6/14 CD / TC / SoS

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: chezzybear.2458


Wow what a fun friggin night!


Water Lilli [TAHO] Guild Leader

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Usagi.4835


I didnt say it indirectly,i said it directly.
TC brought a full zerg on overlook when all it had was 12 defenders,after getting overlook half the zerg spawncamped the 6 that tried to get on veloka.
Veloka all it had inside was 6 defenders out of which your mesmers had no remorse on trying to fling outside the tower with temporal curtains.
Also there wasnt anything to learn from this match,and your words of praise sound empty when right at this moment overlook is loaded with siege used against not even a handfull of SoS.

I’m… pretty kittening sure that the player cap per server per map is MUCH lower than 300.

Also there wasnt anything to learn from this match

lol. Of course not. Not with that attitude.

and your words of praise sound empty when right at this moment overlook is loaded with siege used against not even a handfull of SoS.

1. I’m not even there. Until it was mentioned a few posts ago, I had no idea you were being spawn-camped. I do apologise on behalf of my server (even though I’m just one person) because that kind of behaviour is appalling.
2. I’m pretty sure this is SoS’ downtime and NA’s primetime. Please do expect a lower SoS population and a much higher TC population.

My attitude is fine and justified,tc as a server hasnt done anything that another server hasnt done before aside showing the WORSE sportsmanship ever performed.
The EP members camped at veloka spamming laugh at the people trying to siege the gate,and then calling an over 25 people pack to kill the 7 SoS outside of is also not promoting anything other than grief.
Also this isnt a downtime issue,people got tired of spending gold and siege to try to defend something that couldnt be defended because fully optimized zergs dont give a flying F if you cart them or not.
Server limit might not be 300 since it got lowered and increased over the past months ,but still i am sure that a 20 to 1 rate isnt something balanced.
So excuse me if i sound rough to you,but you havent been spawncamped for the past 12 hours to understand me.

Lol you never learn, do you? Coming back every single day to spout more crap. You don’t know anything about TC. We spent months at the bottom rung of Tier 2, being kicked around by BG and SOR and then, following that, by BG and KN. So don’t act like this is something exclusive to either SOS or CD.

Like other people in this thread, you can try and paint TC as a whole to be a server full of clkitten people who have no sense of sportsmanship and who only know how to zerg etc. while forgetting that actually, we’re all the same and we’re just playing GW2 to have fun.

You seriously need to go take a breather. It’s a game.

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

(edited by Usagi.4835)

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Forzani.2584


Every server seems to have it’s own unique characteristics. Some of them are so blatant that you would be able to figure out who you were fighting after a few days even with the server tags off.

If you are a boxing fan you would remember Oscar De La Hoya. Pure tactical boxer. Didn’t like to get hit. Would outbox his opponent without taking any risks.

To me that is TC. Not 100% of the time but in general.

Very methodical and patient. When taking a tower/keep they go balls to the wall with overwhelming firepower. If any kind of resistance they pull back and reevaluate. Then determine what other siege is needed to get the job done…as cleanly as possible …by clean I mean as few deaths as possible. In a perfect world zero deaths. Leroy Jenkins is not in their vocabulary.

Same thing applies in the open field. Great flanking tactics. Great baiting tactics. They really only fight under their terms if possible. If in doubt they retreat and regroup. Applies to large groups down to solo.

Their discipline within the blob is quite amazing. if you snooze, you lose. What I mean is if you lag back or don’t pay attention, you are on your own. If the enemy hits you they aint turning around to help you or rez you. Very objective focused.

As frustrating as it is to fight against that you can’t help but be impressed by their consistency. Hopefully, but not likely, they won’t take this the wrong way

I don’t think that’s all strictly true; we have our good days and our bad days just like everyone else. But thanks for the compliment, I guess. You don’t need to be scared of TC. We all have room for improvement.

Scared of TC ? umm, that couldn’t be further from the truth of the point I was trying to make. There are some players on other servers I am very wary of, but that goes towards my original statement of recognizing play styles from different servers.

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: electriette.8952



I wonder what this word was prior to passing the censor. o:< I’m an idiot.

