Guild: SFRJ
Server: FSP
just ignore the whining ppl from inc this is wvw, if servers wanne blob with 50+ then let them do that we had great fights today, and we also got wiped a lot by DZ blobs, we just respawn and go again, its all in the game…. you IMP left ros long time ago, cuz you want better wvw, joined gunnars hold, and left also there again cuz you want small roaming…. your guild transfered 3 times, same 3 times transfered FRS… GH > VABBI > ROS… we we love RoS <3 and his comunity… we even have a 50+ blob in EB atm so what?…
remember IMP always whining also in the GH matchups, maybe you guys should go and play in the teacorner?…
DZ keep it up awesome pushes from you guys today… you realy did a good job this prime time
and about the Q’s all servers have Q’s atm cuz the pve achievements….
i think its better to play and not gonna QQ about eachother… and post prt scr from some zergs, wtf guys 0_o it is like this, if you dont like go play on your playstation….
just ignore the whining ppl from inc this is wvw, if servers wanne blob with 50+ then let them do that we had great fights today, and we also got wiped a lot by DZ blobs, we just respawn and go again, its all in the game…. you IMP left ros long time ago, cuz you want better wvw, joined gunnars hold, and left also there again cuz you want small roaming…. your guild transfered 3 times, same 3 times transfered FRS… GH > VABBI > ROS… we we love RoS <3 and his comunity… we even have a 50+ blob in EB atm so what?…
remember IMP always whining also in the GH matchups, maybe you guys should go and play in the teacorner?…
DZ keep it up awesome pushes from you guys today… you realy did a good job this prime time
and about the Q’s all servers have Q’s atm cuz the pve achievements….
i think its better to play and not gonna QQ about eachother… and post prt scr from some zergs, wtf guys 0_o it is like this, if you dont like go play on your playstation….
Just to reply about the transfers, yeah we moved 3 times.
You moved more than 3 times, just because you change your guild name along the way doesn’t mean you’re any less of a server hopper. (Although I’m not even sure how this is relevant to anything.)
You didn’t even know us when we left RoS so please don’t just go around proclaiming we left for this and that, because you have no idea why we left.
Gunnars was a fair balance for us till xaoc joined and fanboys such as yourself went mad with the PvD and worshiped them, moving all our players from every zone to the same zone made for dull gameplay.
In the end it came down to what we would enjoy more and we choose to move, You just ragequit gunnars because the stuff you PvD wasn’t getting defended in gunnars weak timezone, So you threw a tantrum and ragequit to RoS.
Also Fyi, Surmia had queues before the achievements, just saying.
(edited by x Charlie.4820)
Number of transfers or location don’t really matter. The point people are trying to make, but you seem incapable of understanding, is that whilst guilds may be saying they move to escape the zerg, they ARE the zerg at this level of the ladder.
I don’t recall anyone mentioning server hopping anyway, bandwagoning sure.
Even if your suggestion that we whined all the time about GH matchups were true, we sure as hell aren’t the worst for it, those people were banned long ago.
Lets all hope for Vabbi with all these “smallscale lovers” that the next 2 weeks against Drakkar Lake and Ring Of Fire will be awesome!
I think everyone here now knows that Ruins Of Surmia is the worst blobbing server full of kittens. Also there are only stupid Bandwagoners that go to other servers to ruin the fun of the evenly balanced matches there!
But in week 5, 6 and 7 you really get the match ups you want so you will have 4 match ups in total that should be nice for you. Why do you complain so much seeing that 4 out of 7 match ups can be good??
It’s funny that the continuation of this thread coincided with RoS ticking first again.
(edited by Ray.2640)
It’s funny that the continuation of this thread coincided with RoS ticking first again.
You sure nailed it, nothing to do with the fact that stikko posted!
This picture says the opposite.
(edited by Lillian.4935)
I think the answer to that question is kind of obvious.
