Kill a few: there won’t be a many
(edited by Riondron.1069)
This pic shows where the ac is, right behind the flag, nearly up against the wall. I know that the red rings in the other 2 pics could be taken for the gate hole shots, but as I said. too busy tryin to stay alive than get pics for the National Geographic. but believe me, the first ac shot that hit me was nearly to the repair npc. Cant do that by any other means than the window-adjustment glitch. just sayin.
(edited by Riondron.1069)
Sorry to burst ur bubble, but I’m not some noob who just bought the game yesterday. I call things out as they are, pure and simple. And I’m not in the habit of making stuff up just for conversation. So either take my word for it, or don’t. Either way, we were there, we saw it.
That’s pretty much where I’d expect the AC to be to get a viewing angle over the top of the gate. Guess what? The wall by the repair NPC is in line of sight.
Go to that position and check it for yourself.
@ arty boy.. just because you can’t kill us. Doesn’t mean we run bunker spec. Let the arrowcart cool down for a week or two and learn the game.
Bunker..lol……..L2p ..
OMG continue to answer in this way XOXO, so hilarious!
10(bunker) v 5 such a fair game & l2p issue but when you get wiped by a zerg you call it “1 smashing”….
You people are like the living irony hahaha
But its okay, keep living inside your small bubble of self-righteousness, you’re that kind of kid who still feel special and different! oh you shiny spark <3
(edited by Art.9820)
@ Ben K
sorry bro, but is wasn’t hitting the wall. it wakittenting the ground on the inside, no where near the wall. that ac is at the north gate. the repair npc is halfway to the east gate, and not visible by an ac using normal screen.
This pic shows where the ac is, right behind the flag, nearly up against the wall. I know that the red rings in the other 2 pics could be taken for the gate hole shots, but as I said. too busy tryin to stay alive than get pics for the National Geographic. but believe me, the first ac shot that hit me was nearly to the repair npc. Cant do that by any other means than the window-adjustment glitch. just sayin.
I could have told you exactly where that AC was by looking at the previous pics. Just go try it for yourself.
This pic shows where the ac is, right behind the flag, nearly up against the wall. I know that the red rings in the other 2 pics could be taken for the gate hole shots, but as I said. too busy tryin to stay alive than get pics for the National Geographic. but believe me, the first ac shot that hit me was nearly to the repair npc. Cant do that by any other means than the window-adjustment glitch. just sayin.
I don’t see anything in this picture. Just some peeps and a couple of rams. I have used the AC to hit the back wall on many occasion, but have never been able to get it to center target the ground. I guess I need to go server hopping to learn these tricks of the trade. Also if your needing to get screenshots for proof go out and suicide to get the absolute proof. Secondly don’t post them here on the forum. Send Screens, and every bit of relevant information to Anet directly. Forums are just going to get you infractions / banned.
Please remember that none of us can control the actions of another player, and their is no police force in WvW to make sure the fights are fair…. Take what you can get, Hold what you can, and have some fun. Don’t let one person ruin your fun because their is always a counter tactic.
the map ping is where I started getting hit at, as were my teammates as we ran to the north gate. and nope, I can’t hit that with an ac from the north gate. sorry
the map ping is where I started getting hit at, as were my teammates as we ran to the north gate. and nope, I can’t hit that with an ac from the north gate. sorry
Based on the proof presented, no one has been able to hit that area with an AC from the north gate. sorry.
@ arty boy.. just because you can’t kill us. Doesn’t mean we run bunker spec. Let the arrowcart cool down for a week or two and learn the game.
Bunker..lol……..L2p ..
OMG continue to answer in this way XOXO, so hilarious!
10(bunker) v 5 such a fair game & l2p issue but when you get wiped by a zerg you call it “1 smashing”….