Also, I will be writing strongly-worded letters to our TC overlords legendary defenders about this quaggan massacre. >:C

(edited by electriette.8952)

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wintuo.1356


Usagi, one person does not paint the world in a week. Grave’s comments are solely his opinion he’s venting them. I know how that is, sometimes we gotta vent when we’re frustrated, its why forums like this even exist. To Grave himself though, if SoS was the group with more numbers picture yourself with us on the end you’re on now, would it be any different? If you stopped to think about it you would realize no, it wouldnt be any different at all, same tactics such as laughing and spawn camping would be found if SoS, or any server was dominating the other two. For proof read back on the weeks where any server dominated and tell me if the same reports do not exist. Should we be happy that it happens no, but it’s how the game rolls now, we either play despite adversity or not.

Win Two Ohhh lvl 80 Human Mesmer
Guard the Guild lvl 80 Norn Guardian
Outlaws and Vagabonds(LaWz) on TC

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nikked.7365


Thanks for the fun, TC! We had a great time, and hope you did too.

Jacked Jackal

Jacked Jackal :: Norn Mesmer :: Giant and Fabulous

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Usagi.4835


Scared of TC ? umm, that couldn’t be further from the truth of the point I was trying to make. There are some players on other servers I am very wary of, but that goes towards my original statement of recognizing play styles from different servers.

Yeah, I meant the part where you were like “I hope they don’t take this the wrong way.”

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: JudgeD.5673


Well, thank you to CD for showing me you can bring it.


The Robertsons – Julie, Lyana, Adrian, and Lewis
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Waffler.1257


TC, you are so cruel for killing such sweet and innocent creatures.

Quaggans are freaks of nature. I would have killed them myself, but they were on my server ><.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: electriette.8952


TC, you are so cruel for killing such sweet and innocent creatures.

Quaggans are freaks of nature. I would have killed them myself, but they were on my server ><.

You heartless monster ;_;

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kalidri.5427


Thanks for the fun, TC! We had a great time, and hope you did too.

Jacked Jackal

It was fun! I think a few folks tried to make the repeated killing of the parade by quaggans into a ‘thing’ but when you all died at the gates I think we forgave CD. It is wvw and one does tend to get killed in there

Of course, there was NOTHING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING innocent about those quaggans. Lies.

-Gos, the honest to goodness RP thief from TC that likes dying in wvw TAKE MY BAGS!

Goseldt – TC/[TLS]/I just wanna dance.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: grave of hearts.7830

grave of hearts.7830

Your server (tc) spawncamped 12 defenders with 150 people so the other 150 get veloka,if the active commander that momment didnt had a simple drop of shame to call them back then its too late to make them feel shame now.
You noticed the long silence from SoS over the past hours on this forum,that is our answer on what we are thinking about TC.

Yes, because TC is comprised of only 150 people. You can keep picking at straws trying to come up with ways to paint TC out to be the ‘big bad server’ you believe it is.

Nobody asked for this matchup; yeah, you’re frustrated but to try and smear TC because of it is pretty sad. Especially when it’s on multiple occasions from the same number of posters. I’ve been in EB and all of the other maps. And it is not a coordinated attempt to spawn camp. It is people taking your keep and then pushing you back to spawn and then moving onto the next objective.

This is getting soooo old. Most boring, overmilked discussion ever.

Imagine if it was a coordinated attempt,you would had siege hitting directly the spawn……oh wait…..isnt that a treb hitting the spawn?
Naw must had been my imagination along with the catas and carts.
Also didnt know there was another objective since tc had been holding the entire eb since yesterday.
And if you think i am sad for saying the facts,what does your “we didnt ask for this matchup but we are fing you up because you cant do anything about it” excuse makes you look like?
If you want to stop the TC bashing for what they do,better stop locking horns with me and start talking sense to your teammates.
Also if you had readed the first posts mentioning the spawncamp,you would had noticed its not me pointing on them but TC.
Now if you dont mind,back off.

SoS Defence and Emergency commander
If you see a gear above my head……run
If you see me Offline,its totaly not a trap

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Garreth MacLeod.4158

Garreth MacLeod.4158

I tried to save the Quaggans but they just kept walking towards those defenders

SoS and CD, it’s been an unusual week to say the least. /salute to all of you for the fights.

