all classes 80, who is the cheesiest of them all?
gw2 dress-up barbie is the real endgame
what is everyones most memorable battles of this match up
the ones where dh cheats to break my keep defense setups
no really
on top of the oily, slimy, sinking feeling of unfairly losing the objective being defended under my direction…. gaming psychology 101 says it takes 4~11 positive events to forget it happened. and with how many more people dh has, those positive events dont come fast enough.
this matchup was bad enough being on the outmanned server… but salt in the wounds.
I feel for you, for everyone who has had to defend against a bigger zerg using exploits. It’s bullkitten and they all know it. It ruins the game for the people who have to defend against it. As a defensive commander and someone who spends most of my time defending, I have sat there going “what the kitten am I supposed to do against that?” as well.
Just a reminder of Anet’s stance on these things, to any mods who happen to be reading this too. Uphold your kitten, Anet.
what is everyones most memorable battles of this match up
the ones where dh cheats to break my keep defense setups
no really
on top of the oily, slimy, sinking feeling of unfairly losing the objective being defended under my direction…. gaming psychology 101 says it takes 4~11 positive events to forget it happened. and with how many more people dh has, those positive events dont come fast enough.
this matchup was bad enough being on the outmanned server… but salt in the wounds.
^^^^^^ this x10000
Losing a fortified keep/tower really crushes player morale. When DH does this, we end up losing half our zerg, putting us at even more unfavorable odds. The purpose of defensive siege is so that smaller groups can defend against larger zergs, but at this point, it seems kinda moot.
wow, thats the largest lead I’ve ever seen(not that Ive seen much)
wow, thats the largest lead I’ve ever seen(not that Ive seen much)
Not quite. In the olden days, we Fergs had to contend with Kaineng and their 660 PPT
runs. However, you lot are still whipping massive behind. Don’t take it personally when I say that I hope the lot of you get stuck with servers of similar population in future.
A little devils advocate…things got a little heated in our last match-up thread and someone from an opposing team made the comment, something like “let’s all keep in mind the majority of the players on the other side are the same generally fun/helpful people you find on any server”.
We should acknowledge that references made to DH in regards to the above are probably, reasonably limited to a guild or individuals within a guild + groupies, and not representative of the server’s attitude as a whole. That’s what I take out of this from reading, and from experience.
In my opinion, a large part of the problem is the response time of Anet in regards to exploits in general. Some have been around, and have been reported, for months with no action. One example that comes to mind is a post from last week where an Anet employee posted in WvW discussion he had discovered you could glitch through the door at NW tower. Considering the number of reports, through forums and in-game, I think that speaks volumes about where our expectations should be. It’s on us to a large degree as servers to regulate ourselves if we expect ‘fair’ match-ups.
These sorts of lingering oversights would likely result in a “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” philosophy for a minority on any server who had to put up with it every week, with no response in sight.
That said, I played GW1 for years and hope this one will survive its growing pains and become something as balanced and fun as we know it can be. Using Anet’s universally acknowledged inaction as a rationalization is a cop-out.
Aside from that, I just wanted to say thanks to DH/FC, I can’t remember a match-up where people have been as polite/respectful in-game. Playing a week free from emote spam has been a change from the last couple months and it didn’t go unnoticed.
That’s all I’ve got to say. Best of luck to you both in your match-up next week.
(edited by Epsilon Atreides.3816)
I am looking forward to the next matchup also! I feel terrible for FC being put in this matchup this week, it shouldn’t have happened. >.<
Best of luck to all servers.
FC, I hope you get a decent matchup.
IoJ, you know we have a love/hate relationship, but I hope we don’t get paired up for a while.
DH, I hope we get up somewhere where the scores are close, like the last couple of weeks. Admit, you all love the adrenaline of logging on and seeing a 40-100 PPT lead! But then again, I think more content is coming out, so that is going to do more harm than good.
Thanks for the garry IoJ
So duels at 8 est, 2 hours from now, on DH border behind the windmill. Be there for the fun guys.
Is anyone interested in some Bollaball matches?
If you don’t know what it is: are everyone plays naked and uses level 2 hammers.
Whisper me or send me a mail if you’re interested. I think this could be really fun.
Thanks for posting this, hadn’t heard about bollaball yet.
