11/8 FA/EB/IoJ
Good luck and have fun, 10g per stake on PRO members
Professional Rallybot
Good you see you guys again
My body is ready
Hello CORE. I’m inspired to play again. >: )
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
might take the week off, i dont want to accidentally run over [CORE] while out roaming
nice to see you again guys.
-Starlight Honeybuns [BUNS] IoJ
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns
#apparently im not allowed a signature anymore
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
[CORE], I love you guys but this is strictly business. Your heads on my plate tonight.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
I’m prepared to get stomped by FA two weeks in a row, I will hopefully keep my rage level at a minimum.
Summary of the week without a doubt: Zergs. FA zergs everywhere.
Looking for some good fights,[SM] Looking for small scaled GvGs for practice.
RazGerb The Machine/Tempest/Inferno
~The Best Rager Ranger NA~
How have people in IoJ not killed themselves?
You need more retal up
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
Looking forward to the EBay roamers, GH still around?
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast ~ FA
Going to try and make it for at least a little bit every night this week. Will be good to see CORE again, even if its from the other end of their weapons.
How have people in IoJ not killed themselves?
Why would we.
Hell yeah we are.
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not
ugh cause you guys suck?
im going to assume you play a hammer warrior in zergs >.>
-Starlight Honeybuns [BUNS] IoJ
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns
#apparently im not allowed a signature anymore
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
I don’t expect much fun for IoJ this matchup (as for this whole season as Anet apparently has matched us up against servers at least twice our WvW-playerbase). Even if we pull all our IoJ WvW players together we will not match the numbers FA can field for just one borderland-zerg.
BUT being IoJ we will still put up a fight as usual (we are a stubborn bunch), if you want a challenge attack us with equal numbers, if you just want points – well stomp us with your karmatrain as expected. Your choice
@Tukmolytes: Good to see that you can still play despite the very bad weather down there.
@Banzie: What wrath? Most players don’t even care about Core switching to a bigger server to win the season (it is their good right, some play for wins others play for their community). Many of their players even stayed loyal to IoJ and didn’t switch or joined on FA (and has never been on IoJ), so don’t judge them all for the decisions of their leaders. To most of us IoJ’s they are now just another guild in a faceless karmatrain of a bigger server and I hope they are having fun there and won’t come back.
We even have a lot less (to almost none) cases of people throwing sieges on dead players and other disrespectfull stuff – so in the end we benefit from having players who do that joining the winning team before the game.
[HARD]Klank – IoJ
We even have a lot less (to almost none) cases of people throwing sieges on dead players and other disrespectfull stuff
How is throwing siege disrespectful?
Fort Aspenwood
@Tukmolytes: Good to see that you can still play despite the very bad weather down there.
[HARD]Klank – IoJ
We are not as hard hit as our other countrymen in the Visayas Region. Help us pray for their safety.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
How have people in IoJ not killed themselves?
Why would we.
ugh cause you guys suck?
Sorry but what? I’ve seen nothing but absolutely horrible performance from both FA and Ebay tonight. The only decent guild we’ve fought is quite sadly, CORE from FA.
We even have a lot less (to almost none) cases of people throwing sieges on dead players and other disrespectfull stuff
How is throwing siege disrespectful?
My bad, should have been more precise. It was meant as throwing sieges on dead players without building them (just to bury them under the siege) – like jumping on their dead bodies, spamming emotes on their dead bodies… We don’t really like that stuff on IoJ (especially in the oceanic/asian shift).
I don’t expect much fun for IoJ this matchup (as for this whole season as Anet apparently has matched us up against servers at least twice our WvW-playerbase). Even if we pull all our IoJ WvW players together we will not match the numbers FA can field for just one borderland-zerg.
BUT being IoJ we will still put up a fight as usual (we are a stubborn bunch), if you want a challenge attack us with equal numbers, if you just want points – well stomp us with your karmatrain as expected. Your choice@Tukmolytes: Good to see that you can still play despite the very bad weather down there.
@Banzie: What wrath? Most players don’t even care about Core switching to a bigger server to win the season (it is their good right, some play for wins others play for their community). Many of their players even stayed loyal to IoJ and didn’t switch or joined on FA (and has never been on IoJ), so don’t judge them all for the decisions of their leaders. To most of us IoJ’s they are now just another guild in a faceless karmatrain of a bigger server and I hope they are having fun there and won’t come back.
We even have a lot less (to almost none) cases of people throwing sieges on dead players and other disrespectfull stuff – so in the end we benefit from having players who do that joining the winning team before the game.
[HARD]Klank – IoJ
I meant it as we shall kill them with love
How have people in IoJ not killed themselves?
Why would we.
ugh cause you guys suck?
To answer your first question (even if it actually more belongs into the “beginners questions”-section than WvW: We have not killed ourselves because this game does not feature “friendly fire” in WvW.
