[Mada] Apocryfia
Fort Aspenwood
Good fights to CLAV from CD… jk.
[Mada] Apocryfia
Oh god no..
Ok when do the gvgs start?
Serane, lets duel!!
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
awesome thank god we randomly get the chance to play against afk servers
awesome thank god we randomly get the chance to play against afk servers
Enjoy the nonsense of FA basically PvDing all week(except Oceanic), it got boring for us on Monday! At least Agg will kick kitten
DB since Headstart
my plan is to basically become a one man jericho fan club all week and try to fight him as much as possible
or at least as much as I can since i’m leaving to get married in a week
we had a heart to heart the other week where he told me the secret to open field fighting
It’s yelling.
It’s actually very effective.
my plan is to basically become a one man jericho fan club all week and try to fight him as much as possible
or at least as much as I can since i’m leaving to get married in a week
we had a heart to heart the other week where he told me the secret to open field fighting
It’s yelling.
It’s actually very effective.
Congrats on getting married
DB since Headstart
CD please learn to prioritise, i know you guys hate us so much but please try to defend your home bl
Sea of Sorrows http://www.gw2sos.com/index.php
it’s been a goal of mine since puberty and i worked really kitten it
CD please learn to prioritise, i know you guys hate us so much but please try to defend your home bl
CD is out there in small numbers but it’d be pretty silly for them to dump everything into CDBL since they need you in order to balance a fight
Im already predicting that CD and SOS roamers will be 10000% better than our last match
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
CD please learn to prioritise, i know you guys hate us so much but please try to defend your home bl
how in the hell do you prioritize vs these massive number lol?
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
another great week of matchmaking. getting paired vs servers with a lot more people + a new event everyone is farming is going to make for tons of fun.
another great week of matchmaking. getting paired vs servers with a lot more people + a new event everyone is farming is going to make for tons of fun.
yup, anet really wants to put this server in the toilet
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
Roaming parties ftw!
Sorry about this week all. Lets try to have some fun and some good groups to fight.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
CD please learn to prioritise, i know you guys hate us so much but please try to defend your home bl
how in the hell do you prioritize vs these massive number lol?
You really have no clue of what massive numbers are
Fort Aspenwood
At least you guys know how to hold a grudge (meant with actual respect).
FA, you guys are disappointing. You think with your numbers you would want to mix it up a little, but the folks on SoSBL…we saw their backsides all night. I’ve never seen an entire server go all cowardly lion all at once like that.
CD had more cohones than you guys tonight by far.
I will say the multiple battles at inner Hills was fun in the first hour though. Some FA people wanted a fight (set our expectations so high, only to let us down later) and CD really wanted to keep it.
Seriously FA folks, were you wearing MF gear? We saw tougher mobs on Borlis Pass a few weeks ago. All you had tonight was numbers, and that isn’t impressive against the two of the smaller NA presences in the top 12.
CD please learn to prioritise, i know you guys hate us so much but please try to defend your home bl
how in the hell do you prioritize vs these massive number lol?
You really have no clue of what massive numbers are
“oh i’m so cool i’ve seen zergs you have no idea yada yada yada” …yawn
edit: might as well make the thread interesting, the week won’t be
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
FA you are meanies!!!
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
CD please learn to prioritise, i know you guys hate us so much but please try to defend your home bl
how in the hell do you prioritize vs these massive number lol?
You really have no clue of what massive numbers are
Bro, I’ve seen like 1000 pennies together at the same time.
At least you guys know how to hold a grudge (meant with actual respect).FA, you guys are disappointing. You think with your numbers you would want to mix it up a little, but the folks on SoSBL…we saw their backsides all night. I’ve never seen an entire server go all cowardly lion all at once like that.
CD had more cohones than you guys tonight by far.
I will say the multiple battles at inner Hills was fun in the first hour though. Some FA people wanted a fight (set our expectations so high, only to let us down later) and CD really wanted to keep it.
Seriously FA folks, were you wearing MF gear? We saw tougher mobs on Borlis Pass a few weeks ago. All you had tonight was numbers, and that isn’t impressive against the two of the smaller NA presences in the top 12.
ya we’re bad at the game
Please ignore the trash talkers, they come out from under their rocks during weeks we face strong opponents. I hope gamers from all 3 servers enjoy the weekly match.
See you on the battle field.
My time on SoSBL was short. I dunno who Fang is but they were like BuTa on JQ – one engi just ran for the safety of Sunnyhill instead of going 1v1. Just please I’ve had enough of that from JQ On comms there was definitely recognition of SoS giving good fights. Given what SoS did last time, it’s nice to see.