You people are like the living irony hahaha
But its okay, keep living inside your small bubble of self-righteousness, you’re that kind of kid who still feel special and different! oh you shiny spark <3
Yes we run 10 bunker spec groups. We choose our teams from the 199 people in the guild we have on at any given time. We also spend all of our spare time flash building superior balistas in the open feild. If you don’t have the + supply traits you can not group with us. If you dont have ++++ to siege you can not group with us, if you don’t have 3k armor and 28k hps you cannot group with us. We only pvdoor, we see real PvP we hide and man the arrowcarts. We use 3 groups at times for super tough yaks. If we get frisky we really push the limits and attempt to bind our keys and play without clicking.
There you go arty boy. I finish your story. lil zergling , enjoy!
Well thank goodness we got that SBI Friday night capping lead out of the way. Now this may actually be a good week. =)
I’m not trying to point anyone out specifically, nor am I trying to ‘grief’ someone. I play fair always, I don’t glitch, and I don’t even target players who are dueling or getting vistas, sp’s ect. But I do spend most of my gw2 time in wvw, and I take pride in my server and what we do, so I get extremely frustrated when a couple bad apples do questionable things. Yes, we all have them on our servers, and I have personally told ppl that I have seen doing it on NSP to stop, as it makes all of us look bad., not just NSP. I look forward to having good fights and matchups, and I think that sentiment is shared across all the severs in wvw. And I apologize if I came across as being rather harsh. As to the issue of whether or not an ac zoom glitch was used – either believe me or don’t; I will not argue the point further.
Good luck to everyone! Peace.
And yes, it can be done. I had a friend stand where I said that the shots hit, and if you zoom in, you can see the green ac target is BEHIND him. I really wish Anet could fix this from happening. I won’t specify exactly how it is done, for obvious reasons. Peace.
Edit 2: took out all the pictures from my previous posts.
(edited by Riondron.1069)
[XOXO] Trolling 101 still going strong, I see. And I do apologise to whatshisface when he said we we’re obviously playing for second. it’s all in the score. You called it, buddy.
I’ll have to see if I can schedule some time to join one of our Militia zergs to zerg right over your superior skill group. Don’t forget to remind your guildies over voip how leet you are whilst hammering #4 in downstate.
Yak’s Bend has faced plenty of Servers with actual skill groups. [XOXO] isn’t one of them. Unless you count forumwarrioring.
Is this the right forum…
[XOXO] Trolling 101 still going strong, I see. And I do apologise to whatshisface when he said we we’re obviously playing for second. it’s all in the score. You called it, buddy.
I’ll have to see if I can schedule some time to join one of our Militia zergs to zerg right over your superior skill group. Don’t forget to remind your guildies over voip how leet you are whilst hammering #4 in downstate.
Yak’s Bend has faced plenty of Servers with actual skill groups. [XOXO] isn’t one of them. Unless you count forumwarrioring.
Excuse me.. can you speak a little louder !? I can’t hear you from your little cannon nest at the top of your keep.
Please come out ? We are all bunker and has no dmg.
I’m not trying to point anyone out specifically, nor am I trying to ‘grief’ someone. I play fair always, I don’t glitch, and I don’t even target players who are dueling or getting vistas, sp’s ect. But I do spend most of my gw2 time in wvw, and I take pride in my server and what we do, so I get extremely frustrated when a couple bad apples do questionable things. Yes, we all have them on our servers, and I have personally told ppl that I have seen doing it on NSP to stop, as it makes all of us look bad., not just NSP. I look forward to having good fights and matchups, and I think that sentiment is shared across all the severs in wvw. And I apologize if I came across as being rather harsh. As to the issue of whether or not an ac zoom glitch was used – either believe me or don’t; I will not argue the point further.
Good luck to everyone! Peace.Edit:
And yes, it can be done. I had a friend stand where I said that the shots hit, and if you zoom in, you can see the green ac target is BEHIND him. I really wish Anet could fix this from happening. I won’t specify exactly how it is done, for obvious reasons. Peace.