We tried it out for 2 or 3 hours in an arena last night and had a blast. However, we were using some slightly different rules. We only had enough people for 3v3 or 4v4 so we didn’t have a goalkeeper and just let everyone use ring of warding. It’s pretty fun trying to block banishes with it.
So duels at 8 est, 2 hours from now, on DH border behind the windmill. Be there for the fun guys.
pff we’re dueling right now! DH windmill
I use 1680×1050 which is both the native and max resolution for my monitor. If I were to hook up to my TV or get a bigger monitor, I would certainly go for a larger resolution. I don’t need my icons to be any larger than what they are and to go with the same resolution on a larger screen would do just that.
The problem is how ACs target. They use line of sight from the player’s perspective instead of from the character’s in game. Since not everyone will have the same fov and since fov is too easily manipulated, there will always be a problem. ANet needs to change the way ACs target so that resolution doesn’t make a difference.
After work today, I’ll be going through and flagging all the ‘name and shame’ posts in the thread for admin review.
So.. essentially… you are saying that if someone has a better system set up than you do, then they are cheating.
Sounds logical.
Nah mate he’s saying if you are cheating then you are cheating. If you gain an extremely unfair advantage over other players (getting a view field they can’t and are able to exploit this to destroy defense siege) then that is the exact definition of cheating.
Nah, my post was in reply to someone saying that people should be forced into a specific resolution for which I say, hell no. People will and should be able to select a resolution they are comfortable with based on their hardware. And that by doing so, it’s not cheating.
I’m just saying that it was a mistake for ANet to make resolution have an impact of the use of a siege weapon.
GG GF…myself and a lot of other IoJ commanders gave it our all. Our people fought like lions all week. But DH’s #‘s attrition just plain wore us out by Wednesday/Thursday. What an epic week. We’re just outta steam on defense and tryin’ to recoup a lil’ before next week.
Stayed up till the sun came up many mornings this week. It was totally worth it but…whooo time to get back to resetting a real life schedule
Great match, DH, FC.
(edited by GavinGoodrich.1382)
I’m loving the spawn camping in IoJ BL… Very classy guys
Will do. If I see that sort of stuff happening, I’ll call it out and try and get it to stop.
And just wanna say: I’ve fought members of [roam] a few times, and it’s always guaranteed to be a fun fight. Keep it up!
:D Thank you very much. Likewise can be said about Npth – We ran in to a guardian from that guild at Umberglade, who managed to stay alive for a VERY long time considering we had two of us and two other pugs wailing on them. Thoroughly impressed, and nothing but respect from us.
As a side note, I’d just like to add my apologies to all of DH for any misinterpretation any of my posts this thread may have caused – I do not aim to slew personal insults (bar that one case, with that one player…) to anybody in particular, unless I’ve been given good reason to. When I do say something of poor etiquette, and I target “DH”, it is to that 0.1% of players that are doing the wrong thing.
Other than that, we’ve had great fights all week, and many very late nights were had hitting the other borderlands to make up for that PPT difference with DH. Good luck all.
Just PD from Darkhaven and us, come onnnnn n IOJ wheres your representatives in fight night
We should acknowledge that references made to DH in regards to the above are probably, reasonably limited to a guild or individuals within a guild + groupies, and not representative of the server’s attitude as a whole. That’s what I take out of this from reading, and from experience.
When its a commander from their biggest and most known guild…It kinda does reflect on them as a whole, why has he not been outed as a cheat by his server yet? Do they like getting towers/keeps unfairly? They know who he is, we know, everyone knows!
Anyway, ive slowly been getting back into commanding, i have missed it a lot! Though as stated above, it is VERY demoralizing losing anything fully upgraded, especially your garrison when you should have kept it.
Just PD from Darkhaven and us, come onnnnn n IOJ wheres your representatives in fight night
Fellbladeeee? Joeeeey?
I’m loving the spawn camping in IoJ BL… Very classy guys
Why would we not spawn camp you? You got golems! We’re lucky that we saw it, you wanna ninja our BL? Not on my watch.
And BTW, that is OUR BL, we will spawn camp all entrance if we need to.
BTW, gotta retire this week. Have some RL to attend to till reset.
