11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: bokkieskitten.8023


Nope. We are on FA to stay. Can’t wait to farm the noobs in Gold and face guilds that will fight us in the open field more often!

Riiiiiight. So I can quote you on this after FA has been roflstomped by the current crop of Gold and CORE is jumping into the lifeboats…again?

Sure bro, enjoy fighting AR and company.

The longer I’ve been out of IOJ, the more I realize that Alaric wasn’t some deranged crazy person… but shhhh don’t let him know I said that, we have appearances to maintain.

Oh! WAIT! Honey hold my tea! -Shoves tea cup at Soro- So, when we fight AR, will we be able to utterly exterminate GoM too? Because I am fine with that, if it is so.

Her Majesty Lillium Honeybuns, Queen of IoJ[BUNS]
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darkothe.1253


/thumbs up

As long as you all are happy, when this parody of a match up is over we’d appreciate if you all promise to leave IoJ off of your travel plans for the duration of…well…forever – more power to you. I mean I wouldn’t exactly say that we’re glad that you’ve moved on…but you get the meaning.

You all may, however, want to check out the definition of “sore winner” before the week is out. I only suggest this because I love and care about our departed brothers and sisters who jumped on the FA wagon and would hate for anyone to question your motives for moving or your new found sense of “server pride” – which is laughable in a really dark and twisted way.

Just sayin

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ansilon.6230


Nope. We are on FA to stay. Can’t wait to farm the noobs in Gold and face guilds that will fight us in the open field more often!

Riiiiiight. So I can quote you on this after FA has been roflstomped by the current crop of Gold and CORE is jumping into the lifeboats…again?

Sure bro, enjoy fighting AR and company.

The longer I’ve been out of IOJ, the more I realize that Alaric wasn’t some deranged crazy person… but shhhh don’t let him know I said that, we have appearances to maintain.

Oh! WAIT! Honey hold my tea! -Shoves tea cup at Soro- So, when we fight AR, will we be able to utterly exterminate GoM too? Because I am fine with that, if it is so.


Imperial Outlaws [IO] ; Salad
Ansií(e) , Mesmer | Guardian | Thief

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: bokkieskitten.8023


Nope. We are on FA to stay. Can’t wait to farm the noobs in Gold and face guilds that will fight us in the open field more often!

Riiiiiight. So I can quote you on this after FA has been roflstomped by the current crop of Gold and CORE is jumping into the lifeboats…again?

Sure bro, enjoy fighting AR and company.

The longer I’ve been out of IOJ, the more I realize that Alaric wasn’t some deranged crazy person… but shhhh don’t let him know I said that, we have appearances to maintain.

Oh! WAIT! Honey hold my tea! -Shoves tea cup at Soro- So, when we fight AR, will we be able to utterly exterminate GoM too? Because I am fine with that, if it is so.


We shall start the Thorsday activities after luncheon!

Her Majesty Lillium Honeybuns, Queen of IoJ[BUNS]
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


So who else is ready for November 23rd?

Isle Of Janthir

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: bokkieskitten.8023


So who else is ready for November 23rd?


(Everyone feel bad for Soro… he’ll have to deal with me crying my eyes out.)

Her Majesty Lillium Honeybuns, Queen of IoJ[BUNS]
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


So who else is ready for November 23rd?


(Everyone feel bad for Soro… he’ll have to deal with me crying my eyes out.)

XD The hype is too high for the 23rd!

Isle Of Janthir

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: bokkieskitten.8023


So who else is ready for November 23rd?


(Everyone feel bad for Soro… he’ll have to deal with me crying my eyes out.)

XD The hype is too high for the 23rd!

50 YEARS! THIS IS A BIG DEAL!!!!!!!!!!

Her Majesty Lillium Honeybuns, Queen of IoJ[BUNS]
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jay.7546


ANET is this ending soon? And the fun begins when? lol Fighting ever increasing FA zergs is getting old. I counted 60 in Mendons against 8. Many on our server have stopped going to wvw because it is a futile endeavor and there is no fun. Many times we don’t have a commander and I have never seen the names of the few who tag up.

FA thanks for the multiple “Party” invites telling me you’re bored and you will let us take back our towers and keep without struggle.

Not sure who reads this from the company but If you think this is a good sell for the game, think again. Competition sells, lopsided wipe-outs has me pocketing my money and playing WOW a bit more this week.

So far I play only my low level toons so I can level recapping at the benevolence of FA. And I used to spend gold upgrading and sieging. No point now.

