Low FPS - [merged]
Eventough this is a “CPU bound game” as people say it doesnt utilize all cpu power anyways (not even mentioning 30%ish gpu usage) you mate will have to wait for better performance just like the rest of us.
I believe in one of the first of these threads that a rep said that they are aware that people are not getting the performance they should be getting.
They do know about it and are working on it as far as we know, from what they said.
Personally I agree it could be a lot better. I am not getting anywhere near the fps rates I should be.
Plus SLI is poorly used as I get no difference in fps rates.
But I wouldn’t worry as their comunication has been great, as has their patching.
I am sure they will sort it, we will just have to be patient.
No MMO runs smoothly on release. At least none that I have played.
2 x GTX 680 SLI / 512GB SSD / 2TB HDD / Win 7
5.1 THX Optical Speakers / 120hz BenQ Monitor
Me and my sister have the EXACT same computer and use the same wireless internet. When her computer is the only one running and she is playing gw2 she gets 30-40 fps easy but when im the only one running it i get 13-18 fps. Why is she getting so much better fps when we have the same computer and same internet connection?
ok then what im suposse to do!?!?
ok, but see this
http://www.jeuxvideo.com/screenshots/news/images/00060863/000.htmthis is no correct my friend have the Nvidia Geforce 250 GTS and he have 55-65 fps and no 30-40….
Doesn’t necessarily mean that its not correct mate… Cpu on this game has a huge impact on frames… I tried 4670 1gb with athlon 64 +5000 cpu and FX-8120
Athlon gave me 15-25fps pve 3-5WvW FX one gave me 60-80FPS pve 20-30on WvW with same crappy 4670 ofc with Auto-detect…
Did something change in the BIOS settings? Looking at the dxdiag report, it only saw the Intel integrated graphics chip and not the nVidia. Maybe the nVidia graphics got disabled somehow and the game is being forced to run through the Intel HD chipset. I can see how that would drop your FPS into the single digits.
Did you eliminate driver / Os updates and dust out of equation? Im pretty sure that you pc has more dust in it and its overheating more than hers _ Id surely check those 1st and clean the dusty fans / air in-outtakes.
Ps: Also make sure your pc is virus-free for obvious reasons^_^
I believe in one of the first of these threads that a rep said that they are aware that people are not getting the performance they should be getting.
Yes, they said that on the Blog/News regarding performance improvement. And it is good to acknowledge it.
But I wouldn’t worry as their comunication has been great, as has their patching.
Yes, the communication about game related stuff (bugs, gameplay, etc) had been good so far. My point is that, performance wise, I have not seen improvements since release, and there is no news about that. We know that they acknowledge that there is people with fps issues but do we know what is being done? Do we know what can improve things? We don’t have that kind of information from ANet.
Like I said, they should create a blog or a wiki page with some information on this matter. With regular updates on how things are going.
No MMO runs smoothly on release. At least none that I have played.
That is the sad truth. I have been in all the mmo releases that went live the past few years. The point here is, I have seen how many people take that as an excuse for the problems. I have seen many great mmos were Dev’s acknowledge performance issues but nothing was done. Even today nothing changed. To be honest I don’t want that to happen to GW2 and that is why I would love to see ANet sorting this stuff.
ALL of these people, inclusing me are having the same problem. It’s a matter of bad optimization on ArenaNets part. Some reason runs of the CPU more than the GPU. I have a good PC. Snd I get 80% CPU usage with 20-30% GPU usage, which is terrible. Untill they fix it, there is nothing you can do.
Run a diagnostic tool and post it on the thread I just linked, aNet are asking for them to solve this problem faster.
You are not alone on this matter.
ALL of these people, inclusing me are having the same problem. It’s a matter of bad optimization on ArenaNets part. Some reason runs of the CPU more than the GPU. I have a good PC. Snd I get 80% CPU usage with 20-30% GPU usage, which is terrible. Untill they fix it, there is nothing you can do.
Run a diagnostic tool and post it on the thread I just linked, aNet are asking for them to solve this problem faster.