Leader, Phantom Coven – GW1 & GW2
Garreth (Ra), Elizabeth (El), Fiona (Me), Morrigan (N)
Ceana (G), Briana (Th), Snowbourn (Eng), Onchu (W)

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Usagi.4835


Usagi, one person does not paint the world in a week. Grave’s comments are solely his opinion he’s venting them. I know how that is, sometimes we gotta vent when we’re frustrated, its why forums like this even exist. To Grave himself though, if SoS was the group with more numbers picture yourself with us on the end you’re on now, would it be any different? If you stopped to think about it you would realize no, it wouldnt be any different at all, same tactics such as laughing and spawn camping would be found if SoS, or any server was dominating the other two. For proof read back on the weeks where any server dominated and tell me if the same reports do not exist. Should we be happy that it happens no, but it’s how the game rolls now, we either play despite adversity or not.

Yeah, hence the fact that I changed my comment. When I’m frustrated, I vent to my friends instead of coming onto the forums to vent at/blame everyone else for the way the week is going, whilst also dropping in snarky remarks. It’s perfectly fine to vent but do it in a constructive way and in a way where you’re not going to be offending other people.

I’ve been on TC since launch. We have all been through that. It’s not exclusive to SOS or CD.

Yes, there have been times where select individuals have come onto the forums to complain about being grossly outnumbered or about being spawn camped. I haven’t denied that or made any attempt to cover it up.

Really, Grave should be reading your comment.

Don’t expect me to be sympathetic when you come here and start making unnecessary snipes towards TC.

And as a side note, I totally wish TCers would stop posting things along the lines of “Oh, I hope you learn something from our server” because I think it makes us look stupid and because I don’t know how you could think that wouldn’t be interpreted as condescending, ill intentions or not.

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Well, thank you to CD for showing me you can bring it.

NooooO!!!! I can’t believe I missed that!


6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Usagi.4835


Your server (tc) spawncamped 12 defenders with 150 people so the other 150 get veloka,if the active commander that momment didnt had a simple drop of shame to call them back then its too late to make them feel shame now.
You noticed the long silence from SoS over the past hours on this forum,that is our answer on what we are thinking about TC.

Yes, because TC is comprised of only 150 people. You can keep picking at straws trying to come up with ways to paint TC out to be the ‘big bad server’ you believe it is.

Nobody asked for this matchup; yeah, you’re frustrated but to try and smear TC because of it is pretty sad. Especially when it’s on multiple occasions from the same number of posters. I’ve been in EB and all of the other maps. And it is not a coordinated attempt to spawn camp. It is people taking your keep and then pushing you back to spawn and then moving onto the next objective.

This is getting soooo old. Most boring, overmilked discussion ever.

Imagine if it was a coordinated attempt,you would had siege hitting directly the spawn……oh wait…..isnt that a treb hitting the spawn?
Naw must had been my imagination along with the catas and carts.
Also didnt know there was another objective since tc had been holding the entire eb since yesterday.
And if you think i am sad for saying the facts,what does your “we didnt ask for this matchup but we are fing you up because you cant do anything about it” excuse makes you look like?
If you want to stop the TC bashing for what they do,better stop locking horns with me and start talking sense to your teammates.
Also if you had readed the first posts mentioning the spawncamp,you would had noticed its not me pointing on them but TC.
Now if you dont mind,back off.

Please show me exactly where somebody said “We didn’t ask for this matchup but we are kittening you up because you can’t do anything about it.” I’m genuinely curious as to where you got this nugget of information. Oh right, must have been your imagination.

I was in EB today and I didn’t see that so I can’t verify whether or not it didn’t happen. I don’t think I’ve ever come across someone so vocal about it as you… And it’s a bit much to expect me to just talk it out with everyone else on the map and expect them to listen. I don’t believe it has happened but if it has, you should probably find some guild tags and ask to speak to the relevant guild officers.