As I already stated on the first page of this thread, SBI has spent weeks working on siege placement, specifically what works and what doesn’t, and not just with arrow carts but ballistae, catapults, and trebuchets (it became necessary after several matchups against Borlis “Arrow Cart” Pass). Furthermore, depending on what size monitor you have will grant some flexibility in the targeting. Please take all this into consideration before you start calling us cheaters.
I’d also like to know how you can see a friend’s AC targeting? We can all see the red circles generated by enemy AC fire well enough, but I’ve yet to see any circles generated by friendly AC fire. Unfortunately this means if a teammate were to use a “zoom hack” the rest of us would have no way of knowing unless it were completely outrageous, and thus policing our own members is almost impossible if anyone is in fact using such a method.
I will agree with you that some of the facets of siege fire in this game are a bit ridiculous (firing catas at gates to take out rams on the other side being one of my favorites), but as you said that’s in Anet’s hands, not ours.
SBI zerg is strong tonight! Nothing like destroying some SBI in a 3v3 only to have the zerg come and wash over us.
Mmmmmmm I felt the love as I had SBI players jumping on my corpse. I love you too.
That’s some witty retorts right there, [XOXO]. Wake me up when you got something good? I’ll be napping behind my Arrow Cart.
@ arty boy.. just because you can’t kill us. Doesn’t mean we run bunker spec. Let the arrowcart cool down for a week or two and learn the game.
Bunker..lol……..L2p ..
OMG continue to answer in this way XOXO, so hilarious!
10(bunker) v 5 such a fair game & l2p issue but when you get wiped by a zerg you call it “1 smashing”….
You people are like the living irony hahaha
But its okay, keep living inside your small bubble of self-righteousness, you’re that kind of kid who still feel special and different! oh you shiny spark <3
Yes we run 10 bunker spec groups. We choose our teams from the 199 people in the guild we have on at any given time. We also spend all of our spare time flash building superior balistas in the open feild. If you don’t have the + supply traits you can not group with us. If you dont have ++++ to siege you can not group with us, if you don’t have 3k armor and 28k hps you cannot group with us. We only pvdoor, we see real PvP we hide and man the arrowcarts. We use 3 groups at times for super tough yaks. If we get frisky we really push the limits and attempt to bind our keys and play without clicking.
There you go arty boy. I finish your story. lil zergling , enjoy!
Nah I think XOXOs rotation goes something more like….
“We sit at SW sentry and camp we wipe some uplevels…”
10min later the same
20min later the same
“we place some siege in fail spots” (killed by bay siege)
“we still camp uplevels”
“we move to cap more camps”
“go to N camp.”
“we wipe”
“we gone”
the joys of being a scout is that I have a really good idea of what is going in all the map kid ^ ^ but that’s okay, invent whatever you want, kinda hard to burst that ego bubble of yours anyways
You guys should really start a new WvW concept… camp rushers!
Hide yo kids hide yo wife cause XOXO is comin’ 4 ur camps!
(edited by Art.9820)
Everyone tries to compete with xoxo and friends.. and yet no one can take them down. too cute
You guys cant outroll them outsmart them or outplay them. just stop you guys embarass this game
(edited by KTDannyCZ.2910)
Everyone tries to compete with xoxo and friends.. and yet no one can take them down. too cute
You guys cant outroll them outsmart them or outplay them. just stop you guys embarass this game
Oh you still here… I have an idea why don’t you go post that video of yours under WvW Discussion just to see how people react to it? XD pretty please!
Hey! just a warning… don’t get your expectations too high!
Come on! time to show off your pr0z ubb3R sKillzZz!!!
Yesterdays jazzy jazz goin down. I love watching the other servers ketten-talk but fail to back it up. Ignore the badness in this vid.. I forgot how to theef obviously
Yea…. because everyone is very egocentric and we have this “weird” need & urge to record ourselves to show it off lol
Wow Danny must be like the first person to ever record himself playing a video game.. How very “egocentric” of you Danny, you must be a horrible person.
yup the thin line between sharing and showing off
Fun video of [One] trolling around, starring our morning crew.