You are not alone on this matter.
ALL of these people, inclusing me are having the same problem. It’s a matter of bad optimization on ArenaNets part. Some reason runs of the CPU more than the GPU. I have a good PC. Snd I get 80% CPU usage with 20-30% GPU usage, which is terrible. Untill they fix it, there is nothing you can do.
Run a diagnostic tool and post it on the thread I just linked, aNet are asking for them to solve this problem faster.
You are not alone on this matter.
I’ll be perfectly honest… I was expecting issues at launch, but not this kind. I thought there would be massive lag, connection issues, server downtime. In fact, I think I would be more happy if that WAS the problem.
When the servers are laggy or down, you can pretty much bet the developers are working on getting things to run, and it WILL be fixed eventually.
But with performance issues like this, despite acknowledging their existence, there’s no guarantee it’ll be fixed, especially if the problem is rooted deeply in the graphical engine.
Also, that camera issue Mightynandui mention? Unless it’s directly tied to the low performance people experience, I doubt it’ll ever get fixed.
To be fair, yes I would like some kind of info on what they are doing. Just knowing that they have some idea of what the problem is would be great.
I know it’s annoying when you spend a lot on a PC, especially if you buy it for a certain game, at which point it doesn’t work correctly.
I will say this for them though. I played WoW (sorry had to mention it) for seven years, and not once did they acknowledge to me or anyone that I know of that their game engine needed optimising better. All I ever got from their tech support was things I could do to my PC to make performance better.
So at least Anet have admitted it right off the bat. So hopefully it won’t be long.
I couldn’t speak as to how long though.
Hopefully soon as it is annoying and the only gripe I have with a superb game.
2 x GTX 680 SLI / 512GB SSD / 2TB HDD / Win 7
5.1 THX Optical Speakers / 120hz BenQ Monitor
Isn’t just an NVIDIA issue.
I’ll be perfectly honest… I was expecting issues at launch, but not this kind. I thought there would be massive lag, connection issues, server downtime. In fact, I think I would be more happy if that WAS the problem.
When the servers are laggy or down, you can pretty much bet the developers are working on getting things to run, and it WILL be fixed eventually.
But with performance issues like this, despite acknowledging their existence, there’s no guarantee it’ll be fixed, especially if the problem is rooted deeply in the graphical engine.
I agree 100% with you. That is my feeling at the moment.
Also, that camera issue Mightynandui mention? Unless it’s directly tied to the low performance people experience, I doubt it’ll ever get fixed.
The camera doesn’t seem to be tied to the low performance because even when I am in areas with very little things going on it’s still “elastic” (don’t have better words to describe). I think this effect was implemented on the camera to allow smooth changes from perspective but it ended up creating a feeling where the game feels unresponsive.
However, I am afraid that regarding the camera we will not see much changes in the near future as I think it is not easy to change it without affecting general gameplay.
@Typeless i am running at 1600 × 900
These are the system requirements ANet lists, so its not a hardware problem:
Guild Wars Recommended PC Requirements:
Windows® XP/Vista/7
Intel® Pentium® III 1 GHz or equivalent
512 MB RAM
CD-ROM drive (required for installation from physical editions only)
5 GB available hard disk space
ATI® Radeon® 9000 or NVIDIA® GeForce™ 4 Ti Series graphics card with 64MB of VRAM
16-bit sound card
Broadband Internet connection
Keyboard and mouse
This is not the minimum specs for Guild Wars 2, that looks more like the specs for Guild Wars the original game)
the minimum specs for guild wars 2 are:
Minimum System Requirements*
- Due to potential changes, system requirements may change over time, and you may be required to upgrade your current system (or obtain a new system) to continue to play the game.
Windows® XP Service Pack 2 or better
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 2.0 GHz, Core i3, AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 or better
NVIDIA® GeForce® 7800, ATI Radeon™ X1800, Intel HD 3000 or better (256MB of video RAM and shader model 3.0 or better)
25 GB available HDD space
Broadband Internet connection
Keyboard and mouse
(also remember thats the minimum meaning what your need to run this game on ultra low settings at about 30fps.)