And I’m not going to try and negotiate with you because that’s a pretty immature stance to take; it’s a two-way street. Respect comes from both parties. I don’t need to kowtow to your demands in the hopes that you’ll stop being snarky about TC.

You’re perfectly welcome to do whatever you like though, as am I, so please don’t try and tell me what to do.

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Seriously people. It’s time to knock off the back and forth. Reset is tomorrow, let’s just put all this junk to rest and have a fun 24 hours.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: grave of hearts.7830

grave of hearts.7830

Usagi, one person does not paint the world in a week. Grave’s comments are solely his opinion he’s venting them. I know how that is, sometimes we gotta vent when we’re frustrated, its why forums like this even exist. To Grave himself though, if SoS was the group with more numbers picture yourself with us on the end you’re on now, would it be any different? If you stopped to think about it you would realize no, it wouldnt be any different at all, same tactics such as laughing and spawn camping would be found if SoS, or any server was dominating the other two. For proof read back on the weeks where any server dominated and tell me if the same reports do not exist. Should we be happy that it happens no, but it’s how the game rolls now, we either play despite adversity or not.

You dont need to defend me,i can do that myself.
And when my server pulls that crap if i am leading i pull them off.
If we face a server with lower population i withdraw from wvw and go farm the junk i need for my legendary.
Let usagi say his piece at me,its the only fair fight i got for the past 2 weeks.

SoS Defence and Emergency commander
If you see a gear above my head……run
If you see me Offline,its totaly not a trap

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nikked.7365


How do I spell 15 characters?

Jacked Jackal :: Norn Mesmer :: Giant and Fabulous

(edited by Nikked.7365)

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zelda.7013


Get ready folks, here it comes!


6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Grieve.1432


Thanks for the fun, TC! We had a great time, and hope you did too.

Jacked Jackal

It was fun! I think a few folks tried to make the repeated killing of the parade by quaggans into a ‘thing’ but when you all died at the gates I think we forgave CD. It is wvw and one does tend to get killed in there

Of course, there was NOTHING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING innocent about those quaggans. Lies.

-Gos, the honest to goodness RP thief from TC that likes dying in wvw TAKE MY BAGS!

Oh, We’ll have a video coming out eventually, but yes it was quite enjoyable and I’m glad TC was good sports about it.

I think the best moment was actually when our Quaggan Squad came running out of our Citadel for the first time and right as we were about to run down the hill, the RE zerg appeared around the corner and everyone from both groups just stopped dead in their tracks and just stared waiting to see what the other was doing.

South of Heaven [SoH] – Crystal Desert
Grieve Logdan (Human War) | Rifte Torin (Charr Thief)
Feylicia Logdan (Human Mes) | Elias Foralli (Asura Guard)

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: electriette.8952


I tried to save the Quaggans but they just kept walking towards those defenders

SoS and CD, it’s been an unusual week to say the least. /salute to all of you for the fights.

I suddenly imagined a scene where you do a slow-motion jump trying to take an arrow for a quaggan lol.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aieo.2815


Get ready folks, here it comes!

Knowing our luck we will face TC again. haha

Sea of Sorrows > Jade Quarry > Sea of Sorrows
Effing rallybot

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: electriette.8952


Get ready folks, here it comes!

Knowing our luck we will face TC again. haha

I love you too

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Yuujin.1067


Get ready folks, here it comes!

Knowing our luck we will face TC again. haha

Can I make a clever joke?

If so, you bring the WHINE and we’ll bring the CHEESE.

Get it? Whine instead of wine because some people from your server are complaining about TC.

And cheese because people are accusing TC of being cheesy.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: LameFox.6349


I didnt say it indirectly,i said it directly.
TC brought a full zerg on overlook when all it had was 12 defenders,after getting overlook half the zerg spawncamped the 6 that tried to get on veloka.
Veloka all it had inside was 6 defenders out of which your mesmers had no remorse on trying to fling outside the tower with temporal curtains.
Also there wasnt anything to learn from this match,and your words of praise sound empty when right at this moment overlook is loaded with siege used against not even a handfull of SoS.