CD just didn’t have numbers and I imagine this just sucks for them.
Then it was EB train, and that went how you’d expect. SoS had some nice little tactics, and numbers.
Think I’m gonna try to roam a bit (and I’m awful so enjoy the free kills) this week. An easy week to get sloppy in, so time to go get some bruises instead.
Fort Aspenwood
anyone who would like to organize 2v2s or 3v3s please message me in game or mail me if I’m not online.
zzzzzzzzz gg anet
ps. just thought I’d put this out here for those that don’t remember. Once upon a time FA was a crappy server. Then when they announced the closure of free transfers, they got a huge influx of fairweathers and bandwagoners. To this day, that’s all they are. They wouldn’t know what loyalty was if it kicked them in the kitten. SoS and CD are the losers of Transfer Wars, and FA was a big fat grubby winner. So remember that, boys and girls, while you are fighting out there.
(edited by Lorelei.3918)
My time on SoSBL was short. I dunno who Fang is but they were like BuTa on JQ – one engi just ran for the safety of Sunnyhill instead of going 1v1. Just please I’ve had enough of that from JQ
On comms there was definitely recognition of SoS giving good fights. Given what SoS did last time, it’s nice to see.
CD just didn’t have numbers and I imagine this just sucks for them.
Then it was EB train, and that went how you’d expect. SoS had some nice little tactics, and numbers.
Think I’m gonna try to roam a bit (and I’m awful so enjoy the free kills) this week. An easy week to get sloppy in, so time to go get some bruises instead.
On a positive note, ill be trying builds and roaming tomorrow all day
Not a engi, but in fang.
I can say, though, that when we’re out in full force theres usually a man at each post for scouting. Theyre not supposed to engage in 1v1 when theyre posted at a tower :/ As much as many of us would like to, there are bigger objectives at hand and can do that stuff later
I can say, though, that when we’re out in full force theres usually a man at each post for scouting. Theyre not supposed to engage in 1v1 when theyre posted at a tower :/ As much as many of us would like to, there are bigger objectives at hand and can do that stuff later
I hope they are getting a fat pay check, that sounds incredibly boring.
I feel bad for CD :/ +30 at reset day…
I really prefer the old matching system, at least some servers had a fighting chance.
yeah i don’t post much on the wvw forums but i think this screenshot says it all.
zzzzzzzzz gg anet
ps. just thought I’d put this out here for those that don’t remember. Once upon a time FA was a crappy server. Then when they announced the closure of free transfers, they got a huge influx of fairweathers and bandwagoners. To this day, that’s all they are. They wouldn’t know what loyalty was if it kicked them in the kitten. SoS and CD are the losers of Transfer Wars, and FA was a big fat grubby winner. So remember that, boys and girls, while you are fighting out there.
LOL, I like you.
Let me get you a tissue. hold that thought
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
Bored of this match-up already?
I am.
Come fight us
We are open to any and all 15v15 GvG’s
I sent a couple of challenges via the www.gw2gvg.com site so check those if you got time. Would love to fight.
Founder of [SIC] and Commander.
So does that thief from Pink really have nothing better to do then contest a keep for about 2 hrs straight?
Okay..at first I felt bad for CD because you guys have low numbers in some fights.
THEN north camp happened. I brought 19 RET and you guys had atleast 30 people in the camp. We kited you up to the orb spot, and what do you guys do instead of fighting? you build 3-4 arrow carts that can reach the staircase. So I say ok back up a bit out of arrow cart range. We continue to kill you guys over and over so you build 2 more arrow carts and a few ballistas. So we back up more.
Eventually we had to kite you to another choke and keep killing you where you proceeded to build more arrow carts…I thought that was a t1 thing. When I went back to the camp for a final push we saw like 7 arrow carts 7 ballistas…
Founder and former Guild Leader of [RET] Reticle
Current Guild Leader of [BLNT] Better Luck Next Time
SoS may not have the numbers FA does, but it has been a long time since I have seen a server fight so hard for something. It took me hours to take Lake from you guys on FABL, and you STILL kept coming at us.
I may not like you… but godkitten it if I don’t respect you.
I don’t know, CD fought great this morning, maybe they have still the chance to catch up with SoS and win them.
I’m form FA, quite frankly I don’t get the drama we’re having here.
And yes, I wont deny the matchup is bad and unfair.
zzzzzzzzz gg anet
ps. just thought I’d put this out here for those that don’t remember. Once upon a time FA was a crappy server. Then when they announced the closure of free transfers, they got a huge influx of fairweathers and bandwagoners. To this day, that’s all they are. They wouldn’t know what loyalty was if it kicked them in the kitten. SoS and CD are the losers of Transfer Wars, and FA was a big fat grubby winner. So remember that, boys and girls, while you are fighting out there.