512GB Samsung 950pro | 2TB SATA-3 | AMD Radeon RX 580 8GB
I believe that they will fix this in time.. I’ve seen many zones of the game double in fps performance since the 1st beta.. I believe they have to go zone by zone optimizing them for every possible setup that we have
I agree that the performance should be much much better.. I’ll keep my hopes up for the game to run much better soon enough.. the game is perfect we just need that performance boost to really enjoy it
I also got FPS problems but for me but this started to occur since the update on the night between friday and saturday (7/8 of september). I notice that I got serious problems with game performance on my homeworld server. (Underworld, EU) This is specifically the case during european prime time and frankly during the whole weekend.
Only the problem cease to exist whenever I get in a overflow server or when I play early morning European time. So basically whenever there are less people connected to the server the performance issues cease to exist for me.
The settings I use to run the game are always based on the auto detect function in-game. But during the european peak hours I have tried to run the bare minimum settings in game and these don’t help either in terms of performance actually they remain the same (nearly unplayable).
For the system on which i’m running:
Windows 7 Home 64 bit
Core i5 460m 2.53 GHz (2 core’s 4 threads)
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460m (beta driver 306.02)
If you need my inter connection, tested with speedtest.net:
Download speed: 48.99Mb/s
Upload speed: 13.77Mb/s
Ping: 5ms
So that shouldn’t pose a problem I think. Also the game was running smooth since the pre-game launch so that should not be the problem. As I said the problem really started since the update friday night. Also when I looked up the update notes from that night the only notable change is the change in capacity of the home world servers.
So I’m wondering whether the problem I’m facing is caused by the increase in the home world servers capacity? (By the way I haven’t tested going to a completely different server, since when I last checked Underworld has the same as population as other servers, medium) Or is there some other problems with this server since I don’t have the problem in the overflow server.
I believe that they will fix this in time.. I’ve seen many zones of the game double in fps performance since the 1st beta.. I believe they have to go zone by zone optimizing them for every possible setup that we have.
My report of the low performance issues is even on lower level zones. I agree that some zones have much better performance than it had in the Beta, but to be honest the whole game has more fps after it went live than it had on the Beta.
I agree that the performance should be much much better.. I’ll keep my hopes up for the game to run much better soon enough.. the game is perfect we just need that performance boost to really enjoy it
Exactly. The game is just awesome and that is the reason I don’t want it to fail due to some performance issues.
I really hope ANet comes up with something. However, I must be honest, after what I have seen in another MMO’s, my hopes are not very high. I don’t want to start comparisons but any recent mmo has performance issues that have not been addressed.
Maybe ANet can show that they are better at this, who knows.
I believe that they will fix this in time.. I’ve seen many zones of the game double in fps performance since the 1st beta.. I believe they have to go zone by zone optimizing them for every possible setup that we have
Uhm… unless the map designer(s) accidentally copy-pasted all the map objects on top of each other causing the whole thing to use twice as many polygons, I don’t think that’s the right way to go about it.
Personally I think it’s a more serious bug within the engine itself; something is causing peoples CPU to start insane calculations which becomes a serious bottleneck. In my case, the GPU sits bored at less than 30% while the CPU is on fire. Perhaps it’s the physics? I’d love to see a physics setting in the video options (like in Diablo 3) where you can choose to reduce the quality of physics effects (they are, after all, purely aesthetic). As far as I can tell, every character has some physics effects (hair, clothes), so the more characters, the more calculations…
Of course I could be COMPLETELY wrong. :P Just guessing, after all.
Exactly. The game is just awesome and that is the reason I don’t want it to fail due to some performance issues.
I really hope ANet comes up with something. However, I must be honest, after what I have seen in another MMO’s, my hopes are not very high. I don’t want to start comparisons but any recent mmo has performance issues that have not been addressed.Maybe ANet can show that they are better at this, who knows.