As for the second statement I’m not sure if this refers to your personal experience with IoJ (maybe you are from one of the guilds that left us to win the season on a bigger server) or if you refer to our people getting stomped by the much bigger zergs of the other 2 servers at the beginning of this matchup. In case it is the latter might I suggest that you roam around as part of a a smaller group (without zerg backu) to face us on a more even ground and therefore giving you the joy of a more challenging fight.
In any case I wish you much fun with this game and please feel free to ask other questions anytime, we always enjoy helping people to learn more about this fine game.
To those who are about to DIE, DIE, um, salutes you. Yeah, I’m not proud of that one. See y’all out in the field.
“Is it uplevel ranger season yet?”
How have people in IoJ not killed themselves?
Why would we.
ugh cause you guys suck?
Sorry but what? I’ve seen nothing but absolutely horrible performance from both FA and Ebay tonight. The only decent guild we’ve fought is quite sadly, CORE from FA.
much lub <3
Killing tons of Ehmry Bags. Love them! Thanks for the cash! Flipping all your keep tonight!
Guild Leader of [FTF] -Walnut-
The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall
Hello FA and Ebay, I’m Missus Honeybuns, you can refer to me as Your Majesty though. I’m happy to meet you all.
Yet….as for the naysayer a few posts up….
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.
Good fights in IoJ BL tonight. Despite [CORE] and a bunch of other guilds leaving IoJ, she’s still standing strong (well at least for reset, will have to wait and see what happens from here onward). Very proud of those who stayed to fight in IoJ despite the transfers and I hope she gets back on her feet like the good ol days.
But enough of the friendly compliments, from here forth I’m going to destroy each and every one of you until there is nothing left but bags covered in hot sticky peanut butter >:D
Guild Leader:Reign of Cadimus [RoC]
Time to lead my merry band to victory, with peanut butter in hand!
Going to try and make it for at least a little bit every night this week. Will be good to see CORE again, even if its from the other end of their weapons.
I miss you Shyyrel ;_;
How have people in IoJ not killed themselves?
Why would we.
ugh cause you guys suck?
Sorry but what? I’ve seen nothing but absolutely horrible performance from both FA and Ebay tonight. The only decent guild we’ve fought is quite sadly, CORE from FA.
Zergling calling other zerglings bad…
Maybe this forum thread won’t be a bore after all.
Fort Aspenwood
I can’t be the only one who reads this thread just for the [BUNS] gifs >_>
Good fights in IoJ BL tonight. Despite [CORE] and a bunch of other guilds leaving IoJ, she’s still standing strong (well at least for reset, will have to wait and see what happens from here onward). Very proud of those who stayed to fight in IoJ despite the transfers and I hope she gets back on her feet like the good ol days
But enough of the friendly compliments, from here forth I’m going to destroy each and every one of you until there is nothing left but bags covered in hot sticky peanut butter >:D
Have you seen that peanut butter trail I left Cadi? Mmmmmm…. get it and see what’s in the end of that line.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
Going to try and make it for at least a little bit every night this week. Will be good to see CORE again, even if its from the other end of their weapons.
I miss you Shyyrel ;_;
I miss yall too. Won’t stop me from stabbing you (or more likely, being killed by you T.T) when the time comes.
I have been looking forward to this. Now that I have a decent connection I’m pretty eager to get to spar with CORE, apparently you lot are having a blast in there.
Nomnomnom went to FA as well, didn’t he?
I can’t be the only one who reads this thread just for the [BUNS] gifs >_>
-Starlight Honeybuns [BUNS] IoJ
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns
#apparently im not allowed a signature anymore
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
Fun Fights in FA BL, [SM] Had a blast fighting [RET] and [NICE] even though we were outnumbered most of the time.
Walnut, seriously? Of course all our keeps will flip in the middle of the night, It’s obvious FA is going to zerg us in the middle of the night to win. Still need some FA trash talk names .
RazGerb The Machine/Tempest/Inferno
~The Best Rager Ranger NA~
All i wanted to do was party with [CORE] in hills, all of them kill me, kill me, IoJ kills you!
-Starlight Honeybuns [BUNS] IoJ
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns
#apparently im not allowed a signature anymore
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
Walnut, seriously? Of course all our keeps will flip in the middle of the night, It’s obvious FA is going to zerg us in the middle of the night to win. Still need some FA trash talk names .
yeah, because we will win just because of night caps….look what happened at reset. Equal forces.
uA – MEOW – Sen
Fort Aspenwood
FA too strong
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
How have people in IoJ not killed themselves?
Why would we.
ugh cause you guys suck?
Every time I log on to this forum, I learn something. Science is amazing.
Walnut, seriously? Of course all our keeps will flip in the middle of the night, It’s obvious FA is going to zerg us in the middle of the night to win. Still need some FA trash talk names .
yeah, because we will win just because of night caps….look what happened at reset. Equal forces.
It’s all about numbers man.
