[merged] Error code=7:11:3:191:101 issues
I’ve had over two dozen disconnections today. Lost a lot of invasion rewards, not very fun.
I have the same problem here in spain.
disconnect like every 5-10min, it’s impossible play with that :/
Poland here. Started happening today. When I’m lucky it happenes every 5-10 minutes, exactly the same way as described in the first post of this thread. If I’m not lucky it happens every 30 seconds.
Just stick my daily rewards in the mail and I’ll go play another game while you’re working on a fix. Thank you.
And you may quote me on that.
Time 20.30 Moscow. Problem now as 7:00 hours. Corrections not. Support silent.
Russia, Saint-Petersburg, same problem.
[merged] Error code=7:11:3:191:101 issues
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: SacredBeaver.6593
I got the same problem, never had any issues before.
Disconnected 2-3 times in 5 minutes. After 20~~ dc’s I stoped tryin……
*Sweden, Farshiver Peak
I’m havin disconnect issues also. It started today, the 30th, nothing bad in the morning but it started to escalate in the afternoon and after 5pm or so it’s just stop lag, stop lag and disconnect about every five minutes or so. When I reconnect I get also this error message about not being able to connect to login servers (which is kinda weird since I’m already back playing on the server). After 6 pm I just gave up. Now I’m just curled up in fetal position.
Finland, Desolation.
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA]
It keeps happening. ;_;
I can’t even login.
Same, now I can’t even long in……
Yeap, login servers are now down too… Still no reply from anet…
Same problem – Lithuania, Desolation server
Doesnt matter from where you are, same kitten.
ANET, any input ?
Added screenshots with ping to youtube, my internet is fine
Marching with ZDs
Seafarer’s Rest
Trading post did not work. When I logged back to the character screen, the connection to the login-server couldn’t be built.
Now I get one of the three following different errors when I try to log in:
All other websites and webservices are accessible.
Login issue too in SFR server, Hungary.
same here, several times for 10 mins.. annnnnd can’t login anymore
same here, several times for 10 mins.. annnnnd can’t login anymore
[merged] Error code=7:11:3:191:101 issues
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Advent Leader.1083
Query check: are all players reporting this scenario in EU servers?
Now I can’t even login anymore
Same, after getting constantly disconnected all day now I can’t log in at all.
now i can login again, but still get disconnected every 5 seconds…
[merged] Error code=7:11:3:191:101 issues
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: SacredBeaver.6593
Wow.. STILL doesent work, thanks ANET… wonderful!
And still no reply 10 hours later. Amazaing….
what do you expect from a company that does not fix game breaking bugs after 1 year? happy anniversary!
(yes, i mean it!)
Well, the fixed the login… I just got disconnected while trying… and then again after managing about 2 minutes of being in the game.
Anyone else have this error message after login?
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA]
when the fix?Why silent?How will reimburse moral damage +? I could earn gold in 10 hours I have not igor.Teper
Anyone else have this error message after login?
Got the exact same thing just now.
Well at least they wrote on twitter “We are aware of an issue currently affecting logins in Europe & working on a fix, thank you for your patience at this time.”
I’m having the same issue, getting disconnected every 2-10 minutes.
Apparently the chat isn’t affected as everything stopped moving (ie. I was about to be disconnected) and I could still chat with guildies up until the actual disconnect.
Personally I get thrown to character select with the 7:11:3:191:101 error and can login immediately afterwards.
“We are aware of an issue currently affecting logins in Europe & working on a fix, thank you for your patience at this time.”
It seems only logical that since a lot of ppl are getting dcs, there are a lot of stress for the login server. Solving the login issue isn’t worth much if you can’t keep yourself logged in…
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA]
Yeah, the support seem to be missing that the disconnects where there before the login issue. I just got a support reply stating that the issue was resolved. Logged in… and got disconnected 30 seconds later.
This lasted for weeks in may, and now it’s back. Can’t say I’m surprised it happened again. Oh Anet, I love how you reward your players.
Badmash [bM]
Furious Cookies [FURY]
The issue should be resolved by now, therefore we are closing this thread.
Thank you for your feedback and your patience.
Since moderators closed the thread claiming the issue was resolved even though its not..here goes again.
Getting random dc´s and the error message described in topic.
I’m trying to create character (engineer),
and getting the login error,
even though I can login with existing characters
Still error 7:11:3:191:10. From my investigation our problems came from losing packets on the level3 servers, especially in frankfurt (part of routing way). It is funny because gw2 support advice contact with internet provider and my provider advice contact with gw2 support…
(edited by Phent.9350)
There is now an issue with logging in the first time on new characters. Error code 42:0:0:0:101
I am able to play fine on all other characters, but I cannot get past creating a character
[merged] Error code=7:11:3:191:101 issues
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Stupidmouth.9017
Bought the game today was excited to play…now this. cant even create my first character. forget this game I’m going back to WoW. ANet sucks
After letting me stay online for 1 hour, and when I finally decided to go and do another Scarlet event, guess what happens? Disconnect!
and of course we only had 13 minutes left. No reward again. Fun fun.
I have patience though so it’s alright..Just wondering what’s causing that.
EDIT: Happening every 15 minutes again.
(edited by Kapina.9012)
Finland Desolation EU still getting these random disconnects every 2-5 minutes and have been getting these disconnects since I woke up over 10 hours ago. Anet could you PLEASE fix something my guild reset event was cancelled due to everyone disconnecting all the time.
Still getting the disconnects. Support just answers “It was a temporary problem, it works now”.
How is it a temporary problem?? I JUST tried it and it STILL says the connection is down…
ANet stop saying its solved and please fix it!
Still getting the disconnects. Support just answers “It was a temporary problem, it works now”.
The only thing temporary is my PVP, still can’t play for more than three minutes until i get disconnected.
I just purchased and downloaded the client. Trying to create my first character, and I get this behavior. Please assist.
Still getting the disconnects.
Thanks for your patience.
We are aware of this issue and the team is investigating.