FC, I know how you feel being trampled by two stronger server, we came from that dilemma months ago but just keep learning and your server will be stronger. Hope to see you again.
DH, kitten guys, we cannot beat you with your numbers I hate it when I see your server as one of our opponents.
IoJ, guys, we fought hard this week. I know we all tried hard to keep up with DH but well we already know the standing the moment we saw our matchup on reset. Keep it up.
Members of IoJ: can you let this guardian know that it’s impolite to barge in without knocking?
[URGE] is a Filipino guild but they are from Blackgate. Will ask around who is this, thanks for the screenshot.
Just PD from Darkhaven and us, come onnnnn n IOJ wheres your representatives in fight night
Fellbladeeee? Joeeeey?
Uni for me, heh. Trust me, I’d much rather be bashing other players heads in.
Just PD from Darkhaven and us, come onnnnn n IOJ wheres your representatives in fight night
Had a great time at the windmill, thanks for the fights everyone who came!
Good fights tonight at the windmill. There was a pretty good Mesmer there from FC. Was a lot of fun. Lots of good fights. Last two were ridiculous and lasted over a half hour. Good fun
On another note. I showed up with stacks and chatted with one of you from FC about it. I saw others with stacks but not all. Is it frowned upon for fight club to have stacks? I had my vitality stacks and weapon stacks up from running around.
Take it easy!
Good fights tonight at the windmill. There was a pretty good Mesmer there from FC. Was a lot of fun. Lots of good fights. Last two were ridiculous and lasted over a half hour. Good fun
On another note. I showed up with stacks and chatted with one of you from FC about it. I saw others with stacks but not all. Is it frowned upon for fight club to have stacks? I had my vitality stacks and weapon stacks up from running around.
Take it easy!
That was me! Yeah getting a few stacks is okay because it happens but having 25 stacks and the guard buffs is a bit much! Just port to a different bl and back and they get cleared
It’s generally considered bad etiquette to use stacks in duels, but some people don’t care.
I had a lot of good duels tonight. There’s too many people to mention, but especially big props for the MoW guardian, Deth/Yarr ele, WZ (I think?) mesmer, and Ynot! Big thanks to you guys and everyone else who came out this week.
By the way, for those of you wishing harder matchups on DH, we have just come off weeks against YB, BP, SBI, and KN. We have a pretty good idea of where our server currently stands, and those of us who pay attention know our limitations quite well.
So, did… IOJ give up or, something? o-o
I heard one of their big guilds got banned for hacking. >.<
I heard one of their big guilds got banned for hacking. >.<
Hey do you know who was part of that [Abys] group in IoJ this morning (It would have been at approximately 12pm EST, or 3am AEST)? Because the three of us had some great fights against your group. That necro puts out some mean conditions, but he was carrying the rest of that group pretty hard.
(edited by nyckolag.2394)
That is about 12 hours before I log on LOL.
The only necros I can think of are Magast (Nudd) and Clover, who run with us sometimes. Male or female character?
We got a whole bunch of new people recently in the WvW guild, so there might be a new one I don’t know about.
To the [TRBO] upscale guardian wielding sunrise: die 10000 cliff deaths you horrible horrible person you.
To the [TRBO] upscale guardian wielding sunrise: die 10000 cliff deaths you horrible horrible person you.
Well, IOJ took SM just now.
Again I did everything in my power to stop them!
Oh how I tried…
When they attacked the north gate, “I” was the one hitting and destroying their rams with the cannon and drove their force back single-handidly!
When they attacked the southwest gate, “I” was the one hitting them again with the west cannon! And then the south cannon once they broke through… happily destroying three of their golems!
Then when they all horded on the wall and went to destroy the cannon, I hurried off and planted an arrow cart!
When they attacked the south inner gate, I rained arrows down upon them!
Then had to… run.. when we lost.
But I got revenge at Bravost right after! When they horded into that sentry ring, I used that superior arrow cart on them! Killed Three! Downed plenty!
Alas, all these efforts were fruitless. Today anyways.
Previous days… well, here’s a secret.
Whenever IOJ was getting trebbed.
“I” was the one on the trebs. Usually.
Remember the Charr in that picture foes of Darkhaven!
The blue and gold with the fire so bright!
For while you’re so focused on the enemy zerg, I plot how to destroy your towers with my bare hands!