I mean I get you all want “good fights” but all going to the same server makes little to no sense. At least when HT transferred they didn’t join the already stacked RoS.
Edit: So there’s something constructive to my post, blob. That is all.
I think the answer to that question is kind of obvious.
I mean I get you all want “good fights” but all going to the same server makes little to no sense. At least when HT transferred they didn’t join the already stacked RoS.
Don’t even know if RoS can beat ROF or drakkar lake. So basically instead of 3 “stacked” servers there are 4 in this league that can take 1-3. Dzag has put up some good fights. Let’s face it even if surmia didn’t get transfers vabbi was going to get roflstomped…your complaining and whining and yes your are… Is just pointless change the topic to something else RoS gives the top 3 someone to fight…check the other 2 matchups…
everyone just needs to relax.all that “you you blob” is getting us nowhere.rof has a lot of people now so what?some of them give us good fights and vabbi does anyway.I’m also up for 1on1s so whisper me if you want
I think the answer to that question is kind of obvious.
I mean I get you all want “good fights” but all going to the same server makes little to no sense. At least when HT transferred they didn’t join the already stacked RoS.
Don’t even know if RoS can beat ROF or drakkar lake. So basically instead of 3 “stacked” servers there are 4 in this league that can take 1-3. Dzag has put up some good fights. Let’s face it even if surmia didn’t get transfers vabbi was going to get roflstomped…your complaining and whining and yes your are… Is just pointless change the topic to something else RoS gives the top 3 someone to fight…check the other 2 matchups…
You think this is my first time getting stomped? :p I’ve been on vabbi since FRS left taking all our wvw players, I get stomped week in week out I am quite positive which is why at the start of the match up I didn’t moan on the forums and just went to PvP, I just think the reasons people give for moving down are wrong.
I think the answer to that question is kind of obvious.
I mean I get you all want “good fights” but all going to the same server makes little to no sense. At least when HT transferred they didn’t join the already stacked RoS.
Don’t even know if RoS can beat ROF or drakkar lake. So basically instead of 3 “stacked” servers there are 4 in this league that can take 1-3. Dzag has put up some good fights. Let’s face it even if surmia didn’t get transfers vabbi was going to get roflstomped…your complaining and whining and yes your are… Is just pointless change the topic to something else RoS gives the top 3 someone to fight…check the other 2 matchups…
You think this is my first time getting stomped? :p I’ve been on vabbi since FRS left taking all our wvw players, I get stomped week in week out
I am quite positive which is why at the start of the match up I didn’t moan on the forums and just went to PvP, I just think the reasons people give for moving down are wrong.
Wasn’t just aimed at you so don’t act like it was. Reasons for moving down being wrong… Write a book on it I’d like to read it. When you look at it ros will have good fights against 3 strong servers most matchups. I didn’t move “down” so I don’t know what the situations for everyone who moved were like…sometimes a community change is nice. Sadly wvw will never be perfect for everyone or anyone IMO lol it is what it is.
Seems like drakkar could come blob in golden league. I am impressed. I always thought that in lower tiers people use two normal rams if they really really wanna take something.
Like I told you before Stikko, FRS (or Xaoc what ever you call your pre guild) will never have a home server to call its own. I’ve heard quite a bit about you, and your fanboy Xaoc guild, impressive, I did have a good giggle to myself.
In your sig it says Gunners’ Hold right? Your on RoS buddy with every other guild that transferred with the Free Transfers & after with the hope to “win”. No respect to all those guilds.
You start on a server stick to it, or move and help with the community. FRS has no intention on working with RoS, but just come here for leagues to kitten up all the other “great” servers here, and screw them out of 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. RoS doesn’t deserve to win this current matchup. And you’ll know it.
Unlike [Imp], Vabbi benefited from them here, and Vabbi has improved with their help. When FRS was here, you guys did nothing but complain like little girls, about not having enough people, not having enough gold to upgrade… you said it takes balls to transfer your guild to Vabbi, where is FRS now? FRS is nothing but elitist NBSC! wana know what that means, you can message me ingame.