I feel the same way! I haven’t played a lot due to those performance issues but I can SENSE the game is great. I really, really want to see it in it’s full glory.
(edited by Moderator)
I m very disappointed. Not by the fact that performance is horrible but for the fact that we were misled or lied to. From the very start of it we were being told the game would run on “yesterdays” computers, and since the first BWE we were constantly being promised optimization and less CPU dependancy.
Its been 4 months now and my FPS is virtually the same it was when i first ran GW2. Where you the OP get 20 my framerate can go as low as 5 in WvW no matter the settings and i ve basically given up on that part of the game. And no my PC isnt bad: Q6600 @ 3GHz, 560Ti – a mid-high system. Yes its not an i5 ivy/sandy but after all we ve heard from ANET those shouldnt be the minimum or rather recommended requirements.
Sure i would accept those system req. if they were stated beforehand and actually justified but when say in Divinitys Reach i face a wall made of probably 2 or 3 polys with only the top of my character shown and get measly 34 FPS with 65% CPU and 20% GPU utilization something is horribly wrong and it is definitely not my PC.
-Mike O’Brien, President of Arenanet
Uhm… unless the map designer(s) accidentally copy-pasted all the map objects on top of each other causing the whole thing to use twice as many polygons, I don’t think that’s the right way to go about it.
Basically it is all about the coding in my opinion. There is million ways to achieve one thing, you just need to find the most efficient one. So for example, if the game is rendering stuff that is not shown in the screen it’s a waste of resources. However, if you don’t render everything near you, you can create stuttering while loading assets each time the engine needs to render a new thing that was not being shown on the screen. It’s all about coding balance and achieving the most efficient way to deal with specific cases. That is my view of the things.
In my case, the GPU sits bored at less than 30% while the CPU is on fire.
To be honest in today’s processing Cpu/Gpu usages don’t mean much. If a GPU is at 50% and the CPU 100% it doesn’t mean that the game is not using your GPU, it means that the GPU is waiting for the CPU to send the rendering instructions and it is not being fast enough.
This can be caused (and in most cases are) by poorly optimized code. Example: CPU processing two files when only one was needed to achieve the same effect (abstract example).
So I’ve linked my setup before on another thread, but for the sake of the conversation, I’ll list my specs again.
My system:
Intel i7 Sandy Bridge-E 3930k overclocked to 4.2ghz
32 gb Kingston HyperX 1600mhz
2x Asus Radeon HD 7970 Direct CUII cards @ stock 925mhz
Western Digital Velociraptor 1TB 10,000 RPM harddrive
I would like to note that I have everything checked and set to the maximum setting in GW2, as well as I’m playing in 1920×1080 resolution.
While I know I have an upper high end system that most don’t have, I too, had issues before the recent 12.8 (3) caps from AMD. On the current version of GW2 and the 12.8 catalyst drivers and 12.8 (3) caps I have a steady 80-100 average fps while questing, and that number can go up to upwards of 200 fps (if I’m obviously only looking into a corner while fighting). While in the middle of complex cities with a lot going on, I get 60-80 fps on average and I’ve only seen FPS below 50 in WvW, which at 30 to 40 fps when there are the maximum number of people on both teams all on screen fighting, is still very playable.
While I agree that for most people, more optimizations do need to be made (including some updated drivers for those poor nvidia folk) Things could be a lot worse. Rift, for instance, was my mmo of choice since it came out before starting GW2. In Meridian (the capital city of the Defiant) I see generally 30-40 fps, and even less if its full, on the very same system. Which is literally half the fps I get while in a major city in GW2, with arguably a lot more going on in GW2 cities.
I think the problem for most, even if they don’t realize it, is that GW2 doesn’t scale back very much on low to medium settings. That is to say that people who are having fps issues can’t set their game to low to medium and get much better results than if they set their game to max settings. This is a real problem for people with average or dated computers, as not everybody has 3500 dollars to blow on a gaming rig like myself.