I’ve known SoS to zerg our towers when we had [outmanned] and maybe a handful of people on the map altogether – including when we were matched with SoR, so not even the greatest threat to them in general. Throw any other server in there capable of actually forming a zerg in the first place and you’d get the exact same thing. That really shouldn’t still surprise anyone remotely familiar with humanity.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rawr.5930


So much stupid.

Meega Kweesta

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: grave of hearts.7830

grave of hearts.7830

Your server (tc) spawncamped 12 defenders with 150 people so the other 150 get veloka,if the active commander that momment didnt had a simple drop of shame to call them back then its too late to make them feel shame now.
You noticed the long silence from SoS over the past hours on this forum,that is our answer on what we are thinking about TC.

Yes, because TC is comprised of only 150 people. You can keep picking at straws trying to come up with ways to paint TC out to be the ‘big bad server’ you believe it is.

Nobody asked for this matchup; yeah, you’re frustrated but to try and smear TC because of it is pretty sad. Especially when it’s on multiple occasions from the same number of posters. I’ve been in EB and all of the other maps. And it is not a coordinated attempt to spawn camp. It is people taking your keep and then pushing you back to spawn and then moving onto the next objective.

This is getting soooo old. Most boring, overmilked discussion ever.

Imagine if it was a coordinated attempt,you would had siege hitting directly the spawn……oh wait…..isnt that a treb hitting the spawn?
Naw must had been my imagination along with the catas and carts.
Also didnt know there was another objective since tc had been holding the entire eb since yesterday.
And if you think i am sad for saying the facts,what does your “we didnt ask for this matchup but we are fing you up because you cant do anything about it” excuse makes you look like?
If you want to stop the TC bashing for what they do,better stop locking horns with me and start talking sense to your teammates.
Also if you had readed the first posts mentioning the spawncamp,you would had noticed its not me pointing on them but TC.
Now if you dont mind,back off.

Please show me exactly where somebody said “We didn’t ask for this matchup but we are kittening you up because you can’t do anything about it.” I’m genuinely curious as to where you got this nugget of information. Oh right, must have been your imagination.

I was in EB today and I didn’t see that so I can’t verify whether or not it didn’t happen. I don’t think I’ve ever come across someone so vocal about it as you… And it’s a bit much to expect me to just talk it out with everyone else on the map and expect them to listen. I don’t believe it has happened but if it has, you should probably find some guild tags and ask to speak to the relevant guild officers.

And I’m not going to try and negotiate with you because that’s a pretty immature stance to take; it’s a two-way street. Respect comes from both parties. I don’t need to kowtow to your demands in the hopes that you’ll stop being snarky about TC.

You’re perfectly welcome to do whatever you like though, as am I, so please don’t try and tell me what to do.

The treb is still there,the carts are still there the catapult is still there.
You can go see for yourself.
Its not today,its been since yesterday.
And honestly there is nothing left to be done,it just shouldnt had happened in the manner it happened.
I find it pointless to sit and contact all guilds hoping they will put a leash on theyr morons,that is a wasted effort when they didnt had told them to behave beforehand.
As far between me and you i dont like your way of justifying everything with a “we didnt choose this” while your server capitalises on it.
It was a poor choice of words,and it irritated me a lot.
And you used it again while we were faceing tsym,which makes it look like you are using it way too frequently.
I am who i am and i speak my mind without sugar coating my words,and if you want respect try to understand me first.
I wouldnt bash anyone if he wasnt asking for a bashing beforehand.
And i wouldnt tell you to back off if i didnt feel like you jumped on me picking a fight when you didnt know what was going on.
Here is a souvenir from EP and NPA attitude,not to mention that 20 seconds later and while we were pretty much nearly dead from the carting we get hit by a 25+ mixed zerg.
This is what you are defending,so dont blame me when i raise my voice.
Lets continue this another time,hopefully in a more calmer way.


SoS Defence and Emergency commander
If you see a gear above my head……run
If you see me Offline,its totaly not a trap

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: iCryptik.1496


Your server (tc) spawncamped 12 defenders with 150 people so the other 150 get veloka,if the active commander that momment didnt had a simple drop of shame to call them back then its too late to make them feel shame now.
You noticed the long silence from SoS over the past hours on this forum,that is our answer on what we are thinking about TC.

