10/18: JQ/SoR/BG (Gold League Round 1)
Sorry to bring this to the forum and not a guild leader or something, but BG, I’m not sure if you’re aware but one of your players was hacking on JQBL at around 0410 server time. He was in an Omega in our NE tower hitting our gate from inside the wall, then hitting the wall from inside the wall, and then teleported up to in front of lords room and began destroying our siege. none of our guards were killed, none of our walls or gate was taken down. I hope you can find this guy and report him. I’m not blaming all of BG for it happening, the actions of one does not reflect the actions of all in these situations. Just please try to find this guy to prevent it from happening in the future.
Yes we are all aware of this happening and we are all actively reporting him on our side as well for making us look like kittens we at BG do not support this kind of crap <3
Also; to all the peeps on BGBL thank for an epic night!! Awesome fights all around. Can’t wait to see what the rest of the week hold for us
I never believe to ever say that after the weeks of rivalry with BG starting all the way from the lower tiers, but, props and respect for calling out against your own hackers.
Unlike JQ currently trying to accuse its competition of hacking (on a known issue caused by server lag) when they take the portals laid by hacking mesmers.
Sorta sad the amount of times HL had people in our NW tower with gates/walls intact and they chose to clear siege rather than jump out.
Its an obvious accident.
By the way thanks for your donation of garrison, and good luck trying to take back so much as a camp on your own BL.
AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! HAHAHA!!!! oh man.. an accident? and what about the 3rd time? yes? then what about the 4th time? hahaha an accident? lol.. i’m amazed you have time to write on the forums while you’re busy glitching into towers to clear our siege =) Instead of lying on the forums to cover your exploits(even though we have screen shots and recordings of you doing it) how about you go back to picking up BG’s leftovers in the 2v1
Youre an idiot. Multiple people made it into the tower and all you hear is TS are people laughing at how ridiculous this kitten is. This is also a known bug, just because it happened to you and not the other way around doesnt automatically mean its an exploit kiddo.
Way to go.
So using a “bug” to get into someone elses tower without breaking through the walls/door isn’t considered and exploit? are you mental? do you know what an exploit is? let me help you. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=what+is+a+video+game+exploit%3F&l=1 copy that link, paste that link, learn something new.
“Using a bug”
Did we exploit the bug? Nope. We ran out of the tower and proceeded to capture it the right way. We didnt touch the lords room at all, we took it the fair way. Thanks come again.
Maybe you should focus on taking your BL back rather than Pvkitten.
HAHAHAH!!! so in your first post you clearly state that there are multiple people on TS SAYING how easy it is to exploit, then you use that exploit to clear our siege, and now you’re denying that you exploited? WOW! all within 2 posts lol so glad to see the integrity of your guild =) you don’t even deny that you exploit, you’re amazing never change <3
Cant tell if trolling, or actually mentally handicapped.
Yes, people on TeamSpeak made remarks about how often it happened and how by just manmoding the gate as we sometimes do players would somehow accidentally walk through the gate. But hey guess what they did? They ran out of the tower immediately. Guess what JQ DIDNT do? They didnt run out of our garrison when the hacker portaled them in. They didnt kindly just not kill the lord and cap it. They didnt take it with honor. Theres a difference between accidents, and intention.
The amount of winners in this thread…
haha right right, jumping out of NW tower.. after you killed all our siege on your 4th attempt? that’s honorable? hahaha you mad because you failed to sweep your garri properly? see the difference is we actually are honorable, we don’t need to exploit in order to win, and you see what happens when you try to fight us fair? we take back our garrison =) and what was that you were saying earlier about not being able to take back so much as a camp on our BL? hmmm…
Well this is awkward watch the video above to see the half wall-half asuran Mesmer from SG
Sorta sad the amount of times HL had people in our NW tower with gates/walls intact and they chose to clear siege rather than jump out.
Its an obvious accident.
By the way thanks for your donation of garrison, and good luck trying to take back so much as a camp on your own BL.
AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! HAHAHA!!!! oh man.. an accident? and what about the 3rd time? yes? then what about the 4th time? hahaha an accident? lol.. i’m amazed you have time to write on the forums while you’re busy glitching into towers to clear our siege =) Instead of lying on the forums to cover your exploits(even though we have screen shots and recordings of you doing it) how about you go back to picking up BG’s leftovers in the 2v1
Youre an idiot. Multiple people made it into the tower and all you hear is TS are people laughing at how ridiculous this kitten is. This is also a known bug, just because it happened to you and not the other way around doesnt automatically mean its an exploit kiddo.
Way to go.
So using a “bug” to get into someone elses tower without breaking through the walls/door isn’t considered and exploit? are you mental? do you know what an exploit is? let me help you. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=what+is+a+video+game+exploit%3F&l=1 copy that link, paste that link, learn something new.
“Using a bug”
Did we exploit the bug? Nope. We ran out of the tower and proceeded to capture it the right way. We didnt touch the lords room at all, we took it the fair way. Thanks come again.
Maybe you should focus on taking your BL back rather than Pvkitten.