Enjoy the game guys, I know I will.
Gona make use of the [LST] sPvP server this week, and get some new finishers ^^; the Yak one looks trollie
I think the answer to that question is kind of obvious.
I mean I get you all want “good fights” but all going to the same server makes little to no sense. At least when HT transferred they didn’t join the already stacked RoS.
Don’t even know if RoS can beat ROF or drakkar lake. So basically instead of 3 “stacked” servers there are 4 in this league that can take 1-3. Dzag has put up some good fights. Let’s face it even if surmia didn’t get transfers vabbi was going to get roflstomped…your complaining and whining and yes your are… Is just pointless change the topic to something else RoS gives the top 3 someone to fight…check the other 2 matchups…
You think this is my first time getting stomped? :p I’ve been on vabbi since FRS left taking all our wvw players, I get stomped week in week out
I am quite positive which is why at the start of the match up I didn’t moan on the forums and just went to PvP, I just think the reasons people give for moving down are wrong.
Wasn’t just aimed at you so don’t act like it was. Reasons for moving down being wrong… Write a book on it I’d like to read it. When you look at it ros will have good fights against 3 strong servers most matchups. I didn’t move “down” so I don’t know what the situations for everyone who moved were like…sometimes a community change is nice. Sadly wvw will never be perfect for everyone or anyone IMO lol it is what it is.
By the time i’ve finished the book all these guilds woulda hopped to the next server where they can easily win so I wont waste my time and I don’t wanna get in an argument about why every guild moved, I think there are good reasons for leaving a server but I don’t think all the guilds on RoS moved for a nicer community or less queues :p
@ YuGiOh , what the hell r u smoking that get to your head
1- yea vabbi is the weakest server here and yea u r outmanned , but if u don’t improve urselfs nothing can be helped , i see vabbi ( blob or whatever u wanna call it ) and i just charg even with alf ur number coz i know we gonna win somehow
2- FRS joined RoS again not coz bandwagon and not to win this league , if i remember correctly FRS transfered AFTER the league started so they won’t ebenfit from winnign the league in RoS
3- i don’t see DZ being any less matching against us , i seen them blobbing , i seen then abuse the sieges and using crazy amount of ac and balista even in open fight or before charging ANYWHERE , also seen the 70+ omega used yesterday
4-i believe EVERY server have Q and that coz of PVEér hunting after achievment , how ever in 1 or 2 week or if u losing u won’t see any of them i’m sure
5-( this is defending my guild FRS ) , we NEVER blobbed we always start raiding alone or with 1 or 2 friends , but when u get wiped u always tend to say blob this and blob that
i never seen a guild on RoS that actually blobbing like u keep QQ about
@the guy who said FRS only fight behin a tower u definitely didn’t meet us when we raiding , if u do then u r lootbag
man please lets end this bad mouthing and back to the QQ it was amusing XDD
I don’t know anyone on RoS who isn’t glad to have FRS back, especially stikko. Both are a big part of the RoS community and to say otherwise is nonsense.
tbh we moved to ros cuz the community, its awesome…
and RoS ppl care about there stuff, i see many many pugs or how you want to call them, siege up towers and keeps and tag them also every hour…
the ppl on RoS are very nice and play all together there is a lot of teamwork and cominucation in wvw, and thats our style to play… and thats 1 of the main reasons why we went back… i think a lot of servers can be jalous at the community RoS has….
Also i do believe we might have zerged Jathres…
I don’t think so Only played yesterday morning, and meet only RoS Players, since weekend is still very zergy with the Archievmenttrains still running i rather do something else.
But we have a Group of Warriors that all run a similiar but a bit different style so you probably killed one of our “Mini Vaders” :p.