(Outnumbered in all BLs, FA zerging both BL spawns)
RazGerb The Machine/Tempest/Inferno
~The Best Rager Ranger NA~
Walnut, seriously? Of course all our keeps will flip in the middle of the night, It’s obvious FA is going to zerg us in the middle of the night to win. Still need some FA trash talk names .
yeah, because we will win just because of night caps….look what happened at reset. Equal forces.
It’s all about numbers man.
(Outnumbered in all BLs, FA zerging both BL spawns)
Wrong, FA never got IoJ hills— and a majority of our right side of the map for the 5.5 hours Mend was online. They continually wiped inside, as did Ebay.
Ebay instead of 60 on our BL, maybe they should go help yours as well. You wouldnt wanna let little ole ioj catch you in ppt.
And chirs hardly equal forces, Considering IoJ queue’d IoJ, and did NOT queue EB. So we only have 1 map full, idk about EB. But FA definitely had numbers on all 4 maps. ’
Guilds That Impressed Tonight:
~[DIE] From Ebay. God kitten tanky guys here. Yet their backlines pumps out damage, very good at keeping your back line alive. Really going to enjoy the rest of the week against you guys.
~[CORE] From FA, Sadly only CORE impressed me from FA. Any other guilds were stomped thoroughly and easily.
Before the numbers game is pulled out, We never had more then 30 on flappy at any one time, and many times less then that due to Queue. We did have pugs, So I would round our number to ~35 people most of the night except for Hills and Garri calls to the BL.
(edited by Banzie.5248)
Opening night of fight club to be held in FA BL windmill! Come one, come all!
Also, whisper me to set up some 5v5s and other assorted small fights, or if simply you want some people to show up for duels.
(edited by nomdeplums.5780)
Just had a great laugh at the 7 FA who ganked me on an uplvel followed by the thief laughing about it then dying to the vets.
Also VIS, you owe me a rez but if you try to rez me from an opposing team then that doesn’t count!
….. And Elementalist.
gg whichever one of FA or EB started resorting to a zoom hacking tool to down our siege in lord’s room way to wreck the fun at the end of the day. Pathetic
gg whichever one of FA or EB started resorting to a zoom hacking tool to down our siege in lord’s room way to wreck the fun at the end of the day. Pathetic
didnt even try to rush in on us, poor show.
-Starlight Honeybuns [BUNS] IoJ
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns
#apparently im not allowed a signature anymore
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
Walnut, seriously? Of course all our keeps will flip in the middle of the night, It’s obvious FA is going to zerg us in the middle of the night to win. Still need some FA trash talk names .
yeah, because we will win just because of night caps….look what happened at reset. Equal forces.
It’s all about numbers man.
(Outnumbered in all BLs, FA zerging both BL spawns)Wrong, FA never got IoJ hills— and a majority of our right side of the map for the 5.5 hours Mend was online. They continually wiped inside, as did Ebay.
Ebay instead of 60 on our BL, maybe they should go help yours as well. You wouldnt wanna let little ole ioj catch you in ppt.
And chirs hardly equal forces, Considering IoJ queue’d IoJ, and did NOT queue EB. So we only have 1 map full, idk about EB. But FA definitely had numbers on all 4 maps. ’
Guilds That Impressed Tonight:
~[DIE] From Ebay. God kitten tanky guys here. Yet their backlines pumps out damage, very good at keeping your back line alive. Really going to enjoy the rest of the week against you guys.
~[CORE] From FA, Sadly only CORE impressed me from FA. Any other guilds were stomped thoroughly and easily.Before the numbers game is pulled out, We never had more then 30 on flappy at any one time, and many times less then that due to Queue. We did have pugs, So I would round our number to ~35 people most of the night except for Hills and Garri calls to the BL.
Good fights. Though I’m going to have to disagree with you on your numbers. MEND may have had 30 in hills, but in total it seems like most of the map was in there for the night. KoR and HARD would be out running but when your largest presence on the map is locked in a keep like that it defeats the purpose.
Granted, since it was a response to CORE attacking I understand, but you guys responded with a great deal more than us every time we engaged. Our best fight was in the camp when we were outside of your siege. It was relatively even in numbers.
Let us know if you’d like more open field fights.
gg whichever one of FA or EB started resorting to a zoom hacking tool to down our siege in lord’s room way to wreck the fun at the end of the day. Pathetic
You’re funny.
ps. the thing that downed your siege was a cata on the bridge.
(edited by ResetSmith.3719)
But enough of the friendly compliments, from here forth I’m going to destroy each and every one of you until there is nothing left but bags covered in hot sticky peanut butter >:D
Das ist ein funny joke.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
A lot of fun fights today on my uplevel ranger, downed a few level 80’s here and there in 1v1 situations (or my pet did anyway) but I really enjoy the way ebay has a tendency to /bow at me for atleast trying to fight compared to the 7 maybe 8 times groups of FA have spammed /laugh and /sit/sit/sit/sit…..
Lots of respect to Ebay for that.
….. And Elementalist.
Wait until you are afk running and come back to dead uplevels next to your drooling pet sephiroth. Then it gets fun.
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not