7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Liquid.9672


why this is called SOR/JQ/BG when is SOR/(JQBG) plz fix it.

You’re right. It’s a tragic oversight.

For the next match, I’ll make sure Ascii titles it as (SoR/(BGJQ) – BG/(SoRJQ) – JQ/(SoRBG)) so it’s accurate.

Zend(ario/imas/iana/ango) – Engi/Ele/Necro/Guardian
[KnT] – Blackgate

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wilco.1458


why this is called SOR/JQ/BG when is SOR/(JQBG) plz fix it.

You’re right. It’s a tragic oversight.

For the next match, I’ll make sure Ascii titles it as (SoR/(BGJQ) – BG/(SoRJQ) – JQ/(SoRBG)) so it’s accurate.

Actually, JQ doesn’t really complain about 2v1 so the last combination isn’t necessary.

Wilco Tango Foxtrot #lifting #hardwork

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bovinity.8610


OMG my PPT got 2v1 by PvD in my SEA WTF BG SoR JQ

^ Every post in this thread.

Any sufficiently advanced skill is indistinguishable from luck.

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Az z.2746

Az z.2746

PvDoor? BG ticking 350 ppt for 1 hour, while SoR euro coverage can tick 500 ppt for 3~4 hours.

Everybody knows that some asian guilds in SoR aren’t playing today (maybe due to the new update), so don’t try to make a fake lack of coverage.

NYS has always been inconsistent in turn outs. Their Raids are occasional, whether there’s a new update or not. SAHP, SONG and AFS are still trying to do what they can. They cant do much with ATM, FOO, MERC, ND, ND, WM, Urge, Thai, Ge, DC, CA and XF knocking at their doors. It’s not a fake lack of coverage. Sometimes we tick better because IRON helps us out. This has always been our kind of SEA coverage. I really hope you say things with substantial evidence next time. SoR wvw guilds don’t PvE. FYI, SoRs EU has never really ticked 500 even for 2 consecutive ticks before. Don’t even know what you are talking about. If you want to troll at least troll smartly.

I have to explain a bit.

When the lag is unaccepted, I wont start the raid.
There was a exceptional lag for some Hong Kong players in these few weeks, at least half of our members, including me cannot do a fight. There are at least 7sec+ delay during a fight (NOT ONLY in SoR BL and its spike lag, not the skill lag that everyone suffers), which make us lose the battle we should win, and make me extremely angry and shout on the TS

We are by no means a occasional wvw guild, we stack up in our prime time every day, but bad things just happen to us again and again.

Tonight I even told the oceanic commanders to make tons of preparation for the coming SEA prime time. I was ready for a epic battle and tons of fun. But talking about the lag, what can I do?

Anyway, until Anet (or may be our ISP) fix it up, we will remain our absence.

[NYS]Glory, a laggy and disappointed commander

It isn’t exactly ANet or your ISP, the problem is in the route your internet is taking to the servers in Dallas. One or more routes seem to be completely broken, causing extreme packet loss and latency. This problem seems to be happening to a good numbers of players from South America, EU, Asia and even some americans.

For the brazilian community using a tunneling service (such as Battleping or WTFast) have been a good fix for this issue. Personally, I had to subscribe to one of these services in the past week as the game became virtually unplayable without it.

Azz ~
( Sg Az / Rg Az / Wr Az / Gr Az )

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zikory.6871


OMG my PPT got 2v1 by PvD in my SEA WTF BG SoR JQ

^ Every post in this thread.

I think most avid posters here are just on auto pilot at the this point. Key words like PvD and 2v1 just guarantee we hit out post count.

[KnT] – Knight Gaming – Blackgate
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rednik.3809


When other servers don’t have european coverage and your server have, it’s called PvDoor. A unfamiliar concept for someone, i know.

The absurdity your claim can be seen by anyone who visits the MOS site and check usual PPT. So… another ridiculous and a blatant lie? How typical.

Kiijna, Xast, Satis Ironwail, Sekhaina, Shira Forgesparkle, Sfeno, Nasibi, Tegeira, Rhonwe…
25 charracters

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kezorian.5107


We must all stop hating each other and focus on the true crime at hand. This is why we can’t have nice WvW things.

“WvW Lag Is Forever”

So hurtful………


Co-Leader of Onslaught [OnS]
Believegate – #freepot

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Liquid.9672


We must all stop hating each other and focus on the true crime at hand. This is why we can’t have nice WvW things.