The glitches we have come across where our siege is impossibly wiped is getting old as well. How does an ac on the south side of the western inner gate of the red keep get hit full circle by a superior ac when the attack was at the north gate only?

(edited by Jay.7546)

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Furiousbeard.7602


Bwa-ha-ha-ha. /sniff Oh lord…that’s rich. I mean, you FA guys are producing pure comedy gold. Hilarious…I mean your delivery is just spot on. And your comedic styling? Fantastic!!

I…/blink wait…all of this chest thumping about beating another server with only a fraction of your WvWvW population and coverage is not a joke? Wait, wait…you mean you all are honestly getting all worked up in the jiggly-bits over your “abilities” to steam roll a foe that can’t possibly match your numbers? And…wait for it…you’re calling this “skill”? Am I right?

/snicker I’m sorry…I couldn’t keep a straight face trying to pull that off.

Nah. I refuse to believe that any of you from FA – including the coat-tail riding, server jumping, blob humping, karma-train luving no talent former IoJ transfers that have polluted your WvWvW population base – could possibly take that seriously.

I mean…really? Guys? Hello?



Yes. Really. Hi.

You just got out-skilled.

FA Soldier of Fortune – Flashypants (20,078 WvW kills) http://m.youtube.com/user/Duppa81
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB

(edited by Furiousbeard.7602)

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jay.7546


/thumbs up

As long as you all are happy, when this parody of a match up is over we’d appreciate if you all promise to leave IoJ off of your travel plans for the duration of…well…forever – more power to you. I mean I wouldn’t exactly say that we’re glad that you’ve moved on…but you get the meaning.

You all may, however, want to check out the definition of “sore winner” before the week is out. I only suggest this because I love and care about our departed brothers and sisters who jumped on the FA wagon and would hate for anyone to question your motives for moving or your new found sense of “server pride” – which is laughable in a really dark and twisted way.

Just sayin

Well said. Love the line “new found sense of server pride” I’ve noticed the swelling ranks of FA and somehow the devs never thought about all the servers being hurt as the winning server swells with new blood. What happens to FA when the league ends? Server pride will be cold by then lol

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jay.7546


Bwa-ha-ha-ha. /sniff Oh lord…that’s rich. I mean, you FA guys are producing pure comedy gold. Hilarious…I mean your delivery is just spot on. And your comedic styling? Fantastic!!

I…/blink wait…all of this chest thumping about beating another server with only a fraction of your WvWvW population and coverage is not a joke? Wait, wait…you mean you all are honestly getting all worked up in the jiggly-bits over your “abilities” to steam roll a foe that can’t possibly match your numbers? And…wait for it…you’re calling this “skill”? Am I right?

/snicker I’m sorry…I couldn’t keep a straight face trying to pull that off.

Nah. I refuse to believe that any of you from FA – including the coat-tail riding, server jumping, blob humping, karma-train luving no talent former IoJ transfers that have polluted your WvWvW population base – could possibly take that seriously.

I mean…really? Guys? Hello?



Yes. Really. Hi.

You just got out-skilled.

Out-skilled. When does the skill part of FA go into effect? Which part of the 70 man zerg is your “skilled” unit? Listen, 4 of us took Rogues, catted WC and sent a dozen or so “skilled” FA pugs to the rezzing station in the sky before the cry went out and 40 of you showed up to take us out lol Were your “skilled” players part of the blob?

By the time the skilled portion of your train arrived we had already eaten, shaved, dressed, and repaired our gear. LOL no skill in what you guys do, none what so ever. Thanks for the laugh though.

PS how many of you get mad that by the time you reach the Lords room he is dead and you don’t get the chest? My guess is quite a few of you.

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darkothe.1253


Yes. Really. Hi.

You just got out-skilled.

What does that even mean – at least in the context of my question? Is that like the sophmoric “Your Mom…” or perhaps the more entertaining “Your Face…” or even better “I know you are, but what am I?…”

Step it up FA…or at least send someone from the drooling horde to post on the boards with some modicum of style. Honestly…we shouldn’t expect more from a collection of wanton, band-wagon glory-hounds, but we do.

Getting a rustle in your panteloons – and then trying to earn some type of “WvWvW street cred” over rolling servers that never had a chance to mount any real resistance to the waves of unwashed blob zombies is pretty sad. But…if it let’s you sleep better, and fills more of you /chough coattailbandwagoncorefairweatherplayers /cough with “Server Pride” then it’s ok with me. /eyeroll.