Yes, because TC is comprised of only 150 people. You can keep picking at straws trying to come up with ways to paint TC out to be the ‘big bad server’ you believe it is.

Nobody asked for this matchup; yeah, you’re frustrated but to try and smear TC because of it is pretty sad. Especially when it’s on multiple occasions from the same number of posters. I’ve been in EB and all of the other maps. And it is not a coordinated attempt to spawn camp. It is people taking your keep and then pushing you back to spawn and then moving onto the next objective.

This is getting soooo old. Most boring, overmilked discussion ever.

Imagine if it was a coordinated attempt,you would had siege hitting directly the spawn……oh wait…..isnt that a treb hitting the spawn?
Naw must had been my imagination along with the catas and carts.
Also didnt know there was another objective since tc had been holding the entire eb since yesterday.
And if you think i am sad for saying the facts,what does your “we didnt ask for this matchup but we are fing you up because you cant do anything about it” excuse makes you look like?
If you want to stop the TC bashing for what they do,better stop locking horns with me and start talking sense to your teammates.
Also if you had readed the first posts mentioning the spawncamp,you would had noticed its not me pointing on them but TC.
Now if you dont mind,back off.

Please show me exactly where somebody said “We didn’t ask for this matchup but we are kittening you up because you can’t do anything about it.” I’m genuinely curious as to where you got this nugget of information. Oh right, must have been your imagination.

I was in EB today and I didn’t see that so I can’t verify whether or not it didn’t happen. I don’t think I’ve ever come across someone so vocal about it as you… And it’s a bit much to expect me to just talk it out with everyone else on the map and expect them to listen. I don’t believe it has happened but if it has, you should probably find some guild tags and ask to speak to the relevant guild officers.

And I’m not going to try and negotiate with you because that’s a pretty immature stance to take; it’s a two-way street. Respect comes from both parties. I don’t need to kowtow to your demands in the hopes that you’ll stop being snarky about TC.

You’re perfectly welcome to do whatever you like though, as am I, so please don’t try and tell me what to do.

The treb is still there,the carts are still there the catapult is still there.
You can go see for yourself.
Its not today,its been since yesterday.
And honestly there is nothing left to be done,it just shouldnt had happened in the manner it happened.
I find it pointless to sit and contact all guilds hoping they will put a leash on theyr morons,that is a wasted effort when they didnt had told them to behave beforehand.
As far between me and you i dont like your way of justifying everything with a “we didnt choose this” while your server capitalises on it.
It was a poor choice of words,and it irritated me a lot.
And you used it again while we were faceing tsym,which makes it look like you are using it way too frequently.
I am who i am and i speak my mind without sugar coating my words,and if you want respect try to understand me first.
I wouldnt bash anyone if he wasnt asking for a bashing beforehand.
And i wouldnt tell you to back off if i didnt feel like you jumped on me picking a fight when you didnt know what was going on.
Here is a souvenir from EP and NPA attitude,not to mention that 20 seconds later and while we were pretty much nearly dead from the carting we get hit by a 25+ mixed zerg.
This is what you are defending,so dont blame me when i raise my voice.
Lets continue this another time,hopefully in a more calmer way.


Tarnished Coast [TC]

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: grave of hearts.7830

grave of hearts.7830

Sigh cryptic show some effort

Wake me up when you refine your trolling style

SoS Defence and Emergency commander
If you see a gear above my head……run
If you see me Offline,its totaly not a trap

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dontcare Aboutnames.9284

Dontcare Aboutnames.9284

Showing the TC megazerg on SoSBL right now!! Tots outnumber you guys right now

and the after (if I can get it to show up!)


No Tears
Just Dreams

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: iCryptik.1496


Sigh cryptic show some effort

Wake me up when you refine your trolling style

I saw these at the store on sale and picked a few up for ya.

Had some fun fighting KoMe this week. You guys keep coming no matter what.


Tarnished Coast [TC]

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Yuujin.1067


@grave of hearts.7830

It wasn’t a poor choice of words. Last week we had the same ‘problem’ with SoR. There is no contest when you pit three servers against each other when there is a tremendous gap in coverage, organization, and level of skill between all three of them. This is not TC capitalizing off of the match up, it is TC participating in WvW combat.