“WvW Lag Is Forever”

So hurtful………

LOL! Nice pet name.

The whole Shazbawt thing continues to confuse me. When I heard he was an Anet employee my jaw hit the floor, given what transpired in EB a couple nights in a row. I was there the first night, and while things were a bit odd after he tagged up, nothing was overly out of the ordinary other than having a silent commander who seemed to be struggling with his push-to-talk button on TS. I only read about the second night though, which I guess was a much larger affair.

Still, I don’t know if a pet name like that, while probably meant in jest, is very helpful.

Zend(ario/imas/iana/ango) – Engi/Ele/Necro/Guardian
[KnT] – Blackgate

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Omnitek.3876


I love u guys, but have a question. Which server was heavier, SoS or BG?

Skritt Happens

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: LostBalloon.6423


why this is called SOR/JQ/BG when is SOR/(JQBG) plz fix it.

You’re right. It’s a tragic oversight.

For the next match, I’ll make sure Ascii titles it as (SoR/(BGJQ) – BG/(SoRJQ) – JQ/(SoRBG)) so it’s accurate.

Actually, JQ doesn’t really complain about 2v1 so the last combination isn’t necessary.

I guess next week we will have to give JQ some JQ/(SoRBG), who knows, maybe their rating will drop below TC’s. I really think that at least for NA, TC would make things more interesting.

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mance.5640


why this is called SOR/JQ/BG when is SOR/(JQBG) plz fix it.

You’re right. It’s a tragic oversight.

For the next match, I’ll make sure Ascii titles it as (SoR/(BGJQ) – BG/(SoRJQ) – JQ/(SoRBG)) so it’s accurate.

Actually, JQ doesn’t really complain about 2v1 so the last combination isn’t necessary.

I guess next week we will have to give JQ some JQ/(SoRBG), who knows, maybe their rating will drop below TC’s. I really think that at least for NA, TC would make things more interesting.

Yeah you guys might be able to win an open field fight if you fought TC and not JQ. Until then continue to stay behind your ac’s unless you outnumber us 2v1. =) Or old man JQ will take your precious bags….mmmmmmmm.

Mance Khan – Shadow Gypsies – Jade Quarry
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.”
http://youtu.be/wpoQk2OnbJs [SG since ’99]

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: morrolan.9608


From what i see is the only way BG/JQ can keep up with SOR is to double team the kitten out and still lose.

must suck not being SOR

The only thing that sucks is SoR imbalancing T1 and calling the match-up “Even”.

But it was OK when BG did it right.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Neuromancer.2148


From what i see is the only way BG/JQ can keep up with SOR is to double team the kitten out and still lose.

must suck not being SOR

The only thing that sucks is SoR imbalancing T1 and calling the match-up “Even”.

But it was OK when BG did it right.

BG NEVER dominated the tier. HoD dominated. SoS dominated. JQ dominated. Whenever BG wins, it’s coming out of a hard-pressed, uphill battle. Transfer onto the server and see for yourself.

Apprentice Namer – Blackgate

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fannwong.3059


Hello guys,

Please allow me to share some thoughts about the conversation that BG and SOR are having.

Part of the reason why there’s a lot of back and forth is the use of terms used very loosely, eg ‘pvdoor’, ‘dominance’, etc.

As Israel has kindly stated the meaning of ‘pvdoor’. Could we set the actual meaning of ‘dominance’ also? For some dominance is about the score difference (kudos to BG and JQ, solid pushes) and some it’s about numbers on the field, and some its about PPT/time. And then for some it’s about having wvw guilds on when the other servers had little or no manpower, of which I think 3 servers had that scenario at some point in the last 5 months.

In your post, I gather that the definition of dominance is not about score difference, it’s purely about having an easy way to get to the top place. Do correct me if I am wrong.

Just so this thread doesn’t get locked. Please help each other out, at the end of the day we are all gamers in gw2, one day we are enemies and the next day we could be allies on the warfront.


From what i see is the only way BG/JQ can keep up with SOR is to double team the kitten out and still lose.

must suck not being SOR

The only thing that sucks is SoR imbalancing T1 and calling the match-up “Even”.

But it was OK when BG did it right.

BG NEVER dominated the tier. HoD dominated. SoS dominated. JQ dominated. Whenever BG wins, it’s coming out of a hard-pressed, uphill battle. Transfer onto the server and see for yourself.