I would like to point out that this game has only been out (excluding beta and headstart where the dev’s don’t make many optimizations but rather concentrate on bug fixes) for 3 weeks. Three weeks of graphical optimizations and new drivers and caps released by Amd has come a long way in a very short amount of time. For those of you having major FPS issues with medium to high end computers, like the OP, I do sympathize with you. All I can say is just be patient and hold on, and things will get better. For those of you with computers that are 3 to 5 years old, it’s very much a reality that you may have to invest in a better computer to get the results desired (especially if you’re a big pvp’er and want all the WvW goodness you can get your hands on). Computer games and MMOs are making drastic graphical leaps that require exponentially more powerful computers to run them. PC’s aren’t like xbox 360’s or playstation 3’s that you buy once a decade and play all the games released for them at 30 fps at least. Those games are engineered specifically to those hardware specifications to get the most out of the hardware as possible without losing FPS. MMO’s especially, are just not built this way. While I agree that on low to medium settings you should see FPS gains much higher than you currently are getting, at this point in time, I don’t for see you getting 50% higher FPS gains without investing in a new computer.
Also please stop comparing GW2 to the likes of Battlefield 3 or any other game that uses very little CPU power and much more GPU. GW2 does use its fair share of GPU, but if you don’t have a decent CPU, GW2 will leave your computer rocking itself in the corner sucking it’s thumb.
/ 2x XFX R9 290x in Crossfire
My post got deleted for being “Off topic” by a mod who doesn’t know what that means.
So I’m re posting this:
“I agree with everything OP said here, minus Arena net doing everything they can, and would like to see an update”
After that Patch I now experience “Breaks” ingame, it’s like stops for 1 second and it comes back.
Didn’t change the FPS, changed the fact since yesterday I start to get thoose Breaks when the games stops at 100%, it’s like 0 FPS for a second and it’s back to 40.
Can’t explain more…I can’t understand what ANet changed, but something went wrong. =/
I think that it might perhaps be possible to fix that, until the underlying problem is solved, by setting the mimimum processor state to 100% in the power options.
I had excatly the same problem, with stange jumpy fps, when I tried to play today from my laptop. I had forgotten to plug in my power cord, and when I plugged that in, everything ran nicely as it should.
I did notice that my cpu wasn’t running at full speed, when I had the problem with the jumpy fps, and the only difference I can think of, is the settings for the minimum processor state. On battery it’s set to 5% on my computer but 100% with the power cord plugged in.
I hope that this might help someone.
(edited by Haworth.4561)
Just add me to the growing list of people who are experiencing this issue. The game ran smoothly from the 3 day headstart launch up until today. 09/09/12
Things could be a lot worse. Rift, for instance, was my mmo of choice since it came out before starting GW2. In Meridian (the capital city of the Defiant) I see generally 30-40 fps, and even less if its full, on the very same system.
I didn’t want to mention names because this would end up on another comparison that will get us anywhere but what you said is one of the reasons for my post. Rift was one of the best mmos I played. I love the game but I had to stop playing it due to performance issues. The Dev’s are great but did very little to optimize the game performance wise. That is one of the things I don’t want to see happening in Guild Wars 2 and that is why I decided to post. I know that the game was only released 3 weeks ago but I think for the first time in MMO’s Dev’s should care a bit more about performance.
For those of you with computers that are 3 to 5 years old, it’s very much a reality that you may have to invest in a better computer to get the results desired (especially if you’re a big pvp’er and want all the WvW goodness you can get your hands on).
Unfortunately, this is the sad truth. You must invest in your PC components to get more performance. Technology is always on the move and even 2 year old components get outdated very quickly.
Also please stop comparing GW2 to the likes of Battlefield 3 or any other game that uses very little CPU power and much more GPU.
Comparisons with any other game are pointless. Each game is one world and different things can happen. If you really need to make comparisons at least do it with some MMO’s and not online fps or single player games.
I would love to ear from ANet Dev’s about this issues.
Keep this polite conversation going on guys, it is good to exchange opinions politely.