The only thing more embarrassing than a server taking pity on you and letting you have towers, keeps, and camps is coming to the forum and trying to villainize them for having more points than you.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: jschultz.2901


Still had fun this week though it definitely has been frustrating as a CD’er. Each time we’ve gotten a waypoint up in a keep it feels kitten good. Yeah, we’re gonna lose it after a bit but considering what we’ve been up against it’s an accomplishment. We even had Bankers in CDBL garrison for a while today, gods forfend!

On the ground, with near even numbers there have been some good fights on all sides. Even some outnumbered wins, and also losses when we shouldn’t have. Even though I want to comment on it (and I kind of just did), I’ll keep from going further on the 5-10 defenders vs 40-60 zergs everywhere. Just not much you can do really.

Have enjoyed the spirit and comradarie of those folks willing to attempt to stand up to the hordes. In our next matchups (that are close) I’ll quote Mr T because we’ve been hardened and humiliated by such larger numbers coming at us.

“I pity the fool! …that doesn’t eat my cereal.” Ok, maybe that was Pee Wee Herman, but it still stands!

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kreaven.3172


Here is a souvenir from EP and NPA attitude,not to mention that 20 seconds later and while we were pretty much nearly dead from the carting we get hit by a 25+ mixed zerg.
This is what you are defending,so dont blame me when i raise my voice.
Lets continue this another time,hopefully in a more calmer way.

Hey I think I am in that picture somewhere. Does this mean I am famous?!?

Commander Ravana Mace[CERN] – 80 Ranger
~Tarnished Coast since the beginning

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Usagi.4835


The treb is still there,the carts are still there the catapult is still there.
You can go see for yourself.
Its not today,its been since yesterday.
And honestly there is nothing left to be done,it just shouldnt had happened in the manner it happened.
I find it pointless to sit and contact all guilds hoping they will put a leash on theyr morons,that is a wasted effort when they didnt had told them to behave beforehand.
As far between me and you i dont like your way of justifying everything with a “we didnt choose this” while your server capitalises on it.
It was a poor choice of words,and it irritated me a lot.
And you used it again while we were faceing tsym,which makes it look like you are using it way too frequently.
I am who i am and i speak my mind without sugar coating my words,and if you want respect try to understand me first.
I wouldnt bash anyone if he wasnt asking for a bashing beforehand.
And i wouldnt tell you to back off if i didnt feel like you jumped on me picking a fight when you didnt know what was going on.
Here is a souvenir from EP and NPA attitude,not to mention that 20 seconds later and while we were pretty much nearly dead from the carting we get hit by a 25+ mixed zerg.
This is what you are defending,so dont blame me when i raise my voice.
Lets continue this another time,hopefully in a more calmer way.

Yes, when I say “we didn’t choose this”, I am referring to everybody in the matchup because none of us are responsible for it. I don’t speak for TC and say “TC does this” or “TC does that”, because it’s rarely ever true.

I agree to some extent; I can’t be bothered to go ask people to stop spamming /laugh etc. because it’s most likely a random person who will tell me to kitten off. Just turn off emotes. Seriously, it does a world of good for everybody. I don’t even know who NPA are. If it’s EP, you can otherwise blame it on Mac. From what I can see in the picture, it’s the same idiot spamming /laugh.

Look, just ignore it. It has nothing to do with your ability or your skill etc. Only you can determine that. Don’t feel slighted by it. We’re all just here to play games and have fun.

And it’s not like I hate you or anything because that’s pointless and stupid. I just have a lot of server pride. And I’m too tired to bother with this anymore.

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dontcare Aboutnames.9284

Dontcare Aboutnames.9284

<3 u 2 Eury lolol and I don’t spam laugh I don’t see the point of it but I love when people do it to me! It means I’ve succeeded in getting their attention

No Tears
Just Dreams

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: chezzybear.2458


Heres some funny clips from the quaggan parade. CD side.


not sure why the quality goes from good to bad. sorry

Water Lilli [TAHO] Guild Leader

(edited by chezzybear.2458)

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: PAGamer.4072


Posted lots of pictures from the yak parade and wrote about it. Thank you, everyone, for helping to make it amazing!