[SoX] – JQ

(edited by Fannwong.3059)

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: morrolan.9608


BG NEVER dominated the tier. HoD dominated. SoS dominated. JQ dominated. Whenever BG wins, it’s coming out of a hard-pressed, uphill battle. Transfer onto the server and see for yourself.

I’d hardly say that SOR is dominating the tier though.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Neuromancer.2148


Hello guys,

Please allow me to share some thoughts about the conversation that BG and SOR are having.

Part of the reason why there’s a lot of back and forth is the use of terms used very loosely, eg ‘pvdoor’, ‘dominance’, etc.

As Israel has kindly stated the meaning of ‘pvdoor’. Could we set the actual meaning of ‘dominance’ also? For some dominance is about the score difference (kudos to BG and JQ, solid pushes) and some it’s about numbers on the field, and some its about PPT/time. And then for some it’s about having wvw guilds on when the other servers had little or no manpower, of which I think 3 servers had that scenario at some point in the last 5 months.

Just so this thread doesn’t get locked. Please help each other out, at the end of the day we are all gamers in gw2, one day we are enemies and the next day we could be allies on the warfront.


From what i see is the only way BG/JQ can keep up with SOR is to double team the kitten out and still lose.

must suck not being SOR

The only thing that sucks is SoR imbalancing T1 and calling the match-up “Even”.

But it was OK when BG did it right.

BG NEVER dominated the tier. HoD dominated. SoS dominated. JQ dominated. Whenever BG wins, it’s coming out of a hard-pressed, uphill battle. Transfer onto the server and see for yourself.

Dominance is a demonstrated, consistent advantage, in the case of WvW, it is ‘winning the timezone’. Summing up all the timezones where a server is dominant equals victory or defeat.

Notice that the key word is consistent. Ticking at 400 then dropping to 200 ppt within an hour is NOT dominance. That’s an instance of advantage. Winning one match-up sporadically is not dominance, it’s competition.

That’s what happens when people use words without really thinking about what they’re saying. The words end up losing any sort of meaning and the whole conversation becomes confused.

Apprentice Namer – Blackgate

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Neuromancer.2148


BG NEVER dominated the tier. HoD dominated. SoS dominated. JQ dominated. Whenever BG wins, it’s coming out of a hard-pressed, uphill battle. Transfer onto the server and see for yourself.

I’d hardly say that SOR is dominating the tier though.

No, it’s not.

Which is why the transfer of guilds is being frowned upon. The balance was already there. Blackgate’s last victory was due to the return of its EU, albeit inconsistent, AND the suspect absence of SoR’s SEA and EU.

From the data, you’ll see that SoR rarely ever ticks 100 and below during those timezones, but that is what we were seeing during the matchup BG won. Little did we know it was all a ruse to artificially deflate PPT to entice more EU transferees.

(The first two paragraphs are fact. The last is opinion, but I believe a correct and accurate one)

Apprentice Namer – Blackgate

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fannwong.3059


Hello Neuromancer,

Thanks so much for taking the time to explain, I appreciate it.

“Ticking at 400 then dropping to 200 ppt within an hour is NOT dominance. That’s an instance of advantage. Winning one match-up sporadically is not dominance, it’s competition.”

Could we further clarify when an advantage becomes dominance, from 2 hours? and at what PPT?

Again, thank you for taking the time to clear the confusion about dominance. Please note that I also edited my earlier post.


Hello guys,

Please allow me to share some thoughts about the conversation that BG and SOR are having.

Part of the reason why there’s a lot of back and forth is the use of terms used very loosely, eg ‘pvdoor’, ‘dominance’, etc.

As Israel has kindly stated the meaning of ‘pvdoor’. Could we set the actual meaning of ‘dominance’ also? For some dominance is about the score difference (kudos to BG and JQ, solid pushes) and some it’s about numbers on the field, and some its about PPT/time. And then for some it’s about having wvw guilds on when the other servers had little or no manpower, of which I think 3 servers had that scenario at some point in the last 5 months.

Just so this thread doesn’t get locked. Please help each other out, at the end of the day we are all gamers in gw2, one day we are enemies and the next day we could be allies on the warfront.


From what i see is the only way BG/JQ can keep up with SOR is to double team the kitten out and still lose.

must suck not being SOR

The only thing that sucks is SoR imbalancing T1 and calling the match-up “Even”.