Also somewhere on RoS is my Clone i think from CoS ? Nearly exactly my armor style only a bit different armor red and Weapon skins, so confusing that! Killed him with my Vabbi Charr Warrior once and it felt weird ^^
i remeber when i was on rof just seeing fly hackers from vabbi
… Yeah sure. Last week me and a mate took down garrison with 2 golems. Omg HAX!! No it’s called skill.
Yea, we don’t belong in bronze league, we’re too big and only bandwagoning our way to victory. The imbalance between us and other servers is too big and we are making all the matchups dull and one-sided.
That shows RoS as top blobber. GG
btw big shout to some BNF mesmers, some skillfull mesmers there, hard to fight you guys…
I think everyone here now knows that Ruins Of Surmia is the worst blobbing server full of kittens. Also there are only stupid Bandwagoners that go to other servers to ruin the fun of the evenly balanced matches there!
We should just blob up again tonight as we always do and stomp people mining iron ore at the Bay sentry (as we also always do) :P
the funny part about people qq about ros that we stacked and kitten.
while dzagonur and drakkar still have more numbers and do nothing but run 70 man groups.
yesterday evening hon decided to do guild run around 30-40 of them.
we from dex were around 20 from our own kept wiping them.
so what do they do call in 40 more pugs. and do 20vs80 cuz yeah need to take out the big bad ros server. and those 10+ omega charges at vabbi hills was just ridicilous.
i knew you dzagonur players had no skill but hell to use that many more then once is just shouting it out i have no skill.
Also i do believe we might have zerged Jathres…
I don’t think so
Only played yesterday morning, and meet only RoS Players, since weekend is still very zergy with the Archievmenttrains still running i rather do something else.
But we have a Group of Warriors that all run a similiar but a bit different style so you probably killed one of our “Mini Vaders” :p.
Also somewhere on RoS is my Clone i think from CoS ? Nearly exactly my armor style only a bit different armor red and Weapon skins, so confusing that! Killed him with my Vabbi Charr Warrior once and it felt weird ^^
Smallest asura possible, warrior with twilight and hammer. Running around as a ganking duo with a mesmer. [oo] i believe is the tag.
I do remember them from the times gh was lower in ranking and played more often against dzagonur. They are amazing and the warrior play gs/h to perfection!
Btw is there any duel night planned for this week?
For the whole discussion about the motive behind guilds transfers: Who really cares? Just seeing FRS, NP, and the lot being Billy Big kitten down here makes me want to raid again. But alas, gone are the days.
Edit: After watching the video posted in order to illustrate heroism and the like: Isn’t there someone, who actually knows how to play their class, can put down a proper rotation and doesn’t click the autoattack, that can record for you? Also, why all the pugs, Billy?
(edited by Monkeymonger.9235)
some adventures from FRS
Yea, we don’t belong in bronze league, we’re too big and only bandwagoning our way to victory. The imbalance between us and other servers is too big and we are making all the matchups dull and one-sided. shows RoS as top blobber. GG
Vabbi top blobber confirmed!
Yea, we don’t belong in bronze league, we’re too big and only bandwagoning our way to victory. The imbalance between us and other servers is too big and we are making all the matchups dull and one-sided. shows RoS as top blobber. GG
Vabbi top blobber confirmed!
Weird. I only see a 270 score, as much as RoS has at that moment. And I also see your in-game clock [5:19].
Tell you what: part of the RoS blob was sleeping, like any healthy person! It only shows Vabbi has a nice amount of night-cappers and RoS equals that.
Are you serious?
Are you serious?
No I’m joking. >_>
Hey guys! Im just showing you the “smallscale” of Dzagonour… Please stop flaming us for having some serious blobs and get into our spawntower with this 60-man-army… It was a T2 tower and you guys came in with 5 Omega Golems and 60 people
I see this has not got old yet.
Taken a break, came back, still the QQ on “you lot are winning, you blob lots” carries on…
Its not only a little pathetic, its damm unoriginal and quite sad people have not come up with something new to QQ about, just for the sake of variety.