HAHAHAH!!! so in your first post you clearly state that there are multiple people on TS SAYING how easy it is to exploit, then you use that exploit to clear our siege, and now you’re denying that you exploited? WOW! all within 2 posts lol so glad to see the integrity of your guild =) you don’t even deny that you exploit, you’re amazing never change <3
Cant tell if trolling, or actually mentally handicapped.
Yes, people on TeamSpeak made remarks about how often it happened and how by just manmoding the gate as we sometimes do players would somehow accidentally walk through the gate. But hey guess what they did? They ran out of the tower immediately. Guess what JQ DIDNT do? They didnt run out of our garrison when the hacker portaled them in. They didnt kindly just not kill the lord and cap it. They didnt take it with honor. Theres a difference between accidents, and intention.
The amount of winners in this thread…
haha right right, jumping out of NW tower.. after you killed all our siege on your 4th attempt? that’s honorable? hahaha you mad because you failed to sweep your garri properly? see the difference is we actually are honorable, we don’t need to exploit in order to win, and you see what happens when you try to fight us fair? we take back our garrison =) and what was that you were saying earlier about not being able to take back so much as a camp on our BL? hmmm…
Did you watch the video? lol…
Sorta sad the amount of times HL had people in our NW tower with gates/walls intact and they chose to clear siege rather than jump out.
Its an obvious accident.
By the way thanks for your donation of garrison, and good luck trying to take back so much as a camp on your own BL.
AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! HAHAHA!!!! oh man.. an accident? and what about the 3rd time? yes? then what about the 4th time? hahaha an accident? lol.. i’m amazed you have time to write on the forums while you’re busy glitching into towers to clear our siege =) Instead of lying on the forums to cover your exploits(even though we have screen shots and recordings of you doing it) how about you go back to picking up BG’s leftovers in the 2v1
Youre an idiot. Multiple people made it into the tower and all you hear is TS are people laughing at how ridiculous this kitten is. This is also a known bug, just because it happened to you and not the other way around doesnt automatically mean its an exploit kiddo.
Way to go.
So using a “bug” to get into someone elses tower without breaking through the walls/door isn’t considered and exploit? are you mental? do you know what an exploit is? let me help you. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=what+is+a+video+game+exploit%3F&l=1 copy that link, paste that link, learn something new.
“Using a bug”
Did we exploit the bug? Nope. We ran out of the tower and proceeded to capture it the right way. We didnt touch the lords room at all, we took it the fair way. Thanks come again.
Maybe you should focus on taking your BL back rather than Pvkitten.
The fact we had no siege to defend it the last attempt had nothing to do with it? You mean the fact that you clear siege when you guys came thru the gate the first few times? Got it you took it legit cleared siege previous hacks thru.
Hey, at least they went back out and took it the normal way, unlike JQ guilds simply taking things that way. Better learn to complain more about things your own server-mates are abusing less than those you accuse.
Wait wait you took it legit? Clearing the siege with a hack and then taking it later is pretty much the same as taking it using a hack. I don’t even know what to say.
Oh so you are someone who levels false accusations against groups of players. Good to know, I should never have responded, thought you might have a legitimate complaint.
Your right you were never in NW tower my apologies
Proof is in the pudding.When he says false accusations he means the destroying siege part, not accidently glitching into towers. Nobody is disputing that.
I think.
Na, I was actually messing with him for his careless use of pronouns in a previous response where he honestly did state that he didn’t believe his own accusations weren’t legit in a post, if someone took the pronouns to mean one thing rather than their intended meaning.
I don’t actually know, an HL member have been exploiting just as an SG member may have as well but getting the respective sides to admit that on this forum is pointless. I was just trolling Stei because he was an easy target.
haha right right, jumping out of NW tower.. after you killed all our siege on your 4th attempt? that’s honorable? hahaha you mad because you failed to sweep your garri properly? see the difference is we actually are honorable, we don’t need to exploit in order to win, and you see what happens when you try to fight us fair? we take back our garrison =) and what was that you were saying earlier about not being able to take back so much as a camp on our BL? hmmm…
Just wondering. Are you guys arguing about this tower? Are you complaining about people taking out siege like this mesmer is doing? I mean this guy climbed the stairs and instead of jumping out immediately decided to go around to the other side of the tower and take out ac’s. Coincidence that it’s [SG] again?
Sanctum of Rall
(edited by yourGoD.3481)
Don’t think anyone even has respect for SG anymore.
Scrub D/D Ele. What’s server loyalty?
lol, that same mesmer … again?
This was recorded around 1 month ago after JQ ported into inner after we did a thorough sweep, so I decided to turn FRAPS on for the second sweep once we took it back. This lasted for a good 10+ minutes
The mesmer who hacked into our garrison and multiple keeps in the past is Deja Vü [DJM.1450] from the server Jade Quarry in the guild [SG] Shadow Gypsies. Took garry around 12-1 EST.