But it was OK when BG did it right.

BG NEVER dominated the tier. HoD dominated. SoS dominated. JQ dominated. Whenever BG wins, it’s coming out of a hard-pressed, uphill battle. Transfer onto the server and see for yourself.

Dominance is a demonstrated, consistent advantage, in the case of WvW, it is ‘winning the timezone’. Summing up all the timezones where a server is dominant equals victory or defeat.

Notice that the key word is consistent. Ticking at 400 then dropping to 200 ppt within an hour is NOT dominance. That’s an instance of advantage. Winning one match-up sporadically is not dominance, it’s competition.

That’s what happens when people use words without really thinking about what they’re saying. The words end up losing any sort of meaning and the whole conversation becomes confused.

[SoX] – JQ

(edited by Fannwong.3059)

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hoots.9564


BG NEVER dominated the tier. HoD dominated. SoS dominated. JQ dominated. Whenever BG wins, it’s coming out of a hard-pressed, uphill battle. Transfer onto the server and see for yourself.

No need to transfer when you can watch this uphill battle every day on BG. If you guys worked on establishing a strong communication across all your guilds and timezones, I’m sure you could turn your community around and accomplish some wins without all the extra OT. You have after all the largest fair-weather population of all 3 servers.

[TW]Tempest Wolves

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Neuromancer.2148


Could we further clarify when an advantage becomes dominance, from 2 hours? and at what PPT?

There are no set rules and numbers. Dominance is also perception.

But you can look at the history of data and draw more accurate conclusions from there. For example: SoR’s NA consistently ticks in the high 300s, almost without fail. Therefore, SoR dominates the NA timezone of the tier. That they are ticking at 240 ppt now is a fluke, and so it would be ignorant for anyone to say “lolz look BG dominating, they’re so stacked!!!1one”

It would also be ridiculous to say our Oceanic and SEA timezones are stacked, because SoR has proven they can tick at 300 + + when they feel like it (i.e BG has a higher score) and JQ’s SEA force is still active and formidable. That’s why BG taking more SEA guilds is generally not frowned upon – it is a highly competitive environment and anyone who transfers to either of the three servers will not find empty battlefields to scour.

EU is a whole different story, which is why troll rhetoric that relates the SEA guilds BG recently acquired with the EU guilds SoR acquired is comparing apples to airplanes.

Conclusion: people should just keep their ignorant opinions to themselves. (yeah I know that’s left field. I just felt like saying it)

Apprentice Namer – Blackgate

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fannwong.3059


Hello Neuromancer,

Thanks again for explaining.

However with your opening paragraph, about dominance being a perception, therein lies the problem the discussion thread is going.

There can be no serious discussion to reach a definite conclusion to the matter when there are no hard numbers and stats that we work from. Folks from BOTH servers can shift the perceived baseline to their bias and prejudice.

Take care,

Could we further clarify when an advantage becomes dominance, from 2 hours? and at what PPT?

There are no set rules and numbers. Dominance is also perception.

[SoX] – JQ

(edited by Fannwong.3059)

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Neuromancer.2148


Thanks again for explaining.

However with your opening paragraph, about dominance being a perception, therein lies the problem the discussion thread is going.

There can be no serious discussion to reach a definite conclusion to the matter when there are no hard numbers and stats that we work from. Folks from BOTH servers can shift the perceived baseline to their bias and prejudice.

Take care,

I said it’s partially perception. But there are superior and inferior points of view. One arguing out of ignorance, oblivious to facts, has an inferior point of view. This is easily demonstrable by a quick glance at MOS on who has a more informed perspective.

Also, while I agree we can’t force definitions on people, there needs to be an attempt to come to common ground, otherwise ALL dialogue is impossible.

Apprentice Namer – Blackgate

(edited by Neuromancer.2148)

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: syNc.5840


“If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it” – my friend’s mom

Anyway, greetings from [GC]!

We have fought skirmishes against many well established guilds from JQ & BG, looking forward for more!

Lord Commander
[GC] Golden Company X I I I // www.gcxiii.com
Tarnished Coast

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: morrolan.9608


From the data, you’ll see that SoR rarely ever ticks 100 and below during those timezones, but that is what we were seeing during the matchup BG won. Little did we know it was all a ruse to artificially deflate PPT to entice more EU transferees.