One side will always outnumber the others in any given battle, Deal with it.
@ YuGiOh , what the hell r u smoking that get to your head
1- yea vabbi is the weakest server here and yea u r outmanned , but if u don’t improve urselfs nothing can be helped , i see vabbi ( blob or whatever u wanna call it ) and i just charg even with alf ur number coz i know we gonna win somehow
2- FRS joined RoS again not coz bandwagon and not to win this league , if i remember correctly FRS transfered AFTER the league started so they won’t ebenfit from winnign the league in RoS
3- i don’t see DZ being any less matching against us , i seen them blobbing , i seen then abuse the sieges and using crazy amount of ac and balista even in open fight or before charging ANYWHERE , also seen the 70+ omega used yesterday
4-i believe EVERY server have Q and that coz of PVEér hunting after achievment , how ever in 1 or 2 week or if u losing u won’t see any of them i’m sure
5-( this is defending my guild FRS ) , we NEVER blobbed we always start raiding alone or with 1 or 2 friends , but when u get wiped u always tend to say blob this and blob that
i never seen a guild on RoS that actually blobbing like u keep QQ about
@the guy who said FRS only fight behin a tower u definitely didn’t meet us when we raiding , if u do then u r lootbagman please lets end this bad mouthing and back to the QQ it was amusing XDD
I’m sorry but I personally don’t give a crap about you, or who you are? But I’ll reply anyways.
1) Yes Vabbi is the weakest “WvW” server, and maybe “PvE” server aswell. Vabbi doesn’t blob, organized guilds blob, there isn’t one organized guild on Vabbi that runs a group larger than 10-15. So what you seen was an unorganized zerg. Just saying, Vabbi has dedicated guilds, and players, as every server has, but still I see FRS with no server of its own, does this upset you because its true? Good.
2) I couldn’t care less about FRS joining RoS, but they however will kitten up the bronze league for more deserving servers. Like every other guild that joined RoS AFTER the leagues started.
3) Just lol.
4) I hope RoS get some mad queues. Enjoy your PvE pop.
5) I’ve seen the FRS videos, that is everything I hate in high tier servers, all these 1 skill spamming. Isnt that “skill-less”?
I see this has not got old yet.
Taken a break, came back, still the QQ on “you lot are winning, you blob lots” carries on…
Its not only a little pathetic, its damm unoriginal and quite sad people have not come up with something new to QQ about, just for the sake of variety.One side will always outnumber the others in any given battle, Deal with it.
Since you seem to be either unable or unwilling to understand the complaints made, let’s try it again in a simpler version:
Maybe try running in a smaller group than a zerg or a 30man guild raid in order to get a fight out of Vabbi.
The only group that i’ve ever seen try adapt to a lower tier opponent was TUP and i have to give them credit for that (funny enough that it caused one of the most stupid flame wars of all time).
I haven’t complained about blobs when i was fighting in what is currently gold and silver league servers. I’m simply disappointed that it has reached this tier as well.
All of this applies to Dzagonur as well of course. It’s just that the attitude of some posters from Ros is so disgusting that it’s hard to focus on anything else.
Edit: @YuGiOh.4906: It’s not spamming 1 when you have to click it every single time.
Vabbits, you get such good Matchup drama.
FoW misses fighting Vabbi, we’re having blob troubles of our own, with Blobbar Lag.
All of this applies to Dzagonur as well of course. It’s just that the attitude of some posters from Ros is so disgusting that it’s hard to focus on anything else.
I suggest you read trough the entire thread again, post by post.
I’m the only one here with a terrible attitude and I’m just responding to trolls like you.
I see this has not got old yet.
Taken a break, came back, still the QQ on “you lot are winning, you blob lots” carries on…
Its not only a little pathetic, its damm unoriginal and quite sad people have not come up with something new to QQ about, just for the sake of variety.One side will always outnumber the others in any given battle, Deal with it.