Goodbye my TC friends.

That was so sad! We couldn’t stop crying. (T_T)

TC, you are so cruel for killing such sweet and innocent creatures.

So sorry! We couldn’t stop them! If only you had just turned back! (T_T)

Thanks for the fun, TC! We had a great time, and hope you did too.

Jacked Jackal

It was amazing! Thanks for playing with us!

Know some of you maybe won’t miss us, but I’m glad we shared this night. Thanks for coming together to make it happen.


Elwyn Eileurer
The Not Amazing Broken Toaster – Tarnished Coast
[Fun] with Naked Mole Rats/No One Really Likes Us [Sad]

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Le Rooster.8715

Le Rooster.8715

Showing the TC megazerg on SoSBL right now!! Tots outnumber you guys right now

and the after (if I can get it to show up!)

I know it looked like we had alot more but from our point of view your squad looked alot more, always have to remember that especially with a title as long as Sea of Sorrows.

Roosters Inc-Team Shatter [TS] Commander
Sea of Sorrows http://www.gw2sos.com/index.php

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: PAGamer.4072


Heres some funny clips from the quaggan parade. CD side.


not sure why the quality goes from good to bad. sorry

Thanks for sharing that with us, Chezzybear. Glad CD had as much fun as we did!

Elwyn Eileurer
The Not Amazing Broken Toaster – Tarnished Coast
[Fun] with Naked Mole Rats/No One Really Likes Us [Sad]

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: WiredWeasel.5728


Good fights at TC garrison this evening.
Sad that I missed the quaggan shenanigans.
I would have murdered you all.
Quaggan Scum

Beliserius[FaTe]. Sea of Sorrows Lemming Herder.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Freaking SoS. You guys are NINJAs. Suddenly….garri was gone!

Your ability to just gank something without anyone noticing makes me double-take every time.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Necro.6432


Heres some funny clips from the quaggan parade. CD side.


not sure why the quality goes from good to bad. sorry

Thanks for sharing that with us, Chezzybear. Glad CD had as much fun as we did!

Let’s argue about it , WE had the more fun!!

Daeronz | TDS Leader | WvW Commander

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


Thank you SOS and CD. May we meet again in better terms after this matchup. Keep it up.

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: ko killer.3692

ko killer.3692

The Tc EP guild has some talented fighters, hats off to you fellows.

Jade Quarry- Fang

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Traxien Cion.9261

Traxien Cion.9261

Showing the TC megazerg on SoSBL right now!! Tots outnumber you guys right now

and the after (if I can get it to show up!)

I know it looked like we had alot more but from our point of view your squad looked alot more, always have to remember that especially with a title as long as Sea of Sorrows.

Yeah, I was commanding on SoSBL and TCBL tonight. Anyway, during that fight, I think you guys had more, but not significantly. I think we had a total of 18 and I’d estimate your force at about 25, judging from what I saw and just by counting name plates on the picture.

Either way, it was fun! I haven’t been commanding lately because it’s been a little boring, but I was pleasantly surprised today. Thanks for bringing the fights, SoS ;D. I wish you guys would’ve stayed on TCBL a little longer, but it looks like you hopped to CDBL and did some work there, so good on you for getting that PPT.

Traxien Cion – Ranger | Traxien Kills – Warrior | [STUN] | TC Commander

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vagrant.1094


A big thank you to all the CD who created the Quaggan Squad on CDBL tonight. Seeing you guys ambush our Yak Parade all over the map was hilarious, and the terrible sacrificial loss of Quaggan life later in the evening was a class act.

Thank you for making WvW Fun.

~Nyari Cil, The Undying Moose.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: RoninDB.9540


okay. you quaggans are having way too much fun! that was pretty hysterical tho. Sorry I missed it.

Zero Negative [ZN]
Public Relations/Inter-Guild Relations Officer
Tarnished Coast

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Huygens.4075


Quaggan came here to kick posterior and chew bubblegum.

And quaggan is all out of bubblegum.