(The first two paragraphs are fact. The last is opinion, but I believe a correct and accurate one)

Well as someone who is usually on when SOR ticks below 100 your opinion is wrong, as is the whole SOR setting out to recruit more EU, what we actually want is more oceanic.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zen.8497


Could we further clarify when an advantage becomes dominance, from 2 hours? and at what PPT?

There are no set rules and numbers. Dominance is also perception.

But you can look at the history of data and draw more accurate conclusions from there. For example: SoR’s NA consistently ticks in the high 300s, almost without fail. Therefore, SoR dominates the NA timezone of the tier. That they are ticking at 240 ppt now is a fluke, and so it would be ignorant for anyone to say “lolz look BG dominating, they’re so stacked!!!1one”

It would also be ridiculous to say our Oceanic and SEA timezones are stacked, because SoR has proven they can tick at 300 + + when they feel like it (i.e BG has a higher score) and JQ’s SEA force is still active and formidable. That’s why BG taking more SEA guilds is generally not frowned upon – it is a highly competitive environment and anyone who transfers to either of the three servers will not find empty battlefields to scour.

EU is a whole different story, which is why troll rhetoric that relates the SEA guilds BG recently acquired with the EU guilds SoR acquired is comparing apples to airplanes.

Conclusion: people should just keep their ignorant opinions to themselves. (yeah I know that’s left field. I just felt like saying it)

It would also be ridiculous to say our N/A or EU timezones are stacked because BG has proven they can tick at 300+ when they feel like it.
SEA is a whole different story, which is why troll rhetoric that relates the EU guilds SoR acquired with the SEA guilds BG acquired is comparing apples to airplanes.
It’s all a matter of perspective.
Conclusion: I think it’s best to follow your own advice.

Grand Emperor Of Common Sense

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Neuromancer.2148


Zen, common sense, man.

How OFTEN does BG tick at 300+ during NA ?

What about SoR?

Since IRON moved in, what has been your EU’s average ppt?

What is BG’s average SEA ppt?

A quick look at a chart is all it takes.

Apprentice Namer – Blackgate

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Neuromancer.2148


Also, I’m not complaining about the state of T1. I’m just giving facts and encouraging people to do the same before saying anything. I quite enjoy the fierce battles on field.

Apprentice Namer – Blackgate

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: magikfox.9658


Lots of Box o Funs around!



Song The Fox
~(-_-~) RALL (~`3`)~

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


These thread never changes. I really like to read about something other than 2v1 and coverage.

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tarkus.4109


These thread never changes. I really like to read about something other than 2v1 and coverage.

Those two points have been 3/4 of the posts on all T1 threads since launch

Retired OCX Pugmander and Guild driver [Tarkus, Vaelle]

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: MagiKarp.8201


These thread never changes. I really like to read about something other than 2v1 and coverage.

Those two points have been 3/4 of the posts on all T1 threads since launch

and the other 1/4 are either score updates or trolls calling other trolls trolls.

Magikarps Norn Ele – becuz leopard
Blackgate WvW Commander
Vanguard of Exiled Mercenaries [MERC] voem.enjin.com

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: akamon.2769


you’re most welcome, buddy.
and the reason why it’s the priciest one lol. XDD

12g is fine. I purchase around 2000 to 10000 gems per month. Most of them go to buy random crap on the gem store. I need help with my addiction.

:OOO let’s see. first, you can gift me random stuff from the gemstore. ; )) lol.
we have lots to thank you for Fuzzion, constant updates and the game ever changing.

“If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it” – my friend’s mom

Anyway, greetings from [GC]!

We have fought skirmishes against many well established guilds from JQ & BG, looking forward for more!

you are friends with Thumper?? i kid i kid. ; )) hope to see you out on the field soon!

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: akamon.2769


so. 100 badges with the 500 AP chest. 200 badges with the 1k AP chest…
somehow i feel my existence (AND efforts) in WvW being cheapened!! how dare they!! XDDD

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: snownow.9352


PvDoor? BG ticking 350 ppt for 1 hour, while SoR euro coverage can tick 500 ppt for 3~4 hours.

Everybody knows that some asian guilds in SoR aren’t playing today (maybe due to the new update), so don’t try to make a fake lack of coverage.

