6/14 DB / Mag / FA
WOW muguuma you are such kittens…. we are leaving you alone on DB BL and you decide to first spawn camp us and kill people running supply. Then you go ahead and take hills when we weren’t even attacking you. You guys really need to learn meta… yes I am angry So tonight when you go to sleep I hope you enjoy having your BL colored RED! Your lack of strategy and meta, as well as kittenry is appalling.
Second Law [Scnd]
WOW muguuma you are such kittens…. we are leaving you alone on DB BL and you decide to first spawn camp us and kill people running supply. Then you go ahead and take hills when we weren’t even attacking you. You guys really need to learn meta… yes I am angry So tonight when you go to sleep I hope you enjoy having your BL colored RED! Your lack of strategy and meta, as well as kittenry is appalling.
Hey man, some people have metanemia. That’s just insensitive.
FA should be thanking Maguuma for getting rid of the waypoints, fortifies, and siege at all DB keeps. Instead you tried to backdoor us at the Eternal keep but got sandwiched by both servers(it did however allow you to snag SM). Not that any of that matters go ahead hit our side we’ll gladly welcome the fights and encourage them.
Edit: tkittenG is censored apparently
FA should be thanking Maguuma for getting rid of the waypoints, fortifies, and siege at all DB keeps. Instead you tried to backdoor us at the Eternal keep but got sandwiched by both servers(it did however allow you to snag SM). Not that any of that matters go ahead hit our side we’ll gladly welcome the fights and encourage them.
Edit: tkittenG is censored apparently
Yep. That is how we work. We’ll attack both of you at any time. There will be no 2v1.
FA is an equal opportunity bag snatcher.
Taking keeps isn’t open field?? o.O
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
(edited by Furiousbeard.7602)
It is weird, indeed. They can’t take paper keeps, and they won’t face you in open field. Yet they come to forums and well… you know what they do best
Mags running away from open field combat #1
(edited by Calvin.5380)
Now this is Mags NOT running away… Mag zerg killing my solo guardian. Maybe this is what they meant when they said they like open field Trolololol….
Mags running away from open field combat #3
oh come now, calvin. you and i both know fighting next to a sieged tower is no fun. we just wanted pvp not PvWall.
Second Law [Scnd]
Now this is Mags NOT running away… Mag zerg killing my solo guardian. Maybe this is what they meant when they said they like open field
According to your signature, you don’t have a guardian
Now this is Mags NOT running away… Mag zerg killing my solo guardian. Maybe this is what they meant when they said they like open field
According to your signature, you don’t have a guardian
Yeah, I leveled a Guardian and a Ranger since. That siggy is too old. If you look at the screenshots, you’ll see my kitten Guardian with that Fractal greatsword… Calvin The Hermit, he calls himself.
(edited by Calvin.5380)
Mags running away from open field combat #3
oh come now, calvin. you and i both know fighting next to a sieged tower is no fun. we just wanted pvp not PvWall.
True. But if you look closely, you’ll see people running away, while they’re being chased far away from the keep by a lesser force.
Now, I don’t want to generalize and say that other servers/guilds don’t run away, especially when odds are not in their favor. Just that Mags do it too. So the bickering about zerging, 2v1, skills, soloing, nightcapping et all needs to really stop.
People are running away? They kinda look frozen to me. Maybe try video next time.
Now, I don’t want to generalize
Thanks for starting my day with a great laugh
Now, I don’t want to generalize
Thanks for starting my day with a great laugh
My pleasure. I’m glad to notice the rare appreciative tone from you on these forums, my friend. Sarcasm isn’t your strong suite, though
More enjoyment for you on this thread:
(edited by Calvin.5380)
Ya that’s gonna work for sure!!!!!!!!!!
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
Ya that’s gonna work for sure!!!!!!!!!!
It totally works. Don’t you feel better already??
Edit: hahahahaha wow this forum shortens ten question marks to two
Ya that’s gonna work for sure!!!!!!!!!!
It totally works. Don’t you feel better already??
Way freakin better!!!!!!!!!!
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
Ya that’s gonna work for sure!!!!!!!!!!
It totally works. Don’t you feel better already??
Edit: hahahahaha wow this forum shortens ten question marks to two
Wow, the forum knows who’s posting! (?)
Edit: Percontation point does not work either.
(edited by Calvin.5380)
Ya that’s gonna work for sure!!!!!!!!!!
It totally works. Don’t you feel better already??
Way freakin better!!!!!!!!!!