Rank 80 sPvP
Champion Phantom
haha right right, jumping out of NW tower.. after you killed all our siege on your 4th attempt? that’s honorable? hahaha you mad because you failed to sweep your garri properly? see the difference is we actually are honorable, we don’t need to exploit in order to win, and you see what happens when you try to fight us fair? we take back our garrison =) and what was that you were saying earlier about not being able to take back so much as a camp on our BL? hmmm…
Just wondering. Are you guys arguing about this tower? Are you complaining about people taking out siege like this mesmer is doing? I mean this guy climbed the stairs and instead of jumping out immediately decided to go around to the other side of the tower and take out ac’s. Coincidence that it’s [SG] again?
They’ve just renamed to [SG] Shady Gypsies
Don’t think anyone even has respect for SG anymore.
I may not particularly like the Shadow Gypsies but denouncing them for the alleged actions of one of their members is a bit extreme. Every guild will have a bad apple show up, sometimes there is nothing to talk about and sometime the forums go into a feeding frenzy. Please try to refrain from broad denunciations and don’t use to much firewood on the witches.
Sorta sad the amount of times HL had people in our NW tower with gates/walls intact and they chose to clear siege rather than jump out.
Its an obvious accident.
By the way thanks for your donation of garrison, and good luck trying to take back so much as a camp on your own BL.
AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! HAHAHA!!!! oh man.. an accident? and what about the 3rd time? yes? then what about the 4th time? hahaha an accident? lol.. i’m amazed you have time to write on the forums while you’re busy glitching into towers to clear our siege =) Instead of lying on the forums to cover your exploits(even though we have screen shots and recordings of you doing it) how about you go back to picking up BG’s leftovers in the 2v1
Youre an idiot. Multiple people made it into the tower and all you hear is TS are people laughing at how ridiculous this kitten is. This is also a known bug, just because it happened to you and not the other way around doesnt automatically mean its an exploit kiddo.
Way to go.
So using a “bug” to get into someone elses tower without breaking through the walls/door isn’t considered and exploit? are you mental? do you know what an exploit is? let me help you. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=what+is+a+video+game+exploit%3F&l=1 copy that link, paste that link, learn something new.
“Using a bug”
Did we exploit the bug? Nope. We ran out of the tower and proceeded to capture it the right way. We didnt touch the lords room at all, we took it the fair way. Thanks come again.
Maybe you should focus on taking your BL back rather than Pvkitten.
HAHAHAH!!! so in your first post you clearly state that there are multiple people on TS SAYING how easy it is to exploit, then you use that exploit to clear our siege, and now you’re denying that you exploited? WOW! all within 2 posts lol so glad to see the integrity of your guild =) you don’t even deny that you exploit, you’re amazing never change <3
Cant tell if trolling, or actually mentally handicapped.
Yes, people on TeamSpeak made remarks about how often it happened and how by just manmoding the gate as we sometimes do players would somehow accidentally walk through the gate. But hey guess what they did? They ran out of the tower immediately. Guess what JQ DIDNT do? They didnt run out of our garrison when the hacker portaled them in. They didnt kindly just not kill the lord and cap it. They didnt take it with honor. Theres a difference between accidents, and intention.
The amount of winners in this thread…
haha right right, jumping out of NW tower.. after you killed all our siege on your 4th attempt? that’s honorable? hahaha you mad because you failed to sweep your garri properly? see the difference is we actually are honorable, we don’t need to exploit in order to win, and you see what happens when you try to fight us fair? we take back our garrison =) and what was that you were saying earlier about not being able to take back so much as a camp on our BL? hmmm…
Did you watch the video? lol…
yes i did, it’s a video from a month ago and if he did use any portals to get players into that keep then he’ll be gkicked and reported. The video shows a mesmer in a wall, that’s it, it doesn’t show him porting people, it doesn’t show him killing guards or clearing siege. he might have gotten stuck by accident as HL keeps claiming for themselves. The video doesn’t actually show him doing anything except being in a wall, meanwhile we have proof of SoR exploiting to clear our siege, we have proof that BG had a mesmer in a omega hacking into our tower clearing siege and trying to take down our gates and walls. What does that video prove? that a mesmer got stuck in a wall? If you have proof that he actually ported people in then please present it so we can get him reported and gkicked.
LOL @ EB tonight. Makes no sense but whatever.
[KnT] – Blackgate
LOL @ EB tonight. Makes no sense but whatever.
wait people were able to get into EB? I think I saw more people complaining about the queues on EB today than i’ve ever seen in GW2 lol.
LOL @ EB tonight. Makes no sense but whatever.
wait people were able to get into EB? I think I saw more people complaining about the queues on EB today than i’ve ever seen in GW2 lol.