NYS has always been inconsistent in turn outs. Their Raids are occasional, whether there’s a new update or not. SAHP, SONG and AFS are still trying to do what they can. They cant do much with ATM, FOO, MERC, ND, ND, WM, Urge, Thai, Ge, DC, CA and XF knocking at their doors. It’s not a fake lack of coverage. Sometimes we tick better because IRON helps us out. This has always been our kind of SEA coverage. I really hope you say things with substantial evidence next time. SoR wvw guilds don’t PvE. FYI, SoRs EU has never really ticked 500 even for 2 consecutive ticks before. Don’t even know what you are talking about. If you want to troll at least troll smartly.

I have to explain a bit.

When the lag is unaccepted, I wont start the raid.
There was a exceptional lag for some Hong Kong players in these few weeks, at least half of our members, including me cannot do a fight. There are at least 7sec+ delay during a fight (NOT ONLY in SoR BL and its spike lag, not the skill lag that everyone suffers), which make us lose the battle we should win, and make me extremely angry and shout on the TS

We are by no means a occasional wvw guild, we stack up in our prime time every day, but bad things just happen to us again and again.

Tonight I even told the oceanic commanders to make tons of preparation for the coming SEA prime time. I was ready for a epic battle and tons of fun. But talking about the lag, what can I do?

Anyway, until Anet (or may be our ISP) fix it up, we will remain our absence.

[NYS]Glory, a laggy and disappointed commander

It isn’t exactly ANet or your ISP, the problem is in the route your internet is taking to the servers in Dallas. One or more routes seem to be completely broken, causing extreme packet loss and latency. This problem seems to be happening to a good numbers of players from South America, EU, Asia and even some americans.

For the brazilian community using a tunneling service (such as Battleping or WTFast) have been a good fix for this issue. Personally, I had to subscribe to one of these services in the past week as the game became virtually unplayable without it.

My guild members from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, a few members from Malaysia had the lag problem, but usually lasts only 1-2 day.

Only Hong Kong members have lagged more than a week,not only skills lag on battle but also their screen displays game was delay 10s ~ 1min.

I thought there are some network problems in Hong Kong, it’s happened before.

Glory was show his moon walk to me past week every day, and he only can listen our fight voice in RC and jealous to us can play game.

[Hi] Ni Hao My Friend ~Sanctum of Rall~
ele : Snownow | mes : Neally Snow | necro : Sherry Snow | guard : Snow Guru
=my english is poor, if I said something wrong or impolite, tell me plz, I’ll learn.=

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: pot.6805



Beast mode

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: RavyGravy.6830


I love u guys, but have a question. Which server was heavier, SoS or BG?

What do you mean by heavier?

RavyGravy Human Warrior
Blackgate WvW Commander
Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC] blacklion.enjin.com

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: pot.6805


I love u guys, but have a question. Which server was heavier, SoS or BG?

What do you mean by heavier?

He is trolling you, best to ignore.

Beast mode

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: LostBalloon.6423


why this is called SOR/JQ/BG when is SOR/(JQBG) plz fix it.

You’re right. It’s a tragic oversight.

For the next match, I’ll make sure Ascii titles it as (SoR/(BGJQ) – BG/(SoRJQ) – JQ/(SoRBG)) so it’s accurate.

Actually, JQ doesn’t really complain about 2v1 so the last combination isn’t necessary.

I guess next week we will have to give JQ some JQ/(SoRBG), who knows, maybe their rating will drop below TC’s. I really think that at least for NA, TC would make things more interesting.

Yeah you guys might be able to win an open field fight if you fought TC and not JQ. Until then continue to stay behind your ac’s unless you outnumber us 2v1. =) Or old man JQ will take your precious bags….mmmmmmmm.

Say’s the guy coming from the server that managed to drain 1700 supply in less than 15 minutes all on gates and ACs.
Or that sets up multiple ACs in BG’s keep in EB while completely ignored by BG and SoR.
You guys might be able to PvDoor while BG and SoR dish it out, but I have not seen a decent JQ push (specially whitout ACs) all week.

Dear BG, I love our rivalry and wish to continue dishing it out and taking turns at making the other feel enormous pressure at times, but I think we should both hit JQ hard from time to time, or just go for getting them down to 0 ppt. The qq will be much more interesting and contain much less chest thumping on the part of their forum trolls.

I’m really hoping for a DB/TC/JQ matchup next week, that would make things so interesting, how will JQ fair without SoR or BG around to take most of the pressure off their back.

