18/10 Desolation/Abaddon's Mouth/Gandara
I like fighting Gandara though, it’s not our fault we have to end up blobbing in the end, the only way you can counter each’s others blob is to blob anyway, which we all seem to end up doing to counter each other, I’d be interested in trying to split groups up and try out some different tactics though.
Yesterday in AM Borderland, [WvW] had 30 or so. [FRI] ran with 15 I think and Krosis (later Bjorn) had 40 or so I guess. We never had these at the same place, except if we called for help.So don’t try excusing your blobbing by saying we blobbed in AM BL. The only reason you and we had skill lag is because of the EXG Blob and don’t try to blame us for that.
I was in AM BL allmost all day and the skillag was also since the queues started.
Try again.
lets just all agree that Anet messed something up with this season thing and we are all getting skilllag. The skilllag problem also gets worse when they is a lot of people next to each other.
I for one like blaming blobbadon because they are such easy targets and I enjoy their forum replies.
on Piken Square and Gandara.
Getting really tired of deso man, all they do is gang up to you 5v1 and then emote spam, and if it’s even numbers they run away and call back up.
Getting really tired of deso man, all they do is gang up to you 5v1 and then emote spam, and if it’s even numbers they run away and call back up.
As a solo roamer I can say exactly the same to both other servers lol. Just dunno bout if they emote spam.
oh and no one is double teaming you. You just happen to own most of the maps so of course we would take it from you.
What did you want us (Gandara and AM) to do continually trade a few camps and towers you left behind?
seriously this forum is a gold mine of comedy.
on Piken Square and Gandara.
(edited by Moderator)
oh and no one is double teaming you. You just happen to own most of the maps so of course we would take it from you.
What did you want us (Gandara and AM) to do continually trade a few camps and towers you left behind?
seriously this forum is a gold mine of comedy.
He probably speaks bout EB POV. And truly it looks like both of you focus on us. Not that i care tbh.
(edited by Moderator)
He probably speaks bout EB POV. And truly it looks like both of you focus on us. Not that i care tbh.
Oh EB. I don’t go there so I would not know.
Borderlands 4 Life !! :p
“I saw the light on the night that I passed by her window "
on Piken Square and Gandara.
(edited by oblivious.8074)
I think this is one of best match-up what I have seen. It is really nice to see a lot action in EB where 3 or more zergs are running in map and later will start 3 world battle in same place, like in SM. I know Deso/AM are been more active around a clock than Gandara, but in midday, all are balanced. Keep it up everyone!
Only minus is this massive lag during a massive battle, so it only has bother me how quickly get 1 button skill, heal skill and other skill through this lag.
the lag makes this unplayable atm. hopefully it will get better during the week, right now it’s just too horrible to be enjoyable, which is a shame because now there’s actual fights to be had.
engie roaming vids: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9NnXVfY4vRU1F-X7b1Oorw/videos
Getting really tired of deso man, all they do is gang up to you 5v1 and then emote spam, and if it’s even numbers they run away and call back up.
Im getting tired of you lot crying with lies. I hope Gandara win this match up, it might cheer you lot up.
S’ok man .. chill. I was having a nice 1 on 1 with a Gandaran .. had him down and was about to stomp when his pals (server mates, whatever) jumped me and pulled his kitten out of the fire. Give you they didn’t /emote over my body though. All is cool.
You know what they say: All’s fair in Love and War!
(I have to know! In WvW, do Legendary NPCs drop Legendary loot?)
I like fighting Gandara though, it’s not our fault we have to end up blobbing in the end, the only way you can counter each’s others blob is to blob anyway, which we all seem to end up doing to counter each other, I’d be interested in trying to split groups up and try out some different tactics though.
Yesterday in AM Borderland, [WvW] had 30 or so. [FRI] ran with 15 I think and Krosis (later Bjorn) had 40 or so I guess. We never had these at the same place, except if we called for help.So don’t try excusing your blobbing by saying we blobbed in AM BL. The only reason you and we had skill lag is because of the EXG Blob and don’t try to blame us for that.
AM was blobbing on their anyway as usual, we decided to tag up cause we had most of the pugs following us we, it was lagging for several reasons especially Anet’s servers, and due to the big fights we had.
On the other hand we struggled on Deso BL against two opposing blobs, as we had a disorganized and uncooperative pug zerg.
Nice Footage Frou! <3
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
From when 1 guy = server?
Stop the hatings.
From when 1 guy = server?
Stop the hatings.
yeah, group hugs all round
Asura – Desolation
[…] the skilllags are really bad since friday but i think it’s because every single slot in wvw is taken … on each of the 3 servers because of the start of the league […]
nope, as houndreds of servers in thousands of match ups already told you millions and millions times, i will tell u once again:
the (map wide) skill lag is caused due to “blobbing” which means that more players are fighting at the same battle than the servers can actually handle without problems. and that’s the only reason.
in all match ups we have situations where there is a queue on each bl which means that all wvw spots are used. but the skill lags we only have with you. (not even with vizunah!)
stop complaining about peolple telling you what you are causing by you stragedy, change your stragedy.