But…you get your jollies your way, and we – as IoJ loyalists – will enjoy ours. Which may, or may not, involve a good deal of popcorn munching and skittening as the big boys of the Gold League demonstrate what a harsh mistress Karma is.


11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Basedgod.7328


Flashypants typed 8 words. And you people spend a good moment to write paragraphs responding to his post? lol

The amount of effort involved replying to an 8 word post smells like insecurity to me.

Instead of spending time replying to 8 word posts that took flashy seconds to type, go out, look for fights, prove yourselves and kick some kitten .

Anyway, came here to give shoutouts to the cool guys that I fought outside of Ebay spawn in FABL, I was the Ele running around with a Focus. Got some good practice fighting some really good Necros, really helped me alot and I thank you strangers!

Funniest Ele NA
[coVn] Witches I Chaotic Good
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Basedgod.7328)

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darkothe.1253


Flashypants typed 8 words. And you people spend a good moment to write paragraphs responding to his post? lol

The amount of effort involved replying to an 8 word post smells like insecurity to me.

Instead of spending time replying to 8 word posts that took flashy seconds to type, go out, look for fights, prove yourselves and kick some kitten .

Anyway, came here to give shoutouts to the cool guys that I fought outside of Ebay spawn in FABL, I was the Ele running around with a Focus. Got some good practice fighting some really good Necros, really helped me alot and I thank you strangers!

Well, since I’m at work currently, and I enjoy trolling people who have no business attempting to write prose in the english language…much less try to trade verbal barbs with me…I’ll have to pass. But last night went something like this:

:Enter WvWvW: Look around for some fights. Get steamrolled by FA blob zombies

:Re-spawn & dust self off: Look around for some fights. Take two of encounter with FA blob zombies – complete this time with “tea bagging” emotes and laughs

:Re-spawn & re-fill cup of tea: Look around for some fights and then run like hell when the FA blob zombies crest the hill and start gunning for the lone engineer.

what next? You guessed it!

:Re-spawn and decide to log out and watch “Golden Girls” – as watching Bea Arthur and the rest of the girls get into another zany situation was less painful than feeding the lemming hordes of FA.:

Telling someone from IoJ to essentially buck up and try again in this match up is like telling someone to douse themselves in zebra blood and then to go play with the nice lion. Pretty soon…it’s just not worth the trouble.

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


This thread… amuses me.

Also, the Buns are still gif champs NA

Commander Nachonix

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: grabemx.9836


Nope. We are on FA to stay. Can’t wait to farm the noobs in Gold and face guilds that will fight us in the open field more often!

Riiiiiight. So I can quote you on this after FA has been roflstomped by the current crop of Gold and CORE is jumping into the lifeboats…again?

Sure bro, enjoy fighting AR and company.

The longer I’ve been out of IOJ, the more I realize that Alaric wasn’t some deranged crazy person… but shhhh don’t let him know I said that, we have appearances to maintain.

I learned over time myself. He had a….gruff…way of doing things, but in the end he was right. Too bad he left, i was gonna send him some dog poop as thanks for the life lesson.

Grabemx – Worst Necro NA
[SIC] – Fort Aspenwood

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Nope. We are on FA to stay. Can’t wait to farm the noobs in Gold and face guilds that will fight us in the open field more often!

Riiiiiight. So I can quote you on this after FA has been roflstomped by the current crop of Gold and CORE is jumping into the lifeboats…again?

Sure bro, enjoy fighting AR and company.

The longer I’ve been out of IOJ, the more I realize that Alaric wasn’t some deranged crazy person… but shhhh don’t let him know I said that, we have appearances to maintain.

I learned over time myself. He had a….gruff…way of doing things, but in the end he was right. Too bad he left, i was gonna send him some dog poop as thanks for the life lesson.

I never spoke to him or heard his ideas lol, only thing I ever had against his guild was being abused in PM’s for not wanting to fight 3v10 with us being the 3. I was too focused on getting an AC up to take out the rams.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tibstrike.2974


Flashypants typed 8 words. And you people spend a good moment to write paragraphs responding to his post? lol

The amount of effort involved replying to an 8 word post smells like insecurity to me.

Instead of spending time replying to 8 word posts that took flashy seconds to type, go out, look for fights, prove yourselves and kick some kitten .

Anyway, came here to give shoutouts to the cool guys that I fought outside of Ebay spawn in FABL, I was the Ele running around with a Focus. Got some good practice fighting some really good Necros, really helped me alot and I thank you strangers!