You NSP guys are persistent as all hell!
Now this is what I acknowledge as “recording for fun” lol, man now that I think of… I wish I had recorded yesterday’s NSP fail, 25 NSP against 10 of us in a T2 tower and they all died at the gate haha it was epic
Now you should learn something and actually include your failures
but I guess you gotta eat, ego ego ego ego nomnomnom
Ill bite ole Arty boy,
Watching some of both videos. Dannys video shows reaction and skill vers other players. you have to think as you fight and know what your fighting or you fail.
Chris’s video shows nothing more then stacking up and mashing Aoe’s inside of mobs of red. Not caring what the situation is or reacting to nothing, just MASH MASH MASH.
Im not even sure i understand how people play this way. I like to read and react to people trying to use different builds and strategy’s in a smaller scale setting.
Step away from your zerg, you will learn your class and be a better player for it.
that is all , ty.
Haha because I zerg a lot buddy… you seem to know me very well! I think you missed where I said 10v25 thought…. or maybe just ignored it for convenience? oh well who knows…. but yeah the thing is that I have enoyed killing most of xoxos in wvw
seems like you guys can only hold in bunker groups, so please don’t come here and act like you’re really skilled xD that is just hilarious when it comes to 1v1 you are awfully bad you are way to dependable of your bunkers builds….. but hey! in the end you guys manage to cap camps…. attaboy!
I didn’t miss the part where you said 10v25 you also aid you were hiding in a tower so grats for out arrow carting some random NSP players.
Everyone tries to compete with xoxo and friends.. and yet no one can take them down. too cute
You guys cant outroll them outsmart them or outplay them. just stop you guys embarass this game
Oh you still here… I have an idea why don’t you go post that video of yours under WvW Discussion just to see how people react to it? XD pretty please!
Hey! just a warning… don’t get your expectations too high!
Come on! time to show off your pr0z ubb3R sKillzZz!!!
You talk so big but cant back up anything.. All you do is criticize. How about this.. You get 4 of the best players you know, ill get any random 4 of mine.. and then i lol and make a vid of it
@ arty boy.. just because you can’t kill us. Doesn’t mean we run bunker spec. Let the arrowcart cool down for a week or two and learn the game.
Bunker..lol……..L2p ..
OMG continue to answer in this way XOXO, so hilarious!
10(bunker) v 5 such a fair game & l2p issue but when you get wiped by a zerg you call it “1 smashing”….
You people are like the living irony hahaha
But its okay, keep living inside your small bubble of self-righteousness, you’re that kind of kid who still feel special and different! oh you shiny spark <3
Yes we run 10 bunker spec groups. We choose our teams from the 199 people in the guild we have on at any given time. We also spend all of our spare time flash building superior balistas in the open feild. If you don’t have the + supply traits you can not group with us. If you dont have ++++ to siege you can not group with us, if you don’t have 3k armor and 28k hps you cannot group with us. We only pvdoor, we see real PvP we hide and man the arrowcarts. We use 3 groups at times for super tough yaks. If we get frisky we really push the limits and attempt to bind our keys and play without clicking.
There you go arty boy. I finish your story. lil zergling , enjoy!
Nah I think XOXOs rotation goes something more like….
“We sit at SW sentry and camp we wipe some uplevels…”
10min later the same
20min later the same
“we place some siege in fail spots” (killed by bay siege)
“we still camp uplevels”
“we move to cap more camps”
“go to N camp.”
“we wipe”
“we gone”the joys of being a scout is that I have a really good idea of what is going in all the map kid ^ ^ but that’s okay, invent whatever you want, kinda hard to burst that ego bubble of yours anyways
You guys should really start a new WvW concept… camp rushers!
Hide yo kids hide yo wife cause XOXO is comin’ 4 ur camps!
The last 10+ pieces of siege I have placed down have been in this match up. That is true. But my placement has been perfect. I toss siege on baddies after they get the stomp/sit.