Queue wasnt bad for us at all tonight. I waited about an hour and got to ninja JQ Garri while i was waiting. /tease
[KnT] – Blackgate
yes i did, it’s a video from a month ago and if he did use any portals to get players into that keep then he’ll be gkicked and reported. The video shows a mesmer in a wall, that’s it, it doesn’t show him porting people, it doesn’t show him killing guards or clearing siege. he might have gotten stuck by accident as HL keeps claiming for themselves. The video doesn’t actually show him doing anything except being in a wall, meanwhile we have proof of SoR exploiting to clear our siege, we have proof that BG had a mesmer in a omega hacking into our tower clearing siege and trying to take down our gates and walls. What does that video prove? that a mesmer got stuck in a wall? If you have proof that he actually ported people in then please present it so we can get him reported and gkicked.
As far as I can tell, there is no “accidentally” glitching under hills lord room. Especially when your teammates haven’t even reached the outer yet, lol. Glitching through tower gates is a known bug, I think we can all agree on that. Glitching under a keep is not. There is no glitch that will put you under hills. Only hacks. EVEN THEN, the Mesmer refuses to WP/suicide/log out. In fact, he stays there for 3 minutes in the video, and allegedly 10+ minutes according to the poster of the video. FURTHERMORE, there is a picture of the same, said Mesmer, glitching into ANZ inside a wall that has not been known to clip players inside of it, nor can players “glitch” inside of that wall. Also, in ALL 5 incidents, it is the exact same Mesmer. Does SG only have one pro Mesmer, that just happens to accidentally glitch into spots that cannot be glitched into? Who happens to be seen by many people in multiple incidents who claim to have physically seen him hacking, not “accidentally” glitching under a keep.
And this “proof” of HL breaking siege? You mean 4 pictures of an HL guy inside a tower, and what seems like him heading towards the edge to jump out? Why did the poster not take a screenshot of HL guy destroying siege? You want me to believe one guardian, who most likely has kitten DPS, killed all their siege without anyone taking a screenshot of it?
Not to mention said poster who took screenshots claims to have been watching the “greendot” of the SG mesmer inside hills honorably hiding inside, when same said Mesmer has been, on two occasions, caught hacking inside walls/under keeps, even after FEAR did a thorough sweep of hills(BTW, there aren’t many places to hide inside hills). Obviously, if you haven’t figured it out yet, that person is probably providing false information. That in itself already discredits the claims of screenshot poster’s accusations.
Need I say more?
(edited by Doomdesire.9365)
Sorta sad the amount of times HL had people in our NW tower with gates/walls intact and they chose to clear siege rather than jump out.
Its an obvious accident.
By the way thanks for your donation of garrison, and good luck trying to take back so much as a camp on your own BL.
AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! HAHAHA!!!! oh man.. an accident? and what about the 3rd time? yes? then what about the 4th time? hahaha an accident? lol.. i’m amazed you have time to write on the forums while you’re busy glitching into towers to clear our siege =) Instead of lying on the forums to cover your exploits(even though we have screen shots and recordings of you doing it) how about you go back to picking up BG’s leftovers in the 2v1
Youre an idiot. Multiple people made it into the tower and all you hear is TS are people laughing at how ridiculous this kitten is. This is also a known bug, just because it happened to you and not the other way around doesnt automatically mean its an exploit kiddo.
Way to go.
So using a “bug” to get into someone elses tower without breaking through the walls/door isn’t considered and exploit? are you mental? do you know what an exploit is? let me help you. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=what+is+a+video+game+exploit%3F&l=1 copy that link, paste that link, learn something new.
“Using a bug”
Did we exploit the bug? Nope. We ran out of the tower and proceeded to capture it the right way. We didnt touch the lords room at all, we took it the fair way. Thanks come again.
Maybe you should focus on taking your BL back rather than Pvkitten.
HAHAHAH!!! so in your first post you clearly state that there are multiple people on TS SAYING how easy it is to exploit, then you use that exploit to clear our siege, and now you’re denying that you exploited? WOW! all within 2 posts lol so glad to see the integrity of your guild =) you don’t even deny that you exploit, you’re amazing never change <3
Cant tell if trolling, or actually mentally handicapped.
Yes, people on TeamSpeak made remarks about how often it happened and how by just manmoding the gate as we sometimes do players would somehow accidentally walk through the gate. But hey guess what they did? They ran out of the tower immediately. Guess what JQ DIDNT do? They didnt run out of our garrison when the hacker portaled them in. They didnt kindly just not kill the lord and cap it. They didnt take it with honor. Theres a difference between accidents, and intention.
The amount of winners in this thread…
haha right right, jumping out of NW tower.. after you killed all our siege on your 4th attempt? that’s honorable? hahaha you mad because you failed to sweep your garri properly? see the difference is we actually are honorable, we don’t need to exploit in order to win, and you see what happens when you try to fight us fair? we take back our garrison =) and what was that you were saying earlier about not being able to take back so much as a camp on our BL? hmmm…
Did you watch the video? lol…
yes i did, it’s a video from a month ago and if he did use any portals to get players into that keep then he’ll be gkicked and reported. The video shows a mesmer in a wall, that’s it, it doesn’t show him porting people, it doesn’t show him killing guards or clearing siege. he might have gotten stuck by accident as HL keeps claiming for themselves. The video doesn’t actually show him doing anything except being in a wall, meanwhile we have proof of SoR exploiting to clear our siege, we have proof that BG had a mesmer in a omega hacking into our tower clearing siege and trying to take down our gates and walls. What does that video prove? that a mesmer got stuck in a wall? If you have proof that he actually ported people in then please present it so we can get him reported and gkicked.
