Been getting that several times a day, and it’s really annoying. -.-;
What exactly is ANet doing?
Absolutely nothing it seems. Pretending everything is ok.
Yep and that makes me angry. It is hard at least to say that, yeah, something is wrong and we trying to fix it ? But no…
It’s typical Arenanet. Almost every major issue they have had they wait an incredibly long time before announcing anything, if they even decide to announce it.
Getting severe lag/de-synchronizations and disconnects today. Been fine otherwise.
A good tracert looks like this
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 1 ms 2 ms 1 ms
3 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms 10...*
4 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms []
5 6 ms 6 ms 4 ms []
6 21 ms 19 ms 20 ms [212.
7 35 ms 35 ms 37 ms []
8 35 ms 36 ms 34 ms [
9 36 ms 35 ms 38 ms [
10 35 ms 34 ms 36 ms []
11 35 ms 35 ms 34 ms [
12 36 ms 37 ms 35 ms
13 36 ms 36 ms 36 ms []
14 58 ms 36 ms 44 ms []
15 * * * Request timed out.
16 ^C
But also had a decent amount of tracert’s that have issues at the same hop, IP:, which seems to be located somewhere in the UK according to whois database
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 1 ms <1 ms 1 ms
2 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms
3 2 ms 3 ms 2 ms 10...*
4 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms []
5 21 ms 21 ms 21 ms []
6 20 ms 21 ms 20 ms []
7 20 ms 21 ms 20 ms [212.16
8 36 ms 36 ms 36 ms [4.69.2
9 45 ms 37 ms 36 ms [
10 36 ms 37 ms 36 ms [
11 36 ms 37 ms 36 ms [
12 reports: Destination net unreachable.
Trace complete.
Also the obligatory: was running a continuous ping to google while also listening in on TS3 coms in a 50 man channel and none of them showed any signs of network troubles, no lost packets, no nothin’.
So it’s something outside my ISP’s control.
Edit: seems better now
(edited by Hex.6415)
2nd week of 5 – 10s skill lags followed by disconnects.
ISP: TalkTalk
Clientport 80 fix does not work and no other games are affected (mainly Steam)
So you know, maybe its about time Anet could shed some light as to why some of us have a stupid delay time on our abilities and are lagging like crazy… Instead of just carrying on like nothing has happened.
Very bad lag here, on Gunnars Hold. I’d note, though, that I’m playing from Singapore, unlike the rets of my guildies who don’t seem to be experiencing lag.
That being said, I never ha dlag issues like this befor,e so i think it may be a network issue. I think.
just adding that i too have been having severely unplayable problems
Huge lags here (Belgium), can’t even travel to any other map.
Server: Vabbi(EU)
Steppa – Asura Ele
As other players I can’t play to Guild Wars 2. I belong to Baruch’s Bay and It’s imposible play during the afternoons because the lag, so I decided give up play to GW2. I give the thanks to Arenanet for it lack of tecnical support. Now I can’t trush on their products.
I’m having serious network lag since the new patch. I never had this problem before. I keep having 5-6 sec delay, rubber banding and disconnects. Any help?
Severe Lag Problem in Spain with ISP:ONO. Please, help us!!!
Game became unplayable for me since the new patch. There’s a minor lag here and there but when I’m near zerg it takes sometimes 20-40s for skills to launch and the game freezes leading sometimes to disconnects.
< Desolation
severe lag problems, from Romania
server: Fissure of Woe
started today after 2PM (GMT) and even at this hour I’m still unable to play
sometimes I can’t even get any of my characters logged in, if I manage to kill something the game crashes back to character selection screen
yesterday, at about same hours, the game played smootly
(edited by zMeul.7016)
Totally unplayable – wont be back
started today after 2PM (GMT) and even at this hour I’m still unable to play
sometimes I can’t even get any of my characters logged in, if I manage to kill something the game crashes back to character selection screenyesterday, at about same hours, the game played smootly
Exactly this. Though I was experiencing the same lag issues last night but I’m not sure when it started then. This hasn’t been an unusual experience as of late.
Also, this is only occurring for Guild Wars 2 but nothing else I do using the internet.
(edited by Zuik.7158)
Same for me
The game is literally unplayable (constant DCs, appearing guildless, friend list appearing empty, chat and actions taking 30 seconds to 5 minutes to show up) every day from 2pm till about 9pm (GMT).
UK, Cablecom, Gandara
same here , big lag evrywhere
Poland , far shiverpeaks
The only advice GW2 support seem to offer is contact my ISP. Which is clearly not the issue as it is only gw2 that is lagging and dc’ing. The lag has been getting progressively worse and now I cant load into maps. Fix it Anet.
started today after 2PM (GMT) and even at this hour I’m still unable to play
sometimes I can’t even get any of my characters logged in, if I manage to kill something the game crashes back to character selection screenyesterday, at about same hours, the game played smootly
Exactly this. Though I was experiencing the same lag issues last night but I’m not sure when it started then. This hasn’t been an unusual experience as of late.
Also, this is only occurring for Guild Wars 2 but nothing else I do using the internet.
it’s 7:30 PM (GMT) and the game returned to playable state
how long it will last … hopefully a lot
I’ve done what I can to fix latency on my part. i.e. ISP, GPN’s, Registry fixes, etc. I still am experiencing a delay in my skills, movement, and UI and quite frankly it’s getting worse the more I play. I am afraid to say that I don’t think I want anything to do with Guild Wars 2 if the team can continue to release in-game content, but fail to fix latency and movement issues. This may not seem like a big issue to casual players, but remember that your serious player base is most likely to be spending money at the gem store more than anyone else. Just a thought.
I’ve personally spoken with multiple players on Anvil Rock who have spent over $1,000 on gems and one player who have spent over $10,000 on gems and they have agreed that in about 2 weeks, if the latency issues aren’t fixed, are all moving to a different game. i.e. TES online, WoW, Aion, Dark Souls. I personally have spent over $2000 on gems and feel like I have a say in what you should do. I love guild wars but the latency issues are really starting to kitten me off considering it has been an ongoing problem (over 4 months) and the Guild Wars team insists that game content is more important than game functionality.