Have you been covered with my glorious siege spam ? Maybe this is what gives birth to your feminine emo side of delusion.
Sigh… you guys keep dodging the bullet…
I’m done… just silly talk
Sorry if any yakr or nsp feelt offended or uncomfortable with my statements (except for xoxo, of course) and to that zerg who wiped at our tower I’m sure you guys are trying to learn and that is something to respect or maybe you are new to the game cuz of the trial but as you can see people fail to generalize and it happened to me u_u and others for sure lol, I’m sure you have nice people over there <3
See you on the battlefield
again… my bad! I couldn’t resist :/
Good fights tonight, BV.
NSP begging for their map to get flipped? Don’t know. But if so, it worked.
SBI I dont know if really happened but yesterday before patch kicked us from wvw I think you guys were rushing yaks hills with golems if I’m right… geez that is just bad luck :/ lucky for us thought!
Lmao, found this video from an NSP guy from last night.
Way funny.
Good show splt/spca/yui
To be honest, we disrupted and interfered with both servers so much last night that I’m not at all surprised they started chasing us down with that many . Up until that point the fights last night were good!
(edited by Glaeser.8015)
SBI I dont know if really happened but yesterday before patch kicked us from wvw I think you guys were rushing yaks hills with golems if I’m right… geez that is just bad luck :/ lucky for us thought!
Yeah, I was commanding for that one. Built 2 Omegas/4 Alphas with a small group of maybe 10 and walked right into YB Hills completely unopposed. We made it to the inner gate and had just started knocking when we were all booted from WvW. Not the first time it’s happened, and undoubtedly not the last either. But I can’t complain…we’ve been on the other side of those situations as well, where 30 seconds more and we would have lost our keep.
Maybe next time!!
Dear Yaks bend, I am giving my seige away. Come n get it!
Serving a bl near you.
Dear Yaks bend, I am giving my seige away. Come n get it!
Serving a bl near you.
The blood god accepts your offerings.
What was that Dank? they do this? Primarily at 0:01 and 1:12-1:20
G.G FoW you tried
Oh and 1 more
(edited by KTDannyCZ.2910)
Lmao, found this video from an NSP guy from last night.
Way funny.
And this is why we just can’t have nice things. Now go stand in time out. All 9,000 of you!
In class looking at the live map
The more I look at it, the more I feel like salvaging what I can from that pve gold sink. Come back next week with 100g worth of golems.
(edited by Kokurai.7258)
Oh and 1 more
I don’t get it… You 2v1 a dude and he got away. Impressive!
All i know about XOXO is all I’ve ever seen is mesmers and thieves that kitten about fair fights… If hypocrisy was a crime, they’d be on death row!
EDIT: However they are very good at focus firing random stragglers and posting on the forums that they are constantly wrecking groups.
Oh and 1 more
I don’t get it… You 2v1 a dude and he got away. Impressive!
All i know about XOXO is all I’ve ever seen is mesmers and thieves that kitten about fair fights… If hypocrisy was a crime, they’d be on death row!
EDIT: However they are very good at focus firing random stragglers and posting on the forums that they are constantly wrecking groups.
Oh my yes i was TOTALLY showing off the fact that we 2v1’d a guy because i knocked him off the cliff.. not at all the part where he runs across the entire map in 2 seconds.. no not that at all
Oh and 1 more
I don’t get it… You 2v1 a dude and he got away. Impressive!
All i know about XOXO is all I’ve ever seen is mesmers and thieves that kitten about fair fights… If hypocrisy was a crime, they’d be on death row!
EDIT: However they are very good at focus firing random stragglers and posting on the forums that they are constantly wrecking groups.
Oh my yes i was TOTALLY showing off the fact that we 2v1’d a guy because i knocked him off the cliff.. not at all the part where he runs across the entire map in 2 seconds.. no not that at all
kitten my bad brotato! I was concentrating too kitten the 2v1 to even notice. Yeah def looks like a hack.
kitten we must be super beast beating SBI with hacks! WOOOOOO
Oh and 1 more
I don’t get it… You 2v1 a dude and he got away. Impressive!