(currently on Piken)
[…] the skilllags are really bad since friday but i think it’s because every single slot in wvw is taken … on each of the 3 servers because of the start of the league […]
nope, as houndreds of servers in thousands of match ups already told you millions and millions times, i will tell u once again:
the (map wide) skill lag is caused due to “blobbing” which means that more players are fighting at the same battle than the servers can actually handle without problems. and that’s the only reason.
in all match ups we have situations where there is a queue on each bl which means that all wvw spots are used. but the skill lags we only have with you. (not even with vizunah!)
stop complaining about peolple telling you what you are causing by you stragedy, change your stragedy.
So your argument is that Deso is the cause of skill lag… Because we blob? Mr/Mrs Im afraid to tell you this but your argument is invalid. The server doing most of the blobbing is Abba or you. Most of deso’s PvE players are in the jp (at least in the borderlands). So the group you see on each bl running around isn’t the full size blob. It’s only part of it cause of the guys in jp.
But still I have respect for Gandara and it’s always fun fighting you guys. Still this forum warrior kitten is getting out of control. So please refrain yourself from posting flaming and other bullkitten. Nobody likes it and nobody wants to read it even tho i have to admit that it’s quite entertaining to read forums.
If you claim that deso is home of the forum warriors/trolls i think you havent seen SFR forum warrior academy ppl.
But aaanyways gl & hf if you can.
The only reason you and we had skill lag is because of the EXG Blob and don’t try to blame us for that.
Kicked out of gandara border together with my whole guild, and cant reenter.
Gandara Border offline or crashed nobody from Aba can join ?
Same, got threw out from Gandara border
So your argument is that Deso is the cause of skill lag… Because we blob?
nope, that’s not what i want to say.
The server doing most of the blobbing is Abba
yupp, here we are.
You should really stop misunderstanding me, it’s not healthy… :-)
(currently on Piken)
So your argument is that Deso is the cause of skill lag… Because we blob?
nope, that’s not what i want to say.
The server doing most of the blobbing is Abba
yupp, here we are.
You should really stop misunderstanding me, it’s not healthy… :-)
Hehe. Misunderstandings seem to happen. Just made conclusions from what you said but it’s great that we are on the same page now :P
got Dc’ed and can’t log back in -
on Piken Square and Gandara.
(edited by Moderator)
to see what all these forum warriors were actually worth, i tagged up in EB today for about 8 hours…
Most easy zergs i’ve fought in a while, in the end we just started trolling a bit.
thanks for the easy points though guys, you should really step your game up before you come talk in these forums
~ Desolation
1 hour fight on a keep! We almost get it!
-Sorry lost connection_
1 hour wasted!
1 hour fight on a keep! We almost get it!
-Sorry lost connection_
1 hour wasted!
Don’t worry we got it as soon as you left
Thankyou to all those that followed me commanding on deso bl today during the hours of 15:00 – 00:33.
It was a mess when i logged on and took a while to get some co-ordination, wooden towers, no scouts, no siege and both hills and bay had enemy waypoints and were seiged up very well.
It was a slow start but thanks to dedicated scouts, dolly walkers and people willing to follow and join me/us on Team speak we managed to get our towers upgraded, seiged and eventually ended the day flipping both the waypointed hills and bay.
Hats off to Gandara who were impossible to beat in the field, AM was quite the opposite however.
(edited by Sylosis.7125)
Sunday: huge lag in the borderlands, blobs, queues and disconnects
Make WvW Eventful! – WvW, 4 years in
Yes, I have 5 lv 80 mesmers – Funny Puns
Sunday: huge lag in the borderlands, blobs, queues and disconnects
At times, totally unplayable, completely ruining what could have been a great week.
Guise guise, relax! Things are getting very tense here! Breath in, breath out, sing along with us! Have some funky TDA banana time!
In other words, here’s my weekend roaming video. I had tons of fun :>
Nice Care to share what build you are using? I got a lvl 80 ranger sitting in LA waiting for a fun build to roam WvW in
FSP Server.
(edited by Moderator)
So how are the day time populations of each server now, whose ticking what? Work still has mos and other methods to check scores blocked
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!
This kid, I owned him 5 (five) times in 1 vs 1, 3 times i finished him, 2 times his buddy s came to save his sorry tail (me Ranger vs Engi).
Dancing on the corpses is overated, do something inovative. And if you wish more ownage, PM me and we can meet at the mill for more 1 vs 1 (sylvari engi from ADAC).
(edited by Moderator)
So how are the day time populations of each server now, whose ticking what? Work still has mos and other methods to check scores blocked
Abaddon’s Mouth 89207 +295
Desolation 97217 +155
Gandara 84577 +245
Just wanted to say thank you for the pressure and fun fights yaks are login the fight win or lose …. don’t give up and keep on coming the week is starting keep up the good work all severs happy hunting
contact : www.YaKslappers.com
SeverGvG: www.ThisIsGandara.com
Guise guise, relax! Things are getting very tense here! Breath in, breath out, sing along with us! Have some funky TDA banana time!