(edited by Mightynandui.3467)
I, like me many others was very excited for the release of guild wars 2, but i was dissapointed in the fact that it is so poorly optimized that even tho my pc passes the requirements for the game i still only get around 15 fps at best. There are tons of posts about this already so im adding more so Anet can learn the importance of fixing these issues. Thanks, Babytortuise.
Standing still, get 60fps. 2 seconds later fps drops to 15. why? nothing happened. BAM boosts back up to 60. this keeps happening and im not even on max seettings.
i can run sc2 skyrim mw3 all on MAX with 35fps minimum but i cant even run this game max and i still get kitteny frame rate.
up to date drivers
i have a asus G74S the specs can handle almost ANY game out there
You forgot to mention your specs
Did you eliminate driver / Os updates and dust out of equation? Im pretty sure that you pc has more dust in it and its overheating more than hers _ Id surely check those 1st and clean the dusty fans / air in-outtakes.
Ps: Also make sure your pc is virus-free for obvious reasons^_^
What are driver/Os updates? And how do i clean the fans? with air? (also thank you for trying to help )
How sure are you that they are the exact same computer?
It’s entirely possible that the case is the same but the insides are different.
Great. also now for some reason my keyboard gets unresponsive. only in this game.
When i run i hold w, and my guy constantly stops, chills for like 2-5 seconds then starts running again, same with abilities and anything that i need to use my keyboard for. when i press 1 to attack i have to do it multiple times just to start attacking.
Also for OCing, what can i do in the BIOS
My q6600 is also a G0 stepping.
and my motherboard is GA-EP45-UD3R
UPDATE: I just tried taking the clock ratio from 8x to 9x which would make my cpu to what it should be performing at. When i saved and exited it took a while to boot, and then i just shut it off because it didnt POST. and when i restarted i saw the BIOS took it down to 6x for some reason, and i just moved it back to 8x which was default and logged back on.
(edited by mrconfused.3429)
We got the at the same place, they look identical, they had the same stickers on them showing the specifications, and they cost exactly the same.
Something is seriously wrong. Game has been running great through Beta and release until Friday night. My FPS has rendered the game entirely unplayable. Been going through the normal remedies to try and fix it. Same problem with all the drivers from Nvidia I have tried. Fresh install of game/drivers/OS hasn’t made any difference. Not a lot of chatter about this problem on many of the forums I’ve seen. A bit frustrated because I feel like i’m taking crazy pills. Sound seems to skip as well when FPS bomb out, Menu has a delay of 5-8 seconds to come up after hitting escape. All zones traveled in are effected despite local population/effects.
The performance got even worse with the september 9th patch.Before september 8th patch i had 50-60 FPS in most areas (except citys of course) if there was no huge event going on,with the september 8th patch it went down to 45 and now after the september 9th patch i’am on 35-37 FPS.
WHAT ARE YOU DOING ARENA NET!?By the end of next week i’am down to 10 frames or what?
Does that happen when you are near other people? If so, it means you CPU is rendering people that is near you and may drop the FPS. However shouldn’t drop that much if you are in a low population zone.
My guess is that the GPU or CPU clocks are changing to idle state while ingame. This is fairly common.
Test this with some software that checks the clocks. If the clocks drop when you get 15 fps you need to look for advice on how to keep the clocks in 3D mode while playing.
yup, so before the patch on friday, I was able to get 60+ FPS everywhere with my mediocre system. Now, its ~45 in towns, 30 in busy areas, and about 50 out in the wild. I dont know what they changed, but I suspect it has to do with more poor coding, because my GPU and CPU usage is 50%, and 60% respectively, and it will not go higher, but the temps im getting show that both are getting more usage. Bad GPU calls could be the issue.
AMD Phenom2 945C3 @ 3.0ghz(stock, no need for more right now, and keeps the heat in the apartment down)
8GB of DDR3 1333 RAM
2x Nvidia GTX460 1GB, SLId, both on PCIeX16 2.0 slots
Asus M4N98TD EVO AM3 mobo with the Nvidia 980a SLI chipset
The games Exe is LAA, and now, according to FRAPS, the FPS jumps around more rapidly than before. Why not just give us a 64bit exe and let us take advantage of our 64bit OS system resources?