All i know about XOXO is all I’ve ever seen is mesmers and thieves that kitten about fair fights… If hypocrisy was a crime, they’d be on death row!
EDIT: However they are very good at focus firing random stragglers and posting on the forums that they are constantly wrecking groups.
Oh my yes i was TOTALLY showing off the fact that we 2v1’d a guy because i knocked him off the cliff.. not at all the part where he runs across the entire map in 2 seconds.. no not that at all
kitten my bad brotato! I was concentrating too kitten the 2v1 to even notice. Yeah def looks like a hack.
kitten we must be super beast beating SBI with hacks! WOOOOOO
I cant tell how many chromosomes you are missing.. somewhere between 3-5 at minimum. It was merely a clip of a hacker. I am still waiting for you to decide to fight us instead of making poor excuses. pathetic
Oh and 1 more
I don’t get it… You 2v1 a dude and he got away. Impressive!
All i know about XOXO is all I’ve ever seen is mesmers and thieves that kitten about fair fights… If hypocrisy was a crime, they’d be on death row!
EDIT: However they are very good at focus firing random stragglers and posting on the forums that they are constantly wrecking groups.
Oh my yes i was TOTALLY showing off the fact that we 2v1’d a guy because i knocked him off the cliff.. not at all the part where he runs across the entire map in 2 seconds.. no not that at all
kitten my bad brotato! I was concentrating too kitten the 2v1 to even notice. Yeah def looks like a hack.
kitten we must be super beast beating SBI with hacks! WOOOOOO
I cant tell how many chromosomes you are missing.. somewhere between 3-5 at minimum. It was merely a clip of a hacker. I am still waiting for you to decide to fight us instead of making poor excuses. pathetic
WOT are you talking about? Who’s decision to fight who?
Nova vs any of us.. Offer still stands
Nova vs any of us.. Offer still stands
I don’t duel people who listen to that kind of terrible music in your videos. I’m sorry!
Pandora will be pandora.
Excuses will be excuses.
Baddies will be bad.
Chromosomes will be missing.
Thats a poem i wrote for you.
What was that Dank? they do this? Primarily at 0:01 and 1:12-1:20
G.G FoW you tried
Oh and 1 more
Second clip just looks like Norn racial snow leopard to me.
Edit: On second glance it looks like he stealthed > ported somehow > then sprinted away. Interesting.
Edit 2: Never mind, it looks like a legit stealth > leap > sprint with the elite.
(edited by Glaeser.8015)
What was that Dank? they do this? Primarily at 0:01 and 1:12-1:20
G.G FoW you tried
Oh and 1 more
Second clip just looks like Norn racial snow leopard to me.
Can they go that far/fast? Ive never seen it before.. maybe its time to make a norn necro
Pandora will be pandora.
Excuses will be excuses.
Baddies will be bad.
Chromosomes will be missing.
Thats a poem i wrote for you.
U so mad bro.
Have a Perrier sparling mineral water and cool off!
I can’t squeeze you in for a duel because we’re too busy winning. No need to concern yourself. This week is really SBI vs YB. No one even knows why you’re here.
Pandora will be pandora.
Excuses will be excuses.
Baddies will be bad.
Chromosomes will be missing.
Thats a poem i wrote for you.
U so mad bro.
Have a Perrier sparling mineral water and cool off!
I can’t squeeze you in for a duel because we’re too busy winning. No need to concern yourself. This week is really SBI vs YB. No one even knows why you’re here.
Oh yeah i forgot.. you guys actually care about score. You would think that if you were winning then you have time to slack off. Nope too srs.. My poem will probably make me famous and rich
Stealth and then that sprint will cover a ridiculous amount of ground. You sprint longer and farther if you keep holding the ability down.
When he disappears at the end he might have gone out of combat for a waypoint. Since it covers so much ground you will get OOC pretty quickly after using the sprint.
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