In other words, here’s my weekend roaming video. I had tons of fun :>
Care to share what build you are using? I got a lvl 80 ranger sitting in LA waiting for a fun build to roam WvW in
Blasphemous! Ranger’s place is not to sit in LA but tank the floor in wubwub! I jest I jest, sent you the build via PM.
(edited by Moderator)
Insane skill lag in hills again, running around like a headless chicken.
If someone stands at an AC and he says I AM MASTERY let him on it! Do not reply with " No i am greedy ’ and die 10s later.
(edited by Moderator)
alot of pve players hunting those achivments but overall it is still fun and laggy xD gotta love those 3 way fight its all about 11111111111111111111111111111111111 wwwwwwasdaaaaaaaaaadwwwwwwwwwwww 11111111111 or something like that xD
if anyone’s up for 1 v 1 /w me or come to AM windmill. have have mesmer, engi and necro.
(currently on Piken)
Well this matchup is going to be tough one. Cant wait for friday tho.
Well this matchup is going to be tough one. Cant wait for friday tho.
Guess not everyone can be pleased…. You are ahead, prob favourite to win this week (and league), you can find ppl to fight against, and is not just a romflstomp.
I guess since singing is not allowed, let’s all go back to the dark negative side of things.
/15 characters of QQ to don’t get infracted.
GG Megatron you can have your boring thread back.
PS soundwave is cooler than you.
on Piken Square and Gandara.
Nice fights this afternoon with the roamers from both servers. I’ve taken a liking to you ONS guys and thanks for the GvG today too! Here’s the video from my POV, enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sBoGevsf90
TDA is lf for some gvg’s this week , contact Drizzy.1268 for more info.
ps – i think optimus should have finished him , what crime did he do this time ? was working didnt read a thing -.-
(edited by climbatize.8729)
Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG] Accepting GvGs in the format of either: 5v5 / 10v10 or 15v15. Contact me ingame to arrange something!
Roaming about the Borderlands atm with my [SoRo] Tag, see you there!
Ready or not, here I come, you can’t hide xD
Anyways as you’ve noticed we don’t have the coverage during the mornings, everything got reset on the Borderlands so we had to start from scratch, I had to tag up early in the afternoon, despite some of the troubles I had with the influx of pugs as per usual we did alright.
Abaddon’s you seriously need to get your pugs to run full PVT, you guys melt like butter.
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
Well this matchup is going to be tough one. Cant wait for friday tho.
Guess not everyone can be pleased…. You are ahead, prob favourite to win this week (and league), you can find ppl to fight against, and is not just a romflstomp.
I guess since singing is not allowed, let’s all go back to the dark negative side of things.
/15 characters of QQ to don’t get infracted.
Im glad with the matchups, gandara do give us a hard time in some of the borders (mainly deso bl seems a nice target of the yak guys and some other guilds), and blobadon just stick as many people possible to a tag and runs around with it trying to… idk… confuse the anet servers? I do like this a lot more then the insta-shank we would get from the gold servers. It’s still not easy for us though, we are putting ourselfs quite to a limit (especially with our patience with pugs at some points). We have a ton of pvers we are trying to get into wvw and hopefully stick with our tags. I personally enjoy it a lot, but hopefully after friday we will be able to relax a bit more
~ Desolation
(edited by LampGhost.9658)
EXG what is up with the hate towards our members ? You guys drop everything you are doing just to gank 1 guy and drop siege on him… This has been going on for a week now and it has to stop. Upset that you lost the GvG ? You guys are prbly mad that we made you ragequit the border after wiping your entire guild twice in open field with half the numbers. BTW we are still waiting for you guys to accept the score on the official GvG page,
GvG Veteran
EXG what is up with the hate towards our members ? You guys drop everything you are doing just to gank 1 guy and drop siege on him… This has been going on for a week now and it has to stop. Upset that you lost the GvG ? You guys are prbly mad that we made you ragequit the border after wiping your entire guild twice in open field with half the numbers. BTW we are still waiting for you guys to accept the score on the official GvG page,
It will never stop.
EXG what is up with the hate towards our members ? You guys drop everything you are doing just to gank 1 guy and drop siege on him… This has been going on for a week now and it has to stop. Upset that you lost the GvG ? You guys are prbly mad that we made you ragequit the border after wiping your entire guild twice in open field with half the numbers. BTW we are still waiting for you guys to accept the score on the official GvG page,
It will never stop.
that reminds me of the glorious, the great [lion] hunt… which is highly rational and which is celebrated excessively on each rare oppotunity. it’s awefull to see an english lawn full of happy rams placed with a good reason.
you instead give no explanations. do i smell cowardness?
(currently on Piken)
EXG what is up with the hate towards our members ? You guys drop everything you are doing just to gank 1 guy and drop siege on him… This has been going on for a week now and it has to stop. Upset that you lost the GvG ? You guys are prbly mad that we made you ragequit the border after wiping your entire guild twice in open field with half the numbers. BTW we are still waiting for you guys to accept the score on the official GvG page,
Ah, the unassailable logic of trolling people in the same post in which you ask them to stop hating you.