Oh boy, we need to help this poor SG mesmer, poor thing keeps mysteriously getting trapped inside walls numerous times right before objectives flip.
(edited by Mjrnx.2483)
Due to the favourable draw that was handed to JQ, I propose that we keep them in 3rd place whenever possible, to try and make the league closer and more interesting
Once the weekdays start, their stacked SEA will kick in
SoR is either lacking the common sense to do so or is blinded by hatred.
New bunker meta sux
Keep in mind that calls by only one server to try and institute a 2v1 on another usually backfires in that it kitten es off the people targeted and also makes the second party to want to spite you. We’ll try and show respect if you do – keep the vitriol to the minimum please.
lol i didn’t say help him, I said provide actual proof of him doing the act you all claim of him. Provide proof of him in the act and we can get him gkicked and reported. If you provide proof of him in the act i’ll personally take it the guild leader of SG. Simple as that, don’t speculate on what “he might have done because he was there” show us proof that he portaled a JQ zerg inside or destroyed siege/killed guards inside and i’ll bring it to SG to make sure it gets taken care of. We don’t like being accused of exploiting any more then the rest of you. That’s why I’m not blaiming entire servers for the misdeeds on an individual. I’m calling out the HL commander that exploited our NW tower 4 times, and the BG mesmer that took an omega on a joyride through our walls at NE tower, that’s it.
Due to the favourable draw that was handed to JQ, I propose that we keep them in 3rd place whenever possible, to try and make the league closer and more interesting
Once the weekdays start, their stacked SEA will kick in
SoR is either lacking the common sense to do so or is blinded by hatred.
We don’t because our past experiences with 2v1ing JQ always results in BG golem rushing our T3 keep while we’re inside JQ’s keep. Happened twice today in BG BL, that’s why we 2v1’d BG garri with JQ(wasn’t a golem rush, but equally annoying). It’s an effective tactic, but horrible map politic planning for the future.
(edited by Doomdesire.9365)
Due to the favourable draw that was handed to JQ, I propose that we keep them in 3rd place whenever possible, to try and make the league closer and more interesting
Once the weekdays start, their stacked SEA will kick in
SoR is either lacking the common sense to do so or is blinded by hatred.
We don’t because our past experiences with 2v1ing JQ always results in BG golem rushing our T3 keep while we’re inside JQ’s keep. Happened twice today in BG BL, that’s why we 2v1’d BG garri with JQ.
Our experience with BG has been the same. Guildie once described BG as that guy who hits on your girlfriend while you’re in the bathroom
Jade Quarry
Onslaught [OnS]
lol i didn’t say help him, I said provide actual proof of him doing the act you all claim of him. Provide proof of him in the act and we can get him gkicked and reported. If you provide proof of him in the act i’ll personally take it the guild leader of SG. Simple as that, don’t speculate on what “he might have done because he was there” show us proof that he portaled a JQ zerg inside or destroyed siege/killed guards inside and i’ll bring it to SG to make sure it gets taken care of. We don’t like being accused of exploiting any more then the rest of you. That’s why I’m not blaiming entire servers for the misdeeds on an individual. I’m calling out the HL commander that exploited our NW tower 4 times, and the BG mesmer that took an omega on a joyride through our walls at NE tower, that’s it.
How do you suppose someone accidentally glitches under the lords room of Hills, without even breaking through outer? And why doesn’t he leave even after allegedly 10+ minutes?
Hacking under a keep is not enough to gkick and report? Just take actions against him already. We all know he’s a hacker/glitcher. Nobody is bashing JQ, every server has their bad apples, but take care of it already, seriously.
Due to the favourable draw that was handed to JQ, I propose that we keep them in 3rd place whenever possible, to try and make the league closer and more interesting
Once the weekdays start, their stacked SEA will kick in
SoR is either lacking the common sense to do so or is blinded by hatred.
We don’t because our past experiences with 2v1ing JQ always results in BG golem rushing our T3 keep while we’re inside JQ’s keep. Happened twice today in BG BL, that’s why we 2v1’d BG garri with JQ(wasn’t a golem rush, but equally annoying).
If you are on a BG borderland you helping to attack us so why should we not take our things back?? The simple fact is that if SoR want’s to win then JQ needs to hit last place at least 1 time and 2 times if possible.
We have no choice, but to respond to you attacking our borderland with force. Same as you would do to us.
That is not all. IF SoR can beat BG and take first week after week they will still be stuck in a situation where BG becomes Kingmaker. IF SoR want’s to win they have to play nice with BG more then BG have to play nice with SoR.