You forgot to mention your specs
What good would that do?
Obviously the problem is not with his computer, nor with anyone else experiencing this low fps issue with a system that passes the minimum requirements.
This is Anet’s problem, not our systems.
I noticed a slight drop in FPS myself. Not huge, but noticeable. I installed latest nvidia drivers and it resolved my issue.
Also to those who think installing drivers is tough. Mine took less than five minutes to download and install. While they were doing so I just browsed the internet and read forums.
lol, drivers only take me as long as it takes to install them, since they download in seconds(100mbps internet), but, i still get FPS drops. My system was running this game great, with 60+ FPS everywhere, and now, its down to 45FPS in towns, 30 in crowded areas max(drops between 30 and 10), and around 50 out in the wild. i suspect they created a bad GPU call, because my GPU usage meters are showing 40% usage on both my GTX 460 1GB, yet the temps im getting are more consistent with running BF3 at 99% on both. Temps will give away bad GPU calls easier than software, since the GPU will be working just as hard, but wont report its working that hard because the GPU calls that are bad are dropped, and not considered “work” according to Nvidia. Updating my drivers did not help either. Before the sept. 8th patch, my CPU usage was 90% or more with GW2 running, with about 80% on both GPUs, and now, CPU usage is around 40% and GPU usage is around 50% at most, but the temps from both indicate that they are both working harder than what they say they are.
You right man I was very excited for get the game and after install that in the start ingame got around 6-9fps… even my computer spec higher than the recommended spec..
In my case, the GPU sits bored at less than 30% while the CPU is on fire.
To be honest in today’s processing Cpu/Gpu usages don’t mean much. If a GPU is at 50% and the CPU 100% it doesn’t mean that the game is not using your GPU, it means that the GPU is waiting for the CPU to send the rendering instructions and it is not being fast enough.
This can be caused (and in most cases are) by poorly optimized code. Example: CPU processing two files when only one was needed to achieve the same effect (abstract example).
I’m a coder myself (albeit I code business apps, not games).
Just for the record, there’s never any need to render stuff close to the player/camera; that just needs to be kept in memory.
And that’s pretty much what I said; if a game is using CPU at 100% and the GPU isn’t utilized, then something is wrong with the game code.
For those of you with computers that are 3 to 5 years old, it’s very much a reality that you may have to invest in a better computer to get the results desired (especially if you’re a big pvp’er and want all the WvW goodness you can get your hands on).
Unfortunately, this is the sad truth. You must invest in your PC components to get more performance. Technology is always on the move and even 2 year old components get outdated very quickly.
Yes… and then no. If someone with a 5 year-old system is expecting 60 FPS on a brand new game on the highest settings… well, I’d like to know what they’re smoking.
But after lowering the resolution and turning off some bells and whistles it’s normal to expect a decent framerate, even on older computers. Of course there’s a certain limit after which no amount of coding magic will make things smooth, but the specs I’ve seen people post aren’t there yet.
Also, the game, while good-looking, doesn’t warrant the requirements. I mean, hell, Crysis looks better and runs on my system, so go figure.
(edited by Shaamaan.1349)
Someone mentioned that switching PhsyX from CPU to GPU made a difference, Im not sure if this is a placebo effect but since doing this my FPS seems to be staying consistently high during pretty large events. This maybe somthing to try. Thanks Dudes
My specs
I5 2500K at 4.2
GTX 580
8gb Ram
You forgot to mention your specs
What good would that do?
Obviously the problem is not with his computer, nor with anyone else experiencing this low fps issue with a system that passes the minimum requirements.This is Anet’s problem, not our systems.
