Unable to log in Error
Here we go again!!
AG (eu).
Does this happen to the US servers?
Login server is down it appears…
… oh and people, there are no EU servers, they are all in the US, Texas to be exact
Thats wrong. We had a official post from a arenanet community manager in the german forum a few days ago. He wrote that there are no servers in texas. The eu servers are in frankfurt/germany. The US servers are somewhere in the usa, but not in texas.
Okay, in game type /ip and trace the location of the IP?
Guess what…. I can’t log in…
Friends tell me GW1 is also offline.
Now my life is empty
Nothin’ to live for…
- starts crying softly with head down on his keyboard -
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
Login server is down it appears…
… oh and people, there are no EU servers, they are all in the US, Texas to be exact
Thats wrong. We had a official post from a arenanet community manager in the german forum a few days ago. He wrote that there are no servers in texas. The eu servers are in frankfurt/germany. The US servers are somewhere in the usa, but not in texas.
@topic login server down. during a mapchange in spvp (server elona reach, eu)
Okay, in game type /ip and check the location of the ip address?
Can’t log in, EU
Guess what…. I can’t log in…
Friends tell me GW1 is also offline.
Now my life is empty
Nothin’ to live for…- starts crying softly with head down on his keyboard -
I feel you mate, I feel you.
Guess what…. I can’t log in…
Friends tell me GW1 is also offline.
Now my life is empty
Nothin’ to live for…- starts crying softly with head down on his keyboard -
Hang in there! (yes, i’m that bored.)
Ring Of Fire [EU]
Same Issue
Desolation [EU] Server.
Location: France!
Error Code: 42:6:3:2158
The Rise – The Murder – The Gravity – The Ghostly
Now again??? Its the weekly highlight with the login server down. Is this Bioware?
can’t loggin EU too…
work in 30 minutes, had 1 group event for daily, was mapping to MAW.
Life is unfair, ANET you owe me a laurel! /rage alskdfjl
Seriously though, a response from them would be super.
[edit] nothing on twitter yet either
Login server is down it appears…
… oh and people, there are no EU servers, they are all in the US, Texas to be exact
Wrong, Wrong, Wrooong
All EU server are in Frankfurt/Germany
The Texas IP is the Connection to the Login Server and the Trade Post database in Texas/USA.
Desolation [EU] Server.
Location: Italy
Error Code: 42:6:3:2158
unable to log-in
Having same issues again hope it’s back up soon
42632158 EU Server
Server: Desolation
Location: Netherlands
Build: 16845
Error: 11:1001:2:1352
Login server is down it appears…
… oh and people, there are no EU servers, they are all in the US, Texas to be exact
Wrong, Wrong, Wrooong
All EU server are in Frankfurt/Germany
The Texas IP is the Connection to the Login Server and the Trade Post database in Texas/USA.
Like I said to the other guy, type /ip in game and see which server you are connected to?
@thread, still down
Was in-game, but got disconnected after I tried buying some items on the Trading Post. Kept telling me that the items I was trying to buy did not exist, then after a short while I got disconnected.
Guild Wars 2 has encountered an error
The game client is unable to gain access to the log-in server at this
time. This is most commonly caused by firewall or router settings,
security applications, or connecting through a campus network. For
additional support, please visit http://support.guildwars2.com.
Build: 16845
Error Code: 42:6:3:2158
Server: Seafarer’s Rest
Region: EU
Country: Norway
Seafarer’s Rest
Login not possible due to:
Error: 42:6:3:2158 build 16845
Server: Underworld.
I can´t login.
EU – Gandara
Error 42:6:3:2158
first day off work for ages and then cant get on the game.love it!
Server: Gandara
Location: Italy
Build: 16845
Error Code: 42:6:3:2158
Same in HUNGARY to EUROPEAN Server
Server: EU – Kodash
Location: Germany
Build: 16845
Error: 42:6:3:2158
Kicked after switching to WvW map
Seafarer’s rest [EU] Server
Error code: 42:6:3:2158
Almost finished the daily, well it seems out of reach for today.
Same issue for me now
Same issue, error code 42:6:3:2158
I cannot login either at the moment
Come on Tech Support!
Surely someone is watching the Tech Support Forum! ETA for fix?
Same thing here and I just wanted to do my fractal daily before primetime because of the current lag issue and now this
EU – Millersound
Trading Post was bugged; it won’t let me buy anything. Logged out to try and resolve the problem, and can’t get back in. It’s a shame this has to happen during my spring vacation
Server is Vabbi (EU), location is France.
Same thing here and I just wanted to do my fractal daily before primetime because of the current lag issue and now this
EU – Millersound
headed to work in 15 mins, 1 group event needed for daily. wont be abck before reset. /sadface.
About time they changed the login error message though. That claim that it’s nearly always due to something at our end is wearing thin.
lol, I had the same initial gut response to this. They should just put up a “sorry” message instead, its always on their end. They typically get these ironed out pretty quick though.
Oh my god, I was thinking exactly the same, they should add something about the possible fact that their servers could be down ^^
Finally I can play with my Bengal Kitten.
She says hello to you all with her meowing.
how long does this usually last
Can’t log in, that means i’m back to work((((
Let’s just go back to WoW
Same here, unfortunately
location : Netherlands
so whats going on now? allot of issues it seems lately…..will this keep happening on regular basis?
it begins to make an awesome game also a verry annoying game…………………………………….
Let’s just go back to WoW
Said no one ever.))
Finally I can play with my Bengal Kitten.
She says hello to you all with her meowing.
Mee-aa-uw, Meow mew meow.
(it’s cat for hi)
Ring Of Fire [EU]
Let’s just go back to WoW
Said no one ever.
Trust me i can’t have been the only one of us here thinking that :P
Aaaand – it’s gone.
Any clues on when login servers come back?
tried to play… can’t access loggin server.. :( although i can connect in the main website, the game fails to connect <.<
Same issue, Ring of Fire (EU). But unlike many here I don’t think the end is nigh. You know you could just go play something else for a bit, or go outside for a walk.
I do agree that they should be giving an ETA for a fix or at least acknowledge the issue sooner rather than later to prevent some people from crying bloody murder who have abandonment issues…
Finally I can play with my Bengal Kitten.
She says hello to you all with her meowing.
How cute! I love bengals Hello to her too!
Same problem here! Is it overall problem ? maybe arenanet is doing something? I think yes )))