(edited by Waage.2047)
lol i didn’t say help him, I said provide actual proof of him doing the act you all claim of him. Provide proof of him in the act and we can get him gkicked and reported. If you provide proof of him in the act i’ll personally take it the guild leader of SG. Simple as that, don’t speculate on what “he might have done because he was there” show us proof that he portaled a JQ zerg inside or destroyed siege/killed guards inside and i’ll bring it to SG to make sure it gets taken care of. We don’t like being accused of exploiting any more then the rest of you. That’s why I’m not blaiming entire servers for the misdeeds on an individual. I’m calling out the HL commander that exploited our NW tower 4 times, and the BG mesmer that took an omega on a joyride through our walls at NE tower, that’s it.
Anyone can glitch into that tower with a simple leap skill.
As for that BG mesmer, even BG people are trying to ban him.
Whether or not its true or not, FEAR, you should probably take to heart that people would be a lot more inclined to believe you if you weren’t known as probably the most sketchy guild out of the entire top 3 servers.
All Hail CuddleStrike! Undisputed Empress of Tier 1!
Controlled by CuddleStrike!
Due to the favourable draw that was handed to JQ, I propose that we keep them in 3rd place whenever possible, to try and make the league closer and more interesting
Once the weekdays start, their stacked SEA will kick in
SoR is either lacking the common sense to do so or is blinded by hatred.
We don’t because our past experiences with 2v1ing JQ always results in BG golem rushing our T3 keep while we’re inside JQ’s keep. Happened twice today in BG BL, that’s why we 2v1’d BG garri with JQ(wasn’t a golem rush, but equally annoying).
If you are on a BG borderland you helping to attack us so why should we not take our things back?? The simple fact is that if SoR want’s to win then JQ needs to hit last place at least 1 time and 2 times if possible.
We have no choice, but to respond to you attacking our borderland with force. Same as you would do to us.
I can see where you are coming from. That may have been a bad example, however I still would rather 2v1 with JQ, simply because our past experiences 2v1ing with BG has always ended badly for us.
Regardless of the fact that I don’t particularly care about leagues, I do believe that SoR has the best chance at winning, especially with AGG moving to SoS and possibly another large JQ NA guild who I won’t name because it’s unconfirmed.
(edited by Doomdesire.9365)
Due to the favourable draw that was handed to JQ, I propose that we keep them in 3rd place whenever possible, to try and make the league closer and more interesting
Once the weekdays start, their stacked SEA will kick in
SoR is either lacking the common sense to do so or is blinded by hatred.
We don’t because our past experiences with 2v1ing JQ always results in BG golem rushing our T3 keep while we’re inside JQ’s keep. Happened twice today in BG BL, that’s why we 2v1’d BG garri with JQ(wasn’t a golem rush, but equally annoying).
If you are on a BG borderland you helping to attack us so why should we not take our things back?? The simple fact is that if SoR want’s to win then JQ needs to hit last place at least 1 time and 2 times if possible.
We have no choice, but to respond to you attacking our borderland with force. Same as you would do to us.
I can see where you are coming from. That may have been a bad example, however I still would rather 2v1 with JQ, simply because our past experiences 2v1ing with BG has always ended badly.
But then you will take second place. BG is the kingmaker more then any thing because of our weaker numbers and your recruitment.
IF we start felling slighted we can push JQ to win or SoR.
It is up to you to pick if you want to win or not. By attacking us we will only look to making JQ win more easy for them. After all you need us.
BG so desperate to make an alliance with SoR so that SoR has a better chance at winning?
Due to the favourable draw that was handed to JQ, I propose that we keep them in 3rd place whenever possible, to try and make the league closer and more interesting
Once the weekdays start, their stacked SEA will kick in
SoR is either lacking the common sense to do so or is blinded by hatred.
We don’t because our past experiences with 2v1ing JQ always results in BG golem rushing our T3 keep while we’re inside JQ’s keep. Happened twice today in BG BL, that’s why we 2v1’d BG garri with JQ(wasn’t a golem rush, but equally annoying).
If you are on a BG borderland you helping to attack us so why should we not take our things back?? The simple fact is that if SoR want’s to win then JQ needs to hit last place at least 1 time and 2 times if possible.
We have no choice, but to respond to you attacking our borderland with force. Same as you would do to us.
I can see where you are coming from. That may have been a bad example, however I still would rather 2v1 with JQ, simply because our past experiences 2v1ing with BG has always ended badly.
But then you will take second place. BG is the kingmaker more then any thing because of our weaker numbers and your recruitment.
IF we start felling slighted we can push JQ to win or SoR.It is up to you to pick if you want to win or not. By attacking us we will only look to making JQ win more easy for them. After all you need us.
The fact people keep calling this out on the forums is pathetic lol.
Due to the favourable draw that was handed to JQ, I propose that we keep them in 3rd place whenever possible, to try and make the league closer and more interesting
Once the weekdays start, their stacked SEA will kick in
SoR is either lacking the common sense to do so or is blinded by hatred.
We don’t because our past experiences with 2v1ing JQ always results in BG golem rushing our T3 keep while we’re inside JQ’s keep. Happened twice today in BG BL, that’s why we 2v1’d BG garri with JQ(wasn’t a golem rush, but equally annoying).