Ya whats a PCs specs have to do with performance of a game youre trying to run on it. /s
/ 2x XFX R9 290x in Crossfire
From my experiencepeople tend to exagarate when hardware comes to mind. Of course somone cant play on anything less then a stable 60fps, while others are fine with 20+ or 25+ (me). But the fact holds that a sandy bridge i3 is still a pretty decent piece of hardware for todays needs even though a i5 and i7 outpower it severeal times and cost more. Games demand for hardware power doesnt grow as much these days in the way it use to 7-10 years ago. This machine can play anything else like Skyrim or L.A. Noire on mid to high settings. And this games recommended hardware (not minimum!) is a 1 Ghz Pentium 3 and a Old GeFroce 4 Ti GPU.
As for the dxdiag. I think it will always show Intel there. Thats how the hardware woks. It always display the picture through that hardware. When it has the need for the dedicated GPU it buffers it inside, transfers it to the Intel and then shows the picture. Its always actually using the Intel.
It has a control panel which shows which program is in use of the dedicated gpu and it shows guild wars there. I check it when I get hiccups first. Of course maybe it still has some issues even with that and that could be different story that needs even newer drivers. But I’m gonna need an ANet response for that
As for the last post thank you. I didnt open the crashing post. And to the admins sorry if this thread is a duplicate. I hope the issue gets fixed so i can play normal.
You forgot to mention your specs
What good would that do?
Obviously the problem is not with his computer, nor with anyone else experiencing this low fps issue with a system that passes the minimum requirements.This is Anet’s problem, not our systems.
Ya whats a PCs specs have to do with performance of a game youre trying to run on it. /s
At this time it means jack squat, simply because ALOT of other people, me included, are also experiencing these problems. Anet even replied one my emails stating there’s a problem and they’re working on it.
If his problem will continue after Anet fix their shi t, then and only then will his specs mean something.
In my case, the GPU sits bored at less than 30% while the CPU is on fire.
To be honest in today’s processing Cpu/Gpu usages don’t mean much. If a GPU is at 50% and the CPU 100% it doesn’t mean that the game is not using your GPU, it means that the GPU is waiting for the CPU to send the rendering instructions and it is not being fast enough.
This can be caused (and in most cases are) by poorly optimized code. Example: CPU processing two files when only one was needed to achieve the same effect (abstract example).
I’m a coder myself (albeit I code business apps, not games).
Just for the record, there’s never any need to render stuff close to the player/camera; that just needs to be kept in memory.
And that’s pretty much what I said; if a game is using CPU at 100% and the GPU isn’t utilized, then something is wrong with the game code.
I think I misunderstood you on the CPU/GPU usage part then. Sorry for that.
Regarding the coding, I had my experiences of coding apps for mobile platforms and generic windows programs. While I am not an expert I know a bit more than the basics.
I know that stuff not being seen on the camera doesn’t need to be rendered but, in fact . What you mention is the way everything should be done. Unfortunately, it doesn’t happen a lot nowadays. Coders use “cheap” techniques to achieve the results (you know what I am talking about
For those of you with computers that are 3 to 5 years old, it’s very much a reality that you may have to invest in a better computer to get the results desired (especially if you’re a big pvp’er and want all the WvW goodness you can get your hands on).
Unfortunately, this is the sad truth. You must invest in your PC components to get more performance. Technology is always on the move and even 2 year old components get outdated very quickly.
Yes… and then no. If someone with a 5 year-old system is expecting 60 FPS on a brand new game on the highest settings… well, I’d like to know what they’re smoking.
But after lowering the resolution and turning off some bells and whistles it’s normal to expect a decent framerate, even on older computers. Of course there’s a certain limit after which no amount of coding magic will make things smooth, but the specs I’ve seen people post aren’t there yet.
Also, the game, while good-looking, doesn’t warrant the requirements. I mean, hell, Crysis looks better and runs on my system, so go figure.
Yes, you are right. I didn’t clarify myself there. You must get new components if you want to run the game with all the nice graphical features that it gives you. Of course you can run games on machines even worst than the minimum requirements of a game but you have to go with low settings and even lower the resolution (it looks crap on a lcd display).
(edited by Mightynandui.3467)