And if you see a siege crate in my hands, you know it’s about to get real up in here!
(edited by Grimno.6172)
GW2 needs more players like you Grim. People who are happy and willing to sit in the background and do the actual hard work to keep PPT up. People are just too greed hungry to leave the karma train and actually be useful so cheers to you!
I heard one of their big guilds got banned for hacking. >.<
Hey do you know who was part of that [Abys] group in IoJ this morning (It would have been at approximately 12pm EST, or 3am AEST)? Because the three of us had some great fights against your group. That necro puts out some mean conditions, but he was carrying the rest of that group pretty hard.
If I had to guess I would say it was either Magast or Spy Of Evil. As for the rest of the group I’m not sure I know I was running around IoJ by myself picking random fights but it was a bit earlier than that.
Gotta give it to IOJ, they have quite the night crew (atleast considered night crew by us americans.) It’s interesting to see the whole of EB green and capture it back each morning :P
I heard one of their big guilds got banned for hacking. >.<
Hey do you know who was part of that [Abys] group in IoJ this morning (It would have been at approximately 12pm EST, or 3am AEST)? Because the three of us had some great fights against your group. That necro puts out some mean conditions, but he was carrying the rest of that group pretty hard.
If I had to guess I would say it was either Magast or Spy Of Evil. As for the rest of the group I’m not sure I know I was running around IoJ by myself picking random fights but it was a bit earlier than that.
Well good job to that Necro, either way – when we hit his group we initially started to focus him, but decided that his buddies were a bit squishier. It was only until the end, when too many of you guys swarmed us and we needed to retreat in to bay, that we actually looked at our combat logs and realised that he should have been the guy to focus down throughout the fight, hehe.
BTW, gotta retire this week. Have some RL to attend to till reset.
FC, I know how you feel being trampled by two stronger server, we came from that dilemma months ago but just keep learning and your server will be stronger. Hope to see you again.
DH, kitten guys, we cannot beat you with your numbers I hate it when I see your server as one of our opponents.
IoJ, guys, we fought hard this week. I know we all tried hard to keep up with DH but well we already know the standing the moment we saw our matchup on reset.
Keep it up.
god I hate when people say we just need to learn more.. as if it’s anything besides numbers and coverage. it’s especially annoying when the majority of FC has been complaining about absolutely no skill across both enemy servers besides PD and a few there from Abyss
I heard one of their big guilds got banned for hacking. >.<
Hey do you know who was part of that [Abys] group in IoJ this morning (It would have been at approximately 12pm EST, or 3am AEST)? Because the three of us had some great fights against your group. That necro puts out some mean conditions, but he was carrying the rest of that group pretty hard.
If I had to guess I would say it was either Magast or Spy Of Evil. As for the rest of the group I’m not sure I know I was running around IoJ by myself picking random fights but it was a bit earlier than that.
Well good job to that Necro, either way – when we hit his group we initially started to focus him, but decided that his buddies were a bit squishier. It was only until the end, when too many of you guys swarmed us and we needed to retreat in to bay, that we actually looked at our combat logs and realised that he should have been the guy to focus down throughout the fight, hehe.
I’ll make sure I mention your bit of praise to them.
:D Thank you very much. Likewise can be said about Npth – We ran in to a guardian from that guild at Umberglade, who managed to stay alive for a VERY long time considering we had two of us and two other pugs wailing on them. Thoroughly impressed, and nothing but respect from us.
Wondering which of our guardians it was. I’m the blue-haired afro guardian, but we also have a couple t3 norns.
Also, kudos to your guild’s asura mesmer for creating a thoroughly disturbing look. You know, the one with the eyes.
:D Thank you very much. Likewise can be said about Npth – We ran in to a guardian from that guild at Umberglade, who managed to stay alive for a VERY long time considering we had two of us and two other pugs wailing on them. Thoroughly impressed, and nothing but respect from us.
Wondering which of our guardians it was. I’m the blue-haired afro guardian, but we also have a couple t3 norns.
Also, kudos to your guild’s asura mesmer for creating a thoroughly disturbing look. You know, the one with the eyes.
That’s me
Just PD from Darkhaven and us, come onnnnn n IOJ wheres your representatives in fight night
Fellbladeeee? Joeeeey?