Well, since I’m at work currently, and I enjoy trolling people who have no business attempting to write prose in the english language…much less try to trade verbal barbs with me…I’ll have to pass. But last night went something like this:

:Enter WvWvW: Look around for some fights. Get steamrolled by FA blob zombies

:Re-spawn & dust self off: Look around for some fights. Take two of encounter with FA blob zombies – complete this time with “tea bagging” emotes and laughs

:Re-spawn & re-fill cup of tea: Look around for some fights and then run like hell when the FA blob zombies crest the hill and start gunning for the lone engineer.

what next? You guessed it!

:Re-spawn and decide to log out and watch “Golden Girls” – as watching Bea Arthur and the rest of the girls get into another zany situation was less painful than feeding the lemming hordes of FA.:

Telling someone from IoJ to essentially buck up and try again in this match up is like telling someone to douse themselves in zebra blood and then to go play with the nice lion. Pretty soon…it’s just not worth the trouble.

I mean, as much as I give MEND kitten for not fighting outside the AC range of a tower, at least they don’t seem to whine about playing WvW like you do. Why don’t you buy yourself a commander tag and rally the troops on IoJ Bl. Flappymcflapperson had more people on the IoJ BL map last night than FA did – at least concentrated in one area.

If FA is so bad, then you should be able to kill all of us no problem right? Flappers even said they would take a on 40 CORE members versus 20 of MEND. Granted, those 20 MEND would probably have 30 militia on them but hey! It’s only really the people with a WvW tag that matters innit?

Anyways, all I want to do is make Flapprageous more angry. Mission accomplished last night.

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: grabemx.9836


Just wait until SIC returns to FA tonight. MEND’s collective head will explode.

Grabemx – Worst Necro NA
[SIC] – Fort Aspenwood

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


SIC is moving again? Sorry but I find that funny… dem transfer costs must be hurting your pocket by now

Commander Nachonix

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Furiousbeard.7602


Dorkoath cries a lot.

You should try watching the golden girls, drinking tea and playing at the same time. This is the kind of skill-less behaviour I’m talking about.

If you wanted to get a real 4d experience, try tea bagging yourself with tea bags while FA spams /sit on you.

FA Soldier of Fortune – Flashypants (20,078 WvW kills) http://m.youtube.com/user/Duppa81
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: grabemx.9836


SIC is moving again? Sorry but I find that funny… dem transfer costs must be hurting your pocket by now

Not my pocket. I got lucky with a couple good drops in the Frostgorge Champ trains. The rest of them are donating their bodies to science. We had to move, we couldn’t take the SBI megagodzillablobzergzombieswarm anymore

PS: Oh no, FA is not in bronze? ARGH!

Grabemx – Worst Necro NA
[SIC] – Fort Aspenwood

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


But blobs are so fun. Most split right where your group charges in.

The large scale fights without skill lag is just sexy.

Commander Nachonix

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: grabemx.9836


But blobs are so fun. Most split right where your group charges in.

The large scale fights without skill lag is just sexy.

I spiked TE last night. None of them were you. Stop hiding! I went from cheesi condi necro to power/retal/DS

It was fun jumping into your blobs last night. Sorry to the two thieves who practically killed themselves by attacking me. No hard feelings yo.

Grabemx – Worst Necro NA
[SIC] – Fort Aspenwood

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Just wait until SIC returns to FA tonight. MEND’s collective head will explode.

Oh yes… More SIC stomping and more Alaric complaining about numbers when his group is ub3r l33t z3rg busters. I’ll be sure to have flappy target tag so we can all fight you easier <3

Isle Of Janthir

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: grabemx.9836


Just wait until SIC returns to FA tonight. MEND’s collective head will explode.

Oh yes… More SIC stomping and more Alaric complaining about numbers when his group is ub3r l33t z3rg busters. I’ll be sure to have flappy target tag so we can all fight you easier <3

Sorry Alaric quit. You will have to just deal with me downing 10 of you at a time.

Grabemx – Worst Necro NA
[SIC] – Fort Aspenwood

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Just wait until SIC returns to FA tonight. MEND’s collective head will explode.

Oh yes… More SIC stomping and more Alaric complaining about numbers when his group is ub3r l33t z3rg busters. I’ll be sure to have flappy target tag so we can all fight you easier <3

Sorry Alaric quit. You will have to just deal with me downing 10 of you at a time.

kitten someone good now..