Since you seem to be either unable or unwilling to understand the complaints made, let’s try it again in a simpler version:
Maybe try running in a smaller group than a zerg or a 30man guild raid in order to get a fight out of Vabbi.The only group that i’ve ever seen try adapt to a lower tier opponent was TUP and i have to give them credit for that (funny enough that it caused one of the most stupid flame wars of all time).
I haven’t complained about blobs when i was fighting in what is currently gold and silver league servers. I’m simply disappointed that it has reached this tier as well.
All of this applies to Dzagonur as well of course. It’s just that the attitude of some posters from Ros is so disgusting that it’s hard to focus on anything else.
Edit: @YuGiOh.4906: It’s not spamming 1 when you have to click it every single time.
Oh, I understand, I’ve been on both sides of this at one time and another, both the zerg and the zerged, and my conclusion? kitten happens, deal with it.
QQ will not fix it, it cant be fixed, its not a problem.
There are ways to beat a larger zerg with smaller numbers, work them out.
Vabbi top blobber confirmed!
Just a taste of what will come now that the party weekenders will come back to work, huehehe. Better be prepared for 600+ ppt and spawn camping with 100 man guilds. We’ve kept our true power quiet all this time.
Vabbits, you get such good Matchup drama.
FoW misses fighting Vabbi, we’re having blob troubles of our own, with Blobbar Lag.
You have RoS and RoF next week, should be an exciting thread.
Dear Ray,
after taking the time to read your post history i have to say that even for the forum of an mmo you seem like a very troubled young man. I will pray for you tonight.
I’m quite aware of what to do against large zergs. The issue is rather that i don’t understand the motivation in becoming another server that tries to play like gold league. Personally i’m not troubled by vabbi getting stomped in points. I’m just baffled.
Vabbits, you get such good Matchup drama.
FoW misses fighting Vabbi, we’re having blob troubles of our own, with Blobbar Lag.
Lololol. That name xD Blobbar Lag. I appreciate that comment.
Oh and miss you too, sunshine. How is HT?
Dear Ray,
after taking the time to read your post history i have to say that even for the forum of an mmo you seem like a very troubled young man. I will pray for you tonight.@Cameirus:
I’m quite aware of what to do against large zergs. The issue is rather that i don’t understand the motivation in becoming another server that tries to play like gold league. Personally i’m not troubled by vabbi getting stomped in points. I’m just baffled.
I dont understand your comments. Play like gold league means what exactly? To play effectively? You want people in bronze to play bad just to cater to you?
Gold silver bronze has nothing to do with ability, its to do with coverage, pure and simple. Gold servers get all day coverage, silver less so, and bronze not so much. Its not about ability as such.
But in prime time its likely to be zerg mania on any server, no matter the league. why? because its effective.
You seam to want people to deliberately nerf themselves by splitting up, well sorry, not going to happen as you cant guarantee everyone else does it. And if we did that, then you turn up with a slightly larger group, are you in the wrong? what do we have to do? stand round before each fight and count people on each side and make anyone extra stand to the side and wait?
No, alls fair in WvWvW. you want balanced pvp? thats what spvp is for.
Dear Ray,
after taking the time to read your post history i have to say that even for the forum of an mmo you seem like a very troubled young man. I will pray for you tonight.@Cameirus:
I’m quite aware of what to do against large zergs. The issue is rather that i don’t understand the motivation in becoming another server that tries to play like gold league. Personally i’m not troubled by vabbi getting stomped in points. I’m just baffled.I dont understand your comments. Play like gold league means what exactly? To play effectively? You want people in bronze to play bad just to cater to you?
Gold silver bronze has nothing to do with ability, its to do with coverage, pure and simple. Gold servers get all day coverage, silver less so, and bronze not so much. Its not about ability as such.
But in prime time its likely to be zerg mania on any server, no matter the league. why? because its effective.