We are masters of communication!!!!!!!!!!
check out my pvp videos! http://tinyurl.com/c26egsg
Now with 100% more edgy (do you even lift, brah?!) commentary and 3D face cam!
Ya that’s gonna work for sure!!!!!!!!!!
It totally works. Don’t you feel better already??
Way freakin better!!!!!!!!!!
We are masters of communication!!!!!!!!!!
We will never be misunderstood again!!!!!!!!!!
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
I subscribe to the philosophy that sarcasm in text should always be followed by 10 exclamation marks. I suggest trying that if you want to convey sarcasm more clearly.
Dat percontation point.
Boonprot 80 G
[Ark] Maguuma
I subscribe to the philosophy that sarcasm in text should always be followed by 10 exclamation marks. I suggest trying that if you want to convey sarcasm more clearly.
Dat percontation point.
ASCII rules, Unicode drools!!!!!!!!!!
Mags running away from open field combat #3
Per your chat in the pic…Oliver knows what’s up
Urban Outreach Program Director, Goon Guilds, LLC.
Mags running away from open field combat #3
Per your chat in the pic…Oliver knows what’s up
That’s the whole point. Everyone knew we were outnumbered. Had Mags turned around to fight, we’d have been wiped. And yet, they ran…. and kept running.
No spine, I tell ya.
(edited by Calvin.5380)
Mags running away from open field combat #3
Per your chat in the pic…Oliver knows what’s up
That’s the whole point. Everyone knew we were outnumbered. Had Mags turned around to fight, we’d have been wiped. And yet, they ran…. and kept running.
No spine, I tell ya.
Calvin I think this is a better troll than your normal ones, but try to get pictures where you aren’t sitting within running distance of a tower/keep.
Calvin I think this is a better troll than your normal ones, but try to get pictures where you aren’t sitting within running distance of a tower/keep.
Tbh, everywhere on the map is “within running distance” of a tower/keep.
I was sitting inside Mag garrison, laughing at the DB that wouldn’t come 1v1 me. Didn’t get a pic tho.
I thought Calvin made a great point with the screenshots. But then shoognite and Pinko outsmarted him. Darn you Pinko!
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime
I was sitting inside Mag garrison, laughing at the DB that wouldn’t come 1v1 me. Didn’t get a pic tho.
If you’re inside the garrison,
How was someone supposed to come 1v1 you?
Your story is coming apart already
Oh, I’m pretty sure he wanted to fight you, but sadly he couldn’t get to you.
I think the confusion is that Pinko didn’t use 10 exclamation points in his pose.
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime
Exclamations are used for denial as well? !!!!!!!!!!
This is the last time i solo build a catapult in eternal…
Myrmidon Elite [ME]
Seraphim Martyrs [BURN] – Maguuma
Mags running away from open field combat #3
Per your chat in the pic…Oliver knows what’s up
That’s the whole point. Everyone knew we were outnumbered. Had Mags turned around to fight, we’d have been wiped. And yet, they ran…. and kept running.
No spine, I tell ya.
Calvin I think this is a better troll than your normal ones, but try to get pictures where you aren’t sitting within running distance of a tower/keep.
I did post three more. Denial will only take you so far, my friend.
This reminds me of Mags forum warriors
Pssst… Calvin, if you hit preview before you post, you can add multiple screenshots to a single post.
-Look, look with your special eyes!
-My Dragonbrand!
Pssst… Calvin, if you hit preview before you post, you can add multiple screenshots to a single post.
Yeah, but I can’t add text between two screenshots, can I?
I think the confusion is that Pinko didn’t use 10 exclamation points in his pose.
I’m really glad this is catching on!!!!!!!!!!
Magswag at it finest!
Praise! Minions!
Anyway, I kind like the TC&FA alliance better.
Anyway, I kind like the TC&FA alliance better.
can we trade DB for TC next matchup pls?
Second Law [Scnd]
Homeworld = Home Borderland!
We just got a 400 man guild from somewhere named [NUDE] i think, saw them with 80 man group in our home bl today.
We just got a 400 man guild from somewhere named [NUDE] i think, saw them with 80 man group in our home bl today.
We were wondering about that…thought it might be RE using a new tag to send Rawnoodles off or something lol. But that explanation is…much…simpler…
We just got a 400 man guild from somewhere named [NUDE] i think, saw them with 80 man group in our home bl today.
I don’t buy it lol
The guild The Last Noodle, running ~30-40, and dropping a bunch of treb sites in front of gates…ya, I think it’s RE just messing around.
Maguuma~ : 3
It’s no fun if they don’t fight in the nude.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast