Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
12/7 Whiteside Ridge / Fissure of Woe / Vabbi
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Morning surprises for wsr and vabbi :P
What are the surprises? :o
[LNA] Luna Eclipse
[BNA] Banana Eclipse
All alone in space and time.
There’s nothing here but whats here is mine.
Morning surprises for wsr and vabbi :P
But you missed all the fun! We were with wsr (tddr) in EB, throwing siege at each other, flying kites and trying to get the most ridiculous pose possible from a box o’fun when the petrification sets in.
Hybrid you are mental and I still can’t beleive that guy threw a flame ram back at you. That was the funniest hour ever.
Morning surprises for wsr and vabbi :P
But you missed all the fun! We were with wsr (tddr) in EB, throwing siege at each other, flying kites and trying to get the most ridiculous pose possible from a box o’fun when the petrification sets in.
Hybrid you are mental and I still can’t beleive that guy threw a flame ram back at you. That was the funniest hour ever.
Between both Hybrid and the WSR guy, I think I seen 3 Golems, 1 Sup-Treb, 2 trebs, and a crap load of rams lol. Anzalias was best tho, he went to look over the side, and outa nowhere 2-3 and even 4 rams spring outa nowhere lol.
screenshots or it didnt happened
Hi to all of the FoW people I know (Regan, Callum, Freya, Psychotic, Royce and all of the people that I forgot to name)I will be back at some point(once I get enough gems and finish some stuff) until then good luck and have fun
“Evil flowers steadily bloom, with an array of bloodied doom”
Make sure to bring some friends mate, we can use every man and woman
[Jd] Jam Death
“Work, Hustle, Kill”
That’s A very nice Stonemist Inner gate you guys ha… Wait, it’s not there?
Fissure Of Woe
Glad you liked it while it was there. Hey, you also have a very nice blue borderland.. I might decide to pay a visit just to yknow, enjoy the view…
We Be Chilling [WBC] – Gunnar’s Hold
Glad you liked it while it was there. Hey, you also have a very nice blue borderland.. I might decide to pay a visit just to yknow, enjoy the view…
That’s the thing, your Inner gate was down when we broke in O_o
In that case, I have no idea. Slackers not repairing most likely
We Be Chilling [WBC] – Gunnar’s Hold
You can’t leave the karma train while it’s rolling
[Jd] Jam Death
“Work, Hustle, Kill”
We’ve found a decent amount of 10 – 20 players per side fights so its all good for us.
Hello Vabbi.
I’m Acium from the server Henge of Denravi on the american servers list and will be joining you guys after this match up of yours. If any of you would be kind enough to whisper me about what it’s like over there then I would very much appreciate it. ^.^
If you have any questions about me then just PM me.
<— loves under dog servers. Will talk to my guild to see if they will come aswell.
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]
This will not be over quickly. You will not enjoy it.
[Jd] Jam Death
“Work, Hustle, Kill”
Hi to all of the FoW people I know (Regan, Callum, Freya, Psychotic, Royce and all of the people that I forgot to name)I will be back at some point(once I get enough gems and finish some stuff)
until then good luck and have fun
Loooking forward to your return..
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe
Hi Actium, welcome to the real underdog server, home of the trolls and celebrities (that will make more sense if you join us on TS).
If we’re not allowed to post videos in here against vabbi and fow, then we’ll post screenshots or aint that allowed either ANET?
We Be Chilling – High Commander
Nice party play, there.. :p
Also, owning the entire BL but don’t have map completion for it?
Who’s mocking who now?
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe
Nice party play, there.. :p
Also, owning the entire BL but don’t have map completion for it?Who’s mocking who now?
Sorry that’s too pve related for me, also this was on my uplvld character of lvl 2, which i got to lv 17 that night. Even uplvld this matchup is not a challenge sad but true.
We Be Chilling – High Commander
Hi to all of the FoW people I know (Regan, Callum, Freya, Psychotic, Royce and all of the people that I forgot to name)I will be back at some point(once I get enough gems and finish some stuff)
until then good luck and have fun
hey hurry back your missing all the loot bags wrs giving us xD
Nice party play, there.. :p
Also, owning the entire BL but don’t have map completion for it?Who’s mocking who now?
Sorry that’s too pve related for me, also this was on my uplvld character of lvl 2, which i got to lv 17 that night. Even uplvld this matchup is not a challenge sad but true.
how can you say its not a challenge we wipe you so much even when you out man us all the time… just think if we had your numbers =]
Nice party play, there.. :p
Also, owning the entire BL but don’t have map completion for it?Who’s mocking who now?
Sorry that’s too pve related for me, also this was on my uplvld character of lvl 2, which i got to lv 17 that night. Even uplvld this matchup is not a challenge sad but true.
how can you say its not a challenge we wipe you so much even when you out man us all the time… just think if we had your numbers =]
Lol do you think this is a challenge for us, seriously?