You seam to want people to deliberately nerf themselves by splitting up, well sorry, not going to happen as you cant guarantee everyone else does it. And if we did that, then you turn up with a slightly larger group, are you in the wrong? what do we have to do? stand round before each fight and count people on each side and make anyone extra stand to the side and wait?No, alls fair in WvWvW. you want balanced pvp? thats what spvp is for.
Xept that SPvP only allows 8 players. Go play champ train if you like zerging so much.
The use of fun as an attributive adjective, as in a fun time, a fun place, probably originated in a playful reanalysis of the use of the word in sentences such as It is fun to ski, where fun has the syntactic function of adjectives such as amusing or enjoyable. The usage became popular in the 1950s and 1960s, though there is some evidence to suggest that it has 19th-century antecedents, but it can still raise eyebrows among traditionalists. The day may come when this usage is entirely unremarkable, but writers may want to avoid it in more formal contexts.
The use of fun as an attributive adjective, as in a fun time, a fun place, probably originated in a playful reanalysis of the use of the word in sentences such as It is fun to ski, where fun has the syntactic function of adjectives such as amusing or enjoyable. The usage became popular in the 1950s and 1960s, though there is some evidence to suggest that it has 19th-century antecedents, but it can still raise eyebrows among traditionalists. The day may come when this usage is entirely unremarkable, but writers may want to avoid it in more formal contexts.
Dear Ray,
after taking the time to read your post history i have to say that even for the forum of an mmo you seem like a very troubled young man. I will pray for you tonight.
Thanks, I hope the good Lord will show mercy upon me.
Dear Ray,
after taking the time to read your post history i have to say that even for the forum of an mmo you seem like a very troubled young man. I will pray for you tonight.@Cameirus:
I’m quite aware of what to do against large zergs. The issue is rather that i don’t understand the motivation in becoming another server that tries to play like gold league. Personally i’m not troubled by vabbi getting stomped in points. I’m just baffled.I dont understand your comments. Play like gold league means what exactly? To play effectively? You want people in bronze to play bad just to cater to you?
Gold silver bronze has nothing to do with ability, its to do with coverage, pure and simple. Gold servers get all day coverage, silver less so, and bronze not so much. Its not about ability as such.
But in prime time its likely to be zerg mania on any server, no matter the league. why? because its effective.
You seam to want people to deliberately nerf themselves by splitting up, well sorry, not going to happen as you cant guarantee everyone else does it. And if we did that, then you turn up with a slightly larger group, are you in the wrong? what do we have to do? stand round before each fight and count people on each side and make anyone extra stand to the side and wait?No, alls fair in WvWvW. you want balanced pvp? thats what spvp is for.
Xept that SPvP only allows 8 players. Go play champ train if you like zerging so much.
go play something else if you dont like wvwvw as it is.
Currently the overwhelming majority of players zerg, and the minority qq about it.
That puts you in the minority. So stop trying to impose your idea of fun on other people.
Either get creative and use superior tactics to defeat the zerg, join in, or leave. Endless QQ over something you’ll never change and which most people dont even want to change, is boring.
What i mean by “gold league playstyle” is that it’s centered around maximizing ppt. Not fun, not fights that teach you something and increase your skill. I can’t comprehend what pleasure the 20 guys take out of breaking off the zerg and chasing me down.
Yes, there are people that deliberately look for outnumbered situations in order to test themselves. I do agree with wvw being imbalanced as a game mode, but i don’t agree with players not balancing it themselves.
Yes, i do feel bad when outnumbering an opponent. I usually try to avoid these situations.
If you run on your own or are part of the group, why would you not look for the tough fights, the fights that you don’t believe you can win? These are the ones that will increase your skill in the end.
Edit: “Most players” zerg because it’s the equivalent of pve champion trains.
Also i’ll “QQ” over anything i like. Maybe try to take a complaint or argument seriously before demeaning it.
(edited by Monkeymonger.9235)
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