Your tears are so delicious
Fort Aspenwood
I may not like you…
Why don’t you like me? Really, what have I done for this?
Fort Aspenwood
Oh god no..
Ok when do the gvgs start?
Serane, lets duel!!
haha hit me up whenever you see me on
look forward to seeing how much you have improved on that ele
my plan is to basically become a one man jericho fan club all week and try to fight him as much as possible
or at least as much as I can since i’m leaving to get married in a week
we had a heart to heart the other week where he told me the secret to open field fighting
It’s yelling.
It’s actually very effective.
jericho is pretty bad, he was spotted farming crown pavilion while using mage potions :o
[Agg] WvW – http://www.youtube.com/user/SeraneGW2
Server? We move a lot.
yeah i don’t post much on the wvw forums but i think this screenshot says it all.
Tsk. CD is seriously lacking in Sea coverage. I would say that I am impressed, but I’m not because it’s not hard to take objectives when there is no one there to defend them.
GG with spawn camping us with siege at 2am EST, FA. It’s dirty pool in most people’s book to do that and for you you to do that when it’s a known fact that we don’t have people to cover, you’re showing that you really haven’t changed too much from those days before when I fought you on another server for 4 months straight.
SoS.. waves we meet again! One day we will be get the coverage needed and I think when that happens we will have even more and better clashes.
Good luck to all and keep your heads up, CD. Love you all <3
Nontoxicwench [KWBH] Guardian
Gefarhlich Madchen [KWBH] Mesmer
yeah i don’t post much on the wvw forums but i think this screenshot says it all.
Tsk. CD is seriously lacking in Sea coverage. I would say that I am impressed, but I’m not because it’s not hard to take objectives when there is no one there to defend them.
GG with spawn camping us with siege at 2am EST, FA. It’s dirty pool in most people’s book to do that and for you you to do that when it’s a known fact that we don’t have people to cover, you’re showing that you really haven’t changed too much from those days before when I fought you on another server for 4 months straight.
SoS.. waves we meet again! One day we will be get the coverage needed and I think when that happens we will have even more and better clashes.
Good luck to all and keep your heads up, CD. Love you all <3
Sorry for having coverage on your off hours that don’t impress you.
I hope it doesn’t make you give up
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
LOL, ‘ello, Furious, nice to see you again. And, no, we won’t give up. Ever
Nontoxicwench [KWBH] Guardian
Gefarhlich Madchen [KWBH] Mesmer
ya we’re bad at the game
Look, I’m not saying all of you were (and I actually have met some good players on your server and GODS was real good last time (they still with you?);
But I hope the group on SoSbl last night wasn’t representative.
For what it’s worth I’m sorry, I was disappointed that I used more swiftness skills than attack skills last night.
A few members of GODS recently moved to DB to set up shop, but most stayed on FA to form BOSS. The week they moved, FA beat DB…. coincidence?
Anyway, I have to say I’ve enjoyed fighting CD and SOS roamers and small groups so far. It’s refreshing to actually find some really solid teams running.
I know the score this week may already be predictable, but I hope that doesn’t stop people from having a good time. I look forward to the gvgs and scraps with you fine folk.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
I dunno who Fang is but they were like BuTa on JQ – one engi just ran for the safety of Sunnyhill instead of going 1v1.
We don’t do roaming on reset night. You probably ran into a scout sent to look after a tower. Which does not involve 1v1s. But seeing as how your zerg keeps running away from us, I can sympathize with your disappointment.
At least CD will fight us. Too bad FA always goes after the weakest server. They push CD off the map and we can’t get a good fight from anyone.
CD hope you enjoy the bags from our fairweathers this morning. good god.
Fort Aspenwood
CD hope you enjoy the bags from our fairweathers this morning. good god.
They were rather nummy.. thank you!
Nontoxicwench [KWBH] Guardian
Gefarhlich Madchen [KWBH] Mesmer
Hoping to find some fun 5v5’s this week that don’t get interrupted by FA zergs :/
I dunno who Fang is but they were like BuTa on JQ – one engi just ran for the safety of Sunnyhill instead of going 1v1.
We don’t do roaming on reset night. You probably ran into a scout sent to look after a tower. Which does not involve 1v1s. But seeing as how your zerg keeps running away from us, I can sympathize with your disappointment.
At least CD will fight us. Too bad FA always goes after the weakest server. They push CD off the map and we can’t get a good fight from anyone.
Also what about today, still “scouting”
Fort Aspenwood