Look at the amount of kittens we give this matchup. If you actually had numbers we would pull out our geared chars and could actually setup a good raid Now we’re just getting our alts to lvl 80 this week cause it’s basicly free xp
We Be Chilling – High Commander
Nice party play, there.. :p
Also, owning the entire BL but don’t have map completion for it?Who’s mocking who now?
Sorry that’s too pve related for me, also this was on my uplvld character of lvl 2, which i got to lv 17 that night. Even uplvld this matchup is not a challenge sad but true.
how can you say its not a challenge we wipe you so much even when you out man us all the time… just think if we had your numbers =]
Lol do you think this is a challenge for us, seriously?
Look at the amount of kittens we give this matchup. If you actually had numbers we would pull out our geared chars and could actually setup a good raid
Now we’re just getting our alts to lvl 80 this week cause it’s basicly free xp
Yeah WSR is so freaking powerful and op.
Thats why you guys are stuck in the two lowest Tiers there are lulz.
[Jd] Jam Death
“Work, Hustle, Kill”
We never sayed that we are powerfull or op we just sayed that we dont bring our lvl 80 chars because we just want the easy xp for our lowbie chars.
Xicial– Elementalist
Crimson Conspiracy [CC] Gunnars Hold
We never sayed that we are powerfull or op we just sayed that we dont bring our lvl 80 chars because we just want the easy xp for our lowbie chars.
And ‘we’ is everybody from the wsr server? Or just you or your guild and friends?
Lowbie chars on the field or the third server has 80% of his wvw players doing pve that week is what I hear or read almost every matchup… I just wonder how much of this is true.
OP or not, I will fight everything that moves ^^ Ok, almost everything… I hate that lowbie necro who melts me in 2 seconds. I’m running for sure if he has his lvl 80 gear equiped!
All alone in space and time.
There’s nothing here but whats here is mine.
play alts all you like still easy loot for us =]
We never sayed that we are powerfull or op we just sayed that we dont bring our lvl 80 chars because we just want the easy xp for our lowbie chars.
And ‘we’ is everybody from the wsr server? Or just you or your guild and friends?
Lowbie chars on the field or the third server has 80% of his wvw players doing pve that week is what I hear or read almost every matchup… I just wonder how much of this is true.
OP or not, I will fight everything that moves ^^ Ok, almost everything… I hate that lowbie necro who melts me in 2 seconds. I’m running for sure if he has his lvl 80 gear equiped!
Its not every1 on WSR.
Cause there are alwees people who either don’t like to Pve.
Or only stick to 1 character.
But u can say theres more new names then i seen before. and not that many more people then before.
^He means open field. Since we, in wbc, really dislike sieging of any kind. Nothing fun about building something and then said thing being arrow carted to death.
Fights = no siege, no keep hug
For people who don’t like open field fights you seem to be getting cosy in the keep
10-20 mins of siegeing 6-7 vs 15+, also don’t ask about the treb people of vabbi enjoy playing with siege
[LNA] Luna Eclipse
[BNA] Banana Eclipse
Its not a treb, its a trap! To get them out of the keep ofcourse
All alone in space and time.
There’s nothing here but whats here is mine.
Ah yes Jamo, In your photo I am cheering in the text chat
But seriously WSR, you had 15+ with Omega Golem and AC’s
Abyssal Hellfire -Commander of Tuesday LST Event
F*ck Sh*t Up…Period
I wish that was true :L It worked though, they finally saw the light of day and came to wipe us :P I mean it was free lootbags I don’t know why they was scared :x
[LNA] Luna Eclipse
[BNA] Banana Eclipse
Jamo wbc war and teo like to fight open field. In the photo you only see pugs :o
Xicial– Elementalist
Crimson Conspiracy [CC] Gunnars Hold
Jamo wbc war and teo like to fight open field. In the photo you only see pugs :o
There was some people from both of those guilds who had high ranks there but I see your point when you aren’t with your guild you don’t know if people will follow you, happens on vabbi daily but we just say kitten it and give it a go :P
[LNA] Luna Eclipse
[BNA] Banana Eclipse
in the end i took shadaran hills.
take that as payback for roflstomping us in our own BL.
and this time for vabbi too.
“we like open battlefield fights”.
more like killing fields when you bring 100+ ppl to our BL.
FoW commander.
the brave commander and hes small group(WBC i think) that rushed to hills as we capped it.
i salute you .
/salute @
(edited by Mor.2645)
This matchup is honestly boring, I thought playing against a different server for a while would be fun and well the only fun I’ve had all week is running around EB with my Guild Kite.
I’m sorry to say but even playing against BT & AS was more enjoyable.