XD I was busy last night and couldn’t get on
Just PD from Darkhaven and us, come onnnnn n IOJ wheres your representatives in fight night
Fellbladeeee? Joeeeey?
XD I was busy last night and couldn’t get on
Hi y’all. It’s friday night. Hopefully, we won’t see each other anymore.
Good fights tonight at the windmill. There was a pretty good Mesmer there from FC. Was a lot of fun. Lots of good fights. Last two were ridiculous and lasted over a half hour. Good fun
On another note. I showed up with stacks and chatted with one of you from FC about it. I saw others with stacks but not all. Is it frowned upon for fight club to have stacks? I had my vitality stacks and weapon stacks up from running around.
Take it easy!
Hey are you the perma regen ranger? Im the mesmer from Yarr, We had a long fight, and I honestly think we were almost even, Idk how my stun breaker didnt go off in the end i had 70% hp left and that stun breaker fail or something idk but it went off but i was still stunned, killed me lol, if I could get a rematch before you go xD
hmm… I cant wait till DH is gone. I was trolling around in our keep on my little tiny up-level, level 30 thief, when I was killed by some thief in like full cultural tier 3 fractal weapons thief who then proceeded to emote on my body. most feel great. Never saw any thing like that before I ran into DH. Hope we never get matched up again.
Lmfao DH is so kitten bad, they rush us and wont stop coming at us but as soon as numbers even out they run to the keep, so sad, they can zerg but most of them suck at 1v1 without their mates lol!
Good fights tonight at the windmill. There was a pretty good Mesmer there from FC. Was a lot of fun. Lots of good fights. Last two were ridiculous and lasted over a half hour. Good fun
On another note. I showed up with stacks and chatted with one of you from FC about it. I saw others with stacks but not all. Is it frowned upon for fight club to have stacks? I had my vitality stacks and weapon stacks up from running around.
Take it easy!
Hey are you the perma regen ranger? Im the mesmer from Yarr, We had a long fight, and I honestly think we were almost even, Idk how my stun breaker didnt go off in the end i had 70% hp left and that stun breaker fail or something idk but it went off but i was still stunned, killed me lol, if I could get a rematch before you go xD
Yes I am the perma regen ranger
Well you just got your rematch…1 hour long battle with a break in the middle to refresh our food. Freaking ridiculous! In the end it was a draw because I have 40 minutes left to go do my daily. Next time our servers face each other hit me up. We finish it up That was a ton of fun man. Usually I squish mesmers. You are pretty kitten. Good show man.
Take it easy!
Good fights tonight at the windmill. There was a pretty good Mesmer there from FC. Was a lot of fun. Lots of good fights. Last two were ridiculous and lasted over a half hour. Good fun
On another note. I showed up with stacks and chatted with one of you from FC about it. I saw others with stacks but not all. Is it frowned upon for fight club to have stacks? I had my vitality stacks and weapon stacks up from running around.
Take it easy!
Hey are you the perma regen ranger? Im the mesmer from Yarr, We had a long fight, and I honestly think we were almost even, Idk how my stun breaker didnt go off in the end i had 70% hp left and that stun breaker fail or something idk but it went off but i was still stunned, killed me lol, if I could get a rematch before you go xD
Yes I am the perma regen ranger
Well you just got your rematch…1 hour long battle with a break in the middle to refresh our food. Freaking ridiculous! In the end it was a draw because I have 40 minutes left to go do my daily. Next time our servers face each other hit me up. We finish it up
That was a ton of fun man. Usually I squish mesmers. You are pretty kitten. Good show man.
Take it easy!
Not bad yourself :P I usually kill rangers so easily but man that 20% hp mark i would get you to and i wouldn’t hit the shatter button in case my clones messed up so i kept pressure but that clutch heal everytime, lol I think we might forever be in a draw until one of us messes up, I did 2x before, first time my stun breaker didnt do much so i fixed that, second time my food ran out and i stalled to rebuff but man if I dont keep pressure on you constantly that pet just goes wild on me, Pretty intense hour long fight. If we meet again hopefully we might each be at a new skill lvl, then we can battle it out again to see how good we’ve improved. – Scout Sailor Moon [Yarr] Mesmer
be there or be square
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