If you are on a BG borderland you helping to attack us so why should we not take our things back?? The simple fact is that if SoR want’s to win then JQ needs to hit last place at least 1 time and 2 times if possible.
We have no choice, but to respond to you attacking our borderland with force. Same as you would do to us.
I can see where you are coming from. That may have been a bad example, however I still would rather 2v1 with JQ, simply because our past experiences 2v1ing with BG has always ended badly.
But then you will take second place. BG is the kingmaker more then any thing because of our weaker numbers and your recruitment.
IF we start felling slighted we can push JQ to win or SoR.It is up to you to pick if you want to win or not. By attacking us we will only look to making JQ win more easy for them. After all you need us.
pssst, whisper your sweet nothings to the BG who took SOR garrison on reset yesterday.
Nothing have gotten said so far. I am only explaining how things work. It is impressive the amount of QQ from both JQ and SoR around this entire topic.
Nothing have gotten said so far. I am only explaining how things work. It is impressive the amount of QQ from both JQ and SoR around this entire topic.
No offense but you re a joke lol
I dont know what to laugh more about. A FEAR guy constantly complaining about hacking or that Anet still hasn’t banned him from the forums.
Most posts here are deleted even when they are quite harmless but namecalling guilds 6-7 times per page is legit?
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc
BG so desperate to make an alliance with SoR so that SoR has a better chance at winning?
SOR has frequently been taking an advantage of this. I think they see us as more of a threat since they are heavily focussed on taking first this week even at the cost of risking JQ coming first. I understand where their tactics are coming from but they don’t realise how strong JQ is right now because they haven’t had to face them in a JQvSORvT2 server. They don’t understand that when JQs Oceanic turns their map to paper and then JQs SEA logs on and spawn camps them until EU timezone that their early NA isn’t going to have such a big boost. In short, I don’t think SOR understand the coverage in T1 atm. Not from the way they have been playing.
We had our butts kicked by JQ and SOR in a 2xT1 + T2 matchup. The week SOR kicked out butts alot of our guilds and players where taking a break. When JQ beat us we were trying.
(edited by sostronk.8167)
Nothing have gotten said so far. I am only explaining how things work. It is impressive the amount of QQ from both JQ and SoR around this entire topic.
No offense but you re a joke lol
The truth is the truth. JQ is the strongest server right now and only being held down because they are more important to beat then SoR.
Of course that can change.
It is not a 2v1. Not yet any way. This is early weeks attack. When the PvE children finally relax and go back to there spot it will be interesting to see what happens.
(edited by Waage.2047)
I dont know what to laugh more about. A FEAR guy constantly complaining about hacking or that Anet still hasn’t banned him from the forums.
Most posts here are deleted even when they are quite harmless but namecalling guilds 6-7 times per page is legit?
If the shoe fits.
No offense but let me make an offensive statement lol
Is HzH supposed to be good? I’ve never fought one, they always hide in towers.
No offense but let me make an offensive statement lol
Is HzH supposed to be good? I’ve never fought one, they always hide in towers.
Coming from a guy with no signature. You are more than welcome to challenge us Not likely you will win.
No offense but let me make an offensive statement lol
Is HzH supposed to be good? I’ve never fought one, they always hide in towers.
Don’t be like that be better. HzH have some fine solo roamers. I have yet to fight them as a guild so i can not say what they are like.
Do not go down to there level.
No offense but let me make an offensive statement lol
Is HzH supposed to be good? I’ve never fought one, they always hide in towers.
Don’t be like that be better. HzH have some fine solo roamers. I have yet to fight them as a guild so i can not say what they are like.
Do not go down to there level.
Trying to rally official forums to a 2 v 1 and you bring up our level lol?
Your level is clearly over 9000.
No offense but let me make an offensive statement lol
Is HzH supposed to be good? I’ve never fought one, they always hide in towers.
Don’t be like that be better. HzH have some fine solo roamers. I have yet to fight them as a guild so i can not say what they are like.
Do not go down to there level.
Trying to rally official forums to a 2 v 1 and you bring up our level lol?
“Going down to there level” is a figure of speech that means that you do not start acting like the person that started the insult. You should be above that and be better then that.
(edited by Waage.2047)
Coming from a guy with no signature. You are more than welcome to challenge us
Not likely you will win.
Tell your members to stop running and we’ll see, I’m in oPP. Look for the laugh spam, you might find me.
Don’t be like that be better. HzH have some fine solo roamers. I have yet to fight them as a guild so i can not say what they are like.
Do not go down to there level.
It’s fine, we troll more in game than I do on the forums. Nothing makes us happier than getting focused by zergers.
I dont know what to laugh more about. A FEAR guy constantly complaining about hacking or that Anet still hasn’t banned him from the forums.
Most posts here are deleted even when they are quite harmless but namecalling guilds 6-7 times per page is legit?If the shoe fits.
If he is hacking (haven’t watched the video yet) he should be banned, but the forum rules still apply.
I always get infracted when posting proof of BG or SoR people hacking and I don’t even use their game tag, just a video where you maybe see rank and guild.
Totally legit that some are allowed to do that and others aren’t.
Maybe it has to do with those Anet tags you sometimes find in SoR zergs.
Primus inter pares.
btw. is that BG hacking guy an asuran mesmer? If yes, it’s most likely the same who jumped into our spawn tower and flying into the lords room. So the mail to Anet with video proof is out for a week now and he still is here?
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc
I guess it’s NA prime; I get up early enough to catch y’all. Highlight of my 5-6 hours in EB right here, with both BG and SOR backed into the dead-end in dredge. I need to make sure I don’t do that either…
The amount of lag I’ve experienced all weekend has been far worst than any other time in Guild Wars 2. My question is, how is it we’ve had these fights before and haven’t had this much lag? I’m roaming right now. Not even CLOSE to the zerg fights, and it’s taking me 20 seconds to cast my heal fighting 1v1.
Other than the massive queues and lag, this season 1 has been incredible so far.
Your level is clearly over 9000.
I remember you. Aren’t you the guy from that QDS guild, that went to JQ from SoS, starting flame wars against SoR and flaming your own server in matchup threads. After that you left JQ because you thought we couldn’t get transfers and SoR was #1 at that time.
After a while on SoR you left to.. BG? TC?
So, what level are you?
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc
The amount of lag I’ve experienced all weekend has been far worst than any other time in Guild Wars 2. My question is, how is it we’ve had these fights before and haven’t had this much lag? I’m roaming right now. Not even CLOSE to the zerg fights, and it’s taking me 20 seconds to cast my heal fighting 1v1.
Other than the massive queues and lag, this season 1 has been incredible so far.
The queues were expected on the first weekend announcement of leagues and am sure will die down once the “newness” wears off for the pve majority crowd.
Just a hour ago I had insta queue to JQ BL so obviously it wasn’t stacked with player activity. Saw a Dolyak and escorted it to Bay…let’s just say you know it’s bad when even the Dolyak was lagging with nothing around it, he literally had 2 second pauses inbetween his slow trot towards its destination.
Sorta sad the amount of times HL had people in our NW tower with gates/walls intact and they chose to clear siege rather than jump out.
Its an obvious accident.
By the way thanks for your donation of garrison, and good luck trying to take back so much as a camp on your own BL.
AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! HAHAHA!!!! oh man.. an accident? and what about the 3rd time? yes? then what about the 4th time? hahaha an accident? lol.. i’m amazed you have time to write on the forums while you’re busy glitching into towers to clear our siege =) Instead of lying on the forums to cover your exploits(even though we have screen shots and recordings of you doing it) how about you go back to picking up BG’s leftovers in the 2v1
Youre an idiot. Multiple people made it into the tower and all you hear is TS are people laughing at how ridiculous this kitten is. This is also a known bug, just because it happened to you and not the other way around doesnt automatically mean its an exploit kiddo.
Way to go.
So using a “bug” to get into someone elses tower without breaking through the walls/door isn’t considered and exploit? are you mental? do you know what an exploit is? let me help you. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=what+is+a+video+game+exploit%3F&l=1 copy that link, paste that link, learn something new.
“Using a bug”
Did we exploit the bug? Nope. We ran out of the tower and proceeded to capture it the right way. We didnt touch the lords room at all, we took it the fair way. Thanks come again.
Maybe you should focus on taking your BL back rather than Pvkitten.
HAHAHAH!!! so in your first post you clearly state that there are multiple people on TS SAYING how easy it is to exploit, then you use that exploit to clear our siege, and now you’re denying that you exploited? WOW! all within 2 posts lol so glad to see the integrity of your guild =) you don’t even deny that you exploit, you’re amazing never change <3
Cant tell if trolling, or actually mentally handicapped.
Yes, people on TeamSpeak made remarks about how often it happened and how by just manmoding the gate as we sometimes do players would somehow accidentally walk through the gate. But hey guess what they did? They ran out of the tower immediately. Guess what JQ DIDNT do? They didnt run out of our garrison when the hacker portaled them in. They didnt kindly just not kill the lord and cap it. They didnt take it with honor. Theres a difference between accidents, and intention.
The amount of winners in this thread…
haha right right, jumping out of NW tower.. after you killed all our siege on your 4th attempt? that’s honorable? hahaha you mad because you failed to sweep your garri properly? see the difference is we actually are honorable, we don’t need to exploit in order to win, and you see what happens when you try to fight us fair? we take back our garrison =) and what was that you were saying earlier about not being able to take back so much as a camp on our BL? hmmm…
Yeah it sucks not sweeping your garrison properly. From now on we shall have a dedicated team sweeping under all the walls with auto target/attack to counter your mad skills which dont include exploiting in any way.
I love your later replies about providing proof of the SG guy exploiting, saying he will get reported and gkicked, didnt the video linked give you enough proof when he was teleporting about the walls of hills?
Anyone else noticed many new tags in this match?
New bunker meta sux