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: SykkoB.9465


ouch just read that vH is leaving jq or already left srry to hear that.


7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kryyg.8576


Where are they going and why??

I really like vH. Good peoples.

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


ouch just read that vH is leaving jq or already left srry to hear that.

Not to be mean but the loss is minimal while numbers are nice there have been some issue’s that were hurting more than the number loss will.

Destructive Nuked|ascending-redemption.enjin.com|AR Driver/Leader

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hexxed.8023


ouch just read that vH is leaving jq or already left srry to hear that.

Not to be mean but the loss is minimal while numbers are nice there have been some issue’s that were hurting more than the number loss will.

Yes, we transferred this evening. Reasons being were many, but we are enjoying the equal numbers fights and open fields over here. Lower tiers may have less people but their skill is rather high which will be a good learning experience for us as a guild. I wish the best of luck to JQ and to Nuked (Stei) in rebuilding AoS.

We Play In The [Nude] | Châmpion Wulfa/Gogo | JQ | http://nude.guildlaunch.com

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: XIII.6351


ouch just read that vH is leaving jq or already left srry to hear that.

Not to be mean but the loss is minimal while numbers are nice there have been some issue’s that were hurting more than the number loss will.

Yes, we transferred this evening. Reasons being were many, but we are enjoying the equal numbers fights and open fields over here. Lower tiers may have less people but their skill is rather high which will be a good learning experience for us as a guild. I wish the best of luck to JQ and to Nuked (Stei) in rebuilding AoS.

Best of luck and have fun on your journey vH. You guys were awesome.

Arcanum [Sanctum Of Roger “Oldroar” Rall]
`Warrior/ `Necromancer/ `Guardian
That’s how it goes wrong, people think they’re fcking heroes.- Sacrx[Red Guard]

(edited by XIII.6351)

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: LetoII.3782


Hey guys, thought I’d swing by.
Looking for reality, any chance it’s on this page…. no?
mmmkay, I was afraid of that. Maybe it’s hiding on page 17

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: zhonnika.1784


Hey guys, thought I’d swing by.
Looking for reality, any chance it’s on this page…. no?
mmmkay, I was afraid of that. Maybe it’s hiding on page 17

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landsliiiide, no escape from reality…

Kashmara – Elementalist | Reapermara – Necromancer
Jade Quarry
Onslaught [OnS]

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: kyro.8162


Hey guys, thought I’d swing by.
Looking for reality, any chance it’s on this page…. no?
mmmkay, I was afraid of that. Maybe it’s hiding on page 17

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landsliiiide, no escape from reality…

Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see
I’m just a poor boy, I need no sympathy

Sanctum of Rall
New Namek [Kami]

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wilco.1458


Hey guys, thought I’d swing by.
Looking for reality, any chance it’s on this page…. no?
mmmkay, I was afraid of that. Maybe it’s hiding on page 17

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landsliiiide, no escape from reality…

Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see
I’m just a poor boy, I need no sympathy

Because it’s easy come, easy go.
Little high, little low.
ANYWHERE the wind blows, doesn’t really matter …

Wilco Tango Foxtrot #lifting #hardwork

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Hey guys, thought I’d swing by.
Looking for reality, any chance it’s on this page…. no?
mmmkay, I was afraid of that. Maybe it’s hiding on page 17

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landsliiiide, no escape from reality…

Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see
I’m just a poor boy, I need no sympathy

Because it’s easy come, easy go.
Little high, little low.
ANYWHERE the wind blows, doesn’t really matter …

There was a farmer who had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o.

Destructive Nuked|ascending-redemption.enjin.com|AR Driver/Leader

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Faelaan.4681


All is full of love…

Sorry, wrong thread.

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Hey guys, thought I’d swing by.
Looking for reality, any chance it’s on this page…. no?
mmmkay, I was afraid of that. Maybe it’s hiding on page 17

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landsliiiide, no escape from reality…

Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see
I’m just a poor boy, I need no sympathy

Because it’s easy come, easy go.
Little high, little low.
ANYWHERE the wind blows, doesn’t really matter …

There was a farmer who had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o.

I threw a wish in the well, Don’t ask me, I’ll never tell I looked to you as it fell, And now you’re in my way
I’d trade my soul for a wish, Pennies and dimes for a kiss I wasn’t looking for this, But now you’re in my way
I won the thread

Destructive Nuked|ascending-redemption.enjin.com|AR Driver/Leader