I can see why some players from WSR moved to vabbi for the week, they wanted to earn some WXP, and I guess thats alright, as being on such an underdog server all you can do is capture stuff.
WXP farming.
This matchup is honestly boring, I thought playing against a different server for a while would be fun and well the only fun I’ve had all week is running around EB with my Guild Kite.
I’m sorry to say but even playing against BT & AS was more enjoyable.
I can see why some players from WSR moved to vabbi for the week, they wanted to earn some WXP, and I guess thats alright, as being on such an underdog server all you can do is capture stuff.
WXP farming.
u always get the visitors sneaky kittens :P
fissure always stand up for themself
This matchup is honestly boring, I thought playing against a different server for a while would be fun and well the only fun I’ve had all week is running around EB with my Guild Kite.
I’m sorry to say but even playing against BT & AS was more enjoyable.
I can see why some players from WSR moved to vabbi for the week, they wanted to earn some WXP, and I guess thats alright, as being on such an underdog server all you can do is capture stuff.
WXP farming.
u always get the visitors sneaky kittens :P
fissure always stand up for themself
The difference is you guys can put up a good fight on your own, you can match the green servers numbers on a battleground, we are outmanned pretty much every where we go so yeah you guys would stand up for yourself :P Vabbi and FoW shouldn’t ever be compared, we are in a dire situation and while you guys are in a bad situation it is nowhere near as bad as ours, i’m not gonna lie the only reason we can cap stuff during the day at least is because the green server is distracted with you guys But vabbi is a fun server we aren’t looking to be the best so people come here to relax from hardcore zergs and the blame games which I hear happen on FoW
[LNA] Luna Eclipse
[BNA] Banana Eclipse
In WvW, FoW can match anything on a single borderland as for numbers, we once watched you take on Blacktide, and sat on the hill and watched the good show. Then for some reason, we got taken out by sneaky Blacktide :P
We get the visitors, and would be holiday makers, because vabbi is the lowest pop server for both PvE and WvW.
I wouldn’t mind trading places with FoW if you guys want the Red BL? :P
in the end i took shadaran hills.
take that as payback for roflstomping us in our own BL.
and this time for vabbi too.“we like open battlefield fights”.
more like killing fields when you bring 100+ ppl to our BL.signed:
FoW commander.edit:
the brave commander and hes small group(WBC i think) that rushed to hills as we capped it.
i salute you .
/salute @
If you want equal number fights, feel free to contact me and we’ll arrange something.
We Be Chilling – High Commander
I want FoW and Vabbi to be competitive with the servers ranked a few places above us (WSR/BT). So T9 no longer exists in it’s current state.
Just want to thank the WSR guys that put up such a good fight for the dollies going into hills at FoW, can’t believe all that time you just needed that one to complete your WP, but I had a lot of fun and had some good fights! See you guys again on the field!
Want to thank WSR for the nice fights we had yesterday afternoon in their BL while we were capturing they bay keep.. Nice pushes forward and back, from the keep to the tower and back to the keep..
However, it came to my attention that the amount of upleveled amongst WSR drastically dropped.. Not enough XP for your alts? :P
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe
in the end i took shadaran hills.
take that as payback for roflstomping us in our own BL.
and this time for vabbi too.“we like open battlefield fights”.
more like killing fields when you bring 100+ ppl to our BL.signed:
FoW commander.edit:
the brave commander and hes small group(WBC i think) that rushed to hills as we capped it.
i salute you .
/salute @If you want equal number fights, feel free to contact me and we’ll arrange something.
would love to arrange such an event but FoW is like a massive karma train
and especially when i am commanding…
would love to arrange such an event but FoW is like a massive karma train
and especially when i am commanding…
Mor, I resent that remark.. Bad point for you, commander, you created that karma train.. :P
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe
would love to arrange such an event but FoW is like a massive karma train
and especially when i am commanding…Mor, I resent that remark.. Bad point for you, commander, you created that karma train.. :P
as i recall u were a part of it!
as i recall u were a part of it!
I ran together with you earlier that day, true that.. But don’t call me a member of the karma train.. I just hanged with you, since I know you’re a commander with tactics, and I didn’t feel like roaming at that time.. :P
But I resented the remark that “FoW nowadays is nothing more than a karma train”: Not true at all.. You’d be amazed to see how much solo action one can do (although WvW is pro-zerg).. :P
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe
Hey watch that ego mor :P and I forgot to say goodbye to WBC it was fun rolling with you guys, but the server was way too zergish for me, I wish you luck and some good fights in the future
“Evil flowers steadily bloom, with an array of bloodied doom”
Like I said before, there’s no leaving the Karma train once it rolls.
Me rollin’, they hatin’!
[Jd] Jam Death
“Work, Hustle, Kill”