Isle Of Janthir

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wenrolio.8063


I am missing everything! Haven’t been able to be online during guild wvw much at all.

I have had fun roaming around FA and EB BL during EST 7-8 AM and 12-1 PM. Some good fights have been had. Most of which I lose, but who cares? If you see a lone blue or orange/gray MEND asuran engineer running around say hi before trying to kill me.

As for all the MEND v. CORE stuff. Haven’t been there to see it. Most likely both groups are running around with more than a handful of unaffiliated rez batteries.

I’ll party it up and 1v1 anyone for fun if you whisper me when I am on (assuming it isn’t between 8:30-11 PM).

Asuran -Engineer, Elementalist, Necromancer, Mesmer, and underlevel Ranger

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Furiousbeard.7602


Need an iron and an ironing board for all the jimmies in this thread.

FA Soldier of Fortune – Flashypants (20,078 WvW kills) http://m.youtube.com/user/Duppa81
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB

(edited by Furiousbeard.7602)

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chaba.5410


I never spoke to him or heard his ideas lol, only thing I ever had against his guild was being abused in PM’s for not wanting to fight 3v10 with us being the 3. I was too focused on getting an AC up to take out the rams.

One person pm’d you from SIC during off-raid hours; one person who quit the game after Alaric did. GG on holding a grudge against SIC because you had issues with one person. Remind me to not invite you to my birthday party.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: grabemx.9836


I never spoke to him or heard his ideas lol, only thing I ever had against his guild was being abused in PM’s for not wanting to fight 3v10 with us being the 3. I was too focused on getting an AC up to take out the rams.

One person pm’d you from SIC during off-raid hours; one person who quit the game after Alaric did. GG on holding a grudge against SIC because you had issues with one person. Remind me to not invite you to my birthday party.

If you think that’s bad wait until I start vomiting all over map chat. I will guarantee FA will be empty by Saturday. Actually if everything goes to plan GW2 will be empty by then. Then we can rename the game in my honor.

Grabemx – Worst Necro NA
[SIC] – Fort Aspenwood

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chaba.5410


We had to move, we couldn’t take the SBI megagodzillablobzergzombieswarm anymore

What the kitten? Those blobs have been good practice!

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chaba.5410


If you think that’s bad wait until I start vomiting all over map chat.

Nah, you’ll fit right in.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


But blobs are so fun. Most split right where your group charges in.

The large scale fights without skill lag is just sexy.

I spiked TE last night. None of them were you. Stop hiding! I went from cheesi condi necro to power/retal/DS

It was fun jumping into your blobs last night. Sorry to the two thieves who practically killed themselves by attacking me. No hard feelings yo.

I noticed you dont log on earlier like you use to, I dont play late at nights so havent clashed into you yet :p

Wonder what made Alaric quit. Lol

Commander Nachonix

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: grabemx.9836


But blobs are so fun. Most split right where your group charges in.

The large scale fights without skill lag is just sexy.

I spiked TE last night. None of them were you. Stop hiding! I went from cheesi condi necro to power/retal/DS

It was fun jumping into your blobs last night. Sorry to the two thieves who practically killed themselves by attacking me. No hard feelings yo.

I noticed you dont log on earlier like you use to, I dont play late at nights so havent clashed into you yet :p

Wonder what made Alaric quit. Lol

I usually don’t run past 10:30 pm EST unless necessary. Been on and off during the day, but not much. Work has been sucking up most of my daytime hours.

Grabemx – Worst Necro NA
[SIC] – Fort Aspenwood

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tibstrike.2974


But blobs are so fun. Most split right where your group charges in.

The large scale fights without skill lag is just sexy.

I spiked TE last night. None of them were you. Stop hiding! I went from cheesi condi necro to power/retal/DS

It was fun jumping into your blobs last night. Sorry to the two thieves who practically killed themselves by attacking me. No hard feelings yo.

I noticed you dont log on earlier like you use to, I dont play late at nights so havent clashed into you yet :p

Wonder what made Alaric quit. Lol

Too many care bears!

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chaba.5410


Wonder what made Alaric quit. Lol

It was engineers, the only class he could not beat in duels. XD

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Wonder what made Alaric quit. Lol

It was engineers, the only class he could not beat in duels. XD

Wait Alaric legit quit? Who drives you guys now o.o

Isle Of Janthir

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chaba.5410


Wonder what made Alaric quit. Lol

It was engineers, the only class he could not beat in duels. XD

Wait Alaric legit quit? Who drives you guys now o.o



Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ruru.1302


Wonder what made Alaric quit. Lol

It was engineers, the only class he could not beat in duels. XD

Wait Alaric legit quit? Who drives you guys now o.o

Chaba probably does. I left a while ago, but i heard it was because Alaric’s computer died and he was like kitten it i’m out

[Mada] Apocryfia

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: bokkieskitten.8023



No one cares so it isn’t worthy of River Song!!!!!!!!!!

Someone cared enough for it to become the SIC thread.

No get out! No one cares about [RiseoftheGuardians]! >.>

Nah, it’ll be more like this:

You wish. You don’t even have a TimeLord on your side.

[Insert photo of Soro looking hella sexy.]

Her Majesty Lillium Honeybuns, Queen of IoJ[BUNS]
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: grabemx.9836


Lucky for you guys, I frapped our last zerg busting attempt.

Grabemx – Worst Necro NA
[SIC] – Fort Aspenwood

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sororita.3465


So i must ask, when will [SIC] be transferring again? Seeming as you’re always jumping ship to ship, will you be waiting to see who wins gold league next?

Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: etrigan.4213


No one in FA cares about EB or IOJ, or the wannabe drama guild [DIE].

I suggest we continue talking about [SIC] and Alaric.

Nox – Fort Aspenwood

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: grabemx.9836


So i must ask, when will [SIC] be transferring again? Seeming as you’re always jumping ship to ship, will you be waiting to see who wins gold league next?

I don’t speak for [SIC] but I will continue transferring until toxic soldiers quit killing my yaks.

Grabemx – Worst Necro NA
[SIC] – Fort Aspenwood

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: rmprodigy.4679


Brothers and Sisters of [SIC] , although FA has roots for us all , and many on FA are great people, I propose you come to Ehmry Bay. Think of the possibilities . Let us fight and collect bags together like the good old days.

Brutus Esaghus
Legends Never[DIE]

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: rmprodigy.4679


You would Honor your prior leader Alaric , and us by doing it. Alaric if you read this we play the trumpet for you in honor of the good old days. You were a great commander to follow , and a good friend

#RiP #Alaric2013 #Brother Alaric #Alaric the SIC #Vindico Knights #VK #AlaricReticle #StridentIconoclast#SIC #BeachesGetWet

[SIC]+[WET](DIE before our named got banned ) +Silo Menel=Some of the funnest time in this game weve had

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bucket Lips.5017

Bucket Lips.5017

Flashypants typed 8 words. And you people spend a good moment to write paragraphs responding to his post? lol

The amount of effort involved replying to an 8 word post smells like insecurity to me.

Instead of spending time replying to 8 word posts that took flashy seconds to type, go out, look for fights, prove yourselves and kick some kitten .

Anyway, came here to give shoutouts to the cool guys that I fought outside of Ebay spawn in FABL, I was the Ele running around with a Focus. Got some good practice fighting some really good Necros, really helped me alot and I thank you strangers!

Well, since I’m at work currently, and I enjoy trolling people who have no business attempting to write prose in the english language…much less try to trade verbal barbs with me…I’ll have to pass. But last night went something like this:

:Enter WvWvW: Look around for some fights. Get steamrolled by FA blob zombies

:Re-spawn & dust self off: Look around for some fights. Take two of encounter with FA blob zombies – complete this time with “tea bagging” emotes and laughs

:Re-spawn & re-fill cup of tea: Look around for some fights and then run like hell when the FA blob zombies crest the hill and start gunning for the lone engineer.

what next? You guessed it!

:Re-spawn and decide to log out and watch “Golden Girls” – as watching Bea Arthur and the rest of the girls get into another zany situation was less painful than feeding the lemming hordes of FA.:

Telling someone from IoJ to essentially buck up and try again in this match up is like telling someone to douse themselves in zebra blood and then to go play with the nice lion. Pretty soon…it’s just not worth the trouble.

There’s professional help out there bro for your anger/depression issues. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Bucket Lips

Fort Aspenwood

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bucket Lips.5017

Bucket Lips.5017

Nope. We are on FA to stay. Can’t wait to farm the noobs in Gold and face guilds that will fight us in the open field more often!

Riiiiiight. So I can quote you on this after FA has been roflstomped by the current crop of Gold and CORE is jumping into the lifeboats…again?

We understand that you are hurt because CORE left you, but you will find a new love in your life, I promise hugs

Bucket Lips

Fort Aspenwood